Behavioural Ecology (B-KUL-G0G32A)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Stoks Robby (coordinator) |  Stoks Robby |  Wenseleers Tom |  N. |  Decru Eva (substitute)
POC Biologie

During this course a student acquires a thorough knowledge of topical research in behavioural ecology and ethology thereby building on related disciplines such as ecology, genetics and physiology. The student is able to understand recent research papers in the field of behavioural ecology and based on this can develop a research project around a given hypothesis. The student has the expertise to plan, execute, analyze and critically interpret a behavioural experiment in an international research team, thereby takes a responsible role and is able to solve problems associated with the research project. He can orally communicate in English a critical summary of the group's findings to other researchers.

Basic knowledge of ecology and evolutionary biology.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
G0W35A : Behavioural and Advanced Ecology: Field Course


4.4 ects. Behavioural Ecology: Lectures (B-KUL-G0G33a)

4.4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Biologie

An Evolutionary Approach to Animal Behavior
Understanding the Proximate and Ultimate Causes of Bird Song
The Development of Behavior
The Control of Behavior: Neural Mechanisms
The Organization of Behavior: Neurons and Hormones
Behavioral Adaptations for Survival
The Evolution of Feeding Behavior
Choosing Where to Live
The Evolution of Communication
The Evolution of Reproductive Behavior
The Evolution of Mating Systems
The Evolution of Parental Care
The Evolution of Social Behavior
The Evolution of Human Behavior


Text book 'Animal behavior' by John Alcock (available via Scientica).

Powerpoint slides lectures (available via Toledo).

1.6 ects. Behavioural Ecology, Exercise Session, Laboratory Exercise (B-KUL-G0G34a)

1.6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Second term
Stoks Robby |  Wenseleers Tom |  N. |  Decru Eva (substitute)
POC Biologie


  • Discussion of topical research and selected papers related to the content of the lectures
  • Formulating hypotheses, designing and executing experiment to test specific hypothesis related to key topics in behavioural ecology.
  • Analyzing and interpreting the results of the experiment in light of the hypothesis tested and presenting this to other students.


Selected research papers (made available via Toledo).

Article discussions and design experiment.


Evaluation: Behavioural Ecology (B-KUL-G2G32a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Process evaluation, Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions

The theoretical exam consists of two written parts (one per lecturer). Each part counts for 40% of the total exam score and the practicals count for 20% of the total score. 

A student passes when the weighted final score (theoretical exam 80%, practicals 20%) is at least 10/20. When a student did not participate in all parts of the practicals he cannot take the theoretical exam and cannot pass the course (NA).

There is no possibility to redo the practicals within the same academic year.