Anglican Theology (B-KUL-A07L5A)
The student is able to reflect on and communicate about the theological significance of key Anglican theologians. Students will know how the Anglican theological method developed as a mixture of Catholic and Calvinist thought. Students will become familiar with how the delicate balancing act of Anglican theology operates in liturgy, philosophy, social teaching, thought about Europe, political theology and modern ethics. Students will in particular study the influence of Rowan Williams.
This course is required by the "Erkende instantie Anglicaanse godsdienst" for teachers of Anglican religion. The course is taught by an Anglican.
Is included in these courses of study
- Research Master: Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (Leuven) 90 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Brussel) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Geel) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Aalst) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Kortrijk) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Brugge) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Diepenbeek) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Antwerpen) 60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de godsdienst (verkort programma voor masters) (Gent) 60 ects.
4 ects. Anglican Theology (B-KUL-A07L5a)
This course covers a wide and deep range of Anglican thought by considering six pairs of highly influential Anglican theologians, followed by the single greatest contributor to modern Anglican thought, Rowan Williams. Our selection of theologians includes nine bishops, four archbishops of Canterbury, eight Englishmen, an Irishman, a Ugandan, a South African, an American and a Welshman, three people still alive, and one woman. Across the themes of founding genius, world-class philosophy, social reform, thinking on Europe, African social reform and the two contemporary “hot-button” issues of gays and women in the church, this course explores key Anglican positions and explains why, although it is only the third largest Christian denomination in the world today (after Catholicism and Orthodoxy), Anglicanism’s theological reach is so ubiquitous.
§1 Two Founding Geniuses
Thomas CRANMER, archbishop of Canterbury, martyr (1489-1556): Genius of liturgy: the Book of Common Prayer
Richard HOOKER, rector of Bishopsbourne, Kent (1554-1600): Genius of theological method: the “threefold cord” of Scripture, reason and tradition
§2 Two World-class Philosophers
George BERKELEY, bishop of Cloyne (1685-1753): Idealism
Joseph BUTLER, prince-bishop of Durham (1692-1752): Analogical method
§3 Two Social Reformers
William WILBERFORCE, MP for Yorkshire (1759-1833): The abolition of slavery
Frederick MAURICE, professor of divinity at King’s College London (1805-1872): Christian socialism
§4 Two Thinkers on the New Europe
William TEMPLE, archbishop of Canterbury (1881-1944): Reconciliation with European Jews
George BELL, bishop of Chichester (1883-1958): Reconciliation with European Churches
§5 Two African Social Thinkers
Janani LUWUM, archbishop of Uganda, martyr (1922-1977): Opposition to dictatorship
Desmond TUTU, archbishop of Cape Town (born 1931): Opposition to apartheid.
§6 Two Contemporary Hot-button Issues
Michael RAMSEY, archbishop of Canterbury (1904-1988): The emancipation of gay people
Marilyn McCORD ADAMS, regius professor of divinity at the University of Oxford (born 1943): Christian feminism
§7 The Williams Phenomenon
Rowan WILLIAMS, archbishop of Canterbury (born 1950): Modern Anglican theology
Course material
Course notes, PowerPoint slides, a reader.