The Welfare State and its Services (B-KUL-C04A0A)

5 ECTSEnglish26 Both terms
OC Social Security

The objective of this course is to reflect upon the goals of social welfare (law) and on the concepts, relations and techniques, which form the basic elements of welfare provisions. This should allow students to look at their own welfare system in a critical way and to analyse it in its further growth and in the improvement of its schemes and regulations. An important part of the course is devoted to the clarification of the concept of social welfare, as well as upon the delineation of the objective s at which welfare schemes are aiming. With regard to the latter element, the relation between welfare, social inclusion and social quality will be highlighted.

The course will also pay attention to a selected number of welfare services dealing with different target groups, looking at their history, organisation, functioning and regulation. Issues that have an actual relevance to the whole of the area will also be discussed: such as the participation of clients, quality control, the position of the NGO's, and the protection of the rights of clients. The purpose is to enable the student to analyse and assess different welfare services and their regulation in the light of their objectives, functions and the values for which they stand.

Applicants for this Master in Advanced Studies must have a university degree, obtained after at least four years of study in one of the following fields: law, criminology, economics and applied economic sciences, political sciences, sociology or communication sciences, public health, medicine or dentistry. More specifically, this means that they need a Master degree (or equivalent degree). Applicants must also have taken at least one course (equivalent to a minimum of 5 study points) relating to social security in order to obtain this university degree. In exceptional cases, especially when the applicant shows long-term involvement in social security, persons with another academic degree may be admitted upon motivated request.


5 ects. The Welfare State and its Services (B-KUL-C04A0a)

5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment26 Both terms
OC Social Security

The course consists of one component dealing with the concept and the objectives of social welfare, another dealing with social services. The subjects are covered in a cross-national perspective. Moreover, the influence which international and European instruments have on the national welfare debate will be covered as well.

Are included:
• an historical approach of social welfare and welfare law;
• definition of social welfare;
• welfare law as a subdivision of social law
• objectives of social welfare: social inclusion and social quality
• monitoring of social welfare on an international and European level

The unit on social services is built around the following items:
• the most common welfare services;
• general social services;
• family welfare;
• services for the elderly;
• juvenile welfare;
• services for the handicapped;
• welfare for minorities;
• volunteers, self-help and informal care.

Attention is also paid  the territorial organisation of social security will amongst others deal with topics such as:
• centralisation, decentralisation and deconcentration of social security administration;
• social federalism;
• financial co-responsability between various levels;
• territorial solidarity between regions and countries.

Course reader

The course is offered as a distance learning course. Students study the course on the basis of the course materials and study guide provided by the programme.


Evaluation: The Welfare State and its Services (B-KUL-C24A0a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

Written off-campus exam (open book) with open questions. The exam is followed by an oral explanation.