Digital Marketing (B-KUL-D0Q05A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Larivière Bart |  Henkens Bieke (substitute)
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

Upon completion of this course, the student can:

  • Understand how digital marketing fits within a larger marketing and/or customer relationship building strategy 
  • Develop a digital marketing mindset; being able to inventorize opportunities and threats of technologies for relationship building (overall, and for specific companies/settings) + being able to critically reflect on and discuss recent issues and developments in the digital age for customer relationship building and management
  • Master theoretical frameworks and concepts (old and new ones) that are relevant for understanding and managing the current marketing landscape in the digital age
  • Master tools (old and new ones) that can be employed for digital marketing
  • Reflect on the ethical aspects of data and analytics
  • Analyze data that is available through digital platforms and draw conclusions to strengthen customer relationship building in the digital age

Introduction to Marketing (not necessarily KU Leuven)


6 ects. Digital Marketing (B-KUL-D0Q05a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
Larivière Bart |  Henkens Bieke (substitute)
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

Traditional lectures (hoorcolleges) by means of class recordings.

The traditional lectures consist of 10 modules

The goal of these modules is to transfer knowledge about digital marketing concepts, theories and trends.

Per module, I have 2 to 6 recordings, all together totaling 17 hours.


Module 1: Introduction to digital marketing

Module 2: Digital Mindset, Disruption and Change

Module 3: Back to the Future: Updated CRM for traditional + digital marketing integrated

Module 4: Role of Customers: Customer Experience in the Digital Age

Module 5: Role of Customers: Customer Engagement in the Digital Age

Module 6: The Role of Technology

Module 7: The Role of Employees for Digital Marketing

Module 8: Digital Marketing Analytics

Module 9: Understanding People Reactions towards Technology

Module 10: Value


In addition to these modules, students will need to obtain certificates from a supplementary online course. More information will be provided during the first session and via Toledo.


Practice session (oefensessies) by means of interactive lectures and flipped classroom

The goal of the practice sessions involves a deeper procession of the information acquired in the traditional lectures by means of guided exercises, quizzes and Q&A.

6 sessions (of 2.5 hours each), totaling 15 hours, will be organized, in which we will deep-dive in some of the concepts of the traditional lectures. During these interactive sessions, students (individually or in group) will be assigned to guided exercises. Some of these in-class assignments are voluntary, whereas others are mandatory (such that participation in class on campus will be required for these latter sessions).

In addition, during these sessions there will be room for Q&A (questions from students) and quizzes too (questions from the teacher) with regard to the 10 aforementioned modules.

At the beginning of the course, the lecture will share the timeline of the course, including the dates when in-class participation is required.


Group assignments (groepstaak): there will be 3 types of group assignments:

Assignment 1: Analyze the digital transformation of a company or organization of your choice; and advice recommendations based on the concepts covered in this course. The end product will be a paper and a presentation.

Assignment 2: A digital marketing analytics exercise (website analytics / social media analytics)

Assignment 3: Some of the in-class assignments during the Practice Sessions will be graded too.

For these assignments, feedback sessions per group will be organized, in which there will be room for Q&A. Specifically, 20min (Assignment 1) + 10min (Assignment 2) will be organized, per group = 30min per group.

The students can enroll in a group and will work with the same group on all group assignments.


Scientific Papers

Extra-academic material (press releases, cases)

Online course organized by an external organization

Toledo is being used for this learning activity.

Because of the international focus of the course, it makes more sense to teach it in English. It is also more efficient.

Lectures, practical sessions and guest speaker(s): i

  • in which the basics of digital marketing analytics will be lectured and practiced 
  • in which the state of the art of digital marketing will discussed, both on the basis of academic sources and other materials.


Evaluation: Digital Marketing (B-KUL-D2Q05a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Report, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

Evaluation characteristics

The evaluation exists of three parts: (1) certificates to be obtained via an online course, (2) group assignments, (3) an a final written exam

  • Part 1: Each student is required to obtain certificates from an online course (more information will be provided during the first lecture and via Toledo).
  • Part 2: For the group assignment, students will evaluate a digital marketing strategy of an organization; will conduct a digital marketing analysis; and will engage in in-class activities that will be graded too
  • Part 3:  The exam is closed book and will exist of open questions about the course material.

More details about the assignments will be communicated via Toledo in the beginning of the academic year.

Determination final result

Students have to obtain the certificates of the online course (Part 1) before the date of the exam. No grades will be assigned to this part of the evaluation, students will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis. If students deliver proof of having obtained the certificates before the indicated deadline, they will receive a pass for this component. If students did not obtain the certificates before the assigned deadline, the student will receive a NA for this component, which results in a NA for the entire course.

The final grade will be based on the assignments and the final exam (part 2 and 3). Specifically, fifty percent of the grade is determined by the written exam and the rest is determined by the assignments. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

Students have to pass 10/20 or more on the written exam to pass the course unit. For students who pass less, the mark on the written examination counts as the final mark for the course unit.

If the student does not participate in one of the partial assessments, the student receives NA (Not taken) for the entire course.

Second exam opportunity

Identical to the first exam opportunity. When the students passes for one part of the course (written exam or one of the assignments), the grade of that part will be transferred to the second exam opportunity grade. When the student has to redo the group assignment, an alternative individual assignment will be provided.