Human Anatomy and Histology (B-KUL-G0F70A)

3 ECTSEnglish18 Second term
N. |  Sagaert Xavier (substitute)
POC Medical Physics

Acquiring sufficient knowledge on the set-up and structure of the different organs, both macroscopic and microscopic, and on the coherence in systems of the organs of average human beings. Reasons for this are the relations between structure and function. Organs can optimally function when the structure is intact. Good insight into the structure is a necessary starting point in order to better understand functions and disorders. The different forms of treatment may influence the structure of tissue and organs. Medicines are dissolved in the human body by a number of organs.


3 ects. Human Anatomy and Histology (B-KUL-G0F70a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 Second term
N. |  Sagaert Xavier (substitute)
POC Medical Physics

Theoretical concepts from general histology
- Anatomy and histology special
- The 'Musculoskeletal System "
- Osteology
- Joints
- Muscles
- Angiology - circulatory
- The blood
- Splanchnology (digestive, respiratory, kidney, endocrine glands)
- The Nervous System
- The propagation
Practical sessions
Illustrations of the structures described in the theory on the basis of slides and scale models

Course text
Presentation software


Evaluation: Human Anatomy and Histology (B-KUL-G2F70a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Learning material : None