Nuclear Energy: Introduction (B-KUL-H02G2A)

3 ECTSEnglish20 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Nucleaire Techniek

• To place the world and the Belgian nuclear energy production in its economic, social, technical and cultural context
• To give a first overview of nuclear electricity generation and an overall introduction to reactor and plant engineering

Students are supposed to have a solid knowledge in basis engineering sciences such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, material science etc. (Level of electro-mechanical university graduated engineers is optimal.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
H02G8A : Nuclear Fuel Cycle
H02G9A : Nuclear Materials
H02G4B : Nuclear reactor theory and experiments
H02G5B : Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics


3 ects. Nuclear Energy: Introduction (B-KUL-H02G2a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 Both terms
POC Nucleaire Techniek

• Global energy issue: world energy needs (developing world), greenhouse effect, liberalisation of the energy markets, strategic independence of the EU.
• Environmental issues
• Birds-eye view of nuclear power generation: principle of generating electricity by nuclear  means (fission; chain reaction; heat transfer to coolant; turbine; alternator); fissile & fertile materials; burn up; production of fission products; breeding; current types of power plants (PWR, BWR,…); future types of power plants (LWR-type, gas cooled, ADS, …); introduction to the fuel cycle; front end, back end; introduction to safety aspects of nuclear reactors (criticality; core melt); engineered safety systems; risk; difference with research reactors & fusion reactors; proliferation issues & safeguards
• Economics of nuclear power generation: European Utility Requirements; life time of existing NPP’s; cost of nuclear kWh; investment costs of new types NPP’s; construction time and licensing process; decommissioning costs; internalisation of waste management; external costs
• Public perception & communication (media, general public, public authorities).

Textbook followed:
• John R. Lamarsh & Anthony J. Baratta, “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering”; 3-rd Ed., Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2001 (ISBN 0-201-82498-1)
Other interesting books:
• Ronald Allen Knief, “Nuclear Engineering; Theory and Technology of Commercial Nucler Power”; 2-nd Ed., Taylor & Francis, Washington DC, 1992 (ISBN 1-56032-089-3)
• David Bodansky, “Nuclear Energy; Principles, Practices, and Prospects”; 2-nd Ed., Springer, Berlin/New York, 2004 (ISBN 0-387-20778-3)

See BNEN Brochure at


Evaluation: Nuclear Energy: Introduction (B-KUL-H22G2a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions

Open book preparation of two or three (generally overview) questions. Students can take notes during the 30 min preparation. Using the just made notes, students will then be interrogated orally to check whether they have thoroughly understood the study material. Questions are oriented towards understanding and insight.