Short-term Mobility Social Sciences (B-KUL-S0K83A)

6 ECTSEnglishFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Sociale wetenschappen

The student gains a broader or deeper understanding of a subject within Social Sciences through participation in an initiative for short-term mobility (e.g. summer or winter school) at an institution of higher education located outside Flanders. This experience contributes to the development of international competences (personal growth, intercultural competence, language skills, global engagement, international disciplinary learning) of the student.


6 ects. Short-term Mobility Social Sciences (B-KUL-S0K83a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: AssignmentFirst term
POC Sociale wetenschappen

Students should apply for credit recognition by following the procedure described at the Students Portal website. As part of the application, a Certificate of Attendance will be required.

Students take the course "Short Mobility Social Sciences” in the ISP in the semester immediately following the initiative for short mobility (eg in the first semester after having participated in a summer school or in the second semester after participation in a winter school).

Only students who have made one or more written assignments and/or have taken part in exams or other forms of evaluation as part of the short-term initiative are eligible for the 6 ECTS version of the Short-term mobility Social Sciences course. The student should provide the official results (or Transcript of Records) of the evaluation by the host institution.


Evaluation: Short-term Mobility Social Sciences (B-KUL-S2K83a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

Evaluation characteristics and determination of the final result

The evaluation by the host institution is not transferred into a score out of 20 at KU Leuven. Instead, the participation in the short-term mobility course is assessed with a pass / fail.

Second examination opportunity

There is no second exam opportunity.

No 2nd examination opportunity.

There is no second exam opportunity.