Public Governance, Administration and Society (B-KUL-S0B55A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Steen Trui |  Tan Evrim (substitute)
POC Politieke wetenschappen

Throughout this course the students acquire the following knowledge, skills and attitudes:

  • Students can describe the main concepts and theories regarding the organisation and processes of public administration.
  • Students can clarify the context for public administration (societal, administrative and legal).
  • Students can compare administrative concepts and theories in European countries.
  • Students can analyse and evaluate systems of public administration in the European countries.
  • Students have a critical attitude towards public administration models.
  • Students can find, select, critically assess and use the correct resources to understand and analyse the role of the different actors and relevant structures in public administration.
  • Students can make their own creative contribution to scientific disciplinary knowledge by writing a scientific paper according to the correct ethical rules.
  • Students can independently and in team plan an assignment, execute it, meet deadlines and make a constructive contribution to a common result.
  • Students can communicate, clearly and unambiguously, their analysis and rationale underpinning these, by giving a presentation and by writing a scientific paper.

These aims are communicated to the students at the beginning of the semester.

Given the general programme requirements, the students have already achieved the following learning goals before the start of this course:

  • Students have a basic understanding of either public administration and policy, or of European organizations and politics.
  • Students have sufficient proficiency in the English language.



4 ects. Public Governance, Administration and Society (B-KUL-S0B55a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
Steen Trui |  Tan Evrim (substitute)
POC Politieke wetenschappen

During the course, the following themes are covered:

  • Basic models for public administration: from government to governance
  • Comparative public administration: context for public administration
  • Administrative models and structural aspects in public governance
  • Intergovernmental relations and multi-level governance
  • Civil service systems and politico-administrative relations
  • Public administration, political representatives, and citizens in public governance
  • Public administration systems in Europe: convergence and divergence

The following course material is used during this course:

Compulsory and optional readings
The course material consists of a reader with articles, made available via Toledo.

Slides and additional information
The slides and additional information given during the sessions are also important. Toledo is used to provide slides, optional reading materials and downloadable documents, as well as extra information on assignments.


This course consists of (digital) interactive lectures, meaning that students must think and work actively during class. The reader supports the classes and assignments. However, during class, a deeper analysis is made. Therefore it is necessary to attend the classes and students are strongly advised to take notes. It is advised to read the text material beforehand to ensure that students get a good understanding of the topics discussed in the course. To help them develop the skill of reflecting on the literature, this course makes use of different assignments. Information needed for carrying out the assignments is communicated via Toledo and in class.




Evaluation: Public Governance, Administration and Society (B-KUL-S2B55a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

Characteristics of the evaluation

The evaluation for this course consists of three partial evaluations:

  • Class-discussion and class assignments (3/20)
  • A group paper and presentation (5/20)
  • An oral exam (12/20)

The student receives a written preparation time of 10 minutes for the oral exam.

The submission deadline and other deadlines are decided by the lecturer(s) and communicated via Toledo.

Determination of the end result          

The course is evaluated by the lecturer(s), as communicated via Toledo and in compliance with the examination regulations. The result is calculated and communicated as an integral number on 20.

The grades for this course are given according to the final examination, the group paper, presentation and the quality of the class-discussion and class assignments. Further requirements are specified during the lectures, and in separate documents on Toledo. 

The examination determines whether the students have the necessary theoretical insights and knowledge of the public administration in Europe. The examination also tests the ability of the students to analyse, synthesise and evaluate this knowledge and to test if they can apply the literature and theory to a case or an article and evaluate their findings.

All deadlines must be respected. Negotiation about any deviation is impossible. In case of any exceptional circumstances, students are required to contact the faculty’s ombudsperson prior to the respective deadline. If (one of) the deadline(s) is not met, the complete course will be evaluated as a ‘not taken’ (NA) unless a new submission deadline has been determined due to exceptional circumstances.

If the student does not participate in the oral exam, the student receives a ‘not taken’ (NA) for the complete course.

Students are fully responsible for submitting papers and assignments free of fraud and plagiarism ( and are requested to comply with the Faculty’s relevant regulations. Plagiarism will be sanctioned with the sanctions mentioned in the University’s Regulations on Education and Examinations.

Students who fail this course get a second examination chance during the third examination period. The format of the evaluation may be different from the first examination format. The second examination chance consists of an oral exam only. The concrete modalities for the third examination period are communicated at the beginning of July via Toledo.