European Social Security Law (B-KUL-C07B0B)

3 ECTSEnglish26 First term
Schoukens Paul |  De Becker Eleni (substitute)
POC Rechten

There is a quota for this course. Consult the specific terms and conditions for registration on
this faculty web page.

Aim of the course

The course European Social Security Law seeks to familiarize students with the following components:

  • the basic principles of social security systems, taking into account the diversity between the social security systems of EU Member States,
  • the competences of the EU in social security law,
  • the principles of EU coordination legislation in social security law, applied in more detail to some social risks,
  • the principles of EU harmonisation legislation, with a strong focus on gender non-discrimination.

A role game is part of this course, in addition to the lectures.

Learning objectives

After following this course, the student is able to:

  • Understand and explain in a critical manner the basic principles of social security schemes, taking into account the diversity of such schemes in the EU Member States.
  • Understand and explain the role of the EU in social security law.
  • Explain and apply in a critical manner the EU competences in the domain of social security.
  • Explain in a critical manner the origins and the functioning of EU coordination law of national social security law, taking into account the applicable legislation and the case law of the Court of Justice.
  • Explain in a critical manner the origins and functioning of EU harmonisation measures in social security, taken into account the applicable legislation and the case law of the Court of Justice.
  • Apply EU coordination law and non-discrimination law in the domain of gender on cases, taking into account the applicable legislation and case law of the Court of Justice of the EU.

Students must have basic knowledge of EU law and of their own national social security law


3 ects. European Social Security Law (B-KUL-C07B0a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
Schoukens Paul |  De Becker Eleni (substitute)
POC Rechten

The course on European Social Security Law consists of 11 lectures focusing on the diversity of social security systems in the EU Member States and the role of the EU in social security. It begins with an introduction to the basic principles of social security systems and the competences of the EU in this area. The course then examines the harmonisation of social security, particularly in relation to gender discrimination. It also looks in detail at the coordination of national social security systems, covering the basic principles, the rules applicable in the Member States and the inclusion of third-country nationals. Specific sessions cover the coordination of several social risks, such as unemployment, sickness, pension and childcare benefits.


Evaluation: European Social Security Law (B-KUL-C27B0b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions

Students are evaluated partly on their cooperation during the role game (4/20), and partly via an oral exam (16/20).