Biology and Society (B-KUL-G0B97A)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Arckens Lut (coordinator) |  Arckens Lut |  Govers Sander
POC Biologie

Students are familiarized with a variety of current topics in biological research.  They learn to get acquainted with new research topics and will be capable of taking position and to defend their views on the subject towards other researchers and students. They will be encouraged to actively participate in debate sessions as to acquire the communicative skills needed in their professional life. Students will also attend contact moments at which guest speakers from the biotech industry or from other professional environments will share their job experiences and career development plans. Students will be capable of placing contemporary biological research and the professional role(s) played by biologists in a broader scientific and societal context, including the field of education.

Previous knowledge as required for starting the Master Thesis. 

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 90 credits to obtain your degree.


6 ects. Biology and Society (B-KUL-G0B97a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical52 Both terms
POC Biologie

1) The student has to attend 8 seminars in order to learn to interpret biological research in a broader scientific and societal context. A short list of  seminars will be posted by the educational team as examples, based on which the students have to actively screen for other relevant seminars.
2) The student has to attend minimum 1 OPINNO module, to facilate contacts with important players from the industrial biotechnological sector. 

3) The student will actively participate in 4 (out of 6) debate sessions, which will concentrate on 2 to 3 scientific papers. Students have to read these papers prior to the debate session and look up extra relevant information: this preparation is necessary to facilitate the discussions within small student groups, which are followed by a concluding general discussion session in which each small group of students needs to be capable of defending its opinion on the subject or predefined parts of the subject covered by the papers.

4) The student has to participate in a job-info event organized by PDL  

5) The students have to form small groups, and each of the groups has to independently organize a site visit to a company, active in the biology field.




Evaluation: Biology and Society (B-KUL-G2B97a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

Students have to attend all obligatory parts of this course.