Exchange Course I (B-KUL-D0S25A)

6 ECTSEnglishFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
N. |  Poel Rebecca (cooperator)
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

The student gains insight into a subject within the field of Economics and Business by means of participation in an exchange programme which is approved by the International Office@FEB  beforehand. For more information on exchanges go to the website of the International Office


The previous knowledge is determined by the host institution.


6 ects. Exchange Course I (B-KUL-D0S25a)

6 ECTSEnglishFirst term
N. |  Poel Rebecca (cooperator)
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven


    Evaluation: Exchange Course I (B-KUL-D2S25a)


    Evaluation caracteristics

    This course is being evaluated by the host institution where the exchange takes place.


    Determination final result

    The host institution determines the final result, KU Leuven will transfer this result according to predetermined rules which can be found on the website of the International Office @ FEB



    No 2nd examination opportunity.

    If the student fails the course abroad, the student can choose a second semester course from the list of Electives majors/minors Master of Business Engineering. The final approval of the chosen course will be given by the International Office@FEB.