Master of Social and Cultural Anthropology (Leuven)

Master of Science

What can you find on this webpage?

Our (future) students can find the official study programme and other useful info here.

You can find information about admission requirements, further studies and more practical info such as ECTS sheets, or a weekly timetable of the current academic year.


Are you a future student?

Be sure to first take a look at the page about the Master of Social and Cultural Anthropology. 

There you can find more info on:

- What’s the programme about?

- Starting profile

- Admission and application

- Future possibilities

- Why KU Leuven

- Contact

- ...


The master of social and cultural anthropology has profound knowledge of and insight into the
anthropological interpretation frameworks and theories.
The master of social and cultural anthropology has knowledge of the history of the discipline.
The master of social and cultural anthropology can apply and distinguish domain-specific concepts.
The master of social and cultural anthropology has a thorough knowledge of thematic and regional specialisation.
The master of social and cultural anthropology has insight into the historical, social, political and cultural processes to which a society is subject here and elsewhere.

The master of social and cultural anthropology can define research questions about a social theme that contributes tot he anthropological discipline.
The master of social and cultural anthropology can look up, select, synthesise, critically assess and use anthropological sources to answer research questions.
The master of social and cultural anthropology can, under guidance, put on independent ethnographic research, carry out, plan ethnographic research, identify a suitable fieldwork site and select the appropriate research methods, set priorities and respect deadlines.
The master of social and cultural anthropology has knowledge of and takes into account the ethical and deontological rules within the discipline.
The master of social and cultural anthropology adopts a reflective attitude towards his own research and can frame this research within existing theories.
The master of social and cultural anthropology can report in a clear manner, written and orally, and refrains from plagiarism.

The master of social and cultural anthropology can explain and critically interpret concrete social issues from their own knowledge and insights into anthropology and can adopt a substantiated point of view in current debates.
The master of social and cultural anthropology has a cultural sensitivity and can adapt their communication style to a diverse audience.


The master of social and cultural anthropology is prepared for lifelong learning and the follow-up of scientific evolutions and current debates within the anthropological discipline.
The master of social and cultural anthropology is willing to use diverse professional contexts of anthropological interpretation frameworks and theories.
The master of social and cultural anthropology shows an intellectual interest in social developments and trends and is able to analyse these through acquired disciplinary knowledge.

The master of social and cultural anthropology develops a research-oriented attitude to problematise social themes, put them in an anthropological perspective and subject them to a critical attitude.
The master of social and cultural anthropology is committed to apply the methods and techniques of ethnographic research in an adequate, contextual way in the active academic career.
The master of social and cultural anthropology is willing to act in accordance with a scientifically sound, reflective basic attitude and the applicable professional deontological codes.

The master of social and cultural anthropology show a willingness to engage in collegial, multidisciplinary cooperation.
The master of social and cultural anthropology cultivates an emical attitude towards various environments.
The master of social and cultural anthropology shows the willingness to present own ideas in a reasoned and self-critical way and to actively participate in social debates.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blueprint_MA_Social and Cultural Anthropology.pdf
Bestand PDF document Blauwdruk_MA_Social and Cultural Anthropology_Sociale en culturele antropologie.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA-fiche_MA_Social and Cultural Anthropology.pdf

COBRA 2015-2019
Bestand PDF document COBRA report_MA_Social and Cultural Anthropology.pdf
Bestand PDF document COBRA-report_MA_Social and Cultural Anthropology.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?
When allowed:
Access after preparatory, bridging or abridged programme :