Digital Signal Processing (B-KUL-ZA0098)

4 ECTSEnglish48 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Karsmakers Peter (coordinator) |  Karsmakers Peter |  Prinzie Jeffrey |  El Hail Reda (cooperator)
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Geel


(MK2L) Gaining depth in at least one of the following electronics - ICT disciplines: digital and analogue systems, information processing systems and communication systems
(MI1L) Analyzing and solving problems
(MI2L) Design and/or develop
(MI3L) Application-oriented research
(MP1L) Operationalize
(MG3L) Critical reflection


The student will:

- gain insight into the place that digital signal processing techniques occupy in digital, information processing and communication systems;
- gain insight into the relevance of digital signal processing techniques in a wide range of industrial applications;
- be able to translate his/her previously acquired insight into statistical and geometric concepts into a context of digital signal processing;
- master the methodology of model-based signal processing, and to be able to apply this methodology to new signal processing problems;
- learn to solve parameter estimation problems according to the principle of the least-squares method, Wiener filters, Kalman filters and adaptive filters;
- learn to solve signal analysis problems according to the principle of linear prediction and power spectrum analysis;
- learn to solve signal enhancement problems according to the principle of noise suppression;
- gain insight into possible implementation techniques;
- learn to think creatively, to solve a problem in order to realize added value for the application in this way.

The student must:
- have knowledge about system- and control theory;
- have basic knowledge of statistics and probability theory;
- have basic knowledge of linear algebra;
- have a basic knowledge about analog and digital filters (analog filters and control systems: learning experiences, and digital signalprocessing [phase 3]).


3 ects. Digital Signal Processing (B-KUL-ZA5138)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture24 Second term
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Geel

The following topics will be discussed:

- Linear predictive coding

- Perceptual coding of sound signals

- Pitch shifting

- Multi-rate signal processing & filter banks

- Wiener filters

- Adaptive filters

- Kalman filters

- Sound source localization

- Sound event classification

- Speech recognition

- Signal processing for MIMO FMCW radars

- Course book: “Applied Signal Processing, A MATLAB-Based Proof of Concept, Dutoit en Marques”, freely available using KU Leuven LIMO.

- Scientific articles

- Slides

Blended format with pre-recorded lectures and Q&A sessions

1 ects. Digital Signal Processing Practicum (B-KUL-ZA5139)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical24 Second term
Karsmakers Peter |  El Hail Reda (cooperator)
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Geel

In the lab, students are guided in using their theoretical knowledge about DSP in hands-on R&D exercises. Students will learn how to implement algorithms and apply these hands-on skills in a small-scale project carried out in groups of 2 of 3 students.

Slides and assignments available on the Toledo learning platform.

In this lab students will be coached to apply their insights and understanding of DSP theory to hands-on R&D tasks. 



Evaluation: Digital Signal Processing (B-KUL-ZA8098)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Project/Product, Report, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

The OPO figure is calculated on the basis of the results per OLA. The number of credits from the OLA is used as a weight factor. All provisions from the faculty's 'Education and Examination Regulations' apply. For a published OLA result of 7 or less, the OPO grade cannot exceed 9. For a published OLA result of 5 or less, the OPO figure cannot exceed 7.

Digital Signal processing

The exam is oral with written preparation. When this exam format is not possible due to external circumstances (e.g. Corona pandemic) then the exam is completely written. The use of a formulary and a simple calculator is allowed. Permitted simple calculators can be found here: .

Digital Signal Processing Lab

At the end of the course, students, in team, need to present and defend their work. While not every student will have contributed to every part of the project’s result, every student should have at least a basic knowledge of all the technologies used and should be able to answer questions related to this.  Depending on the team's realizations and on the individual answer’s students provide during the defense, individual scores are given.
In addition, since student’s contributions can vary a peer assessment that yields an additional bonus or a malus of +3 to -3 per student will be organized.

When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lessons and/or made available on the toledo pages of the course.

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • ZA5138 - Digital Signal Processing (during and beyond academic year)
  • ZA5139 - Digital Signal Processing Practicum (during and beyond academic year)

A second examination opportunity is possible for both OLAs. It is possible that in the third examination period both OLAs of this OPO are evaluated in one exam or in two consecutive exams.
If a sufficient mark (10/20 or more) is obtained for the OLA Digital Signal Processing Practicum during the first examination opportunity, this mark will be transferred to the third examination period.
The calculation of the OPO grade is done in the same way as for the first examination opportunity.