European Financial Regulation (B-KUL-C06B5A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First term
POC Rechten

The aim of this course is to introduce students into the macro-structures of EU financial law in a global context. The course will explain the function of the financial markets in terms of money and credit supply, and the role of financial law in terms of risk mitigation and maintaining long term market stability.


4 ects. European Financial Regulation (B-KUL-C06B5a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Rechten

The course will 
(i)  introduce students in the key notions and concepts of financial law; 
(ii) explain the role of and relationship between the different players in the financial markets; 
(iii) discuss how regulation of those actors aims at maintaining the delicate balance resulting in financial stability, 
(iv) give an overview of the organisation, functioning and regulation of the different financial markets; 
(v) explain the legal background of financial instruments and financial techniques; 
(vi) explain the function of the central bank, financial supervisors and financial regulators within the financial system. 

Background literature
PowerPoint presentation


Evaluation: European Financial Regulation (B-KUL-C26B5a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Code/lawbook

Final examination during examination period:

• Written examination with free use of legislation and case law
• Open, essay-style questions