Postgraduate Programme in Malting and Brewing Sciences (Leuven)

CQ Postgraduate Programme in Malting and Brewing Sciences (Leuven)


The Postgraduate Programme in Malting and Brewing Sciences at KU Leuven offers you the unique opportunity to become a malting and brewing expert. The programme combines scientific-technical knowledge and skills with ample contacts with industry. Courses are taught by internationally renowned researchers from KU Leuven, complemented by experts from industry.

What can you find on this webpage?

Our (future) students can find information about the programme, admission requirements, objectives and evaluation.

All other information with regard to the study programme can be found at the website of the Postgraduate Programme Malting and Brewing Sciences.


Postgraduate Programme in Malting and Brewing Sciences (Leuven)


The purpose of this postgraduate programme is to teach students the necessary scientific knowledge and competencies to become a successful professional in the malting and brewing industry.

The programme-specific learning outcomes are as follows:
•  Students understand the science and technology of malting, brewing, fermentation and downstream processes, and can apply this knowledge to analyse problems in these processes and suggest solutions.
•  Students can compare different raw materials and evaluate their applicability in the malting and brewing industry, including their impact on downstream processes and final beer flavor and stability.
•  Students know, understand, and can identify different methods for quality analysis of raw materials used in beer brewing, analysis of beer flavor and stability and can critically evaluate and interpret the data obtained via these techniques.
•  Students understand and can critically evaluate the scientific and technological basis underlying novel insights and developments in the malting and brewing industry.
•  Students can critically select and interpret literature on malting and brewing related topics to formulate new solutions for malting and brewing related issues in a professional environment.
•  Students can critically evaluate the quality and safety of fermented beverages, including the relation with raw materials, their processing into fermented beverages and packaging.
•  Students can formulate and analyse problems in a professional malting and brewing environment and can design solutions with attention to broader conceptual implications.
•  Students can place developments in the malting and brewing industry in a broader societal, economical and regulatory context.
•  Students can convincingly and professionally communicate (both orally and in writing) goals, ideas and opinions on malting and brewing-related topics to peers and the general public.
•  Students have acquired specific management skills to act in a multidisciplinary team as team member or team leader.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level


Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?

SC Postgraduate Programme in Malting and Brewing Sciences (Leuven)



ECTS Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing (B-KUL-I0J06A)

5 ECTS English 32 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After successful completion of this course, students:

  • know about, understand and can evaluate the different raw materials used in malting and brewing, including cereals, water, hops and adjuncts.
  • can critically assess how selection of raw materials and processing influences the downstream brewing process and final beer.
  • understand the science and technology of the malting process
  • can explain in detail the different chemical constituents and biochemical processes in the raw materials used for malting and brewing
  • will have a critical understanding of the physiology and composition of cereal grains
  • demonstrate a detailed understanding of the selection, breeding and development of barley and other cereal varieties, their biological and chemical structure and their harvesting and storage
  • understand and can critically evaluate the scientific and technological basis underlying novel insights and developments in the field of raw materials for the malting and brewing industry.


Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of biochemistry, malting and brewing processes.

Order of Enrolment


I0J08AI0J08A : Brewing, Processing and Equipment
I0J11AI0J11A : Company Visits
I0J15AI0J15A : Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology

Is included in these courses of study


Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing: Lectures (B-KUL-I0J06a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The course covers the following topics:

An overview of the different raw materials used in malting and brewing is given. More specifically, the course focuses on:

Cereals used in the malting and brewing industry (barley, rice, wheat, maize, sorghum,…), with a focus on barley. More specifically, topics such as barley varieties and breeding, kernel structure, barley constituents and enzymes as well as quality and quality analysis aspects, with regard to viability and safety, are covered. Next, the malting process is discussed in detail (cleaning, steeping, germination), kilning and roasting and the different biochemical reactions in each of these steps are explained. The course also covers quality analyses and the equipment involved in the malting process.

Different hop varieties, their structure and processing for the brewing industry are discussed. Specific attention goes to hops chemistry, including flavors and bacteriostatic activity. Finally, hops quality assessment is dealt with.

Water, water composition and sourcing is also discussed.



Course material

Slides will be made available on Toledo

Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing: Guest Lectures (B-KUL-I0J07a)

1 ECTS : Lecture 6 First termFirst term


The guest lectures will focus on current applications and challenges of raw materials (hops, malt, …) used in the malting and brewing industry.

Format: more information

Guest lectures by industry experts


Evaluation: Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing (B-KUL-I2J06a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

ECTS Brewing, Processing and Equipment (B-KUL-I0J08A)

5 ECTS English 33 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  De Rouck Gert (substitute)


After successful completion of this course, students:

  • have a solid theoretical understanding of the entire brewing process, from grinding the malt, mashing, wort filtration, wort boiling, wort clearing to wort cooling
  • have a detailed knowledge and understanding of the different biochemical reactions during brewing
  • know about the various types of malt and adjuncts used in the brewing process and can explain the effect on final beer taste and quality.
  • know the enzymes important in the brewing process and can describe their function
  • can critically evaluate the effect of changes in each of the brewing steps on final beer quality
  • can outline the equipment used in each of the aforementioned processes
  • understand the specific equipment design for the different steps in the brewing process


Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of biochemistry, and of malting and brewing processes

Order of Enrolment


I0J06AI0J06A : Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing
I0J11AI0J11A : Company Visits
I0J15AI0J15A : Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology

Is included in these courses of study


Brewing, Processing and Equipment: Lectures (B-KUL-I0J08a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 27 First termFirst term
N. |  De Rouck Gert (substitute)


  • Wort production : grinding, mashing
  • Wort production: enzymes and biochemical reactions
  • Wort filtration
  • Wort boiling
  • Wort clarification
  • Brewing equipment design
  • Different brewing concepts
  • Malt and adjuncts in brewing
  • High gravity brewing
  • Brewing calculations
  • Brewing diagrams
  • Reading flowsheets and equipment diagrams
  • Microflora management
  • Aldehyde management

Course material

Course slides will be made available through Toledo. An optional coursebook is ‘Technology Malting and Brewing’ by Wolfgang Kunze, published by VLB Berlin.

Format: more information

This OLA will be offered as lectures. One class (feedback on mashing calculations and Q&A on mashing) will be offered as blended learning.

Brewing, Processing and Equipment: Guest Lecture (B-KUL-I0J09a)

1 ECTS : Lecture 6 First termFirst term
N. |  De Rouck Gert (substitute)


The guest lectures will focus on current applications and challenges in brewing, processing steps and equipment.

Course material

Slides of presentation will be made available via Toledo

Format: more information

Guest lectures by industry experts


Evaluation: Brewing, Processing and Equipment (B-KUL-I2J08a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

ECTS Integrated Malting and Brewing Practicum (B-KUL-I0J10A)

6 ECTS English 100 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After successful completion of this OPO, students will:

  • have gained insight and practical experience into the entire malting and brewing process, from raw materials to packaging.
  • be able to qualitatively analyse different raw materials (hops, malt, yeast) used in malting and brewing
  • know, understand and be able to identify different methods for quality analysis of raw materials used in beer brewing, analysis of beer flavor and stability
  • be able to critically evaluate and interpret the data obtained via these techniques referred to above.
  • understand the connection between the malting and brewing process
  • understand how different parameters in the malting and brewing process affect final beer quality

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology

Order of Enrolment


I0J08AI0J08A : Brewing, Processing and Equipment
I0J06AI0J06A : Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing
I0J11AI0J11A : Company Visits
I0J15AI0J15A : Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology
I0J12AI0J12A : Current Topics and Innovations in Malting and Brewing Sciences
I0J13BI0J13B : New Business Development in the Beer Sector
I0J16AI0J16A : Food Packaging and Transportation in the Brewing Industry
I0J19AI0J19A : Sensory Science and Product Quality

Is included in these courses of study


Integrated Malting and Brewing Practicum (B-KUL-I0J10a)

6 ECTS : Practical 100 Second termSecond term


During the Integrated Malting and Brewing Practicum, students will get hands-on experience with:

  • Malting
  • Malt analysis (extract, gelatinization, color, …)
  • Hops analysis
  • Brewing (yeast propagation, wort production, CIP, fermentation, maturation, filtration, carbonation, bottling)
  • Wort analysis (pH, color, sugars, …)
  • Beer analysis (EtOH, color, aroma compounds, …)


Course material

Presentations and protocol booklet


Evaluation: Integrated Malting and Brewing Practicum (B-KUL-I2J10a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None


Attendance and participation in the Integrated Malting and Brewing practicum is obligatory.

20% of the final grade is determined based on participation during contact hours, 80% of the final grade is determined based on the written reports students have to submit at the end of each part of the Integrated Malting and Brewing practicum.

The score on the written reports is differentiated based on a peer assessment.


Information about retaking exams

Students that did not pass during the first exam period will have to write an extensive report and paper for the second exam opportunity. More details will be shared on Toledo.


ECTS Company Visits (B-KUL-I0J11A)

4 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After successful completion of this course, students will:

  • have a clear view on the different careers in the malting and brewing industry
  • understand specific, vocational-related issues
  • be able to position the vocational activities in malting and brewing in a broader perspective

Previous knowledge

Knowledge about malting and brewing

Order of Enrolment


I0J08AI0J08A : Brewing, Processing and Equipment
I0J06AI0J06A : Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing
I0J15AI0J15A : Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology

Is included in these courses of study


Company Visits (B-KUL-I0J11a)

4 ECTS : Field trip 26 First termFirst term


This OPO/OLA consist of multiple company visits. The visited companies are selected in such a way that they represent a heterogeneous selection of companies active in the malting and brewing vocational field. During the visits, different aspects of the vocational field are highlighted, including research, human resources, specific issues and other challenges.

Course material

None available.


Evaluation: Company Visits (B-KUL-I2J11a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None


The student is obliged to be present and participate during all company visits. The student will need to prepare two questions per company visit on relevant aspects of the company that will be visited (research, HR policy, regulatory affairs, …). This part counts for 60% in the final evaluation of the course.

At the end of the semester, the student will give a presentation about a beer style and will apply the insights of the company visits to that style. The presentation is followed by a group discussion. This part counts for 40% in the final evaluation of the course.

Unauthorized absence for two of the company visits or presentation sessions will be considered as a not participated for the entire OPO and will lead to failing the OPO. An absence is considered to be authorized in the following cases: (i) in the case of illness: if a doctor’s certificate is handed in within 5 working days following the absence; (ii) in case of other absences: a relevant certificate is handed in within 5 working days following the absence. If the student is absent for more than 2 company visits (authorized or unauthorized), the student can be referred to a second examination opportunity. The second examination opportunity entails the organization of an own company visit related to the beer sector. This company visit will be evaluated during a presentation.


Information about retaking exams

If students are absent for more than 2 company visits, they will be considered to have failed this OPO and need to participate in the second exam opportunity. If students insufficiently prepare their questions for more than 2 of the company visits, they will need to participate in the second exam opportunity.

The second examination opportunity entails the organization of an own company visit related to the beer sector. This company visit will be evaluated during a presentation.



ECTS Current Topics and Innovations in Malting and Brewing Sciences (B-KUL-I0J12A)

4 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This OPO aims to introduce students to the current topics, challenges and innovations in malting and brewing sciences. Different guest lectures will each highlight a specific topic. After successfully completing this course, students will have a better understanding of the current topics, challenges and innovations in the international malting and brewing industry.



Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology

Order of Enrolment


I0J08AI0J08A : Brewing, Processing and Equipment
I0J06AI0J06A : Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing
I0J11AI0J11A : Company Visits
I0J15AI0J15A : Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology
I0J13BI0J13B : New Business Development in the Beer Sector
I0J10AI0J10A : Integrated Malting and Brewing Practicum
I0J16AI0J16A : Food Packaging and Transportation in the Brewing Industry
I0J19AI0J19A : Sensory Science and Product Quality

Is included in these courses of study


Current Topics and Innovations in Malting and Brewing Sciences (B-KUL-I0J12a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


The different seminars in this course each cover an specific innovation in the malting and brewing industry. Example topics include NABLABs, applications of enzymes in brewing, regulatory aspects in malting and brewing, ….

Course material

Slides of the different lectures will be shared via Toledo.


Evaluation: Current Topics and Innovations in Malting and Brewing Sciences (B-KUL-I2J12a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


The exam is a written exam. Each guest lecturer will provide a set of exam questions to the academic coordinator of this OPO. These questions form the basis of the exam. Students will have to answer three different questions from three different guest lecturers. More information will be shared with students during the first class of this OPO, as well as via Toledo.



Information about retaking exams

The exam is a written exam. Each guest lecturer will provide a set of exam questions to the academic coordinator of this OPO. These questions form the basis of the exam. Students will have to answer three different questions from three different guest lecturers. 

ECTS New Business Development in the Beer Sector (B-KUL-I0J13B)

6 ECTS English 50 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


In this OPO, students develop a business plan according to the desirable-viable-feasible (DVF) approach. After successful completion of this OPO, students:

  • Understand essential components and can evaluate the attractiveness of a business plan
  • Understand the key marketing and communication principles/strategies for new products
  • Can analyse and interpret consumer research with attention to proper statistical processing of data
  • Are familiar with economic trends within the beer sector
  • Can critically reflect on the viability of a business plan
  • Know and understand the different steps from idea to prototype and to market product

The OPO also stimulates and strives for the following educational aspects among students:

  • The student is familiar with the concepts of leadership and strategy
  • The student is stimulated to think with an innovation mind-set
  • The student is challenged to think critically about business plans

Previous knowledge

Students have a thorough understanding of the different steps in the brewing process.

Order of Enrolment


I0J08AI0J08A : Brewing, Processing and Equipment
I0J06AI0J06A : Raw Materials for Malting and Brewing
I0J15AI0J15A : Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology

Is included in these courses of study


New Business Development in the Beer Sector - Lectures (B-KUL-I0J13a)

2 ECTS : Lecture 26 Both termsBoth terms


During a series of lectures and guest lectures, students are introduced to key steps in new business development. More specifically, students will learn about the transition from idea over project development to the final market introduction, and how to translate these steps into a business plan.

Course material

Slides and supporting material will be made available via Toledo.

Format: more information

Guest lecture

New Business Development in the Beer Sector - Project (B-KUL-I0J14a)

4 ECTS : Assignment 24 Both termsBoth terms


Students will be divided into groups consisting of 4-5 people per group. Based on the information given in B-KUL-I0J13a, students develop a business plan for introducing a new beer to the market. During the development of this business plan, there will be regular feedback moments with the different instructors of this OPO. Attendance of these feedback moments is obligatory.

Finally, students pitch their plans to a jury of professionals.

Course material

Not applicable

Format: more information

Students will be divided into groups, consisting of 4-5 people per group. Based on the information given in B-KUL-I0J13a, students will have to develop a business plan for introducing a new beer to the market. During the development of this plan, there will be regular feedback moments with the different instructors of this OPO. Attendance of these feedback moments is obligatory.

Finally, students have to pitch their plan for a jury of professionals.


Evaluation: New Business Development in the Beer Sector (B-KUL-I2J13b)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours


The student groups will be evaluated based on the business plan and their presentation pitch for a jury of professionals. The group score can be adjusted individually through peer evaluation (+/-20%).

The feedback moments, workshops and presentation are mandatory. An absence must be reported to the lecturer as soon as possible and no later than before the start of the session. Additionally, students must provide a valid proof for their non-participation. Justified absent students must make up for the missed session as communicated by the instructor.

For students who fail to report their absence (timely) or fail to provide a valid certificate or fail to make up for the missed session as instructed by the lecturer (e.g. additional assignment), the respective OLA and OPO will be considered as "not completed" (NA) for all examination periods of that academic year.

Information about retaking exams

The retaking of the OPO consists of reworking the final report based on the feedback received during the first examination period. There is no possibility for retaking the presentation. The result obtained for the OLA at the initial examination opportunity will be carried over to the third examination period.

ECTS Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology (B-KUL-I0J15A)

5 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After successful completion of this course, students:

  • know about, have a critical understanding and can evaluate the different microorganisms present in beer fermentations, including spoilage microorganisms.
  • understand the science and technology of the fermentation process, and can explain the different biochemical reactions during beer fermentations, with a focus on yeast-derived flavors.
  • can evaluate and compare different microbes and their applicability for brewing, including a detailed understanding of the required microbial properties in beer fermentations and how specific microbes can affect final beer flavor and stability.
  • can critically analyse and interpret scientific research on microbiology and fermentation
  • can convincingly and professionally communicate both orally and written thoughts, ideas and opinions on microbiology and fermentation-related topics to their peers.


Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology

Is included in these courses of study


Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology: Interactive Lectures (B-KUL-I0J15a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


In a first part, a few basic principles of biochemistry, genetics, microbiology and bioreactors are taught. Emphasis is put on properties of enzymes, design and modeling of reactors, and microbial physiology. This part forms the basis of the course and is an integral part of the study material for the final exam. The next part of the course focuses on different microbes used in industrial fermentations, with a focus on beer fermentations. Specific topics covered in this part include natural biodiversity, spoilage micro-organisms, yeast handling and yeast management as well as yeast quality and biosafety analysis. Particular attention is given to strain selection and improvement. After this part, the course deals with the different steps in and equipment for beer fermentation and maturation, including the different biochemical reactions and off-flavors produced. Common problems encountered in industrial fermentations will also be addressed.


The course also focuses on presentation techniques (both the visual as the oral aspects): in a final, interactive part, students explain individually or in small groups a relevant industrial process where microbes play a central part. Examples of possible topics are diverse fermentation processes used in the preparation of drinks, food or fuels, interactions of yeast with raw materials, yeast collections, …. Other relevant aspects, such as the possibilities of strain improvement and the laws concerned, as well as recent developments concerning prebiotics, probiotics, food additives and food supplements may also be discussed.

Course material

- Powerpoint slides and extra information available on Toledo

- Optional coursebook: Waites, J.W., Morgan, N. L., Rockey J.S. and Higton G. (2006) Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction, Oxford: Blacksciene Science

Format: more information

Interactive lectures + making of presentation


Evaluation: Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology (B-KUL-I2J15a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


The evaluation of the OPO ‘Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology’ consists of:

  • a written exam with open questions (40%) during the examination period
  • a presentation outside the examination period (40%)
  • participation during contact hours (20%)




Information about retaking exams

The second exam opportunity consists solely of a written exam, that accounts for 100% of the total grade.

ECTS Food Packaging and Transportation in the Brewing Industry (B-KUL-I0J16A)

5 ECTS English 32 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Buntinx Mieke (coordinator) |  Buntinx Mieke |  Reddy Naveen Krishna |  N. |  Peeters Rosa (substitute)


The main objective of the course is to introduce students to fundamental and practical knowledge in the field of food packaging and transportation.

The student will

  • acquire basic knowledge of materials used for food packaging and transportation.
  • master the skills to determine material properties (such as barrier, mechanical, seal and thermal properties of packaging materials).
  • learn to estimate shelf life.
  • learn principles related to active and intelligent packaging concepts.
  • get insights in migration of potential toxic substances from food contact materials and regulatory affairs.
  • be introduced to advanced topics based on published scientific literature.
  • learn about manufacturing of glass beer bottles.
  • learn about typical issues in bottling of beer.
  • learn about automation in beer packaging.

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of chemistry, physics, biochemistry, microbiology.

Is included in these courses of study


Food Packaging and Transportation (B-KUL-I0P40a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term
Buntinx Mieke |  Reddy Naveen Krishna |  N. |  Peeters Rosa (substitute)


Packaging materials

  • General introduction
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Wood, cardboard & paper
  • Plastics
  • Foams

Properties of packaging materials

  • Gas barrier properties
  • Thermal properties
  • Mechanical properties
  • Sealing technologies

Special topics

  • Active and intelligent packaging concepts
  • Food contact materials: migration, risk assessment and legislation
  • Container closure integrity testing

Lab visit Materials and Packaging Research & Services (MPR&S) IMO-IMOMEC, UHasselt campus Diepenbeek, (9h) (compulsory!)

Course material

The course material consists of lecture slides, scientific papers, regulatory documents, relevant weblinks and videos. All course materials are uploaded weekly in Toledo before the respective topic is discussed in the lecture.

All problem-solving classes will be taught on the blackboard.

Format: more information

Interactive lectures.

Excursion (lab day) to MPR&S (Materials and Packaging Research & Services, IMO-IMOMEC). Attendance at the lab day on the University campus in Diepenbeek is mandatory as a group assignment is part of the evaluation. The date and time of excursion are announced on Toledo and the timetable.

Is also included in other courses

I0P40A : Food Packaging and Transportation

Food Packaging and Transportation in the Brewing Industry – Company Visit (Packaging Lab AB InBev) (B-KUL-I0J17a)

0.5 ECTS : Field trip 3 Second termSecond term
Buntinx Mieke |  Reddy Naveen Krishna |  N. |  Peeters Rosa (substitute)


Students will visit the packaging lab of a brewery.

Course material


Format: more information


Food Packaging and Transportation in the Brewing Industry – Guest Lecture (B-KUL-I0J18a)

0.5 ECTS : Lecture 3 Second termSecond term
Buntinx Mieke |  Reddy Naveen Krishna |  N. |  Peeters Rosa (substitute)


Glass bottle design, testing and issues in brewing industry

Filling lines in breweries

Course material

Slides are available via Toledo

Format: more information

Guest lecture by industry expert


Evaluation: Food Packaging and Transportation in the Brewing Industry (B-KUL-I2J16a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas


Written exam (90%) and group assignment during lab visit (10%, peer evaluation is applied to obtain individual scores).

Attendance on the lab day is mandatory. Students who cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances, must report this as soon as possible and no later than before the start of the lab day to the coordinator. Justified absent students must make up for the missed lab day and will be assigned a replacement task to be completed as communicated by the teacher.

If the output of the task is of insufficient level (<8/20), the student will obtain a maximum score of 9/20 for the entire course.

Students who fail to report their absence (timely) or fail to provide a valid certificate or fail to make up for the make-up session will be excluded from the final examination of the course (OPO). The respective OLA and OPO will be considered as "not completed" (NA) in the next examination period.

Transfer of the score on the continuous assessment to the next academic year is only granted for 12/20 or more. Students who obtained less than 12/20 must retake the lab day assignment. It is the student's responsibility to inquire at the first contact moment about the point obtained during the continuous assessment of the previous academic year.

Information about retaking exams

Second exam opportunity: 

  • Written exam (90%).
  • An individual score of at least 8/20 for the group assignment (10%) in the first exam opportunity is transferred to the second exam opportunity. Students who obtained <8/20 for this part in the first exam opportunity, must do/optimize a replacement task covering the missed learning outcomes in the second exam opportunity. If the output of this task is of insufficient level (<8/20), the student will obtain a maximum score of 9/20 for the entire course.

ECTS Sensory Science and Product Quality (B-KUL-I0J19A)

5 ECTS English 35 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After successful completion of this course, students:

  • can describe the relevance/potential of food sensory science in food science and industry
  • can outline function and physiology of the human senses (smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing) and how they can interact
  • can analyze and identify the requirements for in vivo sensory tests (test room controls, product controls, panel controls)
  • can reproduce, recognize factors which influence sensory verdicts in designing a sensory experiment
  • can select and design appropriate sensory evaluation methods to answer specific sensory related questions
  • are familiar with a practical setting to organize in vivo sensory tests
  • are able to analyse and interpret sensory data in a correct way                          
  • know and understand the application of various instrumental sensory methods
  • can analyse and interpret results of different instrumental analyses
  • critically reflect on sensory literature
  • can recognize and identify typical (off)flavors in beer
  • know the key factors determining product quality in the beer industry


Previous knowledge

Knowledge about food & nutrition, basic chemistry, basic statistics

Is included in these courses of study


Sensory Science – Lectures (B-KUL-I0J19a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Introduction to sensory science

Sensory attributes and the way we perceive them

Food oral processing

Requirements for sensory testing

Factors influencing sensory verdicts

Measuring sensory responses

Guidelines for choice of sensory technique

Discriminative sensory tests

Descriptive sensory tests

Affective sensory tests

Sensory evaluation in quality control

Instrumental analysis of sensory qualities

Advanced statistical methods

Course material

PowerPoint slides, courseware available through Toledo

Handbook (compulsory):

Meilgard, M.C., Civille, G.V., Carr, B.T. Sensory Evaluation Techniques . 5th ed. ISBN 978-1482216905


Format: more information

Lectures with interaction and discussion

Is also included in other courses

I0V34A : Sensory Science

Sensory Science: Company visit to Haystack Consulting (B-KUL-I0J20a)

0.5 ECTS : Field trip 3 Second termSecond term


Students will visit Haystack Consulting.  More information on this company visit will be given in B-KUL-I0J19a.

Course material

Slides used during the company visit will be made available through Toledo.

Format: more information

Attendance and participation in the OLA –Company visit to Haystack is obligatory. Unauthorized absence for this company visit will be considered as a not participated for the entire OPO and will lead to failing the OPO. An absence is considered to be authorized in the following cases: (i) in the case of illness: if a doctor’s certificate is handed in within 5 working days following the absence; (ii) in case of other absences: a relevant certificate is handed in within 5 working days following the absence.

Is also included in other courses

I0V34A : Sensory Science

Sensory Science and Product Quality: Guest Lectures (B-KUL-I0J21a)

1 ECTS : Lecture 6 Second termSecond term


Detecting typical (off)flavors in beer

Beer product quality analysis

Course material

Slides will be made available via Toledo

Format: more information

Guest lecture by industry expert


Evaluation: Sensory Science and Product Quality (B-KUL-I2J19a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas


OLA1 (lectures) and OLA2 (company visit) are evaluated with an exam during the exam period with open-ended questions, OLA 3 (guest lectures) is evaluated based on participation during contact hours and a question in the exam during the exam period (open-ended question).