Advanced Database Management and Content Management (B-KUL-D0I72A)

3 ECTSEnglish26 First term
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

Gaining insight in a number of advanced developments in the field of database
management (structured data) and content management (semi-structured and unstructured data).

Thorough knowledge of the basic terms of database systems and database management: database design and data models (Entity-Relationship, object-oriented and relational model), architecture of a DBMS, experience with relational databases and SQL.
Students need to have attended an introductory course in the field of Database
management (this may for example be Principles of Database Management).


3 ects. Advanced Database Management and Content Management (B-KUL-D0I72a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

1. Physical aspects of data storage
2. Postrelational database systems
3. Object persistence and object oriented database systems
4. XML, XML databases and webservices
5. Distributed and loosely coupled databases
6. Information integration and content management
7. Recent evolutions in database management: NoSQL databases and Big Data

Used Course Material
* Handbook: Lemahieu W., vanden Broucke S. and Baesens B., 2018, Principles of Database Management, Cambridge University Press
* Use of Toledo for extra course material  (slides, reader)
* Course material consists primarily of what has been taught during lectures

* Toledo is being used for this learning activity.


Evaluation: Advanced Database Management and Content Management (B-KUL-D2I72a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions