Exhibit/s (B-KUL-AE0029)

4 ECTSEnglish45 Second term
Facultaire POC Architectuur

1.1 The student can develop project-specific interior concepts at the level of public interiors.
1.2 The student can relate the tension between the design and aspects in general social context and technological capabilities and limitations of a particular time.
1.3 The student can get design knowledge, skills and their application within the project of synthesizing the public interior to a higher level.

This course is identical to the following courses:
A34423 : ELG2 Exhibit/s (No longer offered this academic year)


4 ects. Exhibit/s (B-KUL-A51328)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical45 Second term
Facultaire POC Architectuur

"The narrative interior" is about exhibitions and creating them. The subject is placed in a broad theoretical and practical framework.
An exhibition informs and entices, amazes, creates commitment or calls on experiences. Inspiring examples are studied and visited: spaces that take the audience into a story.
Interdisciplinarity is another core concept: different media come together, all elements of both content and form become truly inseparable. Therefore, encounters are also set up with these other parties.
Starting from the theoretical framework, a design project is set up.

Compulsory literature, basic documents and information on Toledo.
Recommended literature: Kossman, Herman (ea) De Narratieve ruimte. Rotterdam: Uitgeverij 010, 2012.

Study visits


Evaluation: Exhibit/s (B-KUL-AE7029)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period

No 2nd examination opportunity.