The Private Social Protection (B-KUL-C03I6A)

Learning goals
The aim is to familiarize students with the provision of social protection outside the context of statutory social security schemes. This should allow students to perceive the constant interaction between statutory social security and these forms of non-state and private protection against social risks, with a special attention to the risk of old age.
This course contributes to the following learning outcomes:
• take up unfashionable positions if his research so demands;
• deliver results and opinions that contribute to the advancement of social security related research in Europe;
• translate research results to the broader public;
• make research results relevant for policy making; be able to translate questions from policy-makers into research questions, deal with them and
explain the results to policy-makers.
Previous knowledge
The student should have acquired the following skills and knowledge:
• a good knowledge of and insight into the various ways social security may be conceived in the different EU Member States;
• the ability to communicate with persons from different national backgrounds;
• be familiarised with the ways social security is conceived outside Europe;
• master basic concepts common to social security law, economics and social policy;
• be able to understand the broader socio-political aims of social security instruments and to locate the latter in their broader socio-economic setting;
• understand the multifunctionality of social security and in the multidisciplinary way to approach this.
Is included in these courses of study
5 ects. The Private Social Protection (B-KUL-C03I6a)
This course includes two main parts: 'Non state social security' and 'A layered old age protection'.
In the first part the attention shall focus upon non-state social security (occupational schemes, private insurances, pension funds etc.). The concept of "non-statutory" provisions encompasses all those schemes that do not traditionally feature in the statutory social insurance system. The following components of this unit can be distinguished:
• The need for and scope of non statutory social security provisions
1. The explicit objectives of social security
- minimum protection
- safeguarding the acquired standard of living
- labour market insertion and social integration
2. The scope of non statutory provisions
- comparing the US and EU approaches
- the growth of non statutory provisions
• The impact of the family (esp. in Southern Europe)
• Charitable initiatives and social assistance
• Occupational schemes
• Private insurance
• Fiscal welfare (basics)
• The role of statutory and non statutory social security provisions and "the fundamental triangle" of social security policy.
In the second part the attention will be focussed on the second and third pillar pension arrangements and their interaction with the first pillar pensions; also newer cocnept such as pillar 0 and 4th pillar arrangements will be examined.
Course material
Course reader
Format: more information
The course is offered as a distance learning course. Students study the course on the basis of the course materials and study guide provided by the programme.
Evaluation: The Private Social Protection (B-KUL-C23I6a)
Written off-campus exam (open book) with open questions. The exam is followed by an oral explanation.