Concepts of Multilevel, Longitudinal and Mixed Models (B-KUL-G0B76B)

4 ECTSEnglish15 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Master in statistiek

The student recognizes clustered data and knows that statistical analysis should account for the clustered nature. The student knows how to formulate, fit and interpret basic mixed or multilevel models for the analysis of clustered data, repeated measures, or longitudinal data.

The student knows the basics of statistical inference, and statistical modelling.
Beginning conditions:
Basic concepts of statistical modelling
Linear models
Generalized linear models

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0B76A : Concepts of Multilevel, Longitudinal and Mixed Models


4 ects. Concepts of Multilevel, Longitudinal and Mixed Models (B-KUL-G0B76a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture15 Second term
POC Master in statistiek

Starting from ANOVA models with random factor levels, the concepts of mixed models is introduced and the basics about inference in random-effects models will be explained. Afterwards, the mixed ANOVA models is extended to general linear mixed models for continuous data. Finally, extensions to models for binary or count data will be briefly discussed. Omitting all theoretical details, sufficient background will be given such that practising statisticians can apply mixed models in a variety of contexts, know how to use up-to-date software, and are able to correctly interpret generated outputs. Many applications, taken from various disciplines, will be discussed. Practical sessions are based on the SAS procedures MIXED and NLMIXED.

The student will attend the theoretical classes and will apply the methodology in a number of homeworks where real data will be analysed with various methods and statistical models. A report will be prepared and orally defended.


Evaluation: Concepts of Multilevel, Longitudinal and Mixed Models (B-KUL-G2B76b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral

The exam is team work during which a report will be prepared, to be submitted at least one week prior to the oral exam. At the oral exam, students will defend their project orally, based on questions for clarification about techniques used, statements made, conclusions drawn in the report.

Project: 8pt, Oral defense: 12pt
The project is counted for the full 8 points on the condition that at least 6/12 is obtained for the oral part. In case the score for the oral part is less than 6/12, the score for the report is
reduced to at most 4/8. In case the score for the oral part is less than 3/12, the score for the report is reduced to at most 2/8. This is to encourage active participation in the team work.

Timely submission of the report is a necessary condition to take part in the exam. In case the deadline has not been met, the score for this course will be NA.