Seminars in Medical Imaging (B-KUL-E06Q0A)

3 ECTSEnglish6 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Subcommissie Medical Imaging

To bring the student into contact with the current state-of-the-art research in medical imaging.
To develop a critical scientific attitude with the current state-of-the-art research in medical imaging.
To learn about the use of medical imaging in a clinical/biomedical environment

Basic knowledge in medical imaging, i.e. understanding the physical principles and basic applications of CT, MRI, US, PET and SPECT.


3 ects. Seminars in Medical Imaging (B-KUL-E06Q0a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical6 Both terms
POC Subcommissie Medical Imaging

Seminars in medical imaging will include either seminars organized by the Medical Imaging Center or seminars related to medical imaging but organized within the group biomedical sciences. Seminars are given by international renowned speakers, staff members, postdocs or PhD students.
From the assortment of available seminars organised within the group Biomedical Sciences, relevant seminars will be chosen and announced via TOLEDO.
The students have to follow 8 seminars, from which at least two should be given by international renowned speakers.
Examples of these latter seminars are:
-  Experiments on a new inter-subject registration method. (Prof. J. Ashburner)
-  Whole body optical imaging and its applications in cancer. (Prof. C. Löwik)
-  Cortical basis of face processing as revealed by fMRI adaptation: methodology and neural models. (Prof. R. Henson)
The student can choose the seminars depending on his/her own interests but this choice will have to be approved by the promoter of the thesis.


The seminars are given by national and international speakers and will relate to state-of-the-art scientific research (clinical/biomedical/technical) using medical imaging.

Presentation slides, in some cases also articles and literature.

The student has to attend the seminars and will be encouraged to participate in the discussion at the end of each seminar.By writing a short personal report after each seminar the student will learn to extract the most important elements of each seminar and will have the opportunity to give a critical view on the scientific results presented during the seminars.


Evaluation: Seminars in Medical Imaging (B-KUL-E26Q0a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

Students are expected to attend at least 8 seminars (they have to sign a sheet as proof of presence) and to write a short personal report about each seminar.