Gender and sexualities in medieval Europe and beyond (B-KUL-F0CB0A)

6 ECTSEnglish26 First term
N. |  Delameillieure Chanelle (substitute)
POC Geschiedenis

This course tackles questions of gender, women and sexuality in medieval societies. We will examine gender as it intersected with status, age, life cycle stage etc and examine its impact on social relations and societal structures in the past. We will do this by studying recent scholarship on a wide range of topics, including diverse primary sources.


The goals of this course are for students to:

  • acquire knowledge on the themes of gender, family and sexuality in medieval Europe and get to know new lenses through which to view history
  • reflect on changing power structures and consider geographical and chronological change and variety
  • gain insight into power dynamics and learn to think about formulating meaningful arguments about the interplay between structures and individual leeway, specifically in relation to women
  • familiarize themselves with historical research on the course’s topic and gaining insight into the key historiographical debates
  • learn about medieval sources and how they can be analyzed by using gender as a category of analysis
  • learn to work both individually (class preparation and exam) as well as collectively (paper)


‘Bachelor in History’ level of knowledge and skills required.


6 ects. Gender and sexualities in medieval Europe and beyond (B-KUL-F0CB0a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
N. |  Delameillieure Chanelle (substitute)
POC Geschiedenis

This course tackles questions of gender, women and sexualities in medieval societies. It departs from the idea that gender and sexuality are cultural constructs that shape and are shaped by the culture/time/space in which they exist. Starting from conceptual, theoretical frameworks, each class tackles a different theme related to the overall topic in order offer insight into a broad range of medieval gender scholarship. Taken together, in these classes, we will discuss meanings of gender in medieval societies and how these meanings changed and were affected by broader societal, cultural shifts.


  • Reader of secondary literature, and source material (updated every week, Toledo).
  • Power Point presentations via Toledo (updated every week).


The students attend the classes and take notes. For the discussion of the articles they read the imposed publications in advance and actively take part in the discussion.


Evaluation: Gender and sexualities in medieval Europe and beyond (B-KUL-F2CB0a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours


  • Weekly reading and class meetings. Come to our meetings prepared with questions and comments.
  • Science-popularizing, yet intellectual essay that addresses a contemporary gender/sexuality issue and traces it back to the Middle Ages. Group-assignment.
  • Oral exam 




You will retake the oral exam and, if necessary, rework your group article. If the whole group has to revise the article, the whole group will work together. If it is due to your personal contribution (this will be evaluated through peer assessment), you will rework your part of the assignment.