Organizing Europe: A History of Ideas and Practices (B-KUL-F0UJ4A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First term
POC Geschiedenis

The course aims to provide a thorough historiographical elaboration of questions related to European politics and identity.

BA in Humanities

Thorough general knowledge of European history in the Modern era.

The student should be able to process academic literature in English.


6 ects. Organizing Europe: A History of Ideas and Practices (B-KUL-F0UJ4a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
POC Geschiedenis

In this course we question the origin of modern Europa as it is shaped today politically, culturally and economically in institutions such as the EU and the Council of Europe. Chronologically, the emphasis is on the period from the French Revolution until after the Second World War.The lectures:

  • provide a critical discussion of the existing historiographical traditions relating to European integration
  • discuss which meanings are assigned to the concept of Europe and how those meanings changed under the influence of changing historical and social contexts
  • analyse various plans and ideas that were designed and elaborated in order to come to a more integrated Europe and their effects on politically practice especially
  • assess different European political orders, including nation states and empires.
  • investigate the self-reflection of Europeans and -to a lesser extent- how they were perceived by others

(Online) Presentations and discussions of reading material 

Lectures and discussions


Evaluation: Organizing Europe: A History of Ideas and Practices (B-KUL-F2UJ4a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project