Software Development (B-KUL-HBN64B)

3 ECTSEnglish26 First term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

This course aims at learning the skills needed for efficiently programming a computer with Python. This requires students to understand and master the available data types, data structures, programming techniques, and standard algorithms.

Upon completion of this course, the student can:

  • Write efficient code capable of solving a moderate programming problem
  • Detect and correct different types of errors in a program
  • Critically analyze existing computer code with respect to data types, data structures, programming techniques, and standard algorithms
  • Use particular data types, data structures, programming techniques, and standard algorithms when executing a programming task
  • Determine the complexity of an algorithm
  • Apply sorting, binary tree, and hashing techniques when creating a program
  • Understand the operations reseach application treated (i.e., shortest path, minimum spanning tree, traveling salesman, and knapsack algorithms) and adapt these to specific needs

It is advisable having successfully completed the bachelor course Foundations of Business Information Management.

This course is identical to the following courses:
D0H53A : Softwareontwerp en programmeren 1
D0X34A : Software ontwerp en programmeren 1


3 ects. Software Development (B-KUL-HBN63b)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

  • Introduction
  • Installation and first programs
  • Variables
  • Operations
  • Keyboard and output window
  • Conditional programming techniques
  • Basic algorithms
  • Functions
  • Modules
  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Sets
  • Dictionaries
  • Error handling
  • Input and output with files
  • Recursion
  • Classes
  • Complexity of algorithms
  • Sorting
  • Binary trees
  • Hashing
  • Applications in operations research

Course text: Van de Woestyne Ignace and Vanthienen Jan, Software development and programming with Python 3 (Acco)

Flipped classroom

Students are encouraged to bring their laptop to class so that they can jointly practice coding in Python according to the teacher's instructions. As preparation for each class, students are expected to thoroughly study in advance the material provided on Toledo on a weekly basis (e.g., video sessions).


Evaluation: Software Development (B-KUL-H73237)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Computer

The exam is conducted on a computer and the course text can be used as a reference. The answers are submitted digitally.

The evaluation is done in the same way as with the first exam opportunity