Human Rights (B-KUL-C00J5A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First term
POC Rechten


4 ects. Human Rights (B-KUL-C00J5a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Rechten

I. General issues
1. Concept of human rights: notion, categories, rights and duties, vertical and horizontal effects, …
2. Human rights in international relations and in international law
3. Universal and regional systems of protection of human rights
     . United Nations : treaty mechanisms and charter mechanisms
     . Europe (Council of Europe: in particular European Court of Human Rights; European Union; Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe)
     . Other (Organisation of American States; African Union)
4. International human rights law in the domestic legal order
5. Obligations of States with respect to human rights
     (Scope of responsibility of States; negative and positive obligations)
II. Selected topics
     . Civil and political rights
     . Economic, social and cultural rights
     . Equality and non-discrimination; protection of vulnerable groups

- W. Kälin, J. Künzli, The Law of International Human Rights Protection, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009 (ISBN: 978-0-19-956520-7).
- T. Buergenthal, D Shelton and D. Steward, International Human Rights in a Nutshell, St Paul, West Publishers, 
- Additional literature available on Toledo.

General presentation by lecturer. Interactive discussion of certain cases.


Evaluation: Human Rights (B-KUL-C20J5a)

Type : Exam during the examination period

Students will receive one question of a rather theoretical nature (explanation of a concept, evaluation of a development, ...) as well as one question of a rather practical nature(hypothetical case).