Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al)

CQ Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al)


This  programme offers you the opportunity to gain unique work experience through innovative projects. It also allows you to focus on your own interests and the skills you want to develop. You will develop your entrepreneurial, management and innovation skills, and further specialise in a particular area. This programme will enhance your profile and career opportunities. 

What can you find on this webpage?

Our (future) students can find information about the programme, admission requirements, objectives and evaluation. 

All other information with regard to the study programme can be found at the website of the Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations.



Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al)


For the postgraduate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in engineering - Foundations track (and corresponding innovation project), four categories of learning outcomes have been defined. These four main learning outcomes can be filled in by a number of sub-learning outcomes, of which the choice depends on the innovation project. The possible sub-learning outcomes can be found below.

Entrepreneurial skills  
Spotting opportunities  
Showing motivation & perseverance  
Taking the initiative   
Valuing ideas   
Following up on planning & management  
Basic financial & economic literacy insights  
Holistic vision of the project in the company  

Innovation achievement  
Ethical & sustainable thinking  
Showing creativity  
Strategic thinking (vision for the future)  
Managing resources  
Systems thinking
Personal development  
Showing self-awareness & self-efficacy  
Coping with ambiguity, uncertainty & risk  
Learning through experience  
Lifelong learning
Communication and cooperation  
Working with others  
Enthusing others  
Communicating adequately  
Meeting and negotiating adequately  

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level


Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?

SC Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al)



ECTS Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (B-KUL-PRCSEN)

6 ECTS English 42 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Petegem Wim (coordinator) |  Van Petegem Wim


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a proficiency in team-building, leadership, and service in the context of cross-cultural engineering teams.
  • Construct creative solutions to engineering issues incorporating cultural differences among team members and external stakeholders.
  • Critically analyze personal and team-member competencies and biases.
  • Formulate and apply strategies to improve engineering team dynamics.
  • Provide effective feedback, recognition, motivation, and corrective guidance for international/intercultural team members.
  • Evaluate strategies for the diffusion of ideas within international and cross-cultural markets.
  • Examine moral, ethical, and legal dilemmas in cross-cultural engineering environments.

Previous knowledge

No specific prior knowledge required.

Is included in these courses of study


Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (B-KUL-prcsen)

6 ECTS : Practical 42 First termFirst term


This course focuses on the primary knowledge areas and essential competencies required for successful engineers to live and work in today’s global marketplace. The course will examine individual and cultural differences and how they impact communication and team dynamics. These topics are central to international and multicultural engineering teams. Students that complete the course will be able to understand sources of conflict that can arise in multicultural teams and effectively use the tools and resources learned in class to manage individual and team motivation and minimize or effectively deal with conflict, while harvesting the benefits of diversity as they work on a real world virtual team project, producing effective solutions to challenging engineering problems.

Course material

  • Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010) Cultures and Organizations, Software of the Mind, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 9780071664189
  • ‘Introduction to Conflict and Teams’, booklet by Thomas and Thomas (2007). 

Language of instruction: more information

This course is taught in English, together with instructors and students from Penn State University.

Format: more information

Blended learning - Flipped classroom - Group assignment - Presentation - Project work

A mix of different formats is used. This will be explained in the first lecture, and supported by the learning environment kindly offered by Penn State University.


Evaluation: Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (B-KUL-T71455)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The evaluation is based on different assignments students have to submit during the course, i.e. journal entries, quizzes, individual assignments, individual news presentations, individual discussion leads, individual participation in class discussions, and team project work. Details are given in the learning environment of Penn State University. 

Information about retaking exams

All (individual and team) assignments are to be reconsidered: the student has to make an appointment with the course instructor on each aspect of the evaluation.

ECTS Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources (B-KUL-STLEHU)

3 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


Learning outcomes

  • to take responsibility in reaching targets
  • to learn to do optimal decision-making
  • to develop a vision and strategy for a product (USP)
  • to search opportunities in an active way
  • to apply change management


  • to reflect a critical attitude towards the knowledge and the importance of strategy and leadership in solving both business and technology related problems.
  • to develop knowledge on the process of developing and tailoring strategy to various company situations.
  • to identify managerial keys for successful execution of the chosen strategy with the right leadership in different company situations.
  • to have insight in the strategic role of HRM in a company.
  • to acquire competencies in the most important HR components: job analysis, recruitment & selection, training & development, performance evaluation, compensation & benefits.     

Previous knowledge

No prerequisites are required.

Is included in these courses of study


Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources: Lectures (B-KUL-hSTLEH)

2 ECTS : Lecture 18 First termFirst term


The strategy part of the course gives an introduction and overview about strategy. The required concepts and analytical tools will be explained for evaluating a given company situation. Finally the methodology of designing and executing strategy will be explained.

The leadership part of the course gives an introduction and overview about leadership. Emphasis is given in developing new perspectives and strategies in bringing health, creativity and energy that suit contemporary organizations and technologies. Topics include:  Development of leaders (knowing, doing and being), leadership in a globalizing world, leading for innovation.

The HRM part of the course starts with the strategic role of Human Resource Management. On top of that, the most important components of HRM will be explained: recruitment & placement, training & development, appraising & managing performance, compensation & benefits.

Course material

Class notes.
Slides of professors will be available on Toledo.

Language of instruction: more information

Lectures are presented in English.

Format: more information

Lectures by presentations.

Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources: Workshops (B-KUL-wSTLEH)

1 ECTS : Field trip 18 First termFirst term


The seminars on strategy, leadership and HRM focus on the mentioned topics by inviting company leaders to give guest lectures and through assignments on leadership role play game/researching a given strategy and leadership role of a particular organization.

A company visit and guest lecture about HRM will also be foreseen.

Course material

Slides of guest speakers will be available on Toledo.

Language of instruction: more information

Lectures are presented in English.

Format: more information

- Company visits, guest lectures.
- Exercises (cases), role plays based on the theory.


Evaluation: Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources (B-KUL-T71298)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Learning material : None


First exam period:
- Written examination, closed book, no calculator/translator.
- 80% of the points for this course are based on the exam.
- 20% of the points are based on assignments and permanent evaluation during the semester.

Third exam period:
- Identical to the evaluation of the first exam period. Yet 20% of the points, based on assignments and permanent evaluation, will be automatically transferred.

When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lessons and/or made available on the Toledo pages of the course.

Information about retaking exams

Identical to the evaluation of the first exam period. Yet 20% of the points, based on assignments and permanent evaluation, will be automatically transferred.

ECTS Cases in innovatiemanagement (B-KUL-T01A0A)

3 studiepunten Nederlands 24 Tweede semesterTweede semester Uitgesloten voor examencontract
Van Looy Bart (coördinator) |  Van Looy Bart |  Wauters Dirk



  • Ondernemende vaardigheden
  • Innovatie realiseren
  • Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
  • Communiceren en samenwerken


  • Studenten de praktische aspecten van het opzetten, managen en uitvoeren van het innovatieproces laten ontdekken
  • Studenten zicht geven op de diversiteit en complexiteit van de uitdagingen en problemen in het managen van innovatie binnen verschillende industriële sectoren
  • Het ontwikkelen van een conceptueel kader om het innovatiepotentieel van een bedrijf of afdeling te herkennen en evalueren
  • Inzicht ontwikkelen in de competenties die nodig zijn om effectief als manager of betrokken ingenieur te werken binnen het innovatieproces
  • Ervaring ontwikkelen in de definitie en oplossing van problemen in technologische innovatie en intrapreneurship


Geen bijzondere voorkennis vereist. Dit opleidingsonderdeel sluit goed aan op het opleidingsonderdeel ‘Ondernemerschap en Innovatie'.

Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod


Cases in innovatiemanagement (B-KUL-T01A0a)

3 studiepunten : College 24 Tweede semesterTweede semester


Tijdens 12 sessies worden de verschillende stappen binnen het innovatieproces besproken aan de hand van échte cases uit het bedrijfsleven. Elke case is geselecteerd volgens drie criteria. De case:

  • is een aangetoonde innovatie, bij voorkeur gebaseerd op lokaal ontwikkelde technologie;
  • is representatief voor verschillende industrieën;
  • focust op een of meerdere stappen uit het innovatieproces.

Elke case wordt gepresenteerd door, of in samenwerking met, topmanagers uit uiteenlopende sectoren.

Toelichting werkvorm

Groepsopdracht - Paper - Presentatie

Interactief hoorcollege met mogelijkheid tot vragen

12 sessies van 2 uur, met daarin telkens:

  • Een introductie tot het topic
  • Een bespreking van een case
  • Een presentatie van een gastspreker
  • Een discussie

Tijdens en na elke sessie wordt studenten de mogelijkheid geboden om in een informele setting vragen te stellen aan de gastsprekers en professoren.

Groepspaper en -presentatie
Samen met een kleine groep studenten wordt een paper en presentatie uitgewerkt rondom een van de volgende drie topics:

  • Analyseer een specifieke innovatiecase in een bedrijf
  • Analyseer het innovatieproces in een bedrijf
  • Ontwikkel een nieuw product/business idee


Evaluatie: Cases in innovatiemanagement (B-KUL-T21A0a)

Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Paper/Werkstuk, Presentatie, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Medewerking tijdens contactmomenten


De evaluatie van dit opleidingsonderdeel gebeurt via een geïntegreerde evaluatie van:

  • 30% Aanwezigheid en actieve medewerking tijdens de sessies en opdrachten
  • 55% Team Paper
  • 15% Paper Presentatie

Interdisciplinaire teams kunnen extra punten krijgen. Studenten dienen minimaal 10 sessies aanwezig te zijn. Voor sommige sessies geldt een verplichte aanwezigheid (zie Toledo).

Toelichting bij herkansen

2e examenkans via een vervangende individuele opdracht.

ECTS Innovation Project - Foundations (B-KUL-T5ZIN2)

20 ECTS English 0 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Van Petegem Wim (coordinator) |  Van Petegem Wim



  • Entrepreneurial skills
  • Innovation achievement
  • Personal development
  • Communication and co-operation

You can find more information on the website.

Previous knowledge

No specific prior knowledge is required.

Identical courses

T5ZIN1: Innovatieproject - foundations

Is included in these courses of study


Innovation Project – Foundations (B-KUL-T5tIN2)

20 ECTS : Internship 0 Both termsBoth terms


As an engineer, you bring innovation into a technological business context through an innovative business internship.

The engineer is given a specific assignment with the aim of introducing an innovation for the company.

The engineer deals with incremental or radical innovation in the company, which may include:

  • Developing new products, services and processes ('product design and development')
  • Exploring the potential of a technology new to the company
  • Developing a technology new to the company in a 'case study'
  • Devising new applications for an existing product
  • Prototyping and/or testing a technology new to the company

In addition, there is a focus on business-related skills such as project management or preparing and validating a complete business plan/case (including business form, market and feasibility study, risk management, cost-benefit analysis, ...).

It also focuses on following personal professional skills and attitudes such as:

  • Entrepreneurial spirit (intra- and/or entrepreneurship)
  • Ideation & creativity
  • Lifelong learning & self-reflection
  • Communicating within the company and with external stakeholders
  • Developing and managing external relationships (e.g. with suppliers, customers, etc.)

The innovation internships take place not only in large companies, but also in SMEs and start-ups.

. Visit for more information.

Course material

The study material is available on Toledo.

Format: more information

Visit for more information about the options.


Evaluation: Innovation Project - Foundations (B-KUL-B79657)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Portfolio, Process evaluation


Students receive an integral mark. All students are assessed on four categories of learning outcomes, namely:

1. Entrepreneurial skills
2. Innovation achievement
3. Personal development
4. Communication and co-operation

The evaluation weights of the categories depend on the content of the innovation project. This is determined before the start of the project in consultation with coach, mentor and student. It is the student's responsibility to find a suitable internship position, taking into account the criteria of an innovation project, and the opinion of the coach and the coordinator of the programme.

At the end of the project, an evaluation by a jury (of which the coach and mentor are members) takes place. During the final evaluation, the student is evaluated on the basis of a portfolio of (self-selected) objectives and a presentation.

Information about retaking exams

A re-examination of (certain parts of) the innovation project is only possible after written permission of the coach, the mentor and the head of the programme.

ECTS Technovation Hub Academy (B-KUL-T5ZTH2)

6 ECTS English 52 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Petegem Wim (coordinator) |  N. |  Biermans Sam (cooperator)


  • The student develops business & management knowledge and skills.
  • The student is able to design and implement a (bio)technological innovation.
  • The student shows an entrepreneurial spirit and is able to determine an active strategy to steer its own learning development.
  • The student is able to collaborate in a multidisciplinary team and with other stakeholders.

Previous knowledge

No specific prior knowledge is required.

Is included in these courses of study


Technovation Hub Academy (B-KUL-T5pTH2)

6 ECTS : Practical 52 Both termsBoth terms
N. |  Biermans Sam (cooperator)


Topics that are covered are: product design, go-to-market-strategy, intellectual property, accounting and taxation, contract law, networking and sales, project management…


Course material

Students can find the necessary study material on Toledo.

Format: more information

Workshops led by entrepreneurs and professionals from the industry.


Evaluation: Technovation Hub Academy (B-KUL-T72217)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions


Attendance at the selected workshops is compulsory. The workshops will be permanently evaluated on attendance, cooperation, presentations, assignments, etc. During the first lesson of each workshop series, more information about the evaluation method will be given.

Information about retaking exams