Report and Tender Writing (B-KUL-C03I4A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Social Security


Social security administrations have multiple tasks: to formulate policies, to contribute to legislation, to design or supervise research and to prepare or evaluate public tenders and procurement processes. This course aims to ensure a good understanding of these processes and to have skills to effectively design or deliver legislation, research, reports or tenders of high quality.

Learning objectives

•             To make sense of research design and methods;

•             To acquire practical skills in report writing;

•             To acquire practical skills in tender writing and evaluation.

Student has an initial Master in a social security relevant area and has acquired the common knowledge provided in the executive she student should have acquired the following skills and knowledge
• a good knowledge of and insight into the various ways social security may be conceived in the different EU Member States.
• ability to communicate with persons from different national backgrounds.
• be familiarised with the ways social security is conceived outside Europe.
• master  basic concepts common to social security law, economics and social policy/
•  be able to understand the broader socio-political aims of social security instruments and to locate the latter in their broader socio-economic setting.
• understand  the multifunctionality of social security and in the multidisciplinary way to approach this. summer school social security


4 ects. Report and Tender Writing (B-KUL-C03I4a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment26 Both terms
OC Social Security

The course consists of three main parts:

1st part : Designing a research project

The first part of the module will provide an introduction to the skill of designing a research project:

•             The research environment in the EU

•             Principles of research design

•             Defining the research questions/hypothesis

•             Research methods – how to select the best methodology

•             Shaping the content of your research

•             Reporting


2nd part: Report writing

The second part of the module will focus on practical tips for effective report writing:

• Different kinds of reports and the different functions of reports

• Report design: defining the aim and purpose, setting out the structure, targeting the audience, formulating a problem, setting out goals, etc.

• Report content : balancing description and analysis; collecting date, overview of possible research methods, etc.

• Writing the report: use of language, titles and subtitles, technical jargon, format, etc.


3rd part: Preparing, submitting and evaluating tenders

The third part of the course concentrates on another important skill in the field of social security administration: calling for tenders and submitting tenders. This will include:

•             the general principles of calling for tenders

•             Practical tips on how to write, analyse and submit a tender

•             Practical tips on how to evaluate a tender

Finally, drafting/scrutinizing social security legislation will also be touched upon.

Syllabus and articles


Evaluation: Report and Tender Writing (B-KUL-C23I4a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project

Students hand in a written home assignment.