4 ECTSEnglish54 First term
Facultaire POC Architectuur

1. Discipline-specific competences:
- The student can independently translate research result, methods and techniques and use them within the own design strategy;
- The student can think in possibilities. The student multidisciplinary and interculturally explores various design methodologies, scenarios and imulations;
- The student can formulate an own design or project within the logic of the course and work out as a project or dissertation through design-based research;
- The student can estimate the methodological limits of his chosen course and can critically-argumentatively explain these;
- The student develops visual and graphical skills in an advanced way and uses these as an element of his research process;

2. Contribution tot he following generic competences of the academic master:
- The mastering of general competences on an advanced level such as the ability to act and think in a scientific way, to deal with complex problems, the ability to reflect on the own thinking and working and the ability to translate that reflection to the development of more adequate solutions, the ability to communicate the own research and problem solutions with colleagues and laymen and the ability to form an opinion in an insecure context.
- The mastering of general scientific competences on an advanced level such as the ability to use methods and techniques in research, the ability to design research, the ability to apply paradigms in the domain of the sciences or arts and the ability to define the limits of the paradigms, the ability to originality and creativity with an eye to the continuous elaboration of the knowledge and understanding and the ability to work together in a multidisciplinary environment.

The students in the academical bachelors and masters are expected to read and understand French, German and English professional literature.

The student posesses competences similar to those aquired in the courses history and theory, sciences and mixed media of the bachelor archtiecture.

The student posesses a basic experience with an an interest for design-based research.

This course is identical to the following courses:
A34387 : ELG1 TUNING (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. TUNING (B-KUL-A51285)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical54 First term
Facultaire POC Architectuur

Paradigm Weekly: KANYE KABANON

Kernwoorden: snelheid, remix, authenticiteit, media, hyperrealiteit

Korte inhoud: So you think you can cabanon?
Wat hebben Kanye en Le Corbusier met elkaar gemeen? En hoe kan je ze zelf bij elkaar puzzelen? We gaan door middel van een reeks dense snel-ontwerpen op zoek naar antwoorden op vragen van en over vandaag: hoe verandert jouw architectuur door een snellere maatschappij? Wat is de waarde van onze beeldcultuur? Hoe consumeer jij referenties? Hoe kopiëer je je helden, of maak je je ze eigen? Hoe ga je zelf om met de relaties ontwerp - beeld, scrollsnelheid - beleving, copycat - remix, render - noise? Naast ontwerpen voeden we ons ook met de realiteit; we organiseren een speed trip langs plekken die dit soort versnelde hybride situaties reeds belichamen.

Doelstellingen: Elke student ontwikkelt een reeks snel-ontwerpen met als programma KANYE-KABANON; deze zijn op hoog niveau beeldend/technisch/conceptueel ontwikkeld en worden gepubliceerd en tegen elkaar opgezet. De compilatie van alle cabanons gebruiken we als totaalomgeving om onze eigen antwoorden op de gestelde vragen te presenteren — een onderzoekend en ontworpen Center Parks on acid.

Output: Speed trip publicatie, KANYE KABANON CLUB NIGHT.

A series of books and publications will be listed at the start of the semester, from which we strongly advise to make a selective choice to buy/download as course reader. Besides conventional input material, we will take at least one field trip to a site that shall be studied as a real life case. Participation is obligatory.

Input and course material, potential external reviewers and lecturers and presentations are of international character. 
Therefore English will become a 'natural' language in your productions.

PARADIGM WEEKLY intends to structurally exploit the weekly recurring timeframe to instigate a debate about speed, zeitgeist and architecture.

- Students develop projects on a week-to-week basis. 

- Results are discussed and reworked during studio hours

PARADIGM WEEKLY will be taught by Pieterjan Ginckels and Corneel Cannaerts in order to provide a broad range of insight in design media and the use of the MMLAB environments.


Evaluation: TUNING (B-KUL-AE7065)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None

If the student can't attain the deadline or attend the moment of evaluation, he/she has to deliver the task in his current condition, at the moment that was agreed. The task can be delivered by a third person in exchange for a receipt or it can be sent by e-mail to the mentor (photos can be sent too). An idea of the current condition of the task is formed by what is delivered.

The student has to attend at least 80% of the contact hours.He/she has to participate actively during the educational sessions, in order to take the exams.

If the student doesn't respect the deadline that was registered and communicated unambiguously, the task will be considered as non-delivered. The student will receive a NA (niet afgelegd/not participated) for this (sub)task. This rule involves any kind of task that must be delivered. As prescribed, every task has to be delivered towards the examinator, either personally, either by TOLEDO.

No 2nd examination opportunity.