This course aims at understanding the law in a global perspective. It focuses on global legal issues and the development of law across national boundaries in major legal fields. It is designed to gain insight in the role of transnational legal orders, foreign legal systems and comparative approaches to law and legal study. The course prepares students for comparative analysis and work in a global setting, through increased (foreign) language skills, critical assessment of own and foreign legal systems or transnational legal orders.
At the end of this course, the student:
• Is able to identify and critically appraise global approaches of the law
• Is able to identify and evaluate the interaction between the local and global development of law or legal issues
• Is able to identify and describe legal problems and solutions in foreign legal systems and compare or confront them with the own legal system or other legal systems
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de rechten (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting rechten) 120 ects.
- Master of Law (double degree with Zurich) (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Law and Criminology (Leuven)
3 ects. Global Law (B-KUL-C05I8a)
Course material
A course reader will be made available by the coordinator before the start of the Global Law Week.
Language of instruction: more information
English is the main teaching language in this course but some guest professors might teach in French.
Format: more information
Students participate in class-room lectures of guest professors, under the supervision of a professor of the Faculty. Each year, students can choose between a number of topics (Global Law modules). Each module is taught by another guest lecturer and focuses on a specifc legal field.
Evaluation: Global Law (B-KUL-C25I8a)
The assessment of Global Law consists of:
- 25% permanent evaluation: preparation and/or collaboration during class. Attendance is mandatory.
- 75% written exam: during the semester, at the end of the Global Law week
Learning English is an integral part of the course aims. Therefore, students are not allowed to make the exam in Dutch.
Presence on campus is mandatory for all Global Law sessions. Student absence will result in a zero mark for that class and in a proportional reduction of the final grade for the course. Three absences will result in a zero mark for the entire course.
Absence is only allowed in exceptional circumstances. Students who are unable to attend class are required to provide proof of legitimate absence in advance to the Student and Education Administration Services of the Faculty.
Students working their way through university are only evaluated on the written exam.
Information about retaking exams
For students who fail, there will be a second examination attempt, consisting of a written exam only.