Sociology (B-KUL-L09A5B)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch26 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

This course aims to introduce students to Sociology.
The objectives are that after completion of the course students:
1. Have knowledge of the historical background of the establishment of sociology as a social science
2. Have insight in the specific character and perspective of sociology as it regards the analysis and understanding of the behavior, feelings and beliefs of people in the context of the social groups they belong to
3. Have knowledge of and insight in the 3 main stages of development of western societies: pre-modern, modern, post-modern
4. Have knowledge of and insight in basic sociological concepts as there are: norms and values, social groups, social relations, social deviance, statuses and roles, social inequality etc.
5. Have knowledge of and insight in the main lines of development through 3 stages of modernization of a number of central study domains of sociology: the family, religion, labourmarket, economy, politics, culture

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
L07D5A : Policy and Management of Sport


3 ects. Sociology (B-KUL-L09A5a)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

This course offers a general introduction in sociology, situating sociology as a relatively new science originating from the shift from pre-modern to modern society and the political, economic and social problems that lay at the base. Sociology is presented as the science of society and social groups, and emphasis is on interactions between (structural and cultural) social contexts with individual behaviour, beliefs and feelings. 

The course explains major sociological concepts and shows and explains how society develops in a number of life domains in a perspective of a shift from pre-modern to modern, and from modern to post-modern society.

1. The textbook for the course will be Vrancken, J., Henderickx, E., & Van Hootegemn, G. (2017). Het speelveld, de spelregels en de spelers. Handboek Sociologie. Leuven: Acco

2. The PPT slides of the lectures: available on Toledo.

3. The content of the lecture as presented in class


Evaluation: Sociology (B-KUL-L29A5b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Multiple choice
Learning material : None