Advanced and Applied Insect Physiology (B-KUL-G0R58A)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
This course is taught this academic year, but not next year. This course is taught this academic year, but not next year.
POC Biologie

The student gains profound knowledge in fundamental and applied aspects of the physiology of insects, the largest class of animals on our planet. The student will demonstrate insight into patterns and processes that occur in these animals. He/she will understand the functional role and evolution of physiological mechanisms that allow insects to adapt to changes in their environment. Knowledge of these mechanisms has also led to applications with significant economic or societal benefits.


In this course, the student will analyse and integrate information regarding molecular, cellular, organismal and environmental mechanisms controlling functional processes in insects. These processes will be situated in their ontogenetic and phylogenetic context. In addition, the student will develop practical skills and acquire insight in different research approaches that are followed in fundamental and appplied insect physiology. He/she can clearly communicate – in written form as well as orally - the findings of recent scientific research reports on physiological topics to the other students of the course and can critically analyse, interprete and discuss these findings in group. He/she is also capable of situating and discussing the importance of scientific findings and applications in the broader context of the human society.


In addition, the student will co-operate with fellow-students and acquire the necessary attitudes, as well as the sense of responsibility, to participate in a team and jointly work out a task plan. He/she possesses a sufficiently critical attitude allowing him/her to autonomously obtain knowledge, to stay informed of recent international developments, and defend a well-founded point-of-view with a sense of originality and creativity.

The students have a general basic knowledge in animal morphology and physiology, as well as in cell biology and biochemistry.


3.5 ects. Advanced and Applied Insect Physiology: Lectures (B-KUL-G0R58a)

3.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Biologie

The following topics in insect physiology are covered:

- nutrition and feeding;

- digestion of food;

- control of metabolism; interplay between regulators of metabolism and developmental hormones;

- excretion; salt and water balance regulation;

- sensory perception and neurophysiology;

- neuroendocrine and endocrine regulation;

- locomotion and biomechanics;

- respiration; integument and moulting;

- reproduction and courtship behavior;

- circulatory system, hemocytes and immunity;

- ecophysiology of diapause and polyphenisms; epigenetics;

- biotechnological applications;

- insecticides and their modes of action; insecticide resistance mechanisms.

Slides, text book, literature

2.5 ects. Advanced and Applied Insect Physiology: Exercises (B-KUL-G0R59a)

2.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Second term
POC Biologie

These exercises will consist of three types of activities:


1) a site visit (excursion) to a company or research institute; the students write a report of this; (half a day)


2) practical course sessions (4x 3 hrs):

microdissection of specific insect organs;

biological and biochemical assays;

behavioral and neurophysiological observations;

analysis of hormone-dependent expression in insect cells carrying a reporter construct;


3) students will be divided into small groups; in the first part of the semester these groups will prepare a review paper regarding a specific topic in insect physiology; in the second part of the semester, each manuscript will be sent to another group of students who will prepare a critical peer review; the authoring student group will then receive these review comments and have the opportunity to revise their paper accordingly; this will again be returned to the reviewers for a peer evaluation; finally, students will present their paper orally, followed by a group discussion.

Slides, text book, literature


Evaluation: Advanced and Applied Insect Physiology (B-KUL-G2R58a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

- 50% of the total score will be based on examination about the content of the course (college activity): evaluation within the exam period;


- the other 50% of the total score is based on the exercise activities:

•           i) the reports about the site visit and practical sessions (15%),

•           ii) the peer evaluation of the paper (20%),

•           iii) the evaluation of presentation and discussion (15%).


A student passes when the weighted average of the component scores is at least 10/20. The exercises are mandatory. If a student does not participate, he/she cannot pass for the course (NA).

Note that there is no second evaluation opportunity for the mandatory exercise parts.