Master of Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry (Bruges et al)

CQ Master of Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry (Bruges et al)


Master of Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry (Bruges et al)


Learning outcomes

1. to have advanced and profound knowledge and insights in state-of-the-art technologies in service to smart O&M, and a solid understanding of the difference with ‘traditional’ O&M technologies

2. to have an understanding of global trends/concepts in smart O&M, and an understanding of the processes and challenges to implement smart O&M and the organisational impact thereof

3. to have a lifelong learning mindset, and integrate and further deepen previously acquired knowledge in order to recalibrate, renew and adapt concepts to the domain of smart O&M

4. to be able to make use of state-of-the-use (off-the-shelf) technologies to enable I4.0 compatible solutions, including; a) condition monitoring technology, b) secure data capturing, c) data analytics and extracting value from data, d) smart sensing, e) automated/remote O&M, and f) digital twins

5. to be able to develop and deploy cutting-edge solutions in an industrial reality, i.e. in which
requirements from procurement, production, quality, sustainability, supply chain, and specifically technicians and operators are integrated

6. to be able to manage technical, organisational and transformational risks related to implementing smart O&M technologies in an industrial setting, which includes Human-Machine and Human-Robot Interactions, dangerous work environments, and a rising complexity of technological systems

7. to possess a holistic understanding of interactions and processes in the industrial ecosystem to manage system complexity from a researchers' point of view: i.e. with the necessary creativity, accuracy, critical reflection, curiosity, and justification of choices based on scientific criteria

8. to be able to transform observational, modelled and measured data (through computerised systems) into strategic decisions within a company or organisation, considering the corporate or organisational culture, its mission and vision, and the socio- and techno-economic context

9. to be able to conduct industry embedded scientific research within the field of smart O&M, apply different research methods and techniques, statistically process the collected data and interpret the results and discuss them in a scientifically sound manner

10. to have acquired interpersonal skills to participate and collaborate in multi-disciplinary teams and
multi-attribute environments to control and develop smart O&M systems or strategies

11. to be able to act as a key figure in professional communication inside and outside an organisation, when designing and/or optimising and implementing a smart O&M system or strategy

12. to be able to act within a smart O&M-specific context with an engineering attitude: i.e. solutionand
result-oriented, with technical, economic and social preconditions in mind (such as sustainability or sociological/psychological/ergonomic aspects of human-machine interaction), and an innovative and interdisciplinary way of thinking

SC Master of Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry (Bruges et al)


The programme consists of a truncus communis (30 ECT), an elective track (12 ECT) and a master’s thesis (18 ECT).


ECTS Digital Twin (B-KUL-B3078G)

6 ECTS English 60 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After successful completion of this course, a student will:

  • be familiar with all elements of a Digital Twin in the manufacturing industry (data, model, interaction between both)
  • be able to properly define the use case and requirements/required behaviours for a DT
  • be able to make a proper selection of the involved modelling, sensing, computing, estimator, ... elements in view of the defined use case

Previous knowledge

The student has sufficient background in:

  • the basics of system theory
  • the basics/notions of common numerical modelling/simulation approaches
  • the basics of scientific programming (matlab/python)
  • the basics of signal processing


Digital Twin (B-KUL-B551A9)

6 ECTS : Lecture 60 First termFirst term


1. Definition of / introduction to digital twins

  • 1.1 Introduction: History of digital twins (DT) – what are DT
  • 1.2 Definition of the architectural components of a digital twin:
    • 1.2.1 The virtual system
    • 1.2.2 The physical system
    • 1.2.3 Data streams and sensors
    • 1.2.4 The data management part: keeping consistency between real and virtual twin
    • 1.2.5 The interface with the human
    • 1.2.6 How to build up a DT – how to select the appropriate building blocks
  • 1.3 What is the added value of a DT for a given application and use case
    • 1.3.1 Automatic interaction with the real asset in e.g. direct control
    • 1.3.2 Interaction via a Human operator/design getting information from the DT
  • 1.4 Industrially relevant Use Cases presentation – ideally covering machine, factory and operations


2. Building blocks of a digital twin

  • 2.1 The virtual system
    • 2.1.1 Overview of modelling techniques, i.e., white/grey/black box modelling, multi-body, CAD, multi-physics, surrogate models (e.g. stochastic approaches (PCE, Kriging, ...), kinematics/dynamics, ...
    • 2.1.2 How to integrate/couple selected (sub)-models in a simulation environment? Definition of proper inputs, outputs & internal data-streams for the different sub-models that constitute the DM. – incl. model nesting
    • 2.1.3 Notions of MOR
  • 2.2 The physical system – capturing data from the real asset
    • 2.2.1 Sensor selection and positioning
    • 2.2.2 Signal processing
    • 2.2.3 Communication and IT architecture
    • 2.2.4 Data quality, data quality propagation
    • 2.2.5 Limitations and difficulties in an industrial practice
    • 2.2.6 Basic notions on Cybersecurity – relation to edge/cloud
  • 2.3 Coupling real and virtual assets together – creating the Digital Twin
    • 2.3.1 How to couple the digital model to real time sensor data – estimation, filtering, real-time/online/offline, time-stepping
    • 2.3.2 Where to allocate which computing power (edge, cloud) – including basic notions on execution platforms, co-simulation, etc.
    • 2.3.3 Concepts of observability and sensor location optimization
    • 2.3.4 Parameter identification/updating
    • 2.3.5 Data analytics
  • 2.4 How to validate and use a digital twin
    • 2.4.1 Validation of twins for correct operation
    • 2.4.2 Validation of twins in fault conditions link to failure mode lectures in Monitoring & Prognostics
    • 2.4.3 Robustness of DT:
      • - How to deal with missing data? Impact on reliability?
      • - Forward UQ (sampling, reliability methods)
      • - Inverse UQ (PI, ML) - getting the required information
    • 2.4.4 Illustrative (academic) Use Cases


3. Creating added value with the digital twin – selected use case presentations

A well identified selection of illustrative use cases with clear links to Module 2 building blocks making sure different technologies are highlighted.

Possible scenarios to be considered: Digital Twins for

  • sensing
  • control
  • monitoring
  • decision making
  • maintenance support
  • business
  • operator/designer/human support
  • for those application cases where the DT interacts via a Human with the real asset: DT interfacing (dashboarding, AR, …): how to visualize/interact with the operator/designer/human?

Course material

The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).


Evaluation: Digital Twin (B-KUL-B79473)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Take-Home

ECTS Operations Management Strategies (B-KUL-B3078H)

6 ECTS English 60 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


At the end of this course, the student will be familiar with the basic concepts underlying operations management strategies and understand how smart technology can support and improve these strategies. The student will be able to assess the feasibility of smart technology for specific situations and to support strategic system decision-making. In addition, students will also learn how the implementation of smart operation management strategies can enhance operation efficiency and reduce the operation cost.  

Previous knowledge

No specific previous knowledge required, a general engineering background is sufficient.

Identical courses

B3079L: Operations Management Strategies


Operations Management Strategies (B-KUL-B551AA)

6 ECTS : Lecture 60 Both termsBoth terms


What are “operations management strategies”?

Operations Management Strategies are defined, and their components and drivers, … in a contemporary business context, are described.

  • Operations management strategies: Link with business strategy. Operations Management decision making: strategic, tactical & operational level
  • Business context: impact of external (products, processes, customers, …) and internal (level of “smart” maturity, change management & organizational culture, … ) content. Organization structure: centralized, decentralized, hybrid, outsourcing?
  • Link between maintenance and production strategies, asset management: ISO 55000, product service systems (PSS)
  • Special attention is given to existing new and emergent technologies and their potential value for strategy support.


In order to fully understand the opportunities and challenges of smart maintenance strategies, first, a discussion of different types of maintenance intervention is made, followed by an introduction to maintenance strategy development concepts.

  • Types of maintenance interventions: reactive, preventive, predictive, prognostic, prescriptive, opportunistic, design-out (proactive), ... : definitions, supporting technology, examples, critical reflection
  • Strategies: life cycle costing/total cost of ownership considerations (LCC/TCO), total productive maintenance (TPM), FMEA/FMECA, reliability-centered maintenance (RCM, RCM 2, RCM 4.0, …), other concepts (e.g., value-driven maintenance (VDM))
  • Special attention again to the impact/role of (smart) technology, which either brings a new dimension to old concepts or opens new opportunities (e.g. analysis through data mining, use of artificial intelligence for prescriptive maintenance)


In order to fully understand opportunities and challenges of smart production strategies a walk through different production management strategies is made.

  • Job Planning and Scheduling (Transportation Model, Assignment Model, Sequencing Models, etc.).
  • The strategic role of forecasting in estimating production demand.
  • Lean, Lean 4.0, Link between total quality management (TQM) and production, Process Quality Control, Six Sigma.
  • Manufacturing System Dynamics and Queuing.
  • Special attention again to the impact/role of (smart) technology, which either brings a new dimension to old concepts (e.g., lean, use of artificial intelligence for production optimization) or opens new opportunities.

Course material

The basic course material consists of the powerpoints used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material (for the interactive discussions) and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

Language of instruction: more information

The course aims at an international student audience

Format: more information

Asynchronous online learning - Group assignment - Individual assignment - Paper - Presentation

The main format for this course consists of traditional, interactive lectures, complemented with guest lectures.

For this course a blended learning approach is offered. Besides traditional lectures and guest lectures from practitioners (either live, on-line synchronous or on-line asynchronous with class recordings), interactive paper discussions (e.g. academic papers, white papers from renowned organizations, professional journal contributions), assignments and team case discussions will be included.


Evaluation: Operations Management Strategies (B-KUL-B79474)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer


30 % for the compulsory(!)  assignments

70 % for the final exam

Information about retaking exams

In case the student has to retake the exam,

In case of failure in the assignment (if the total score including all assignments < 50%):

  • If failed for the assignments: alternative assignments will be given
  • If passed for the assignments, the points remain

The evaluation will be 70 % based on the final exam and 30% on an assignment. 

    ECTS Smart Factory Design (B-KUL-B3078K)

    6 ECTS English 60 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After successful completion of this course, a student will

    • master the concepts and elements of Smart Factory Design
    • have insights in the design process
    • be able to make conceptual system decisions
    • be able to model and elaborate a Smart Factory Design (not hardware)

    Previous knowledge



    Smart Factory Design (B-KUL-B551AC)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 60 Second termSecond term


    • "Smart Factory" Introduction
      • Smart Factory Paradigm
      • Smart Factory Design
      • Driving forces towards “Smart”
      • Enabling technologies for “Smart”
      • Smart FactoryDesign Principles
    • Factory Planning & Design
      • Facility layout basics
      • Systematic layout planning
      • Layout design algorithms
      • ​Exercises
    • Digital Tools for Factory Planning & Design
      • Digital Twin driven Factory Design
      • Virtual Commissioning
      • ​Towards a Digital Twin
    • Enabling Technologies
      • AMR/AGV
      • Robotics
      • Simulation/emulation exercises
    • Control Architectures
      • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
      • MOM software landscape
      • How to select an adequate solution?
      • Industrial standards & software integration
      • MES 4.0
    • Human-Centered
    • Digital Twin for Production and Logistics

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Laboratory session - Project work


    Evaluation: Smart Factory Design (B-KUL-B79476)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions


    Final score (/20) = C1 x P1 + C2 x P2

    Cx are the weight factors and Px the scores (/20)

    P1: written exam on theory 
    P2: workshop participation and assignment report/presentation
    C1 = 60%, C2 = 40%

    Information about retaking exams

    Written exam to redetermine the P1 score (analogue to first examination period).  Half of the P2 score is transferred to the second examination period. The other half will be determined by a practical exercise related to the project.

    ECTS Managing Innovation and Transformation (B-KUL-B3079C)

    6 ECTS English 60 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Henkens Bieke (coordinator) |  Henkens Bieke |  Rosseel Peter


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:

    - understand different perspectives on managing (technological) innovation
    - apply key principles of different perspectives on managing (technological) innovation on real-life cases
    - critically reflect upon one's own stance vis-à-vis managing (technological) innovation
    - have insight into the difference between change and transformation, and its impact on a company/organisation
    - be able to cultivate a transformational mindset
    - be able to operate in a transformational setting (such as Industry 4.0)
    - be able to lead/initiate, implement and manage change, on a personal, team and organisational level
    - be able to deal with the risks that transformational processes entail
    - be able to deal with resistance

    Previous knowledge

    No specific previous knowledge required

    Is included in these courses of study


    Industrial Testimonials (B-KUL-B551CM)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


    The OLA “industrial testimonials” is taught entirely by guest lecturers from companies, who offer their in-house insights to the students of this programme. There are cross-references with the (core) OLA “managing innovation & transformation”.

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Guest lecture

    Managing Innovation and Transformation (B-KUL-B551CN)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 First termFirst term


    This OLA consists of 2 big parts (each divided in a more theoretical part and an application/critical reflection part)

    1) Innovation management & transformation from a process perspective:

    • Key drivers for successfully managing (technological) innovation
    • Perspectives on managing innovation/transformation (traditional perspective and design thinking perspective, incl. workshop)

    2) Innovation management & transformation from a human perspective:

    • Leadership, strategy/(cultural) change, learning
    • Integration of these aspects into a holistic view

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Discussion - Group assignment


    Evaluation: Managing Innovation and Transformation (B-KUL-B79951)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Participation during contact hours

    ECTS Master's Thesis (B-KUL-B3079D)

    18 ECTS English 0 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
    Kundu Pradeep (coordinator) |  N.


    The student
    … has initiated an original research project (original in the sense that the student has generated (partly) new knowledge) .
    ... has acquired state of the art knowledge on the subject of the research project.
    ... formulates a correct and clear problem statement.
    ... is up to date with recent findings in the area of the subject of the research project and can assess their relevance for the solution of the problem
    ... designs a research plan, using the best available techniques (based on information found in scientific literature).… analyses and interprets the results obtained.
    … has a critical attitude in the interpretation of the results obtained.
    … takes into account the need for optimisation  (context and boundary conditions) and the existence of uncertainties.
    … can outline the results of the project in a coherent, correct and clear way using a correct scientific language and a clear lay-out of the text, citations, tables and figures meeting all formal requirements….
    … has a fair academic attitude towards referencing sources.
    … brings the project to a close in a set of conclusions situating the results obtain in the state of the art context
    … can present the results of the project, taking into consideration important presentation skills such as the outline of the scientific context, a coherent structured presentation, correct language, respect for timing.
    … can answer in a scientific correct language to questions from both fellow students and researchers.… assumes a critical, reflective learning attitude, committed  to the project, independent and if appropriate a good team player.
    … can reflect on the added value of the research project

    Previous knowledge

    The skills & knowledge acquired in the initial master

    Is included in these courses of study


    Master's Thesis (B-KUL-B551CO)

    18 ECTS : Master's thesis 0 Both termsBoth terms


    The master’s thesis is the final and completing work of the master's program and focuses on the concrete realisation of innovation concerning a technological solution. In the context of the master’s thesis, the term innovation should be understood as the establishment of a new (or innovative) product, process or service or the application of an optimisation process to an existing product, process or service. “New” or “innovative” is to be interpreted here as “new” or “innovative” for the student. The required knowledge should clearly exceed the knowledge considered as already being acquired during the curriculum.

    In principle, each student is assigned a different topic for the master’s thesis. Every Master thesis is supervised by a promoter belonging to FIIW or FirW (KU Leuven) or FEA (Ghent University). An additional promoter or co-promoter of an external organisation, or a thesis related research group may be included.

    Possible thesis topics are proposed by the industry (preferably), by internal research groups linked to the Engineering Faculties, by external research, by lecturers/professors or by the student. There are also possibilities to conduct the master’s thesis abroad. Each topic presented must be approved by the campus-related research unit. For the student, the selection process of the subject and/or promoter is initiated during the academic year preceding the master’s thesis.

    After having successfully completed the assignment, the student must scientifically describe the result of the thesis and orally defend it before a jury of at least three persons: the promotor(s), the daily guide and one or more assessors.

    Course material



    Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-B79952)

    Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written


    The master’s thesis is evaluated by a jury of at least three persons: the promotor(s), the daily guide and one or more assessors, on the basis of three aspects: the process (40%), the final text (30%) and the presentation and oral discussion (30%).

    • Process

    Process (work ethic): approach, planning, commitment, initiative, communication, professional attitude, etc.

    Process (methodology & results): quality of the end result, personal contribution, methodology, etc.

    • The final text:

    Paper and scientific summary (form): structure, language, style, etc.

    Paper and scientific summary (content & product): quality of delivered work, scientific accuracy, personal input, critical analysis.

    • Presentation and oral examination

    Presentation and defense (form): slide configuration, language, attitude, time management, etc.

    Presentation and defense (content & product): completeness, quality of the work proposed, of the defense, and of the proficiency in answering questions, etc.


    A result of less than 8/20 in any of the three aspects (process, thesis & scientific summary, and presentation & defense) always results in an insufficient grade for the entire master’s thesis. The final grade for the master’s thesis shall, in this case, not exceed 9/20.

    The final grade of the master’s thesis is to be written in the form of one decimal place, except for results between 9.0/20 and 10.0/20. If the calculated final mark for the dissertation falls between these two values, the final grade is set at 9.0 and justified in writing unless the jury, based upon its deliberations, decides the student can pass the Master thesis. In such a situation the final grade is set to 10.0/20.

    Failure to submit the thesis or failing to show up for its presentation and defense results in the result NA for the master’s thesis.

    Component marks of at least 10/20 published in the academic progress file are transferred to the next examination period within the same academic year and to the following academic years, except for temporary marks and marks for intermittent tests.

    Information about retaking exams

    The evaluation process is similar to that of the first examination opportunity. If a student does not pass the initial exam, additional work that the student must complete will be specified.

    Additionally, the revised thesis will be reevaluated, and the student will participate in the final defense in EP3. During the retake, the score from the initial evaluation will be reviewed on a student-by-student basis.

    ECTS Digital Twins Deployment in the Manufacturing Industry (B-KUL-B3079E)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:

    • be capable of deploying and implementing the elements of a Digital Twin on a real (industrially relevant) system within the manufacturing industry: data acquisition, data processing, modelling, model deployment, estimator, computing hardware, …
    • be able to critically assess the results generated by the Digital Twin and propose improvements
    • be able to present the generated Digital Twin results in an actionable format for decision support

    Previous knowledge

    The student ideally has completed the basic course Digital Twin (6 ECT) and furthermore has sufficient background in

    • the basics of system theory
    • the basics/notions of common numerical modelling/simulation approaches
    • the basics of scientific programming (matlab/python)
    • the basics of signal processing
    • the basics of machine learning

    Order of Enrolment


    B3078GB3078G : Digital Twin

    Is included in these courses of study


    Digital Twins Deployment in the Manufacturing Industry (B-KUL-B551CP)

    4 ECTS : Practical 40 Second termSecond term


    We could define a project timeline throughout the semester with a few intermediate milestones, which they have to present to the student group, each preceded by some ‘more applied’ courses:

    1. Milestone 1 (week 3): Definition of use case, definition of required behaviors of the DT, selection or modelling techniques, definition of DT architecture and sensor selection...

    a. Short repetition of the first module of the main DT course – more applied manner – to refresh the minds.
    b. Overview of the available INFRA systems/data sets/company use cases which the students can choose from.
    c. Result: students report on their findings to each other and to the coaches

    2. Milestone 2 (week 6): Development of the virtual replica

    a. Common feedback collected from phase 1 can be given to the whole group
    b. Typical model workflows (data, physical lumped, discrete event simulation, physical 3D, …) - how to do this in practice.
    c. One-on-one for each group/system -> introduction to models relevant for the selected use case (setup with some models are made available; students to select the right model)
    d. Result: students report on their findings/demonstrate to each other and to the coaches

    3. Milestone 3 (week 9): Development of the digital twin

    a. Common feedback collected from phase 2 can be given to the whole group
    b. Typical workflows on how to create the link between the virtual replica and the real asset - how to do this in practice.
    c. One-on-one for each group/system -> introduction of available sensors, datasets, computing platforms, …
    d. Result: students report on their findings/demonstrate to each other and to the coaches

    4. Milestone 4 (week 12): V&V (use) of the digital twin

    a. Common feedback collected from phase 3 can be given to the whole group
    b. Result: Students present the added-value of their digital twin to each other and to the coaches

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures and available INFRA systems/data sets/company use cases. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Traditional lecture


    Evaluation: Digital Twins Deployment in the Manufacturing Industry (B-KUL-B79953)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation


    Project/Product (50%), Progress (15%), Presentation (20%), Report (15%)

    Information about retaking exams

    Project/Product (50%), Progress (15%), Presentation (20%), Report (15%)

    ECTS Upgradable Design and Retrofitting of Machines (B-KUL-B3079F)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:

    • have a good knowledge about different state-of-the-art technologies for retrofitting of machines
    • be able to assess the required steps for retrofitting a machine given the targets put forward
    • have insights in how to design a machine with the aim to be future proof and upgradable

    Order of Enrolment


    B3078GB3078G : Digital Twin

    Is included in these courses of study


    Upgradable Design and Retrofitting of Machines (B-KUL-B551CQ)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 Second termSecond term


    Course topics:

    • What delta is required towards upgraded machine (this course of other course (broader towards factory?) --> link to M&P course
      • Cost-benefit analysis
    • What sequence of actions typically to follow to limit effort/cost/downtime to reach delta
      • Brownfield installations, system installation in a non-invasive way?  limit downtime and remanufacturing costs/effort
      • Including also DevOps for software when new, extended capabilities come available, execution without disruption. Upgrading the IOT features automatically/ redundancy (not too deep in software aspects)
      • Continuous updating/future updating --> PLM of Digital Twin
    • How to get started – how to deal with limited/missing information – given CAD/CAE information is often lacking - system identification
      • Data-driven modelling/system identification for DT construction (applied, basics in main course) --> link to DT course
    • From design:
      • Adaptive systems design (flexible instead of rigid, machine level)
      • Modular design – upgradable design
    • Drive focus: optimal component selection & dimensioning for drivetrain retrofitting, e.g., from old DC machine to optimal high-end servo, from old single drive with mechanical conversion system to individually actuated multi-drive system with electronic gearing/CAM,
    • Open standards (how to collect data, ...) - open system architecture – easier to upgrade afterwards
      • Industrial Interface protocols and middleware (profibus, modbus, CAN, IO-link)
    • Use cases:
      • Given an old machine, which components would you replace, where would you add which sensors, to upgrade this asset into a smart machine with limited cost/impact but maximum smartness?
      • Guest speakers (VINTIV, VersaSense, Flanders Make)

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).


    Evaluation: Upgradable Design and Retrofitting of Machines (B-KUL-B79954)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report


    For this course, the students will need to make a case study where several topics in the course are used to come to a full solution.  Students will present this solution in a report and in a presentation which will be judged according to:

    • Content
    • Form
    • Presentation

    The points will be given on the report (80%) and the presentation (20%).

    Information about retaking exams

    The student is able to work further on the case study.  He will be able to improve his report and presentation.  A moment for a presentation will be made. 

    ECTS Smart Sensing Technologies (B-KUL-B3079G)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:

    • Understand the working principles and limitations of advanced sensing technologies in mechatronics
    • Develop sensor processing and fusion methods using state-of-the-art techniques
    • Make use of and deploy smart sensing systems to maximize the value for a particular application

    Order of Enrolment


    B3078GB3078G : Digital Twin

    Is included in these courses of study


    Smart Sensing Technologies (B-KUL-B551CR)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 Second termSecond term


    0. Introduction

    •  Definition of smart sensing

    1. Innovative sensor-technology (full field sensors, sensor networks, ...)

    Do we look into the design of the physical sensor at such: yes, but only regarding what can we   expect as output and what are features needed to operate the sensor in a Smart environment

    • Sensor networks (wired/wireless, 5G, …)
    • Full field techniques (DIC, camera)
    • Linking with existing system sensing platforms (e.g. Kistler in injection moulding systems) focus on specific sensor for manufacturing
    • Sensor technology (e.g. MEMS)
    • Microcontroller architectures/embedded controllers – notions on available technologies
    • Power supply functions (energy harvesting, EMI) - innovative powering of sensors


    2. Augmenting/improving/enriching sensor data/information // smart exploitation of sensor data

    • Self-adapting sensor/smart sensors
    • (Model selection for) deployment in state-estimation/sensor fusion
    • Extension from state- to input-/state- and parameter-estimation
    • Sensor fusion (multi-source sensors)
    • Virtual sensing & case studies (electrical machine as a sensor, drive as a sensor, vehicle state estimation, …)
    • Handling of large data streams
    • Machine learning in view of smart sensing


    3. Optimal use of smart sensors: how to select, deploy, …  both smart, innovative sensors and traditional sensors

    • Automatic data pre-processing (filtering, feature extraction - without interpretation (e.g. images), removing conflicting data, redundancy, …)
    • (Automatic) calibration
    • Sensor selection and placement
    • (Manual) (virtual) sensor tuning
    • Edge versus cloud
    • Validation of the smart sensing system

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).


    Evaluation: Smart Sensing Technologies (B-KUL-B79955)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral

    ECTS Safe and Secure System Integration (B-KUL-B3079H)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Pissoort Davy (coordinator) |  Boydens Jeroen |  Pissoort Davy |  Deneut Tijl (cooperator) |  Naessens Vincent (cooperator)


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:

    • have an overview of state-of-the-art safety and security assurance techniques
    • understand how to identify and analyze possible safety and security risks
    • have insights in techniques and measures to increase the overall safety and security of a smart factory
    • be able to apply these concepts on an industry relevant use case

    Order of Enrolment


    B3078KB3078K : Smart Factory Design

    Is included in these courses of study


    Safe and Secure System Integration (B-KUL-B551CS)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 Second termSecond term
    Boydens Jeroen |  Pissoort Davy |  Deneut Tijl (cooperator) |  Naessens Vincent (cooperator)


    Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing  
    o        See "famous" paper of A. Avizienis & J.C. Laprie 
    o        Main definitions relating to dependability, a generic concept including as special case such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, integrity, maintainability, etc.  
    o        What do the following terms mean? Dependability, security, trust, faults, errors, failures, vulnerabilities, attacks, fault tolerance, fault removal, fault forecasting.  

    EU CE Marking 

    Safety by Design
    o        Introduction to System Safety 
    o        Safety concepts and lifecycle 
    o        Hazard and Risk Identification and Analysis (incl. Systems Thinking and Systems View based methods) 
    o        Risk Reduction 
    o        Safety Integrity 
    o        Safety Cases 
    o        Safety-Critical Software 
    o        Safety Standards 
    o        Safety I vs Safety II : Resilience 

    Security by Design
    o        Cyber attacks and mitigation strategies 
         §     Prevention 
         §     Detection + action plans 
    o        Security technologies for ICS environments 
         §     Network/communication oriented technology
              - ICS network security (o.a. firewalls, zoning, intrusion prevention / detection…) 
              - Secure communication technologies (oa. intro in crypto, security in ICS communication protocols…) 
         §     System oriented security technology 
              - Security monitoring: system hardening, virus scanners, access policies, BYOD mgmt … 
              - IoT/gateway/cloud security 
    o        Basics in system administration (operational challenges) 

    Resilience by Design
    o        Resilient Software 
         §     Recover from bitflips 
         §     Hot-standby 
         §     .. 
    o        Resilient hardware 
         §     Voting 
         §     Spatial/temporal/.. diversity 
         §     … 

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Computer session - Practice session - Project work


    Evaluation: Safe and Secure System Integration (B-KUL-B79956)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material


    Assignment: 25%

    Theoretical exam: 75%

    Information about retaking exams

    A second examination opportunity is available for the theoretical exam. The points from the assignments will be retained.

    ECTS Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (B-KUL-B3079I)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:

    - have an overview of state-of-the-art robotic components and their capabilities
    - understand the role of these components in a MES
    - understand how MES can be made (more) reconfigurable with these components
    - are able to apply these concepts on an industry relevant use case

    Order of Enrolment


    B3078KB3078K : Smart Factory Design

    Is included in these courses of study


    Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (B-KUL-B551CT)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 Second termSecond term


    - cobots versus robots: differences and complementarities, standards, typical use cases

    - tooling and fixture: gripper principles and overview, gripper selection

    - navigation (mobile robots): tracking, localisation and map building

    - manipulation (arms): velocity and force control, grasp planning and execution; coordination arm-gripper motions

    - coordination: fleet control of AMR’s, dual-arm tasks, mobile manipulators

    - manufacturing execution systems: reconfigurability concept and architectures, leveraging on flexible automation capabilities  

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).


    Format: more information

    Laboratory session - Practice session


    Evaluation: Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (B-KUL-B79957)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions


    Final score (/20) = C1 x P1 + C2 x P2

    Cx are the weight factors and Px the scores (/20)

    P1: oral exam on theory 
    P2: participation in hands-on experience sessions
    C1 = 60%, C2 = 40%

    Information about retaking exams

    Oral exam to redetermine the P1 score (analogue to first examination period).  Half of the P2 score is transferred to the second examination period. The other half will be determined by a practical exercise related to the hands-on experience sessions.

    ECTS Human-centered Manufacturing (B-KUL-B3079J)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:

    • Have insights in the shifting role of humans in smart factories and the related challenges and opportunities
    • Have knowledge on methodologies and technologies to assess, enhance and sustain human-centered manufacturing, considering factors like ergonomics, cognitive load, productivity and acceptance
    • Be able to apply that knowledge on an industrial case study

    Order of Enrolment


    B3079LB3079L : Operations Management Strategies
    B3078HB3078H : Operations Management Strategies

    Is included in these courses of study


    Human-centered Manufacturing (B-KUL-B551CU)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 Second termSecond term


    1) Introduction to Human-Centered Manufacturing

    • The human role in smart operations & maintenance
      • Operator 4.0 | Industry 5.0 | ..  
    • Human-centered design principles
    • Human-machine interaction
    • Human augmentation
    • Re- and upskilling challenges

    2) Human factors: evaluation measures and methods

    • Ergonomics | Cognitive load | Technology acceptance | Worker satisfaction | ..
    • The dynamics of learning and forgetting
    • Evaluation: expert-based vs. data-driven
    • Time and method studies

    3) Enabling technologies

    • Off-the-job and on-the-job training and guidance
      • Digital work instruction platforms
      • Remote maintenance applications
      • VR training
      • Industrial social network and knowledge sharing concepts
      • Context-aware functionality: e.g. filtering instructions, proactive smart assistant
    • Capability monitoring and management
      • Learning management systems
      • Skills & competency matrix tools
    • Human-robot collaboration
      • Cobots
      • Exoskeletons
      • Mobile robots
    • The adaptive workplace
      • Load balancing
      • Personal reconfiguration (e.g. table height, work content, etc.)
      • Workplace lay-out
    • Decision support by intelligent systems (not only for operators, also production/operations managers, schedulers, etc.)

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Guest lecture - Practice session - Project work


    Evaluation: Human-centered Manufacturing (B-KUL-B79958)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions


    Final score (/20) = C1 x P1 + C2 x P2

    Cx are the weight factors and Px the scores (/20)

    P1: written exam on theory 
    P2: assignment participation and project report/presentation
    C1 = 40%, C2 = 60%

    Information about retaking exams

    Written exam to redetermine the P1 score (analogue to first examination period).  Half of the P2 score is transferred to the second examination period. The other half will be determined by a practical exercise related to the project.

    ECTS Decision Support for Maintenance Logistics (B-KUL-B3079K)

    4 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Claeys Dieter (coordinator) |  Claeys Dieter |  Kundu Pradeep


    After successful completion of this course, a student will:


    • understand models for maintenance strategy optimisation and deployment
    • be able to apply these models
    • have insights in the data-driven character of the modelling approaches

    Order of Enrolment


    B3079LB3079L : Operations Management Strategies
    B3078HB3078H : Operations Management Strategies

    Is included in these courses of study


    Decision Support for Maintenance Logistics (B-KUL-B551CV)

    4 ECTS : Lecture 40 Second termSecond term


    This course discusses some advanced methods and approaches for decision-making support on maintenance activities and their related processes such as staffing and spare parts management. Focus is on the tactical level.

    - Reliability and maintenance modeling
    - Fitting probability distributions to data, use of data mining
    - Maintenance decision models and optimization
    - Human resources capacity planning
    - Spare parts management
    - Operational aspects: remote maintenance, scheduling, ...

    Various models will be presented in the course. The main goal is to understand the applicability and shortcomings of the models and being able to apply them.

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

    Format: more information

    Computer session - Guest lecture - Practice session


    Evaluation: Decision Support for Maintenance Logistics (B-KUL-B79959)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Report


    30 % for the compulsory (!) assignments; no submission of the assignments = 0 for the exam as well

    70% for the final exam

    Information about retaking exams

    in case of failure (total score < 50%):

    • If failed for the assignments: alternative assignments will be given
    • If passed for the assignments: the points remain

    ECTS Monitoring & Prognostics (B-KUL-B3079M)

    6 ECTS English 60 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    Based on a failure mode and criticality assessment, students will be able to select a proper monitoring approach, and bring into practice this approach by capturing the necessary data and doing the necessary data analysis (including detection).

    Previous knowledge

    The student has sufficient background in:

    - the basics of sensing and signal processing
    - the basics of vibration theory
    - the basic notions on key machine elements and electric machines

    Identical courses

    B3078J: Monitoring & Prognostics


    Monitoring & Prognostics (B-KUL-B551CX)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 60 First termFirst term


    1) Introduction (present challenges, history of CM, possible monitoring techniques)

    - The role of condition monitoring and prognostics in a maintenance & operations framework: for machines, processes and production + maintenance strategies, RUL, terminology

    - Motivating case studies: could be used throughout the course (machine/process/production) Real cases - degradation tests, possible use of test rigs

    •           Importance of Condition monitoring (Measurements, Aims, Life concepts in monitoring, Failure rates)

    •           Failure modes & criticality (Machine failures fault tree analysis)

    •           Phases of Condition Monitoring (Fault detection/Fault diagnosis/fault prognosis)

    •           Maintenance Strategies: no decision making here, focus on CM & Progn.

    •           Permanent vs intermittent monitoring

    •           Condition Monitoring Methods (Vibration Analysis, Oil/lubricant Analysis, Performance Analysis, Thermography, Electric Current Analysis, Ultrasonics, Acoustic Emissions, Instantaneous speed analysis)

    •           Physical Quantities (vibration, current, voltage, speed)

    •           Types and Benefits of Vibration Analysis (Benefits compared with other methods, International Standards and Guidelines)

    •           Types and Benefits of Motor Current Signature Analysis, International Standards and Guidelines


    2) Physical signatures of faults in mechatronic systems (typical faults, possible standards)

    Machine faults / dynamic models for motors, gearboxes, pumps, … how does the fault occurs / generation of physical signatures

    Bearings /Gears / transmissions / Motor / loads / pumps/airfans / Belts, couplings, misalignment/unbalance


    3) Sensors & data acquisition (sensors, data, communication)

    Sensors (Vibration Transducers, Torsional Transducers, Current Transducers, Voltage Transducers ), Characteristics of each sensor (bandwidth, ranges,..)

    data types, DAQ, communication (networks) from an architectural point of view

    sensor specs wrt application needs


    4) Data processing (signals)

    Signal class, toolchain,…


    5) Diagnostics, with feature extraction and reduction

                Output is/are the features

    • Vibration analysis
    • Electric signal analysis
    • Image based, object recognition, motion


    6) Prognostics

    Course material

    The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).


    Evaluation: Monitoring & Prognostics (B-KUL-B79961)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Project/Product