Light and Lighting Systems (B-KUL-H04D4A)

3 ECTSEnglish28 Second term
POC Energie

The students have obtained insight in the fundamentals of light, vision and colour.

They understand and can explain the different technologies related to lamps, gears and drivers, luminaires and smart lighting, with a focus on solid-state lighting techniques.

The students have a decent understanding of the indoor lighting applications related to lighting quality and standards, design and calculations and measurements.

Physics of light. Basic electrotechnical knowledge. Both at the level of an academic bachelor in engineering science.


2.41 ects. Light and Lighting Systems: Lecture (B-KUL-H04D4a)

2.41 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 Second term
POC Energie


  • Visual Mechanism
  • Colour
  • Visual Performance
  • Visual Satisfaction
  • Hazardous Effects


  • Lamps, Gear and Drivers
  • Daylight
  • Luminaires
  • Connected Smart Lighting
  • Light Beyond Illumination


  • Lighting Quality and Standards
  • Design Aspects
  • Calculations and Measurements

Wout van Bommel, “Interior Lighting - Fundamentals, Technology and Application”, Springer Cham, 2019


Handouts on Toledo.

Traditional lecture

0.59 ects. Light and Lighting Systems: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H04D5a)

0.59 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical10 Second term
POC Energie

Laboratory session at light and lighting laboratory KU Leuven, technologiecampus Gent.

Exercise session: software based indoor lighting calculations

Lab texts

Computer session - Laboratory session - Project work


Evaluation: Light and Lighting Systems (B-KUL-H24D4a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator

Open book exam. Questions from all parts of the course.

Oral defence, written preparation