Production and Consumption of Digital Media: Theory, Application and Practice (B-KUL-S0G76A)

6 ECTSEnglish35 First term
Schmuck Desiree (coordinator) |  De Cock Rozane |  Schmuck Desiree |  d'Haenens Leen |  N. |  Maes Chelly (substitute)  | LessMore
POC Communicatiewetenschappen

Upon completion of this course the student have reached the following goals:

  • The student can make a detailed substantive analysis about the consequences of digital media production and consumption for democracy and critically reflect about phenomena of digitalization and platformization like online misinformation and disinformation, botification, and bias in algorithms;
  • The student can interpret insights and interpretations from scientific literature about contemporary digital media production and consumption from different disciplines and geographical perspectives, place them in a broader theoretical context and integrate them coherently;
  • The student can point out in a constructive way the different viewpoints and activities of various (new) actors in digital media production that is marked by media convergence and user-generated content and reflect about digital media consumption and consumer preferences in a changing media landscape;
  • From his/her personal analysis, the student can enter into a dialogue with insights and/or hypotheses found in the literature, whether the focus is on the production of digital content, the structure of the industry, the work of professionals or the meaning generated with users and consumers;
  • The student can critically reflect on media regulation and platform behavior in different geographic contexts from a historical perspective and with a view to their future orientation and innovation potential;
  • The student can work collaboratively on questions of digital media production and consumption in different geographic contexts.

These goals are announced at the start of the course.

Students are part of a bachelor- or master programme in the social sciences (preferably communication sciences or media studies) and part of the international Erasmus exchange programme.  


4 ects. Production and Consumption of Digital Media: Theory and Application (B-KUL-S0G76a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture23 First term
De Cock Rozane |  d'Haenens Leen |  N. |  Maes Chelly (substitute)
POC Communicatiewetenschappen

The central topics are:

  • Consequences of contemporary digital media production and consumption for democracy;
  • Digital media production and consumption from different disciplines and geographical perspectives;
  • (New) digital actors and stakeholders in digital media production and user behavior and consumer preferences in a changing media landscape;
  • Media regulation and platform behavior in different geographic contexts from a historical perspective

Reader on Toledo.

This course will be instructed by means of blended learning principles in which on campus face to face teaching can be combined by online learning. For more details: see the updated Toledo course platform.

2 ects. Production and Consumption of Digital Media: Practice (B-KUL-S0G77a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical12 First term
POC Communicatiewetenschappen

Students prepare additional cases that are plenary explored in depth by the teaching team.

  • Instruction on Toledo
  • Reader on Toledo learning platform

This course will be instructed by means of blended learning principles in which on campus face to face teaching can be combined by online learning. For more details: see the updated Toledo course platform.


Evaluation: Production and Consumption of Digital Media: Theory, Application and Practice (B-KUL-S2G76a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Open questions

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20. The course is evaluated by the teacher, as announced via Toledo and the examination regulations.

The exam consists of a series of exclusively open questions. Participation in the exercises during 'Practice' can be evaluated as part of continuous assessment. 

Students taking this course as part of a Dutch-taught programme (e.g., master in de communicatiewetenschappen; master in de bedrijfscommunicatie) can answer the exam questions in Dutch or English. Students following this course as part of an English-taught programme (e.g., Master of Communication Sciences: Digital Media and Society) must answer the exam questions in English. 

Second examination opportunity

The evaluation characteristics and the determination of the final grade of the second examination opportunity might differ to those of the first examination opportunity. Information will be provided via Toledo.