Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Antwerp)

CQ Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Antwerp)


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Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started in 2023-2024 or later) (Antwerp)


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Educational quality at study programme level

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA report_PR_Business Administration.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

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SC Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started in 2023-2024 or later) (Antwerp)


Students who obtained an academic bachelor's or master's degree that does not provide direct access to the Master of Business Administration may enroll in the Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration. On the basis of credits acquired, students may be granted exemptions. The duration of the preparatory programme depends on your previous academic background.

Please contact the study career consultant for a tailor made programme based on your individual background. Depending on the courses a student has to take, it may be advisable to enroll in the Brussels programme. The student who pass the preparatory programme can move directly to the master's programme Master of Business Administration (Antwerp or Brussels).

For Bachelors in applied economics from KU Leuven, the Preparatory programme is reduced to 9 credits with the compulsory inclusion of the courses listed below. Students do NOT include the remaining courses in their ISP, nor apply for an exemption for these.

  • - Y00927 Strategic Management 3 ECTS
  • - Y05080 European Politics and Policy 3 ECTS
  • - HBA20C Entrepreneurship and Business Planning 3 ECTS


ECTS Microeconomics for Business (B-KUL-HBA07H)

6 ECTS English 38 First termFirst term


Microeconomics for Business is an introductory microeconomics course in the Bachelor of Business Administration. The aim of this course is to give students insight into how market economies function: what determines the price of a good and the quantities produced and consumed, how government policies and other external events affect prices and quantities, in which cases market outcomes are efficient and in which cases they are not. It will make students familiar with the characteristics of the main market types (perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly), with pricing and production decisions in each market type, and with the desirability of government intervention in each market type. Students will also acquire some basic game theory tools.

In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:

Interprets and underpins behaviour of consumers based on economic concepts and theories.

  • Describes and interprets the behaviour of consumers as a utility maximization problem.
  • Using an economic framework, critically analyses the impact of various forms of government regulation on the most important market forms.
  • Describes and analyses the different forms of non-market based government regulation (price regulation, output regulation)
  • Describes and analyses the different forms of market based government intervention (taxes, subsidies)
  • Analyzes the effects of government regulation in various  economic contexts (externalities, public goods, market concentration,  adjusting consumer- and producer behaviour).


Defines, explains and uses, both graphically and model-based, micro-economic concepts.

  • Calculates the market equilibrium, analyses changes in the market equilibrium and applies welfare analysis on an equilibrium outcome.
  • Calculates and interprets the different forms of elasticities and uses them in the analysis of micro-economic problems.
  • Describes the perspectives of economic science, uses them in a (business) economics context and reflects critically on them.


Analyses price-setting and the various pricing strategies for the most important market forms.

  • Recognizes and describes the most important market forms: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
  • Analyses the pricing strategies of the most important market forms: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, in the short term as well as in the long term.
  • Analyses different forms of price discrimination.
  • Analyses the different aspects of strategic behaviour for the market form oligopoly and applies game theory to analyze them.


Interprets and underpins behaviour of producers based on economic concepts and theories.

  • Describes and interprets the behaviour of producers as a profit maximization problem.
  • Analyses the production process of firms in an economic context.
  • Analyses the cost structure of firms in an economic context.
  • Describes the perspectives of economic science, uses them in a (business) economics context and reflects critically on them.


Previous knowledge

No prior knowledge is required for this course.


Microeconomics for Business (B-KUL-HBA07h)

6 ECTS : Lecture 38 First termFirst term



supply and demand, Elasticity, Consumer theory

government policies

Markets and welfare

Externalities and market failure, public goods, common resources and merit goods

Firms in competitive markets

Firms in other market structures (Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopolies)

Price discrimination

Game Theory

Producer Theory


Course material

The book that we recommend for this course (so no obligated studymaterial):

Book:  Ooghe, E. and Verbeke, T. (2024). Economics, an introduction. Acco Uitgeverij.


Language of instruction: more information

The recommended book and available literature and course material are in English.

Format: more information

During classes, theory is explained and its implications for real world problems are discussed. At the end of each chapter, review questions and exercises are solved in class, with students' participation.

Individual help and feedback from the lecturer is available at all times. Students can also make appointments at other times.

A trial exam takes place  during the semester. Students may take this chance in order to test their knowledge. The grades of the trial exam do not matter for the course evaluation.


Evaluation: Microeconomics for Business (B-KUL-H75903)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : Calculator


Evaluation caracteristics

The exam exists of multiple choice questions.

Determination final result

The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.

For the multiple choice questions on the exam a correction for incorrect answers is applied. We use a higher cesure of 60%. In class and in the slides the application of the higher cesure is explained in detail.

Information about retaking exams

The format of the exam and determination of the results is exactly the same in the second exam period.

ECTS Macro-economics and Economic Policy (B-KUL-HBA16C)

6 ECTS English 52 Second termSecond term
Verbeke Tom (coordinator) |  Verbeke Tom


Macroeconomics establishes a connection between the basis of Principles of managerial economics and the specialised subjects of the student's training (especially the last years). This subject introduces some aspects necessary for an independent analysis of macroeconomic problems. In addition, the course aims to prepare students for subsequent courses e.g. international economics, monetary economics and various subjects within corporate finance. 

The course aims at contributing to the following learning results:

The student...

  • On the macro-economic level, interprets and analyses the behaviour of the different economic agents on the various domestic and foreign markets (3.e)
    • Describes and analyses the behavior of economic agents (consumers, firms, governments and foreign) and markets (real sector, money and financial market, exchange market and labor market) (3.e.1)
  • Defines, explains and uses, both graphically and model-based, macro- and micro-economic concepts (3.h)
    • Describes what is meant by and is able to calculate macro-economic concepts and variables (e.g. GDP, national income, economic growth, inflation, unemployment, devaluation, balance of payments) (3.h.6)
    • Analyses a simultaneous equilibrium model and explains how the model works towards an state of equilibrium, using both a graph as well as words (3.h.7)
    • Evaluates the effectiveness of government intervention (fiscal and monetary policy, labor market policy, exchange rate policy) (Macro-ec and Ec Policy) (3.h.8)
  • Describes the perspectives of economic science, uses them in a (business) economics context and reflects critically on them (3.i)
    • Understands macro-economic articles in the daily press and is able to situate and evaluate critically but constructive, their content within the field of macro-economics (Macro-ec and Ec Policy) (3.i.3)

Previous knowledge

Students who want to include Macro-Economics and Economic Policy in their program should have completed Managerial Economics A and B and Mathematics for business A and B

Identical courses

HBH68E: Macro-economie en beleid

Is included in these courses of study


Macro-economics and Economic Policy (B-KUL-HBA16c)

6 ECTS : Lecture 52 Second termSecond term


The course starts with a review of some of the basic macro-economic concepts such as GDP, growth, unemployment and labor markets and inflation (Module 1, chapter 1 and 2).

In the second module, the course develops a closed economy short run model for the goods and financial market. Chapter 3 determines demand and equilibrium in the goods market. Chapter 4 reviews equilibrium in financial markets. The IS LM Model is then introduced in chapter 5. The final chapter of module 2 extends the model and introduces the difference between real and nominal interest rates and the risk premium. 

In the third module, the focus shifts to the medium run. Starting from equilibrium in labor markets (chapter 7), the course introduces the Phillips curve in chapter 8. These chapters allow to determine the natural rate of unemployment and potential ouput. In chapter 9 the course builds the medium run IS LM PC model. 

In module four, the course introduces long term growth. After a look at the facts (chapter 10), the Solow model is used to determine the steady state level of output. In chapter 11, the course analyzes capital accumulation. Technology and technological progress is the focus of chapter 12.  The final chapter of module four looks at the challenges of growth. 

The fifth module focuses on the role of expectations in financial markets and introduces the expected discounted present value model. Using this model, the course determines the price of bonds, analyses the yield curve (sport curve) and expected interest rate (forward rates) and the valuation of stocks (chapter 14). In chapter 15 the course reviews the goods market and includes expectations in the model for consumption and investment. This allows to introduce the Permanent Income Hypothesis, the Tobin's Q. The final chapter of this module (chapter 16) discusses the policy implications for both monetary and fiscal policy. Here the course also looks at the dynamics of government debt. 

The final section develops an open economy model. The course first introduces the exchange rate (bilateral, effective, nominal and real) and the relation among exchange rates and interest rates in the domestic and foreign economy. Equilibrum in the goods market is determined in chapter 18. Equilibrium in both the goods and financial markets is covered in chapter 19 (Mundell-Fleming model). The final chapter of the module discusses the choice of exchanger rate systems. 

Course material


Oliver Blancard. Macroeconomics. Global edition. Eighth Edition. Pearson Education Limited 2021. 

ISBN 10: 1-292-35147-0

ISBN 13: 978-1-292-35147-6


Additional reading material will be made available on Toledo

Format: more information

Traditional lecture

In addition to lectures, the Toledo page for the course allows students to check their progress. After each module, there is a small multiple choice test. This test is not graded and not part of the final exam or mark. The test must be completed to access the material for the next module.

Is also included in other courses

HES02A : Macro and Environmental Economics


Evaluation: Macro-economics and Economic Policy (B-KUL-H73589)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : Calculator


There are 48 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options. Grading is as follows: good answer: 1, wrong/no answer: 0. Students start at -8.

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades of the second examination opportunity are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

ECTS Operational Management (B-KUL-HBA19C)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term
Vermuyten Hendrik (coordinator) |  De Boeck Liesje |  Vermuyten Hendrik (substitute)


2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.

2.a.1 Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts in particular with respect to the operational and logistic activities of an enterprise.

2.b Distinguishes and clarifies the different ways in which activities and processes in organisations are organised, structured and managed.

2.c Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains.

2.c.1 Understands the coherence of an optimal working operational system and the other management domains.

2.s Explains the structure and organisation of logistic processes in organisations.

5.d Uses methods and techniques of operational research to model and solve (business) economic problems.

8.d Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.

8.d.1Solves with a logical argumentation a business economic problem in the domain of business logistics.

Previous knowledge

If the student wants to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:

  • Mathematics for Business A (HBA41C)
  • Mathematics for Business B (HBA42C)
  • Statistics for Business 1 (HBA68A).

Identical courses

HBH70E: Operationeel management


Operational Management (B-KUL-HBA19c)

3 ECTS : Practical 26 First termFirst term


  • Introduction operational management 
  • Inventory management
  • Material requirements planning
  • Detailed production planning at finite capacity 
  • Cycle time as performance measure and key concept in planning 
  • Lean operations

Course material

All study material will be available on Toledo.

Language of instruction: more information

The course is taught in English.

Format: more information

Blended learning

Video lectures: Each week, the theoretical knowledge will be dealt with in detail by means of a video lecture. Students are expected to master the theoretical knowledge of each video lecture before each weekly on campus lecture.
On campus lectures with Q&A, exercises and sample exam questions: During the weekly on campus lectures, students will have the possiblilty to ask questions about the theoretical knowledge of the related video lectures. During these lectures, students will also solve exercises and sample exam questions related to each of the video lectures.  


Evaluation: Operational Management (B-KUL-H73591)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator


First exam period:
Students will be evaluated on the basis of a written exam. The exam is closed book and is meant to take 2 hours. The exam mainly consists of exercises and partly of questions related to knowledge and insight. The standard formulas, which are known beforehand, will be available at the written exam; also a pocket calculator will be available at the written exam. The evaluation of this written exam is done by the lecturer.

Information about retaking exams

The evaluation methods during the first and second period are identical.

ECTS Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (B-KUL-HBA20C)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


This course contributes to the entrepreneurial competences of graduates. Entrepreneurship is approached here from a process perspective, and hence students are gaining basic competences from the different stages in the entrepreneurial process: developing a business idea, analyzing opportunities, developing a business plan, securing sources of funding, calculating risks and fulfilling legal obligations supporting the entrepreneurial process.


1.a Analyses the environment in which an organisation is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organisation.

2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.

2.c Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains.

2.p. Explains the structure and the current legislation in the field of social law.

3.a Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy.

4.a Has a functional multidisciplinary knowledge to identify social phenomena and to reflect on them, also from a philosophical-ethical perspective, and link them with the corporate and market reality in a reasoned way.

4.c Analyses the functioning of organisations and markets in relation to society and its actors.

8.d Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.

8.f Critically reflects on his own behaviour and approach, in the context of lifelong learning.

8.g Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.

12.a. Estimates the impact of business operations on various stakeholders and society.

12.d. Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values.

Identical courses

HBH71E: Ondernemerschap en business planning

Is included in these courses of study


Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (B-KUL-HBA20c)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


Entrepreneurial aspects: including but not limited to:

  • trends analysis and business idea generation
  • business model development, testing
  • entrepreneurial competencies
  • business planning
  • financial entrepreneurship (financial planning)
  • risk management for operational efficiency
  • resource allocation

Legal aspects

Aspects of social law:

Course material

1. Entrepreneurship. Successfully Launching New Ventures. Barringer, B. & Ireland, D. 6th Global Edition. Pearson Education, 2018.

2. Course text with additional content

Will be made available through the university's copy service


Evaluation: Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (B-KUL-H73592)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : None


The evaluation is composed of a written exam (Multiple Choice), closed book (100 % of the evaluation).

With regard to the Multiple Choice Questions, a correction of guessing will be applied as follows: The student will get 1 point for selecting the correct answer, 0 points when (s)he doesn’t answer the question, and (s)he loses 0.25 points for selecting a wrong answer.

Information about retaking exams

The features and determination of the grades for the the second examination opportunity are identical to those of the first examination opportunity.

ECTS Principles of Taxation (B-KUL-HBA21C)

3 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term
Debelva Filip (coordinator) |  Debelva Filip


The course aims at contributing to the following learning results:

The student...

  • Has insight into the structure and current regulations in tax law, and applies this to support decisions taken by individuals and organisations (2.h).

    • to provide a non-exhaustive overview of general taxation principles and systems on a global (other than a country-specific) basis

    • to discuss aims, rights and obligations of taxpayers and tax authorities

    • to explain the relationship between tax theory and tax practice, and to illustrate the relevance and impact of tax rules on the economic and financial position of taxpayers (particularly enterprises irrespective of their legal form), as well as on the tax revenue raising capacity of countries

  • Identifies (business) economic challenges with practical relevance and relates them to insights developed in the field (8.a)
  • Uses the language of instruction to communicate orally and in writing with an audience of specialists and non-specialists, and such in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context (10.a)
  • Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment (11.a)

Previous knowledge

No prior knowledge is required for this course.

Identical courses

D0X42A: Inleiding tot fiscaliteit
HTH91A: Inleiding tot fiscaliteit (BL)
Y05074: Inleiding tot fiscaliteit (S)
HSH95A: Inleiding tot fiscaliteit (S)
HSA19A: Principles of Taxation (B)

Is included in these courses of study


Principles of Taxation (B-KUL-HBA21c)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Brief Outline of the Course Content


Chapter 1: Introduction (Definition, purpose and categorization, Tax mix and allocation of tax revenue, General principles of taxation)

Chapter 2: Typologies of indirect taxes

Chapter 3: Typologies of direct taxes


Chapter 4: International aspects of indirect taxes

Chapter 5: International aspects of direct taxes


Chapter 6: European aspects of indirect taxes

Chapter 7: European aspects of direct taxes

Course material

PPT presentation and selected literature


Evaluation: Principles of Taxation (B-KUL-H73593)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : Code/lawbook, None


Evaluation caracteristics

The exam will be a closed book exam consisting in several multiple choice questions that will cover all the topics covered in class

Second exam opportunity

Same as June exam

ECTS ICT Management (B-KUL-HBA22C)

6 ECTS English 52 Second termSecond term


The student... 

  • Uses the analysis of a (business) economic problem to develop and propose a solution in line with the organisational strategy. (1.c).
  • Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems. (2.a).
  • Distinguishes and clarifies the different ways in which activities and processes in organisations are organised, structured and managed. (2.b). 
  • Distinguishes and explains the techniques and strategies that organisations use to manage information and data. (2.r).
  • Critically assesses (scientific) information, data and structures, and processes all this in line with solving (business) economics problem with practical relevance. (7.d).
  • Is familiar with relevant ICT applications and uses the knowledge and skills to solve (business) economic problems. (11.g).


The specific aims for this course are as follows.

The student... 

  • Understands the models that can be used to evaluate the alignment between business strategy and IT strategy (1.c.1).
  • Is able to interpret a conceptual data model and translated to a logical relational data model (1.c.2).
  • Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and information systems (2.a.1).
  • Is able to interpret a business process model (2.b.1).
  • Distinguishes and explains the techniques and strategies that organisations use for data and process management (2.r.1).
  • Critically assesses data and process models against business requirements (7.d.1).
  • Understands the difference between descriptive and predictive data mining and understands how basic analytics techniques work and can be used to solve business problems (11.g.1).
  • Understands what the Internet of Things is and how it can be used to solve business problems (11.g.2).

Previous knowledge

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.

Identical courses

HBH73E: ICT-management
Y00942: ICT-management

Is included in these courses of study


ICT Management (B-KUL-HBA22c)

6 ECTS : Lecture 52 Second termSecond term


Chapter 1. ICT introduction

  • Introduction to ICT in the business environment.
  • The life cycle, arquitecture and methodologies of Business Information Systems.
  • Business and IT alignment and Enterprise Architecture.

Chapter 2. Process Modelling

  • Fundamentals of process management: the BPM cycle, essentials of business process modelling, and BPMN.

Chapter 3. Data Modeling

  • UML, relational modelling

Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Business Intelligence

Chapter 5. The Internet of Things (IoT)

Course material

The course material will be composed on slides, exercises, some video lectures, and a KU Leuven MOOC (on EdX).

The course material will be placed on Toledo. 

Some PC tools might be required.

Format: more information

Asynchronous online learning - Flipped classroom - Practice session

The course is taught as a combination of lectures and exercise sessions.

A flipped classroom will be used for some chapters; following this approach, in these chapters the theory will be offered in the form of video lectures while the class time will be dedicated to more active learning.


Evaluation: ICT Management (B-KUL-H73594)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : Calculator


The evaluation consists on a final written exam that will count for 20 points. 

Final exam

  • The (written) exam consists of a number of multiple choice questions. 
  • A correction is applied for guessing. Further details are communicated via Toledo.
  • In case of an individual move of an examination, the form of the examination may differ from this form.

Determination of final grades

  • The final grade is determined by the final exam score.

Second examination opportunity

  • The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above. 


Information about retaking exams

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity. 

ECTS Statistics for Business (B) (B-KUL-HSA10A)

6 ECTS English 78 First termFirst term
Dierckx Goedele (coordinator) |  Dierckx Goedele |  Boeckx Eric (cooperator)


5.a       Uses static and dynamic models, graphically and algebraically, to analyse and solve (business) economic problems.

             Defines probabilistic models and tests the quality of probabilistic frameworks to model economic problems.

5.b       Uses descriptive and inferential statistical methods and techniques to solve (business) economic problems.

             Applies descriptive statistical methods. Uses confidence intervals and hypothesis testing for parameters of 

             distributions to solve economic problems.

5.c       Studies and interprets associations between variables using linear regression techniques.


6.c       In line with the given practical relevance and the definition of the (business) economics problem, chooses and uses

             the appropriate techniques to acquire, analyse and interpret data.

             Chooses and uses appropriate descriptive statistics and appropriate inferential statistics to analyse and interpret


6.e       From qualitative and quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance.




Previous knowledge

No prior knowledge is required for this course

Identical courses

Y00266: Statistiek voor bedrijfswetenschappen (S)
HSH89A: Statistiek voor bedrijfswetenschappen (S)
HTH85A: Statistiek voor bedrijfswetenschappen (BL)


Statistics for Business (B) (B-KUL-HSA10a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 78 First termFirst term
Dierckx Goedele |  Boeckx Eric (cooperator)


Chapter 1 : Case study
-    Research questions
-    Case study: statistical literacy

Chapter 2: Sampling
-    Sampling methods
-    data classification (qualitative - quantitative; discrete - continuous; univariate - multivariate)

Chapter 3: Descriptive Statistics for one and more variables
-    Categorical data: frequency tables,  bar plots
-    Numerical data: histograms, empirical distribution function, quantiles, mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range, robustness against outliers, transformation
-    Relationships between variables: scatterplot and correlation coefficient, time plot, contingency table and segmented bar plot

Chapter 4: Probability theory
-    Experimental probability: law of large numbers
-    Rule of Laplace
-    Rules for probability: complement rule, sum rule, multiplication rule
-    Conditional probability

Chapter 5: Distributions of random variables
-    Random variables
-    Discrete distribution: probability distribution, expectation, variance
-    Continuous distribution: density, expectation, variance
-    Transformations and linear combinations of random variables
-    Normal distribution
-    Binomial distribution

Chapter 6: Foundations for inference
-    Variability in estimates : sampling distribution, standard error
-    Sampling distribution for the mean: central limit theorem
-    Confidence interval for mean (variance known)
-    Hypothesis testing: null hypothesis, test statistic, p-value, type 1 and type 2 error, power, critical region
-    Hypothesis testing for mean (variance known)

Chapter 7: Inference for numerical data

-    t-test for one mean

-    t-test for paired data

-    t-test for difference of two means

-    ANOVA test

-    test for correlation

-    assumptions for parametric tests


Chapter 8: Inference for categorical data

-   test for single proportion

-   Chi square test for independence  in two-way tables


Chapter 9: Simple linear regression

-   Model specification

-   Inference for linear regression

-   Goodness of fit

-   Assumptions


Course material

Course material available on Toledo

Format: more information

The course consists of a combination of formal lectures, learning conversations and collective work. During the formal lectures the most important concepts will be explained and illustrated by means of examples. Students are expected to participate actively during these lectures. Regularly a tutorial will be organised during which difficult exercises from the syllabus will be dealt with. SPSS will be introduced in these tutorials.
Doing exercises is an essential part in order to be successful. Exercises will be placed at the students' disposal on Toledo. As a result, the students will be able to evaluate their knowledge of the matter by means of the solutions. Exercises not dealt with in lectures and tutorials may be handed in, in order to be corrected.


Evaluation: Statistics for Business (B) (B-KUL-H74940)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator, Computer


Evaluation caracteristics

Students will be evaluated on the basis of a written exam.
The exam consists of exercises similar to those of the syllabus and those dealt with in class and some theoretical questions. It is important to notice that the exercises' level of difficulty on the exam will be higher than those made in class/of the syllabus. At the beginning of the learning process rather easy exercises will be made compared to those of the exam. Students are expected to have a thorough command of theory . A good insight into the concepts and methods dealt with is essential in order to make the exercises on the exam.
For (part of) the exam, students will have a computer at their disposable. Students are allowed to use the programs SPSS/Excel.

A formula sheet will be provided during the exam. The content of this formula sheet is available on Toledo.
An example of the exam will be placed at the students' disposal at the end of the semester. It will be posted on Toledo.

Second exam opportunity

The evaluation methods during the first and second exam opportunities are identic.



ECTS Corporate Finance (B) (B-KUL-HSA23A)

6 ECTS English 52 Second termSecond term
D'Espallier Bert (coordinator) |  D'Espallier Bert


2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.

2.a.6  Students are able to describe and apply the main financial concepts and theories within corporate finance 

2.c  Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains.

2.c.1  Students are able to position the role of the financial manager and the goals of corporate finance within a broader corporate perspective 

2.i  Masters the basic concepts and the overall functioning of banking, the stock market and the insurance business as well as the characteristics and functioning of the most important financial products and financial markets.

2.i.2  Students are able to determine the financial value of the main financial instruments used in corporate finance i.e. stocks and bonds  

2.j  Using the principles of time value of money, interprets information from financial reporting and news coverage, and uses all this as input in financial issues.

2.j.2  Students are able to apply the principles of time value of money to several valuation exercises  

2.k  Makes a reasoned assessment of the impact of uncertainty on the financial decisions of individuals and organisations.

2.k.1  Students are able to financing and investment decisions with a risk-return  framework                             

8.a  Identifies (business) economic challenges with practical relevance and relates them to insights developed in the field.

8.a.1  Students are able to analyse investment and financing decisions using science-based theoretical frameworks 

8.g  Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.

8.g.3  Students are able to critically reflect on the financial news and are able to assess the implications of the financial news on corporate finance decision 

12.d  Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values.

12.d.1 Students are able to critically reflect on the sustainability of financial decisions

Previous knowledge

There is no specific pre-knowledge required for this course

Identical courses

Y00341: Ondernemingsfinanciering (S)
HBH62E: Ondernemingsfinanciering
HBA18C: Corporate Finance
HTH88A: Ondernemingsfinanciering (BL)
HSH94A: Ondernemingsfinanciering (S)
Y00926: Ondernemingsfinanciering


Corporate Finance (B) (B-KUL-HSA23a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 52 Second termSecond term


Value and value-creation

  • introduction
  • valuing bonds
  • valuing stocks
  • evaluation of investment projects  

Risk and capital budgeting

  • introduction risk and return
  • portfolio theory and asset pricing models
  • risk and the cost of capital  

Selected corporate finance topics

 This table of contents is indicative: changes can be made in view of topical events in corporate finance and time constraints. Also depending on timing, one or more business-oriented guest lectures can be organised.

Course material

Recommended study material:
Principles of Corporate Finance, custom edition based on 13th edition - compiled by Decan, H., D'Espallier, B. and Praet, A.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781307561722


Evaluation: Corporate Finance (B) (B-KUL-H75361)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator


The exam consist of theoretical questions and exercises. Questions on subjects treated by invited guest lectures/business seminars (if any) are possible. Part of the exam can be in the form of multiple choice questions (a correction for guessing will be applied for multiple choice questions – details will be discussed during the lectures).

Information about retaking exams

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity.

ECTS Strategic Management (B-KUL-Y00927)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


This course evaluates the following outcomes:

The course participant…

1.a analyses the environment in which an organization is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organization.
1.b understands basic theories, basic terms and basic concepts of strategic management and uses them to critically evaluate the organizational strategy and make proposals to adjust the latter.
1.c uses the analysis of a (business) economic problem to develop and propose a solution in line with the organizational strategy.

2.a understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organizational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.c understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organization and the coherence with other management domains.
2.d within the different management domains, develops proposals for the implementation of a certain organizational strategy, critically analyses the consequences of them and, based on this analysis, formulates proposals to adjust the organizational strategy.

3.a detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy.

More information

Strategic management analyses how company performance is driven by the industry and the broader environment of a company as well as by how a company competes in this environment.

After taking this course, students are expected to be able to independently interpret and criticize strategic decisions made by companies. The student masters the different theoretical concepts and frameworks discussed in class and is able to integrate and synthesize them while taking strategic decisions. Moreover, the student can apply these frameworks to real world examples. In particular, the student can identify those factors which are critical for the success of the company.

Previous knowledge

For this course it is recommended to have sufficient prior knowledge of the course Management.

Identical courses

HBH63E: Strategisch management
HLH20B: Strategisch management
HBA10C: Strategic Management


Strategic Management (B-KUL-Y50703)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


1.          What is strategy?
2.          Drivers of value creation
3.          Industry analysis
4.          Competitive strategy and competitive advantage
5.          Resources and capabilities
6.          Corporate strategy
7.          Strategy implementation
8.          Innovation strategy
9.          International business strategy

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

Slides, readings and case studies (available on Toledo)

Recommended Course Material (not compulsory)

Optional handbook:
•Foundations of strategy (Robert Grant and Judith Jordan, John Wiley & Sons)
•or Contemporary strategy analysis (Robert Grant, John Wiley & Sons)

Format: more information

Students are expected to actively participate in class, particularly during case discussions. Questions with respect to the covered materials are preferably raised in class. Alternatively, students can send questions through email. In the latter case, the questions will be answered in class.


Evaluation: Strategic Management (B-KUL-Y70927)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Calculator


Features of the evaluation

Written exam during the first examination period.

Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.

Second examination opportunity

The evaluation characteristics and determination of the final result of the second examination are identical to those of the first exam as described above.

Examination contract

Written exam


ECTS Management Accounting (B-KUL-Y00939)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

2.g        Analyses critical methods of cost accounting and uses them accurately when taking management decisions.

8.b        Takes into consideration alternative explanations and methods when analysing and solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.

11.a      efficiently carries out, independently or in team, a clearly defined assignment.

More information

Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

  • apply the techniques of cost accounting in practical exercises (2g).
  • analyse cost- and revenue information in order to solve realistic cases (8b).
  • get organised in such a way that he/she can effectively solve a clearly formulated requirement on an individual or group basis (11a).

Previous knowledge

For this course it is necessary to have sufficient prior knowledge of the courses Accounting A and B.

Identical courses

HBH69E: Management accounting
HBA17C: Management Accounting


Management Accounting (B-KUL-Y50715)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


This course has the aim to teach students 
- the principles and techniques for costing (cost accounting)
- how to use cost information to support policy decisions (management decision making)

We will discuss the following topics:

The role of management accountants
Cost terminology
Relationships between costs, volume and profit (cost-volume-profit analysis)
Costing in piece production: Job Costing
Costing in mass production: Process Costing

Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management
Master budget
Management control, flexible budgets, variance analysis
Inventory valuation and capacity analysis
Analysis of cost behaviour
Decision Process: the importance of relevant information

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

  • Handbook (to study! ):  Datar S., M. Rajan (2021) "Horngren’s Cost accounting - a managerial emphasis", Pearson, Global Edition, 17th edition
  • Accompanying slides to the handbook: see Toledo
  • Exercise requirements provided before class
  • Exercise solutions provided after class

Recommended Course Material

  • Additional exercises

Format: more information

Two contact hours are planned per week. Sessions in which the new content will be discussed and illustrated (using practical examples) will be alternated with a few exercise sessions.

The professor will invite the students to prepare for these exercise sessions beforehand. During these exercise sessions, they get the possibility to continue working on the exercises, and to ask questions to the professor related to their preparations.
Additionally, a discussion board will be opened on Toledo: students (under supervision of the professor) will be able to help each other to answer concrete questions about theory and exercises.

Part of the course also consists of participation in one or more scientific experiments that investigatesa topic related to this course. 

Questions are welcome: 

– During/after lectures

– During the exercise sessions: students are working in group, getting guidance from the professor and assistant coming by. . 

- Through the Discussion Board on Toledo

- After an appointment made by e-mail


Evaluation: Management Accounting (B-KUL-Y70939)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Calculator


Features of the evaluation 

Written exam of 3 hours 

Studens can use a calculator.

The exam mainly consists of exercises/small cases to be solved, by means of which the theory is examined. For the theory for which no exercises can be included in the exercises/small cases to solve, a number of small theoretical questions are provided (multiple choice questions or a short supplementary open question)

Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20 points.


Second examination opportunity

The characteristics of evaluation and/or the determination of the final result of the second examination opportunity are the same of for the first examination opportunity.

Written exam of 3 hours. (the same as the first examination period)

The exam mainly consists of exercises/small cases to be solved, by means of which the theory is examined. For the theory for which no exercises can be included in the exercises/small cases, a number of small theoretical questions are provided (multiple choice questions or a short supplementary open question)

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20 points.


Examination contract

Written exam of 3 hours

The exam mainly consists of exercises/small cases to be solved, by means of which the theory is examined. For the theory for which no exercises can be included in the exercises/small cases, a number of small theoretical questions are provided (multiple choice questions or a short supplementary open question)

Information about retaking exams

The exam format in the second exam session is different, as the bonus points that might have been earned in the first exam session, will not apply anymore. See Notes on the exam  form. 

ECTS Marketing Innovations (B-KUL-Y00949)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

2.a. Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.l. Formulates and evaluates critically the objectives and tools of a marketing planning and strategy.
2.m. Analyses the impact of marketing decisions on the level of the market, the organisation and the consumer

Previous knowledge

For this course it is necessary to have sufficient prior knowledge of the course Marketing.


Marketing Innovations (B-KUL-Y50726)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


- Introduction: Today’s context of marketing innovations

-Growth/innovation models and types

-Business model implications of marketing innovations 

- the customer perspective (segments and value)

- the process perspective (channels,resources, key activities and partnerships)

- the financial perspective (revenues and costs)

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

Powerpoint slides and academic articles (on Toledo)

Recommended Course Material


Language of instruction: more information

Only offered in English

Format: more information

- Lectures and team assignments

-Practical arrangements are written in a course guideline file


Evaluation: Marketing Innovations (B-KUL-Y70949)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project


Features of the evaluation

For this course there is a team paper assignment.

Details on the content and the deadlines of the papers will be communicated through Toledo.


Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.

If the student does not participate in one of the partial evaluations, the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended) for the whole course.
If the set deadline was not respected, the grade for that respective part will be a 0-grade in the final grade.


Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades differ from those of the first examination opportunity. The team paper will be replaced by an individual paper.

Information about retaking exams

See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.

ECTS International Business Game (B-KUL-Y00950)

3 ECTS English 8 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The number of registrations for this course is limited to 24 students. Students have to be present during the first lecture to be registered for the global virtual teams. Late registrations for this course are not allowed. 

More information

The students in this course will have an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in international business collaboration and business consulting. Several companies present their real-life international business challenges. You will be working in an international team of 4-7 people for about eight weeks. Your team will have to select one of those challenges and suggest your solution to the company.


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

1.a   Analyses the environment in which an organisation is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organisation.
1.b   Understands basic theories, basic terms and basic concepts of strategic management and uses them to critically evaluate the organisational strategy and make proposals to adjust the latter.
1.c   Uses the analysis of a (business) economic problem to develop and propose a solution in line with the organisational strategy.

2.a   Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.d   Within the different management domains, develops proposals for the implementation of a certain organisational strategy, critically analyses the consequences of them and, based on this analysis, formulates proposals to adjust the organisational strategy.
2.q   Distinguishes and explains the different internationalisation strategies and processes of organisations.                     

3.a   Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy.
3.b   Analyses price-setting and the various pricing strategies for the most important market forms.                        

9.a   In a team and depending on the context, takes on management, executive or supportive tasks and as such contributes actively to a joint result.
9.b   Listens to the opinion of others and constructively deals with various opinions and cultures.                       

10.a Uses the language of instruction to communicate orally and in writing with an audience of specialists and non-specialists, and such in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context.

11.a Independently or in team, efficiently carries out a clearly defined assignment.
11.b Demonstrates creativity, takes initiative, assumes responsibility, and sets priorities when carrying out economic (business) assignments.
11.c Explains an economic problem in its context, combines data to solve this problem and uses the accumulated multidisciplinary knowledge.

Previous knowledge

For this course it is necessary to have sufficient prior knowledge of the course Strategic Management. It is also recommended to have sufficient prior knowledge of the courses Business Management, Bank and finance, Corporate Finance, Personnel and Organization and Marketing.


International Business Game (B-KUL-Y50727)

3 ECTS : Assignment 8 First termFirst term


Introduction of the international business game

Familiarizing with the player’s guide and learning material

Business game

Presentation of final report.

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

The website of the international business game and Toledo are being used for this learning activity

Student training manual, Company challenge instructions

Format: more information

In the first week of the semester, a lecture will be organized to introduce the international business game. Students have to be present during the first lecture to register for the global virtual teams. Late registrations for this course are not allowed.

Before the project starts, students are required to review the training materials and take a readiness test. The test ensures that all participants are sufficiently familiar with how the international business game works, the task the teams will be working on, deadlines, available communication tools, and other project-related issues. If you fail, you are asked to review the training materials more carefully and to retake the test.

Students who successfully pass the readiness test are randomly assigned to global virtual teams (typically between 4 and 7 students, from different countries) and receive personal emails on the first day of the project with the names and contacts of their team members.

Students work in global virtual teams over a 2-month period. During this time, they have to meet weekly deadlines.

At the end of the project, student teams submit their international business proposals via TurnItIn, an online platform that checks submissions for plagiarism.

All students receive Global Collaboration Experience Certificates and the members of the best teams receive Best Team certificates.



Evaluation: International Business Game (B-KUL-Y70950)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer


Features of the evaluation

See ‘Format: more information’ for more information.
Deadlines will be communicated on Toledo/ project website.


Determination of final grades

The international business game involves a series of tasks commissioned by a real-life international company that you and your global virtual team (GVT) must complete during a period of 10 weeks. The weekly progress reports are formative and are not graded.  Each GVT team member will be evaluated by weekly peer evaluations in terms of effort, intellectual contribution, help with writing the report, and coordinating team efforts. The students also complete an online post-project survey that include-peer evaluations. If the student does not participate in one of the partial evaluations, the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended) for the whole course.

The final team reports are evaluated by the instructors using standardized rubrics. Each instructor evaluates the reports from the teams that had his/her students in them. The instructor evaluations of the team reports are then aggregated.

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20. 

Grades will be determined as follows:

- Process assessment:

Completion of the pre-project training: Must pass to enroll

Weekly progress reports, 10 total, submitted individually by each student (completed fully and before the deadline): Must be completed to receive project grade

Post-project survey (completed before the deadline, % questions answered, check for response non-randomness): Must be completed to receive project grade

Peer evaluations (as evaluated by the other team members in terms of effort, intellectual contribution, help with writing the report, coordinating team efforts, other comments), reported weekly and post-project, average of all: 30%

- Product assessment:

Quality of the team report (as rated by the instructors): 70%


Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and/or the determination of grades differ between the first and second examination opportunity. Students that did not pass the first examination opportunity will have to individually improve the final report of their global virtual team.

Students that did not participate in a global virtual team during the semester cannot take part in the second examination opportunity.

Information about retaking exams

See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.

ECTS Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation (B-KUL-Y02740)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The course evaluates the following outcomes:

The student...

3.a Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy.

8.f Critically reflects on his own behaviour and approach, in the context of lifelong learning.

9.a In a team and depending on the context, takes on management, executive or supportive tasks and as such contributes actively to a joint result.

9.b Listens to the opinion of others and constructively deals with various opinions and cultures.

12.b Connects the psycho-social and ethical insights with the business economic reality in a reasoned way.


More information

Students should understand the primary cultural ingredients that come into play in business and other relationships with partners from different cultures. These ingredients can be mastered and adapted across many contexts to forge lucrative partnerships. To understand the complexity of cross-cultural relationships and interactions is therefore the main focus of this course. After the introduction on the concept of culture, cultural differences and intercultural negotiation, the student will participate in experiential workshops and in-company visits, in which the different dimensions and facets of cross-cultural interactions are explored and studied.

Previous knowledge

There is no specific foreknowledge required for this course

Identical courses

Y02730: Cross Cultural Negotiations


Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation (B-KUL-Y52930)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


Part I: theoretical colleges elaborating on:

  • An introduction of the concept of culture and cultural differences
  • The different elements that are part of the process of business negotiation.
  • Theoretical framework for analyzing cultural differences, cultural thinking patterns and approaches. 
  • An introduction of various negotiation techniques and successful forms of communication,

Part II: Experiential seminars and in company visits in Paris in which the students will become familiar with realistic / day to day cross-cultural management and negotiation issues.

Part III: Interactive group presentations on selected topics.



Course material

PowerPoint presentations, scientific articles and other information will be available on Toledo. 

Format: more information

Classes are organized in the form of theoretical lectures and experiential exercises, seminars and visits. Active participation from the students is required. Students' participation to the study visits in Paris is compulsary for this course.  

The course consists of three parts.

In the first part the students are introduced into the world of cross-cultural negotiations. More specific, focus will be on how to understand culture, cultural differences and how these are reflected in negotiations. After this first part, the students should have a good understanding of the complexity of cross-cultural interaction and some techniques to deal with it.

In the second part the students will participate in experiential seminars and in company visits that focus on various aspects of cross-cultural management and negotiation during a study trip to Paris (indicative price: € 350). Students will participate in visits to international companies, international organizations such as Flanders Investment and Trade in Paris and OECD and one partner university where they will learn how they deal with cross cultural issues. Participation to the study trip to Paris is compulsary. Students are expected to take part in all company visits and write an individual reflection paper on their experiences in terms of cross cultural management during the visits. If the study trip cannot take place due to sanitary measures or other situations of force majeure, an alternative programme will be proposed. All this will be communicated through Toledo at the start of the semester.

In the third part  the students will prepare and perform interactive group presentations in which they elaborate on their insights gathered from the theories from part I and the experiential knowledge from part II in a specific context.

For practical reasons concerning the study trip, participation to this optional course is limited to max. 22 students. 


Evaluation: Cross Cultural Management and Negotiation (B-KUL-Y72740)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None


Features of the evaluation

Students' assessment is based on a combination of individual assignments, permanent evaluation and a group paper & presentation

Individual assignment / reflection paper on the study visits (10% of total score): students will write a short individual reflection paper.  

Group paper / handout (40% of total score) & presentation (30% of total score): students will work in group on a (sub)theme of cross-cultural negotiations. As a group, they are responsible for teaching a 20 min. lecture on their theme (last classes), by presenting the essential concepts, academic literature and cases, thereby taking into account the gathered knowledge from the courses. This group presentation should also include interactive elements, through which the other students become familiar with the theme (by the use of cases, exercises, multimedia, role play,…). The preparation, analysis and results of this group work should also be reported in a paper / handout.

Permanent evaluation (10% total score): attendance of and participation during classes and the study visit

Peer evaluation of your team members (10 % of total score): students will have to evaluate the members of their team of the group presentation and paper.


Determination of final grades

The final grade is a weighted score and consists of:

Individual reflection paper counts for 10% of the points, group paper counts for 40 %  & group presentation counts for 30% of the points, permanent evaluation counts for 10% of the points and peer evaluation counts for 10% of the points.
The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

The deadline for the assignments will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via Toledo

If the set deadline for the individual assignments was not respected, the grade for that respective part will be a 0-grade in the final grade, unless the student asked the lecturer to arrange a new deadline. This request needs to be motivated by serious circumstances.


Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and/or the determination of grades differ between the first and second examination opportunity. 

The alternative assignments consist of an individual paper in which the student presents the essential concepts, literature and cases of an approved topic, thereby taking into account the gathered knowledge from the lectures. Moreover, the student will present this study individually to the course coordinator. The assignment and presentation count for 100% of the overall grade.

The deadlines for the assignment will be communicated through Toledo. If a deadline is not respected, it leads to NA (not taken) for the whole course.

Information about retaking exams

See 'Explanation' under 'Mode of Evaluation' for more information on the modalities of the 2nd exam opportunity.

ECTS European Law and Social Policy (B-KUL-Y02750)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

4.a        Has a functional multidisciplinary knowledge to identify social phenomena and to reflect on them, also from a philosophical-ethical perspective, and link them with the corporate and market reality in a reasoned way.
4.b        Explains current (business) economic facts and events according to their historical development.
4.c        Analyses the functioning of organisations and markets in relation to society and its actors.
4.e        Explains general problems of (business) economics in a legal way using a selection of relevant sources of law as well as the functional knowledge of law.

12.c      Reflects on business and economic thinking and behaviour from a social and ethical point of view.


The course provides the students with the necessary knowledge to understand the functioning of the law of the European Union and the role of its institutions in the law making process. This is studied with a specific emphasis on the economic and social dimension of European integration.

Upon completion of this course, the student can:

  • Approach critically the relationship between law, the role of the economic market and social policy in a European context (4.a., 4.e., 12.c.)
  • Place the relationship between law, the role of the economic market and social policy in a historical, international and multidisciplinary context (4.a. en 4.b.)
  • Name basic notions from the legal environment of economic and social policy in the European Union (4.a. en 4.e.)
  • Name and assess the role of legally relevant institutions and actors, such as the European legislator, judge and policy institutions, as well as social partners. (4.a. en 4.c.)
  • Understand and use legal sources (4.a. en 4.e.)
  • Recognize, analyse and solve legal problems related to economic policy or business management (4.a. en 4.e.)
  • Develop and formulate a legal argumentation and position with regard to an economically or social-politically relevant problem (4.a. en 4.e.)


Previous knowledge

A general interest in Europe, law and social policy will help the student to understand the ongoing changes in the European Union with regard to social policy.


European Law and Social Policy (B-KUL-Y52940)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The course introduces the students in the nature, major principles, processes and actors of the European legal system, using social policy as a major example within the European Union. Although European integration could originally be seen as focused on the realisation of the internal market (and having only an economic purpose), it has become widely accepted that economic and social integration goes hand in hand. This double bind of European integration is enshrined in the Treaties and embodied in the European Social Model.

Particular attention will be paid to the institutional framework, the EU competences, the legislative process, the role of the European social partners, principles of the internal market, employment policies, social policy and external policy.

The course covers the legislation and the main case law of the European Court of Justice in the area of labour law and social security law. The focus of the course lies with the following specific issues:

  • EU law (EU institutions, legal sources, characteristics of EU law)
  • Fundamental rights in the European Union
  • The principle of non-discrimination
  • Free movement of workers
  • Free movement of services and establishment
  • Posting of workers
  • Social dialogue and collective bargaining
  • Worker involvement and business restructuring
  • Employment and labour market policy
  • European economic governance
  • External policy and fair globalisation
  • The role of the ILO (International Labour Organisation) and relation with the EU

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

A syllabus provided by the lecturer via Toledo.
Powerpoint presentations.
Background reading via Toledo.

Format: more information

The course will be taught on the basis of lectures. Interaction and in-class discussion is strongly promoted.


Evaluation: European Law and Social Policy (B-KUL-Y72750)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Code/lawbook


Features of the evaluation

Take-home exam (60%), home assignments (25%), oral participation or other extraordinary efforts/achievements (15%)

Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.


Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

ECTS European Politics and Policy (B-KUL-Y05080)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

3.a Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy.

3.g From a multidisciplinary perspective (and on the economic, legal, historic and social level), situates, analyses and evaluates the main powers and policies of international organisations regarding international trade and investment.

7.a Applies a critical mind when collecting sources and data and assesses their scientific relevance.

7.b Refers in a correct and consistent manner to scientific sources.

7.c Critically analyses the contents of (scientific) sources.

7.d Critically assesses (scientific) information, data and structures, and processes all this in line with solving (business) economics problem with practical relevance.

8.g Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.

9.b Listens to the opinion of others and constructively deals with various opinions and cultures.

10.a Uses the language of instruction to communicate orally and in writing with an audience of specialists and non-specialists, and such in a way that is correct on the level of grammar and vocabulary; uses a style that is common in a (business) economics context.

10.b As far as the foreign languages are concerned, knows the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar and uses all this accurately in written and oral communication.


More information

Upon completion of this course, the student is able to: 

  • Acquire knowledge of the political history of the European integration, of the politics and policy and of the institutions of the European Union
  • Discuss current issues of the European Union on the base of selected texts

Previous knowledge

 There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.


European Politics and Policy (B-KUL-Y55080)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


  • History of European integration from 1945 until now
  • The role of the federal state of Belgium in the European decision-making process
  • Discussion of texts on the aims and the international relations of the European Union
  • Presentation by the student. if there are more than 25 participants, there will be no individual presentation and the students will have to write a critical assessment of a certain topic. 

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

  • Slides on the political history
  • texts for discussion

Recommended Course Material

  • /

Toledo is being used for this learning activity

Format: more information


Presentation by the student (or if there are more than 25 participants, the student will write a critical assessment of a certain topic). 


Evaluation: European Politics and Policy (B-KUL-Y75080)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Closed questions
Learning material : None


Features of the evaluation

Written exam with closed questions (15 points). During the course the student gives a presentation (5 points) or writes a critical analysis if there are more than 25 participants. 

The presentation or analysis is a precondition for the participation to the exam. 

Only those students who are for justified reasons unable to do the presentation during the course will receive an extra question at the exam (written exam on 20 points). In case of more that there are more than 25 participants, the student must write a critical analysis anyway instead of getting such an extra question. 


Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.


Second examination opportunity

There will be a written exam on 20 points (no transfer of the points of the presentation or the critical analysis). .

Information about retaking exams

Second attempt: questions on the slides and the texts for an integer 20/20. 

ECTS Research Methodology (B-KUL-Y05082)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

5.a        Uses static and dynamic models, graphically and algebraically, to analyse and solve (business) economic problems.
5.b        Uses descriptive and inferential statistical methods and techniques to solve (business) economic problems.
5.c        Studies and interprets associations between variables using linear regression techniques.

6.c        In line with the given practical relevance and the definition of the (business) economics problem, chooses and uses the appropriate techniques to acquire, analyse and interpret data.
6.e        From qualitative and quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance.

More information

Upon completion of this course, the student can:

  • select and execute adequate research methods to solve statistical problems. (6.c)
  • interpret the output of statistical computations that have been generated (5.a, 5.b, 6.e)
  • check the underlying assumputions of methods used (5.a, 5.b)

Previous knowledge

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.


Research Methodology (B-KUL-Y55082)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


Depending on the results from the initial test, and taking into account time constraints, a selection from the following topics will be discussed:

  • probability theory and applications based on simulation and sampling methods
  • discrete and continuous distributions (Bernouilli, Binomial, Normal, Student, Fisher, Chi-squared, etc.)
  • descriptive statistics for qualitative datasets
  • descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis for quantitative datasets
  • classical hypothesis testing (based on the Central Limit Theorem) and applications
  • alternative types of hypothesis testing (based on bootstrapping, simulation, etc.) and applications
  • regression methods (multiple linear regression, logistic regression, etc.)
  • time series methods and applications
  • qualitative research methods (social networks, discourse analysis, etc.)
  • machine learning and artificial intelligence (tree-based methods, boosting, deep learning, etc.)


In any case, this course mainly focuses on statistical inference based on real datasets from businesses.

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

Slides and additional course materials are available through the learning platform which accompanies the following handbook:
Wessa, P. (2017) "Statistical Analytics for Small and Big Data", Big Analytics Ltd, 2nd edition


Recommended Course Material


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During the first week of the course, students are required to take an initial test which serves to identify strengths and weaknesses of each participant. Based on these test results the instructor selects a series of chapters and exercises from the handbook that are most relevant. The lectures are designed to explain the main, theoretical ideas and guide students through their learning process based on cases and exercises.


Evaluation: Research Methodology (B-KUL-Y75082)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer


Features of the evaluation

Students are required to solve statistical problems on the computer and defend their results orally.


Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.


Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

ECTS Management Project (B-KUL-Y05083)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

5.a        Uses static and dynamic models, graphically and algebraically, to analyse and solve (business) economic problems.
5.b        Uses descriptive and inferential statistical methods and techniques to solve (business) economic problems.
5.c        Studies and interprets associations between variables using linear regression techniques.

6.c        In line with the given practical relevance and the definition of the (business) economics problem, chooses and uses the appropriate techniques to acquire, analyse and interpret data.
6.e        From qualitative and quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance.

More information

Upon completion of this course, the student can:

  • select and execute adequate research methods to solve statistical problems. (6.c)
  • interpret the output of statistical computations that have been generated (5.a, 5.b, 6.e)
  • check the underlying assumputions of methods used (5.a, 5.b)

Previous knowledge

The following preknowledge is required for this course:

  • an in-depth knowledge of descriptive statistics for qualitative and quantitative data
  • a thorough theoretical and practical understanding of probabilistic problems and hypothesis testing
  • a theoretical and practical understanding of multiple linear regression models
  • a basic understanding of time series methods


Management Project (B-KUL-Y55083)

3 ECTS : Practical 26 First termFirst term


Students write an empirical research paper based on a selection of research methods which are discussed in the course Research Methodology. Several real business datasets are made available by the instructor. The research paper takes the structural form of a proceedings paper (4K words) and is discussed during one-on-one coaching and group sessions.

Course material

Compulsory Course Material

Slides and additional course materials are available through the learning platform which accompanies the following handbook:
Wessa, P. (2017) "Statistical Analytics for Small and Big Data", Big Analytics Ltd, 2nd edition

Recommended Course Material


Toledo is not being used for this learning activity


Evaluation: Management Project (B-KUL-Y75083)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer


Features of the evaluation

Students present their research paper and are graded through a peer review process in which the evaluation criteria are specified by the instructor (the grade awarded is computed as the median of all review scores). If the grade is disputed, the final grade is determined by the instructor.


Determination of final grades

The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.


Second examination opportunity

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

ECTS Mathematics for Business (B-KUL-Y05101)

6 ECTS English 52 Both termsBoth terms
N. |  Janssens Dirk (substitute)


Only students enrolled in the preparatory programme of Master of Business Administration are allowed to take up this course. This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

3.h Defines, explains and uses, both graphically and model-based, macro- and micro-economic concepts.

5.a Uses static and dynamic models, graphically and algebraically, to analyse and solve (business) economic problems.
5.d Uses methods and techniques of operational research to model and solve (business) economic problems.

8.d Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.

11.g Is familiar with relevant ICT applications and uses the knowledge and skills to solve (business) economic problems.

More information

Each student of Business Administration should have an understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications within the business economic sciences. In this context mathematic is a subsidiary science in service of other courses. At the same time mathematics includes an educational component in which the aim is that the student is able to reason abstractly and critically.

At the end of the course the student is able to work structurally in a problem-solving way.

Specifically the following competences are required:

  • The student knows research methods within the field of the business economic sciences and can employ these. In particular (s)he can analyse micro and macro economic concepts graphically and by means of models (3.h)
  • The student has demonstrable knowledge and understanding of a number of analysis techniques, especially optimalisation and the use of mathematical techniques in model construction (3.h, 5.a)
  • The student can independently construct a reasoning and work out an argumentation (8.d)
  • The student is familiar with the workings of an electronic spreadsheet (MS Excel). He can use these knowledge and skills to solve problems in the domain of (business) economics. (11.g)


Previous knowledge

The student should master algebraic skills (including working wth exponents, calculating with letter shapes, solving quadratic equations, using the rule of Horner at factorization of polynomials, graphical representation of elementary functions, basic two dimensional analystical geometry and elementary trigonometry) and logical and abstract reasoning skills.

Before the academic year starts an introductory course is offered in connection with the above mentioned skills.

Identical courses

Y00267: Wiskunde voor bedrijfswetenschappen (S)
HTH79A: Wiskunde voor bedrijfswetenschappen (S-BL)
HSH88A: Wiskunde voor bedrijfswetenschappen (S)
HSA09A: Mathematics for Business (B)


Mathematics for Business 1 (B-KUL-Y55101)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
N. |  Janssens Dirk (substitute)

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During the lectures the accent is mostly on the practical applicability of mathematical techniques in economics. A theoretical framework is sketched. Frequently exercises are referred to which can be solved in order to better understand the material. Solutions for these exercises are also available.
Electronically duided self-study (via Wiskunde_PV) is made available.

Apart from the possibility to ask questions to the professor, course tutorials are provided.

Mathematics for Business 2 (B-KUL-Y55102)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term
N. |  Janssens Dirk (substitute)

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During the lectures the accent is mostly on the practical applicability of mathematical techniques in economics. A theoretical framework is sketched. Frequently exercises are referred to which can be solved in order to better understand the material. Solutions for these exercises are also available.
Electronically guided self-study (via Wiskunde_PV) is made available.

Apart from the possibility to ask questions to the professor, course tutorials are provided.


Evaluation: Mathematics for Business (B-KUL-Y75101)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator


Evaluation characteristics

For this year-course a partial exam about 'Mathematics for Business 1' is organised during the first examination period (50% of the final grade) and a partial exam about 'Mathematics for Business 2' is organised during the second examiniation period (50% of the final grade). Both are written exams. A calculator is made available for the written exam by the institution. Students may not use their own calculator for the exam.

Determination final result

The final score is the (arithmetic mean) of the scores on both partial semestrial exams if the student gets a minimum score 8.00/20 on both (measured up to two decimals). Otherwise, the lowest score obtained on the semestrial OLA-parts is assigned as final OPO score.
The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.

This means that a student must obtain at any evaluation at least 8.00/20 and a final score for the course of at least 10/20 to pass this course.

If the student does not participate in one of the semester evaluations, the final grade of the course will be NA (not taken) for the whole course.

Component marks of at least 10/20 (for the semester examinations) are transferred to the next examination period within the same academic year. In case of a partial transfer the originally obtained component mark is included in the final mark of that course. Students only retake the evaluation/activities for which no transfer of the result took place.

No component marks are transferred to the next academic year when no credit is obtained for the final year-OPO.

Second exam opportunity

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examiniation opportunity, as described above.

Information about retaking exams


ECTS Economics (B-KUL-Y05156)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


Only students enrolled in the preparatory programme of Master of Business Administration are allowed to take up this course. 

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

3.e On the macro-economic level, interprets and analyses the behaviour of the different economic agents on the various domestic and foreign markets.

3.f Analyses and underpins in a graphic and model-based way, the most important theories of international trade and the most important tools for trade policy, and estimates their consequences for consumers, organisations and governments.

Previous knowledge

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.


Economics (B-KUL-Y55156)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


This course is an introduction in international economics. Topics that will be discussed are international trade theory, International trade policy, International economic treaties, foreign direct investment and economic development. The student will be introduced into the knowledge required to effectively analyse international economic problems.


Course material

Compulsory Course Material

An introduction to International Economics: New perspectives on the world economy,Kenneth A. Reinert,2e,Cambridge University Press,9780521177108

Recommended Course Material

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There will be no lectures for this course. Students process the subject material based on self-tuition. If students have questions about the course material, they are allowed to contact the lecturer.


Evaluation: Economics (B-KUL-Y75156)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Closed questions


Features of the evaluation
Written exam with open questions.


Determination of final grades
The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

The evaluation characteristics and determination of the final result of the second examination are identical to those of the first exam as described above.

Second examination opportunity
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.