Sampling Theory (B-KUL-G0B72B)
A thorough understanding of the methodology of (survey) sampling theory; being able to apply the theory on real life situations.
Previous knowledge
Intimate knowledge of basic concepts of descriptive and inductive statistics.
Beginning conditions: Basic course in descriptive and inductive statistics (bachelor level)
Order of Enrolment
This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
G0U74A : Internship
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
G0B72A : Sampling Theory
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Statistics and Data Science (blended) (Leuven) (Statistics and Data Science for Business) 120 ects.
- Master of Statistics and Data Science (blended) (Leuven) (Statistics and Data Science for Social, Behavioral and Educational Sciences) 120 ects.
- Master of Statistics and Data Science (blended) (Leuven) (Theoretical Statistics and Data Science) 120 ects.
4 ects. Sampling Theory (B-KUL-G0B72a)
Different methods for selecting a (survey) sample from an existing population will be considered. Problems arising in the sampling designs will be discussed. The focus will be on the concepts rather than on the formulas. Nevertheless, attention will be paid at the estimation of the population parameters of interests.
Format: more information
- Cognitive assimilation of theoretical concepts
- Solving problems/exercises
- Applying the theory on real life situations
Is also included in other courses
Evaluation: Sampling Theory (B-KUL-G2B72b)
Students prepare a paper during the semester and can defend it orally on the exam.