Immunological Biotechnology (B-KUL-G0P77B)

6 ECTSEnglish52 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

The student has the ability
- to show insight in the production and differentiation of immune competent cells, the mechanisms of innate verus acquired immunity, the specific immune response to viral, bacterial and worm infections;
- to explain the typical cellular and molecular aspects of the immune system; to show insight into the production and the role of pathogen-specific and -aspecific immune cell receptors is essential;
- to explain how original scientific experiments have led to important breakthroughs in immunology;
- to gather knowledge about how the absence or malfunctioning of one or more components of the immune system leads to an abnormal host-pathogen interaction.
- to show insight in the theoretical background of a set of immunological methods applicable in a broad range of biosciences, examples are ELISA, immunocytochemistry, western blotting, affinity chromatography, agglutination and precipitation etc.

Basic knowledge about viruses, bacteria and the way they infect host cells is an advantage. General biological knowledge on the Bachelor-level in Exact Sciences, Biomedical Sciences or Agriculture and Applied Biological Sciences is required to successfully complete this course. To perform well in the practical course, knowledge of the content of the theoretical course ‘Immunological Biotechnology’ is compulsory.

This course is identical to the following courses:
X0D25B : Immunologische biotechnologie
X0D25A : Immunologische biotechnologie (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. Immunological Biotechnology (B-KUL-G0P77a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

In this course a general overview is given of the immune system. The following aspects are discussed in detail: antigens, structure of antibodies and B-cell receptors, antigen-antibody interactions, organisation and expression of the immunoglobulin genes, the major histocompatibility complex, the T-cell receptor, cytokines, the generation of a humoral immune response and the cell-mediated immune response, immunological memory.

Overview of the topics :
1. Basic concepts in Immunology
2. Innate immunity
3. Antigen recognition by B-cell and T-cell receptors
4. The generation of lympocyte antigen receptors
5. Antigen presentation to T lymphocytes
6. The development and survival of lymphocytes
7. T-cell mediated immunity
8. The humoral immune response
9. Dynamics of the adaptive immune response
10. The Immunological toolbox

Handbook: Janeway’s Immunobiology
Powerpoint presentations

Active interactions during the course: make notes, ask questions, take part in discussions

2 ects. Immunological Biotechnology: Practical Session (B-KUL-G0P78a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 First term
POC Biochemie en biotechnologie

The students are acquainted with a number of basic skills of modern laboratory practice in general and with the use of immunological techniques in particular. The contents of the practical workshops can be divided in two parts.
A first set of experiments is offered in which the student can personally test a number of experiments about the dynamics of the interaction between antibody and antigen (which have been introduced in the theoretical class). These are a number of elementary demonstrations that are however no longer used on a routine-basis in modern laboratories. Next, there is a second category of experiments that do belong to the repertoire of many biochemical-physiological labs, i.e. immunological dosage-systems, purifying protocols and localisation techniques. The student receives the necessary material to independently conduct a hormonal dosage, localise a hormone in a tissue or to purify an antibody from a rough antiserum.
In practice, the student is assigned to successfully conduct a number of personally chosen experiments (five out of 12) in the course of one week. In addition, the student is asked to write a biochemical safety report for one of the experiments he/she performed in the lab to get acquainted with best practices in a laboratory environment. To achieve this, the students will work in groups of two, maximum three persons. The students themselves plan all the necessary practical work and discussions with the lab assistants within the time frame of one week and within the opening hours of the institute.

A manual explaining the principles and the set-up of the different experiments and containing instructions for the interpretation of the data that are generated during the practical course.

Students independently perform a subset of experiments using the manual and the background information from the theoretical course as a guide. They learn to perform well in a small team (2 tot 3 students) and to manage and execute a set of experiments within a predefined time frame.  
The students show and discuss the results of each experiment with the teacher in order to learn how to interpret the results of a given experiment.


Evaluation: Immunological Biotechnology (B-KUL-G2P77b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

Theoretical course: Written. The student should make drawings and schemes whenever possible.
Active involvement in the practical course is a prerequisite for participation to the exam.

Practical course: At the end of the practical course, a written exam (or written reports) probes the knowledge about the set of experiments.

Only the theoretical exam can be retaken, not the practical exam. The score for the latter part remains unchanged in a second examination attempt.