Psychology, Law and Criminal Justice (B-KUL-C09C2A)
The spirit of the laws refers to the explicit normative framework aiming at defining and institutionalizing the necessary relationships in a democratic society (Montesquieu).
Hence, models or theories of (interpersonal) human functioning direct more or less explicitly the choice for a specific conception of law, the choice for the development of specific legal regulations and the choice for adequate techniques of legal enforcement. Psychology is the science dealing with explanations of and research in human (inter)personal behaviour.
Although the general aim of the course is to show the intertwining of law and psychology and the added value of psychology for the law in action, the course is open for different groups of students.
The aim of the course for criminology students is to further their knowledge and skills to contribute as experts in the field of law enforcement.
The aim of this course is to challenge law students to become sensitive to the contributions of psychology in the law in action. Professional lawyers have to deal with two completely different heuristics in the treatment of cases. First they have to evaluate the ‘facts’, what happened? Second they have to decide/apply the normative rule(s) to the case. Psychology can be helpful in the first task of lawyers, evaluating the facts, and in the decision making process.
The aim of the course is to show psychology students the possible contributions of psychology to the law in action and to make them sensitive to the functioning of law enforcement in order to introduce the students to the applied field of psychology and law in research and practice.
Previous knowledge
The students are supposed to have obtained basic insight and knowledge of the most important movements in psychology.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Master of Criminology (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Law and Criminology (Leuven)
- Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting orthopedagogiek) 120 ects.
6 ects. Psychology, Law and Criminal Justice (B-KUL-C09C2a)
The first part of this course is dealing with the critical analysis of the concepts, mechanisms and more in general models of human functioning in both psychology and law. In the second part of this course the focus will be directed towards capita selecta of the contribution of research in psychology to the criminal justice system. Among others the relationship between results in the field of memory research and police activities, such as the interrogation, identification procedures and eyewitness testimony; theory and research about lying and deception and their implications for practice; the value of evidence; decision making in criminal justice system will be dealt with. In the third part a critical analysis is made of the contribution of the social science expert in the criminal justice system.
Evaluation: Psychology, Law and Criminal Justice (B-KUL-C29C2a)
Multiple choice exam with correction for guessing