Genome, Proteome and Metabolome Analysis (B-KUL-G0R70A)

6 ECTSEnglish52 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

The student

  • has knowledge and insight in the “omics” technologies and their basic principles, which are currently applied in biological and biochemical research, in particular in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics;
  • is able to critiaclly reflect on the different omics techniques and their potential paractical applications;
  • is able to process, analyse and interprete experimental data obtained by omics approaches using advanced software tools;
  • is able to explain the omics techniques mentioned in a given research paper, as well as to explain the obtained results and deduced conclusions;
  • is able to propose specific omics experiments to solve a given biological research question.

Basic knowledge of molecular biology, gene technology, biochemistry and bio-informatics

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0G57A : Genoom-, proteoom- en metaboloomanalyse


5.3 ects. Genome, Proteome and Metabolome Analysis: Lectures (B-KUL-G0R70a)

5.3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

Introduction: Terminology

I. Genome sequencing
- Hierarchical and shotgun sequencing strategies
- de novo versus re-sequencing
- Next-generation sequencing platforms
- Analysis of genome content

II. Transcriptomics
- Hybridisation based methods
- Sequencing-based methods
- PCR-based methods

III. Proteomics
• Protein detection methods
• Separation methods
  - Sample preparation
  - One and two-dimensiobnal gel electroforesis
  - Protein blotting
  - Gelfree proteomics: multidimensional chromatografy, peptidomics
  - Screening methods of chromatografic fractions: bioassays
• Identification methods
  - Edman degradation
  - Mass spectrometry
  - Coupling of protein separation methods to MS
  - Quantitative proteomics: Isotope labelling methods
  - Search engines for MS-based protein identification

IV. Interactomics
- Protein-protein interaction mapping
- Interaction databases
- Interaction networks

V. Metabolomics
- Fourrier-Transform mass spectrometry
- Element composition analysis
- Metabolite databases

VI. Bioinformatic methods for data processing in proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics

- Lecture slides
- Pdfs of research papers in Toledo

0.7 ects. Genome, Proteome and Metabolome Analysis: Exercises (B-KUL-G0R71a)

0.7 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical13 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

See content of main course

- Course notes and manual in Toledo
- Free software and web tools


Evaluation: Genome, Proteome and Metabolome Analysis (B-KUL-G2R70a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : None

The exam is closed-book and consists of two parts, which are both in written form. 

The first part (40% of the toal score) dealing with genomics, transcriptomics and interactomics consists of open questions. The second part (60% of the total score) dealing with mass spectrometry, proteomics and metabolomics consists of open questions, multiple choice questions and exercises.  

The final score is the sum of both partial scores. However, for both parts, a minimal score of 10/20 is necessary. A score less than 10/20 for one of the two parts results in an overall score of ≤ 9/20.