Elementary Electronics (B-KUL-H01M3A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch28 First term
POC Elektrotechniek

This is a first course in electronics. The aim is to give the student an impression of the importance of electronics in electronic systems like communication systems, audio and video electronics and computer systems.

The prerequisites are: 

Elektrische netwerken (B-KUL-H01Z2A) + Algemene natuurkunde (B-KUL-H01B2B) 


Informatie-overdracht en -verwerking (B-KUL-H01D2C) + Natuurkunde voor informatici I: mechanica en elektriciteit (B-KUL-G0U25B) + Natuurkunde voor informatici II: magnetisme (B-KUL-G0W67A)

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
H01Q6C : Problem Solving and Engineering Design: Electrical Engineering
H09O0B : Design in Medical Technology


2.6 ects. Elementary Electronics: Lecture (B-KUL-H01M3a)

2.6 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture18 First term
POC Elektrotechniek

This course builds on the knowledge of "Electrical circuits". After a short brushup, the main semiconductor components such as a diode, a MOST transistor and a bipolar transistor are discussed. Small-signal diagrams are also discussed. 
With these components, the main analogue and digital circuits can be studied, such as the amplifier, the follower and the cascode, but also the invertor, a NAND and a NOR gate. More complex circuits are the operational amplifier, the rectifier and the Schmitt-trigger. With these building blocks the internal working of Opamps is studied.
In a final part, feedback is discussed. The stability conditions and requirements are determined. Subsequently, Balckmann is used for the analysis of the impedance of circuits.

Part 1: Course notes
Part 2: Copies of overheads

0.4 ects. Elementary Electronics: Exercises (B-KUL-H01M4a)

0.4 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical10 First term
POC Elektrotechniek

  • Networks
  • Bode diagrams
  • Analysis amplifier circuit (mandatory)
  • Simulation amplifier circuit (mandatory)
  • Realization of a PCB via e-FAB and measuring this amplifier circuit (labo, mandatory)

The mandatory exercises/practica 3-5 are part of the activated education program: exercising a design cycle : form theoretical analysis, simulation up to the realization and measurements of an amplifier circuit

It will be organized in groups. The circuit has to be realized via e-fab and a report is required.


Evaluation: Elementary Electronics (B-KUL-H21M3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator

closed book, no formulary

the evaluation of the lab report will be taken into account

If the evaluation indicates that the student has not sufficiently met one or several of the aims of the course unit, the global result may deviate from the weighted average of all subcomponents.


closed book, no formulary

the evaluation of the lab report will be taken into account

If the evaluation indicates that the student has not sufficiently met one or several of the aims of the course unit, the global result may deviate from the weighted average of all subcomponents.