Operating Systems 1 (B-KUL-JPI0WO)
- The student has a thorough knowledge of the inner workings of an operating system, organized into thematic module. The student knows which solutions exist for different parts of the operating system (K1).
- The student has insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the design decisions made in commodity operating systems w.r.t. process and thread management, memory management, file systems, and task scheduling (K1, G3).
- The student knows the possible architectures for virtual machines and hypervisors, and knows what each type of hypervisor is best suited for (K1, G3).
- The student can apply the gathered knowledge by re-implementing or modifying some of the basic OS algorithms, or by setting up, configuring, and managing commodity operating systems (I1, I2, P1).
Previous knowledge
The student has basic knowledge of programming and computer architecture.
Order of Enrolment
This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
JPI15G : System and Network Management
JPI0WP : Operating Systems 2
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
T3WBS2 : Operating Systems
ZA0224 : Operating Systems
B3074W : Operating Systems
T3WBS1 : Operating Systems
JPI27A : Operating Systems 1 (Bridging) (No longer offered this academic year)
YI1491 : Operating Systems 1
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Ghent) (Core Programme Electronics and ICT Engineering) 180 ects.
- Bridging Programme: Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology (Ghent) 89 ects.
2 ects. Operating Systems 1: Lecture (B-KUL-JLI1EB)
- Introduction: Definition and roles of an operating system (OS), tasks of an OS, types of OSes, evolution of OSes, structure of an OS, services, system calls, important hardware features and their use in an OS.
- Processes and Threads: Concepts, creation, management, scheduling, threading models
- Basic Scheduling: Concepts, algorithms for mono-processor scheduling, trade-offs
- File Systems: Concepts, implementations, trade-offs
- Memory Management : Concepts, segmentation, paging, algorithms, trade-offs
- I/O management: Concepts
- Virtualization and the Cloud: Concepts, case studies
Course material
Textbook: Modern Operating Systems (Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos), Pearson
1 ects. Operating Systems 1: Lab Session (B-KUL-JLI1EC)
- Simulation of scheduling algorithms (1 task)
- Simulation of paging and segmentation techniques (1 task)
Course material
Slides, tutorials, and code samples on Toledo
Format: more information
Each task will be worked on during 3 consecutive lab sessions. The students have to give a presentation and demonstration at the end of each task.
Evaluation: Operating Systems 1 (B-KUL-JVI0WO)
This course is evaluated in two ways. First, there is a written exam. Second, the lab sessions are evaluated by means of a report and a presentation + demo.
Physical attendance of the lab sessions is optional. You must, however, submit a written report and give a presentation + demo for each lab assignment.
Information about retaking exams
Students can extend and improve their previously submitted lab exercises and written reports in EP3.
They can also retake the written exam.