Seminar Operations Management (B-KUL-D0R20A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

By the end of this course, students are able to

  • Acquire knowledge of operations management in a real company
  • Develop a solution for a real practical operations management problem
  • Perform a thorough analysis on data
  • Apply common sense and the material of the courses in the field of operations management
  • Work in team and give a good presentation


6 ects. Seminar Operations Management (B-KUL-D0R20a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment39 Second term
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

During this seminar practical problems are solved in groups. Each group of five students is responsible for the analysis and presentation of a practical problem. Each year, several companies are approached to provide the students with their practical problems in the field of production and logistics so that the students are given the opportunity to gain practical experience. The solutions are presented to the fellow students and staff of the concerned company. Active participation is required.


Each group of students should make a thorough analysis of the problem and suggest a solution on that basis.This should result in a paper of about 25 pages, which is also presented to the other students and the representatives of the company concerned. Students should be in regular contact with the teacher and the work leader (at least every three weeks) and the contact from the company so they can be responsive.


Evaluation: Seminar Operations Management (B-KUL-D2R20a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Learning material : None

Evaluation features
* The submission deadline and deadline for group work are determined by the teacher (s) and announced on Toledo.

Determining the result
* The course is assessed by the teacher(s), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as a whole number on 20.
* All students in a group receive the same mark for the group work unless there is strong evidence that the student has not participated in the group work to the fullest.
* Attendance at the presentation of a number of group works indicated is mandatory. In case of absence without a prior reported valid reason three points are deducted from the mark for the group work.
* If the specified deadline for submission for the group work is not respected, the final mark for the course is NA (not taken).

* The evaluation characteristics and / or the determination result of the second examination differs from that of the first examination opportunity.
* At the second examination, the exam consists of an individual mandate in the context of the seminar. The score for the original group score is in no way included in the result for the third examination period.

*See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.