Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
CQ Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
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Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
1. The student can make a critical analysis of a literary text and situate it in the broader cultural-historical context of Western literature.2. The student can develop a scholarly and critical interpretation of literary texts and other cultural phenomena and can communicate this interpretation in both written and oral form for both a scholarly and a general audience.
3. The student has an informed understanding of the specific status of literature as a linguistic system that interacts with broader social and cultural contexts.
4. The student is familiar with the diverse ways in which Western literature has been an object of study, both from a historical and a contemporary perspective. The student is familiar with historical and current engagements with the following questions: (a) what is Western literature?, (b) how has the idea of Western literature been conceptualized and problematized, (c) how does Western literature interact with its contexts?, and (d) how do different literary traditions interact within the larger framework of Western literature?
5. The student is familiar with new methods and approaches within literary studies, cultural studies and literary theory. The student can critically assess these methods and approaches and apply them in a specific research context.
6. The student understands the ways in which different humanities and social science disciplines influence literary studies. The student can employ insights from these disciplines in his or her own research.
7. The student can formulate a research question and gather the primary and secondary material necessary for the research. The student can conceptualize, structure and compose a MA thesis.
8. The student can communicate research results in both oral and written form for an academic audience.
9. The student can communicate research results to non-specialized audiences.
10. The student follows the deontological and ethical codes of scientific research in his or her research.
11. The student has an insight in diversity and intercultural interaction and can use this insight to participate in contemporary social and cultural debates.
12. The student develops a lasting interest in Western literature and culture.
13. The student develops a critical literacy that he or she can deploy in different professional and social contexts.
14. The student who takes language-specific modules has an advanced knowledge of the literary historical traditions in that language and can connect these to broader developments within the Western literary tradition.
15. The student who takes language-specific modules that are taught in a foreign language has a C2 (or at the very least a C1) proficiency level for understanding (listening and reading), speaking (production and interaction) and writing. This holds especially for students who write their MA thesis in a foreign language.
Educational quality of the study programme
Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.Educational quality at study programme level
BlueprintBLUEPRINT_MA_Western Literature.pdf
Blauwdruk_MA_ Western Literature.pdf
COBRA 2019-2023
COBRA fiche_MA Western Literature.pdf
Educational quality at university level
- Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.
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- More information on the educational quality at KU Leuven
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SC Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
Students take all courses of this group.Core Courses
Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (6 sp.) F0UX8A R.Ingelbien (coördinator) Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (6 sp.) 39u. F0UX8a D'hoker, Ingelbien, Meylaerts, Darnbrough (plaatsvervanger) Dissertation (18 sp.) F0VY1A Dissertation (18 sp.) 0u. F0VY1a N. Western Literature: Texts and Contexts (6 sp.) F0ZH5A Western Literature: Texts and Contexts, Part 1 (3 sp.) 30u. F0ZH5a D'hoker Western Literature: Texts and Contexts, part 2 (3 sp.) 30u. F0ZH6a D'hoker
Students select one or two courses from this group.Transversal Module
Literature and Science (6 sp.) F0UY0A S.Bru (coördinator) Literature and Science (6 sp.) 39u. F0UY0a Bru, van den Bossche Gender, Literature and Theory (6 sp.) F0XI3A A.Gilleir (coördinator) Gender, Literature and Theory - Part I (5 sp.) 39u. F0XI3a D'hoker, Koziej (plaatsvervanger), Gilleir, Koziej (plaatsvervanger), Masschelein, Koziej (plaatsvervanger) Gender, Literature and Theory - Part II (1 sp.) 0u. F0XU9a D'hoker, Koziej (plaatsvervanger), Gilleir, Koziej (plaatsvervanger), Masschelein, Koziej (plaatsvervanger) Literature from a Transcultural and Transnational Perspective (6 sp.) F0UY1A N.Lie (coördinator) Literature from a Transcultural and Transnational Perspective (6 sp.) 39u. F0UY1a Gilleir, Lie, Vermeulen Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (6 sp.) F0UY3A Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (6 sp.) 39u. F0UY3a Meylaerts, Codina Solà (plaatsvervanger), N., Codina Solà (plaatsvervanger) The literary Bible. The Bible as a seminal text in Western literature (6 sp.) F0XX5A G.Claassens (coördinator) The literary Bible. The Bible as a seminal text in Western literature (6 sp.) 26u. F0XX5a Ceulemans, Claassens, Ingelbien, Van Hecke, van den Bossche, N., Partoens (plaatsvervanger)
Students can select courses from the list below or additional courses from the transversal module. Students who wish to follow courses from the modules of German, French, Italian, or Spanish literature need to be sufficiently familiar with the language and literature in question.Elective Courses
Students who wish to select courses from other programmes can do so after approval of the SLB-team. In that case, a motivation is required which justifies the added value of the course in the context of the MA thesis. See motivated request for elective courses.German Literature
Deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Philosophie seit der Aufklärung (6 sp.) F0UZ0A Deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Philosophie seit der Aufklärung (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ0a Philipsen Deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Identität seit der Aufklärung (6 sp.) F0UZ1A Deutsche Literatur: Literatur und Identität seit der Aufklärung (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ1a Gilleir
English Literature
English Literature: Postromantic Materialisms (6 sp.) F0UZ2A English Literature: Postromantic Materialisms (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ2a de Graef English Literature: Reading Identities in the British Isles (6 sp.) F0UZ3A English Literature: Reading Identities in the British Isles (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ3a Ingelbien English Literature: Topics in Post-45 American Literature (6 sp.) F0UZ4A English Literature: Topics in Post-45 American Literature (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ4a Vermeulen English Literature: Topics in Post-45 Literatures in English (6 sp.) F0BD3A English Literature: Topics in Post-45 Literatures in English (6 sp.) 39u. F0BD3a Toremans English Literature: Topics in Irish Literature (6 sp.) F0BD2A English Literature: Topics in Irish Literature (6 sp.) 33u. F0BD2a D'hoker
French Literature
Littérature française: littérature classique (6 sp.) F0UZ5A Littérature française: littérature classique (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ5a Vanacker Littérature française: littérature française moderne (6 sp.) F0UZ6A Littérature française: littérature française moderne (6 sp.) 39u. F0UZ6a Martens Littérature française: littérature francophone moderne (6 sp.) F0UZ7A Littérature française: littérature francophone moderne (6 sp.) 30u. F0UZ7a Martens
Italian Literature
Letteratura italiana: poesia (6 sp.) F0VA2A Letteratura italiana: poesia (6 sp.) 39u. F0VA2a van den Bossche Letteratura italiana: prosa (6 sp.) F0VA3A Letteratura italiana: prosa (6 sp.) 39u. F0VA3a van den Bossche, Dupré (plaatsvervanger) Letteratura italiana: Medioevo e Rinascimento (6 sp.) F0XS1A Letteratura italiana : Medioevo e Rinascimento (6 sp.) 39u. F0XS1a Robiglio
Spanish Literature
América Latina global (6 sp.) F0UY4A América Latina global (6 sp.) 39u. F0UY4a Lie Literatura e identidades hispánicas (6 sp.) F0VB8A Literatura e identidades hispánicas (6 sp.) 39u. F0VB8a Vandebosch Literatura y cine hispánicos: metodología y análisis (6 sp.) F0VB9A Literatura y cine hispánicos: metodología y análisis (6 sp.) 39u. F0VB9a Lie América Latina transcultural (6 sp.) F0UA0A América Latina transcultural (6 sp.) 39u. F0UA0a Lie
Literary Theory and Comparative Literature
Theatre, Theory and Culture (6 sp.) F0UO2A Theatre, Theory and Culture (6 sp.) 39u. F0UO2a Philipsen, Rutgeerts (plaatsvervanger) Art in Europe: a History of Emotions (6 sp.) F0VL7A Art in Europe: a History of Emotions (6 sp.) 39u. F0VL7a Schwall Changing Cultures in Europe (6 sp.) F0XI4A Changing Cultures in Europe (6 sp.) 32u. F0XI4a Van Heuckelom Critical Theory (6 sp.) F0UY7A Critical Theory (6 sp.) 26u. F0UY7a Bru, Hadri (medewerker) Editing of Medieval and Renaissance Texts: Methodology and Techniques (6 sp.) F0TR5A G.Claassens (coördinator) Editing of Medieval and Renaissance Texts: Methodology and Techniques (6 sp.) 39u. F0TR5a Claassens, N. Russian Literature: Revolution and Reaction (6 sp.) F0UW8A Russian Literature: Revolution and Reaction (6 sp.) 39u. F0UW8a Boulogne Highlights in European Literature (6 sp.) F0GA0A Highlights in European Literature (6 sp.) 39u. F0GA0a van den Bossche Central and Eastern European Cultures and Identities (6 sp.) F0AT6A Central and Eastern European Cultures and Identities (6 sp.) 2u. F0AT6a Van Heuckelom, Vanderschueren (plaatsvervanger) Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Debates and Challenges (6 sp.) F0BP5A Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Debates and Challenges (6 sp.) 26u. F0BP5a Stynen Computational Creativity (6 sp.) F0BP9A Computational Creativity (6 sp.) 26u. F0BP9a Van de Cruys
ECTS Central and Eastern European Cultures and Identities (B-KUL-F0AT6A)

Students gain insight in the constructed character of seemingly empirical geographical entities such as Western, Central and Eastern Europe and make themselves familiar with the complexities that surround these historically shifting (and partly overlapping) conceptualizations.
Students gain insight in the linguistic, religious and cultural – Slavic and non-Slavic – diversity of the region situated between the German-speaking and the Russian-speaking area (roughly located between the Baltic Sea in the north and the Black Sea in the south).
Students are familiar with the shifting (geo)political constellations the region has been part of (such as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Habsburg, Ottoman and Russian empires, and the Eastern Bloc). They are also aware of the historically large Jewish presence in the region and its long-standing cultural impact.
Students apply concepts and insights from fields as diverse as postcolonial studies, memory studies, Cold War studies, gender studies, mobility studies and ecocriticism to analyze and interpret various forms of cultural production from the region (literature, film and visual culture, performance, architecture, …).
Previous knowledge
General knowledge of European history and culture.
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de culturele studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Cultural Studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started before 2024-2025) (Leuven) (Europe and its Eastern Neighbourhoods) 60 ects.
Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started in 2024-2025) (Leuven)
60 ects.
Central and Eastern European Cultures and Identities (B-KUL-F0AT6a)

The course is an interactive seminar designed as a combination of lectures complemented by reading/watching assignments and discussion moments. The class starts with an introductory module that makes the students familiar with the historical complexity of the region and the various geographical and geopolitical designations that have been used to label and delineate it. After the introduction, the course shifts focus to a series of case studies (presented by the teacher and by guest lecturers). Topics will change annually, but possible themes include:
- urban palimpsests: the city of Danzig/Gdańsk in literary fiction and film
- the legacy of the Holocaust (through the lens of the second and third generation)
- (post)colonialism and (post)communism
- shifting representations of East-West migration
- communist-era and post-communist road cinemas
- border-zone and border-crossing narratives
- memory conflicts in the field of cultural production
- Euro-orientalism and Balkanism
- modernism and modernization in the Eastern Bloc
- performance in Central and Eastern Europe
- ecocritical approaches to Central and Eastern European literatures and cinemas
During the subsequent classes, a variety of theoretical and methodological issues shall be discussed and addressed. English translations (or subtitled versions) of the works under discussion will be provided. Over the course of the term, the students are expected to identify a specific topic on which they will prepare a presentation and a paper.
Course material
Reading and viewing materials on Toledo.
Evaluation: Central and Eastern European Cultures and Identities (B-KUL-F2AT6a)
Participation during the term (20%), presentation of paper topic (10%), final paper (60%), oral exam (=discussion of final paper; 10%)
Information about retaking exams
Paper (80%), oral exam (=discussion of paper; 20%)
ECTS English Literature: Topics in Irish Literature (B-KUL-F0BD2A)

This course aims to:
- provide insight into Irish literature history and the way literature interacts with the specific historical context of Ireland
- enhance the skills of literary analysis, literary interpretation and the informed debate about literary texts
- make concrete contemporary literary theories through the close reading of literary texts
Previous knowledge
- proficiency in the English language
- general knowledge of English literature
- general knowledge of key concepts and of literary criticism and theory
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Engels) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
English Literature: Topics in Irish Literature (B-KUL-F0BD2a)

This course treats a specific topic from Irish literature (e.g. a specific genre, theme, historical period or contemporary trend). After a brief literary-historical and literary-theoretical introduction, a series of literary texts will be analysed, discussed and interpreted against this specific perspective. Students are expected to submit a number of written preparations for these texts and to actively participate in the class discussions.
In 2023-2024 we will be studying the interaction between Irish short stories and periodical culture. We'll trace the development of the Irish short through the periodicals in which the stories appeared. We'll read and discuss a variety of periodicals: little magazines, women's magazine's, children's magazines, mainstream magazines and consider the way they shape the reception of the stories they publish. We'll read stories by authors such as L.T. Meade, Elizabeth Bowen, Mary Lavin, Frank O'Connor, Wendy Erskine and Kevin Barry.
Course material
Theoretical articles and primary sources will be made available on toledo
Format: more information
interactive seminar: students are expected to prepare for every class, to work on group presentations and to actively participate in the class discussions
Evaluation: English Literature: Topics in Irish Literature (B-KUL-F2BD2a)
50%: written preparations, presentation and active participation during class; 50% final paper
Information about retaking exams
Only the part for which the student received no passing grade (i.e. final paper / process evaluation) needs to be resubmitted. For the participation in the class discussion no second attempt is possible.
ECTS English Literature: Topics in Post-45 Literatures in English (B-KUL-F0BD3A)

This course aims to
- provide insight into contemporary refugee writing in English, with specific focus on its formal and generic diversity and its interaction with the discourse on human rights
- enhance the skills of literary analysis, literary interpretation and the informed debate about literary texts
Previous knowledge
- advanced proficiency in the English language (level C1)
- general knowledge of English literature
- general knowledge of key concepts and of literary criticism and theory
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Engels) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
English Literature: Topics in Post-45 Literatures in English (B-KUL-F0BD3a)

Literature and Human Rights: Contemporary Refugee Writing in English
This course pursues an in-depth exploration of the relation between literature and forced displacement, with special focus on contemporary refugee writing (conceived as literature written by refugees) in English.
We will discuss the representation of forced displacement, border crossings, refugee detention, statelessness and refugeehood in contemporary (post-2015) literature in English produced across the globe, including co-authored texts and texts in translation. Central questions that will be discussed include: Which genres and narrative strategies do refugee writers employ to represent their experiences? What are the intended effects of this writing, ranging from the solictiation of empathy to the evocation of traumatic experience, to the articulation of a political critique of their condition? How does this writing pursue formal experiments in order to address present-day forms of displacment and rightlessness? To what extent does this writing complicate nationally defined literatures and instead presents a literature that is fundamentally transnational and global? How does literature relate to the juridical discourse on human rights and what role can it play in the current crisis that international humanitarian law finds itself in?
Taking our cue from recent critical and theoretical scholarship on literature, human rights and forced displacement, we will discuss works across a wide range of forms and genres, ranging from memoirs, autofiction and camp writing to graphic novels, poetry and (collections of) short stories. The main objective is to provide students with a sound and critical understanding of contemporary forms of refugee writing and, more generally, of the interaction between literature and human rights.
Course material
The novels that will be discussed in class will have to be bought by the students. They will be announced before the start of the second term. Additional materials will be made available on Toledo.
Format: more information
After an introductory session, the course will consist of biweekly sessions during which a number of novels will be closely analysed and discussed. Each session is thoroughly prepared: students work in groups and prepare reading reports on the basis of study questions and secondary reading materials. The reports are then presented in class and serve as the basis for an extensive discussion of the novel in question.
Evaluation: English Literature: Topics in Post-45 Literatures in English (B-KUL-F2BD3a)
Information about retaking exams
In case the student fails the course, he/she will write an extended paper for the second exam period.
ECTS Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Debates and Challenges (B-KUL-F0BP5A)

- Familiarity with the origins and development of heritage studies as an autonomous, interdisciplinary field;
- Acknowledgment of cultural heritage studies as an important contribution of the human sciences to understanding society;
- Insight and knowledge about key themes and debates in the heritage field;
- Reflection on the challenges and potential of heritage in present-day society;
- Adoption of a critical and nuanced attitude towards heritage practices and discourses.
Previous knowledge
- BA in the humanities;
- Ability to read scholarly literature in English, preferably with some basic notions of French and German;
- Ability to participate in discussions in English.
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de kunstwetenschappen (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de culturele studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Cultural Studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de archeologie (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting Egyptologie) 60 ects.
- Master in de archeologie (Leuven) (Afstudeerrichting archeologie) 60 ects.
Master in de geschiedenis (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of History (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Educatieve master in de cultuurwetenschappen (Leuven) (Optie geschiedenis van de oudheid tot heden) 120 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Debates and Challenges (B-KUL-F0BP5a)

Heritage is an omnipresent, global phenomenon in today’s late-modern society. Traces of the past manifest themselves in many different contexts and actions, with wide-ranging functions. How individuals and communities relate to these objects, places, traditions, stories… reveals more about contemporary social and cultural values and ambitions for the future than about the past itself. Heritage is indeed a process in which the past regularly receives new meanings, often resulting in multiple and even conflicting narratives. Such a dynamic approach of heritage implies an interdisciplinary integration of theories, practices and a wide range of actors.
After introducing the historical development of the notion ‘cultural heritage’, this course presents and analyzes a series of key concepts and debates, offering challenges to heritage scholars and practitioners alike. These can include the abundance/inflation of heritage, the reception of the past, ownership, identity formation, authenticity and commodification, globalization and decolonization, sustainability, controversial heritage, digital agendas, gender…
Course material
- Literature (articles/book chapters)
- PowerPoint slides
- Toledo
Format: more information
Discussion - Flipped classroom
This course is partly based on the principle of flipped learning: students prepare themselves for each class by means of reading assignments. Scholarly texts (in English), the reading of which is guided by focused questions on the Perusall platform, are the basis for discussion and elaboration, both online and in class. The presence and active participation of the students in these sessions is expected and essential in order to successfully conclude the course.
Evaluation: Cultural Heritage: Interdisciplinary Debates and Challenges (B-KUL-F2BP5a)
Participation in the discussions (both online and in class) counts for 30% of the grade. The remaining 70% is to be earned during a written open book exam.
Information about retaking exams
There is only a new exam; the original result for participation is retained.
ECTS Computational Creativity (B-KUL-F0BP9A)

This course aims to introduce students to the field of computational creativity, with the following learning objectives:
- to provide an overview of theories of creativity, and to investigate how these theories relate to the computational modeling of creative processes;
- to outline the different computational methods that might be used in order to develop computational models of creativity, according to the different paradigms of artificial intelligence (symbolic, statistical, neural), with a particular focus on creative language generation;
- to provide students with the practical skills to implement computational models of creativity themselves;
- to investigate how computational models of creativity can be evaluated in a meaningful way.
Previous knowledge
A basic knowledge of programming (as offered in the course ‘Programming for humanities students) is recommended, but not obligatory.
Is included in these courses of study
Computational Creativity (B-KUL-F0BP9a)

This course provides an introduction to the field of computational creativity. We will examine different approaches to the computational modeling of creativity, and see how they relate to theories of human creativity. The course focuses primarily on computational creativity from a language-oriented perspective. As such, we will examine different applications of creative language generation (such as metaphor, humor, neologisms, poetry, and stories) from a computational perspective. Additionally, cross-modal and multi-modal approaches to computational creativity will be explored. Along the way, we will discuss a number of crucial topics, such as the preconditions of computational creativity, the evaluation of computationally creative systems, and the ethical implications.
Course material
The course material consists of presentation slides, scientific papers on computational creativity, and interactive programming exercises.
Language of instruction: more information
This course will be taught in English, in order to be accessible for foreign students who want to follow it as an elective course.
Format: more information
The format of the course consists of seven lectures and six practical sessions; a considerable part of the course is deliberately reserved for practical sessions, during which the students apply the acquired knowledge to the implementation of computational models for various creative applications.
Evaluation: Computational Creativity (B-KUL-F2BP9a)
The evaluation consists of three assignments during the academic year, as well as a group work in which students develop, implement, and evaluate their own model of computational creativity for a given creative application.
The assignments count for 30% (6 points) of the final mark; the group work counts for 70% (14 points) of the final mark. The final mark is expressed as a whole number out of 20.
Information about retaking exams
Partial passes (at least 3/6 for the assignments, and 7/14 for the group work) can be carried over to the second examination period. The group work is replaced by an individual paper in case of resit.
ECTS Highlights in European Literature (B-KUL-F0GA0A)

The aim of the course is to combine a survey of major trends in European literature with an in-depth analysis of some representative texts (all available in English). In this approach literature is seen as a cultural subsystem which reflects and contributes to the evolution of the intellectual, social and artistic consciousness in Europe.
Previous knowledge
Students need to have good English as we focus on stylistic nuances and introduce a lot of literary terms.
Is included in these courses of study
- Study Abroad Programme in European Culture and Society (PECS) (Leuven)
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Cultural Studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Leuven) (Minor Liberal Arts with Language Track French) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Leuven) (Minor Liberal Arts with Language Track German) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of European Studies (Leuven et al) (Major European Culture in a Global Context - KU Leuven) 180 ects.
Highlights in European Literature (B-KUL-F0GA0a)

(By way of introduction, literary terms and concepts are introduced as well as figures from Classical (Greek and Roman) literature. The Gaelic strand in European literature (6-12th century) is compared to the position of women in "continental" forms of medieval literature. Further highlights will be picked from mediaeval, Spanish, French, German, Austrian, Belgian, Italian, Russian and British literature.
Course material
Articles and Literature
Format: more information
A session starts with an introduction to the period under scrutiny; then we discuss texts. There will be guest professors, so the format may change between sessions.
Evaluation: Highlights in European Literature (B-KUL-F2GA0a)
1. Written exam (50%)
2. Paper (50%)
More detailed information on both the exam and the paper can be found on Toledo.
Information about retaking exams
If the student passes (5/10) either the paper or the exam in the 2nd examination period (June 2018), that grade can be transferred to the 3rd examination period.
For the written exam in the 3rd examination period, the same materials should be studied and the same type of questions can be expected. Also for the paper the same guidelines apply. More detailed information on deadlines etc. can be found on Toledo.
ECTS Editing of Medieval and Renaissance Texts: Methodology and Techniques (B-KUL-F0TR5A)

Refinement of the methods and techniques that are used to prepare a critical edition.
Previous knowledge
Basic insights into the problems concerning the transmission of texts, the relationship between manuscripts (stemma codicum) and the reconstruction of a text. Notions of palaeography and codicology are desirable. Knowledge of ancient languages (Latin, Old and Middle French, Middle Dutch) is advisable.
Is included in these courses of study
Editing of Medieval and Renaissance Texts: Methodology and Techniques (B-KUL-F0TR5a)

Through concrete examples and a series of guided exercises students will become acquainted with different aspects of the 'ars edendi', on an advanced level. They will learn - 'hands on' and guided - how to produce a critical edition of a medieval or early modern text in Latin, French and Dutch.
Course material
Articles and literature
Examples and samples
Format: more information
Practical guided exercises concerning diverse aspects of a critical edition (e.g. paleography, codicology, transcription, the critical apparatus, ratio edendi etc.).
Evaluation: Editing of Medieval and Renaissance Texts: Methodology and Techniques (B-KUL-F2TR5a)
The students are expected to attend and participate in all sessions, as they will be graded on the basis of a portfolio: a series of shorter written assignments that are closely connected to each session. Absence without acceptable reason will lead to a fail.
Information about retaking exams
The required attendance of the sessions during the semester is a condition for retaking examination during the 2nd period. A sufficient revision of the portfolio is then the only requirement.
ECTS América Latina transcultural (B-KUL-F0UA0A)

Este curso va dedicado a las 'culturas viajeras' dentro y en relación con América Latina (escrituras diaspóricas, estéticas turísticas, hibridez genérica, conceptos viajeros). La lengua de instrucción es el español.
Previous knowledge
El curso se dirige a estudiantes familiarizados con la cultura latinoamericana (literatura, cine etc.) y disponiendo de una buena base teórica y metodológica. Algunos de los textos teóricos estarán en inglés.
Is included in these courses of study
América Latina transcultural (B-KUL-F0UA0a)

Este curso va dedicado a las 'culturas viajeras' dentro y en relación con América Latina (escrituras diaspóricas, estéticas turísticas, hibridez genérica, conceptos viajeros). La lengua de instrucción es el español.
El contenido exacto será comunicado a través de Toledo al inicio del año académico.
Course material
Los materiales de estudio se especificarán al inicio del año académico en el sitio de Toledo.
Evaluation: América Latina transcultural (B-KUL-F2UA0a)
ECTS Theatre, Theory and Culture (B-KUL-F0UO2A)

Teaching students to reflect on the medium of theatre as a powerful paradigm for modern cultural criticism and critical theory.
Previous knowledge
Holder of an academic Bachelor's degree
The students have affinities with the theatre and have notions of culture criticism/critical theory.
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de culturele studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Cultural Studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
Theatre, Theory and Culture (B-KUL-F0UO2a)

In-depth reading and discussion of a limited number of crucial texts and debates on theatre and theatricality from the nineteenth and twentieth century in which fundamental culture-theoretical and culture-critical views are developed. On the programme are among others: Nietzsche,, Artaud, Brecht, Benjamin, Adorno, Butler, Rancière, Agamben, Latour.
Course material
A reader and a reading list will be available at the beginning of the year.
Language of instruction: more information
Format: more information
More specific information on this course as well as on Performance Analysis (second semester) will be given during the introductory session on Cultural Studies at the beginning of the semester.
Evaluation: Theatre, Theory and Culture (B-KUL-F2UO2a)
Students have the choice between an oral exam or a paper. The oral exam is a presentation of research results. Research questions (probably 5 or 6) will be distributed at the end of the course. Students have to prepare answers and results on at least four questions and discuss one question that I will pick out.
paper: students will first have to write a short paper proposal to be handed in in December. It will of course have to deal with one or several of the themes, topics, texts, authors etc.that were dealt with in class. After agreement they elaborate their topic in a paper of ca. 15-20 pages .
When writing the paper students respect the faculty's policy on plagiarism.
ECTS Russian Literature: Revolution and Reaction (B-KUL-F0UW8A)

- To gain insight in the development of Russian literature in the course of the twentieth and the twenty-first century on the basis of Russian poems and (short) stories from various periods.
- To learn how to analyze Russian literary texts (in translation) with a focus on the context, subtext and intertext, using concepts of narrative and poetry theory.
- To gain insight in the role that translations play in the western (de)canonization of Russian literature.
Previous knowledge
This course can be followed by students of the Master program in Western Literature, as well as by other interested students. A command of the Russian language is not at all required. Those who do understand Russian, are welcome to read the selected texts in the original Russian language, in stead of in translation.
Is included in these courses of study
Russian Literature: Revolution and Reaction (B-KUL-F0UW8a)

The class begins with Pushkin and ends with Putin. We analyze a selection of Russian literary texts (in translation) that are considered representative of the Silver Age of Russian Poetry, the experimental prose of the New Economic Policy, Soviet Prison-camp literature, and underground literature. Also "Russian chanson," including criminal songs ("blatnye pesni") and the Russian bards, and post-Soviet poetry are accounted for. Special attention will be paid to the ongoing debate about the responsibility of (classic) Russian literature for the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Course material
- Reader of Russian poems and short stories (available in translation, as well as in the original Russian language);
- Powerpoint presentations
Language of instruction: more information
The working language is English. The lessons are built around the analysis of Russian literary texts, that the students ought to read beforehand. The students are not expected to understand Russian, they can read the texts in translation.
Evaluation: Russian Literature: Revolution and Reaction (B-KUL-F2UW8a)
- 2 individual writing assignments (40%)
- 1 peer review report (10%)
- Oral exam with written preparation (50%)
Information about retaking exams
Students that passed for a paper but not for the whole, do not have to resubmit the paper in question in the third examination period. To make up the grade for a failed paper, students must hand in, after consultation with the lecturer, a new assignment.
ECTS Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F0UX8A)

Giving the students an insight into the concept of ‘Western
Literature’, the theoretical questions that the concept throws up and
the answers that have been proposed by literary criticism. Preparing
the students for individual reflection and research on those concepts
as part of their MA thesis. Providing the students with a theoretical
framework that can prepare them for the ‘transversal’ modules in which
links between several specific aspects of Western literature will be
Previous knowledge
See Master Western Literature
Is included in these courses of study
Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F0UX8a)

The idea of ‘Western Literature’ is first defined, conceptualized and contextualized through the study of key literary critical texts. The course also encourages an insight into and critical reflection on the emergence, development, roles and impact of the concept of ‘Western Literature’ and of the canon that corresponds to that concept. The concept of ‘Western Literature’ is then problematized through the study of critiques coming from postcolonial studies, feminism and theories of globalization. The course thus provides insight into the relations between ‘Western Literature’ and ‘European Literature’, ‘Orientalism’, ‘World Literature’ and ‘Minority Literatures’.
Course material
- reader with basic texts
- Toledo
Format: more information
• DURING the classes:
o background will be given on the different authors, on the paradigm in general
o texts will be situated and discussed
o further discussion of the texts, of relationships between the texts etc. will be held, on the basis of the questions on Toledo AND on the basis of your personal questions, observations, critical input!
o Conclusion: your personal input is essential
Evaluation: Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F2UX8a)
• Written
• Open book - 4 hours
• Three questions (7-7-6 points)
• Exam language: English or Dutch
• Aim: testing the students' insight in the issues dealt with, his/her critical assimilation of the course, his/her ability to establish links throughout the material etc.
ECTS Literature and Science (B-KUL-F0UY0A)

This course wants to acquaint students with the multiple ties between literature and science and aims to help master students develop independent research within the field of literature and science studies. How does literature relate to science and vice versa? What is ‘science’ really? Does literature know things science does not (and, if so, how)? What concepts and methods help us to answer these questions and more?
This course focuses on modern literature, and more specifically on writing between 1890 and 1950. In the history of science this period is often described as that of the ‘third scientific revolution’ (after earlier revolutions in the 17th and early 19th centuries). Along with a panoply of new scientific insights, the period also saw many changes in literature: from the introduction of cheap printing techniques and the arrival of a mass readership to the rise of modernism and the avant-gardes. In this turbulent phase of European cultural history, so this course demonstrates, literature and science came to interlock in a variety of ways.
This course has been developed by members of the MDRN research lab ( working in the research programme ‘Literary Knowledge, 1890-1950. Modernisms and the Sciences in Europe’.
Previous knowledge
Is included in these courses of study
Literature and Science (B-KUL-F0UY0a)

This ‘blended’ course opens with a series of on-campus lectures, after which is made available online a series of representative case-studies relating Western-European literatures to the social sciences and humanities, the life sciences and medicine, and the physical sciences and engineering. The course is closed with a student conference during which students present a case-study of their own.
This course is in English, but student can compose their final exam paper, based on their presentation, in the language of their choice.
Course material
Reader: texts and secondary literature.
Evaluation: Literature and Science (B-KUL-F2UY0a)
ECTS Literature from a Transcultural and Transnational Perspective (B-KUL-F0UY1A)

National languages and literary canons were a major force for the establishment of national identities. However, in the last few decades the study of literature has increasingly begun to map the mobility of literature across national and cultural borders. This has not only resulted in more dynamic and wide-ranging accounts of literary history, it has also made us aware of the important role of literature in the ongoing dissolution and redrawing of cultural and national borders in the globalized present. This course aims to introduce students to this transcultural and transnational perspective through discussions of a set of contemporary literary and cultural texts from different linguistic realms (German, English, Spanish). These texts will be situated in relation to theoretical and critical debates on topics such as migration, diaspora, orientalism/occidentalism, and multilingualism.
The course will introduce students to a broad range of cultural objects, critical issues, as well as cultural contexts: literary texts as well films, transnational community as well as transnational memory, European as well as Asian and North and South American contexts. Literary texts we will discuss include short stories by Jorge Luis Borges and Carlos Fuentes, W.G. Sebald’s Austerlitz, Teju Cole’s Open City, and Marjano Gaponenko’s Who is Martha?. Films to be discussed include Michael Haneke’s Caché and Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing. Students will be offered the opportunity to watch the films together outside of class hours.
Is included in these courses of study
Literature from a Transcultural and Transnational Perspective (B-KUL-F0UY1a)

To read, or in the case of movies watch, and discuss a number of works dealing with the issues raised under "aims".
Course material
Novels, stories or movies related to the issues raised under "aims".
Format: more information
Evaluation: Literature from a Transcultural and Transnational Perspective (B-KUL-F2UY1a)
written exam: 15/20 – participation: 5/20.
Information about retaking exams
Written exam. The score for partication is transferred to the resit (15/20 written exam - 5/20 participation).
ECTS Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (B-KUL-F0UY3A)

- Understand multilingual writing as a historical reality and an emerging corpus linked to globalization and transnational literary production
- Analyze the textual features of multilingual writing
- Recognize strategies used for the translation of multilingual texts
- Identify cultural discourses and political ideologies that shape multilingual literary writing
- Apply concepts from multilingual studies, translation, and related disciplines to the analysis of literary texts
Previous knowledge
See MA Western Literature
Is included in these courses of study
Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (B-KUL-F0UY3a)

This course presents multilingualism and translation as two essential elements of literary history and contemporary literature. As a response to globalization, language diasporas and a growing awareness for the preservation of language diversity and linguistic ecology, the course revisits monolingual approaches to the national canon and highlights the importance of translation for the circulation of literary texts. The concepts of literary plurilingualism and translation will be studied both theoretically and analytically on the basis of examples chosen from a number of European and non-European texts. The course includes group assignments, discussions of the reading materials and student presentations of individual case studies.
Course material
A list of reading material will be distributed at the start of the course and uploaded on Toledo.
Evaluation: Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (B-KUL-F2UY3a)
An oral presentation and a written paper based on this presentation. Both are commented upon during an oral examination that will also deal with the lectures.
ECTS América Latina global (B-KUL-F0UY4A)

Este curso ofrece el estudio profundizado en un tema especialmente relevante para las culturas de España y América Latina. En principio, el curso es dictado por un profesor visitante, especialista del tema. Toma la forma de un seminario interactivo. Ejemplos de temas tratados: la literatura chicana en México y los EEUU, las imágenes en la cultura del Caribe, la posmodernidad en América Latina. Para el año 2018-2019, el tema será: la cultura del Circuncaribe - una perspectiva interdisciplinaria.
Previous knowledge
Ser bachelor en Lingüistica y Literatura hispánicas.
Is included in these courses of study
Máster en Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos (Leuven)
60 .
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 .
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 .
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 .
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 .
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Spaans) 30 .
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 .
América Latina global (B-KUL-F0UY4a)

La asignatura se centrará cada año en una corriente o una problemática específica que permita ilustrar la circulación de modelos estéticos dentro del sistema literario hispánico. Ejemplos: la herencia cervantina en la literatura latinoamericana, lo barroco y lo neobarroco, el discurso panhispánico en literatura...
El Circuncaribe en la primera mitad del siglo XX.
Historia, cultura y literatura.
Dr. Enrique Camacho Navarro.
Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe (CIALC)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
El objetivo general de este curso es realizar un acercamiento al estudio y al análisis del proceso histórico, cultural y literario del Circuncaribe, geografía que se compone por aquella zona del Continente Americano que es bañada por el Mar Caribe. Se hará una presentación sobre la vinculación que existe entre el desarrollo histórico y los acontecimientos políticos, entre la trayectoria del modelo económico liberal y las repercusiones sociales que tuvo el mismo entre los pobladores de la región. Como aspecto medular se considerará un tratamiento de las imágenes visuales dentro de la región del Circuncaribe como herramienta indispensable para su conocimiento. Dentro de los procesos políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales, que se han vivido en esta zona geográfica, los cuales son expresados con maestría a través de la literatura, las imágenes visuales han jugado un papel muy importante en la construcción de imaginarios, en la definición que se ha dado a la zona y a los acontecimientos que en ella se han llevado a cabo. Por ello, en este curso se posibilita el uso de materiales que a través de sus representaciones visuales puedan estimular el desarrollo del conocimiento. Así, a partir de la lucha independentista cubana de fines del siglo XIX, hasta llegar al triunfo de la Revolución en Cuba, en 1959, se realizará un recorrido por la intromisión estadounidense en el territorio latinoamericano y caribeño. Se analizará el asentamiento de capitales foráneos, con el caso de la United Fruit Company en particular. Se atenderá el caso de la resistencia nacionalista de Augusto C. Sandino, impulsada con un carácter regional desde Las Segovias de Nicaragua; se mostrará el paso que va de la práctica del intervencionismo norteamericano a la existencia de “gendarmes necesarios”, quienes velando por los intereses foráneos se consolidarían como parte del proceso que dio origen a los dictadores circuncaribeños, siendo necesario ilustrar esa situación con los tristemente célebres ejemplos de los Somoza, de Leónidas Trujillo, y Jorge Ubico, en Nicaragua, República Dominicana y Guatemala, respectivamente. Ligado a este fenómeno dictatorial será importante mencionar el caso de la conocida como Legión del Caribe, iniciativa que actuó como contrapoder de los sistemas que no permitían el buen desarrollo democrático en toda el área. En la parte final del curso se atenderán los casos de la Revolución Guatemalteca (1944-1954), el asalto al cuartel Moncada en Cuba (26 de julio de 1953) y la culminación de un proceso político social que cambiaría el rumbo del Circuncaribe, teniendo impacto a nivel continental y mundial, con el triunfo de la revolución castrista. De este último caso, se realizará un ejercicio iconológico en el cual Fidel Castro figura de manera central al cierre de nuestro estudio.
Cabe destacar que a lo largo del curso, por obvias razones, las referencias y el tratamiento a obras literarias serán una constante que contribuirá al mejor entendimiento de los contextos en que se desarrollaron importantes creaciones de la literatura latinoamericana. Como se ha mencionado antes, el espacio temporal fundamentalmente abarcará de principios del siglo XX a la década de 1950, dedicando en la parte final del curso atención al movimiento insurreccional cubano.
Evaluation: América Latina global (B-KUL-F2UY4a)
ECTS Critical Theory (B-KUL-F0UY7A)

This course aims to shed light on central issues in modern and contemporary critical theory. The course puts key texts as well as capital theoretical and methodological debates center-stage and is designed for all students interested in the social and political functioning of literature and the arts. Students who take this course learn how to better develop their own critical interests, how to study issues in critical theory independently, and how to report on them in both written and oral form.
Previous knowledge
See general terms of Master in Western Literature.
Students are able to present their research in oral and written (paper) form in English.
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
Critical Theory (B-KUL-F0UY7a)

Attention, emotion! This year’s course explores critical theories that focus on the role of feelings and affects in modern and contemporary Western culture. Key questions we will address include: Why do people feel what they feel? What function(s) do affects perform in culture and society? And what role(s) do literature and the arts play as media shaping, promoting and critiquing emotions?
According to most critical theorists we will discuss, the feelings and affective states people experience (such as fear, indignation, happiness or excitement) are neither a purely natural, universal given, nor mere social or cultural conventions. Social groups across different periods and cultures can indeed be shown to experience similar emotions, yet this does not mean that emotions are always culturally coded in a similar fashion. The names social groups give to emotions, the causes they relate them to, the feelings they value and endow with significance, the ways in which they gender and racialize emotions, and the extent to which they (consciously) allow affects to determine their everyday lives indeed differ widely. As a layer in cultural communication located between what social groups think (thought) and do (practice), feelings thus perform a key role in forging and maintaining, but possibly also altering, cultures.
It is widely established that since the 18th century, with the rise of the bourgeoisie in the West, now canonized art and literature began to play a major role in the history of emotions. In its attempt to upend the ruling aristocracy’s impersonal system of traditional kinship, the bourgeoisie came to place the cultivation of personal feelings towards others high on the agenda. Thus, it was during the “Age of Reason” that personal passions and emotions as well came to prominence in the West—and while, oversimplifying, it was left to the philosophers to challenge individuals to think for themselves, it was to literature and the arts that the bourgeoisie turned to pattern and install a new emotional sensibility for modern subjectivity. In the later course of canonized Western literary and art history, the key role of affect was often downplayed again or deliberately opposed—think of the 19th century call to objective (emotionless) observation in Realism, or the 20th century modernist demand of impersonal, objective form, etc. Yet in Western culture more broadly (and in less canonized creative practice), the conscription of affect continued to play a vital role. Not only did modern bourgeois culture, for example, come to exclude or alienate large (class, gender and racial) groups from its new affective economy. Capitalism, the new (and now global) economic system installed by the bourgeoisie, also came to commodify affects: at the expense of reason and informed practice, media culture and politics increasingly became governed by (negative) emotions that sell. Foregrounding theorists who since the 18th century have critically approached the function(s) of affect in Western society, this course aims to highlight the continued significance of literature and the arts in elucidating what we feel, how we feel, and why we feel it.
Course material
Reader with theoretical texts.
Format: more information
An introductory series of lectures, followed by group presentations and discussions.
Evaluation: Critical Theory (B-KUL-F2UY7a)
- Presentation (30%) and paper (70 %)
Information about retaking exams
- For those finishing in September: the score for the presentation is retained; the paper is handed in again.
ECTS English Literature: Postromantic Materialisms (B-KUL-F0UZ2A)

This course aims to provide insight into the ways English literary discourse from the 18th century onwards has responded to the challenges of para- or post-theocentric Modernity in terms of representation and justice, with specific emphasis on the impact of various modes of materialism.
Previous knowledge
BA-level in English
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Engels) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
English Literature: Postromantic Materialisms (B-KUL-F0UZ2a)

The central concern of this course is to explore the various ways in which 20th- and 21st-century fiction in English has responded to the challenge of the political by re-articulating or dismembering models of human community.
Course material
Study of a selection of representative English literary texts of the modern period in their historical and ideological context.
Evaluation: English Literature: Postromantic Materialisms (B-KUL-F2UZ2a)
Students are assessed on a final 5.000-word paper on a topic to be agreed on. In addition, they are given course-work assignments throughout the term in preparation of class discussion. The final paper may only be submitted when the course-work assignments have been completed.
ECTS English Literature: Reading Identities in the British Isles (B-KUL-F0UZ3A)

Acquainting the students with aspects of the debates about identity in the British Isles. Emphasis will be laid on the ways in which literary texts negotiate specific national/cultural/geographical identities, and on the roles that literature plays in the creation, consolidation and/or questioning of those identities. Depending on the theme chosen in a given year, attention can also be paid to the links between identity formation and literary canonization or categorization.
Previous knowledge
- advanced proficiency in the English language (level C1), and good academic writing skills, including the use of scholarly sources.
- some degree of familiarity with both British history and English literary history, as reflected in e.g. the objectives of Bachelor modules like 'English Literature I & II' or equivalents thereof.
- some degree of familiarity with key concepts and procedures of literary criticism, as reflected in e.g. Bachelor modules like 'Algemene Literatuurwetenschap' (General Literary Theory) or the equivalent thereof.
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Engels) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
English Literature: Reading Identities in the British Isles (B-KUL-F0UZ3a)

In 2024-25, the module will explore how the portrayal of continental European settings and/or a European ‘Other’ affects the representation of multiple, layered British/Irish identities in fictional works ranging from the 19th to the 21st centuries. After a series of general introductions to such topics as British Isles (also known as ‘four-nations’ or ‘archipelagic’) history, imagology, the constitution of English/British identity in relation to a continental Other, and Anglo-Irish literature, the module will invite students to investigate specific case studies in which exposure to a continental ‘Other’ prompts the expression or, in some cases, the suppression of a layered sense of English/British identities in fictional characters, narrators and/or authorial selves.
Course material
A handbook containing general introductions and practical information will be made available at the beginning of term. A reading list will be advertised on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
Format: more information
Seminars in which aspects of the set text(s) are discussed through position papers and questions on those papers. Students can choose to either (co-)write a position paper or to ask a question on such papers during term. The requirements for the oral exam vary according to the kind of input (paper or questions) that the student chose during term.
Evaluation: English Literature: Reading Identities in the British Isles (B-KUL-F2UZ3a)
Students are assessed as follows (2 possibilities, A or B)
- A written report on one of the selected cases is discussed during contact hours (50% of the final mark). The report can be written collectively by groups of up to 3 students, depending on the size of the whole group.
- At the oral exam, the student discusses a text selected by him/herself and relates it to one of the cases discussed in class during term (50% of the final mark)
- Students who do not wish to write a report during term are required to ask questions about reports written by their fellow students (30% of the final mark).
- At the oral exam, the student discusses a text selected by him/herself and relates it to cases studied during term (70% of the final mark).
Information about retaking exams
Students who received a pass mark for a position paper or a question will keep that mark if they have to take or resit the exam in August/September.
In all other situations, a resit in August/September will yield a mark based on the student's performance at the oral exam only.
ECTS English Literature: Topics in Post-45 American Literature (B-KUL-F0UZ4A)

This course aims to allow students to acquire an adequate understanding of key developments in contemporary American literature in relation to its historical, ideological, and cultural contexts. Students develop both a general understanding of literary developments in the last few decades and a detailed and critical appreciation of more restricted phenomena that form the focus of the course. This specific focus changes regularly.
Previous knowledge
Students are familiar with Anglophone literature and with the conceptual apparatus of narrative and literary theory; they have developed skills to analyze complex literary texts; they have the skills to express themselves adequately in English in a way that allows them to write fluent texts and to actively participate in classroom discussions.
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Engels) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
- Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started before 2024-2025) (Leuven) (Comparative American-European Studies) 60 ects.
English Literature: Topics in Post-45 American Literature (B-KUL-F0UZ4a)

Contemporary American Literature and the Anthropocene
This course explores the relation between contemporary American literature and the increasingly popular idea of the Anthropocene. Coined by the Dutch chemist Paul Crutzen in 2000, the notion of the Anthropocene captures the human’s dramatic impact on the globe’s chemical composition and climate, which makes it necessary to acknowledge human life as a geological force in its own right, and to officially recognize the Anthropocene as the successor of the Holocene in the natural history of the Earth. In the last decade or so, the term has served as a catalyst for discussions over the environmental impact of human action and the role of human life in the current ecological crisis as it is apparent in phenomena such as global warming, ocean acidification, species extinction, deforestation, and overpopulation.
Inviting a far-reaching reconsideration of the relation between human life and the natural environment, the Anthropocene has also become an important concern in contemporary American literature. In this course, we explore how literature has responded to the ethical, political, and imaginative challenges of the Anthropocene, even if it has contributed to making such non-localized and abstract notions as climate change and species extinction imaginable in the first place. What happens to literary realism when human life is no longer only a psychological and biological entity, but also a geological force? How does literature represent a natural environment that is never not touched by human action? How does a “human-scaled” genre like the novel imagine life on a nonhuman time scale of millions of years? What happens to narrative when the future of our current civilization cannot be taken for granted? What genres can be mobilized to make the Anthropocene imaginable? What literary affects constitute a proper response to it—tragedy, comedy, or even horror?
This course will bring critical and theoretical reflections on the Anthropocene to bear on a selection of prominent twenty-first century works that not only engage with the Anthropocene in thematic ways, but also through formally interesting strategies. Cumulatively, the different seminars will provide you with a good general understanding of the development of American literature in the last decade and with a detailed knowledge of theories of the Anthropocene and of literary strategies for engaging it.
Course material
The reading list is subject to change--make sure to wait for a definitive list before ordering your books!
Works we discussed in previous years include:
- William Gibson, The Peripheral (2014)
- N.K. Jemesin, The Fifth Season (2015)
- Cormac McCarthy, The Road (2006)
- Evelyn Reilly, Styrofoam (2009)
- Juliana Spahr, “Gentle Now, Don’t Add to Heartache” (2005) (Toledo)
- Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation (2014)
- Jesmyn Ward, Salvage the Bones (2011)
You will be expected to get copies of five novels. We have negotiated a competitive price for the whole package with local booksellers, so the whole course shouldn't set you back more than 65 euros.
Format: more information
After a few introductory sessions, which will frame the general topic, the seminar will consist of biweekly sessions, which you prepare in group meetings. Each group of four or five students will receive a (set of) question(s) to discuss in a group meeting, and each group will hand in a short two- to three-page paper on the basis of that meeting that will form the basis of the seminars. Each group member takes responsibility for at least one group paper in the course of the term.
Evaluation: English Literature: Topics in Post-45 American Literature (B-KUL-F2UZ4a)
Group papers and participation: 10/20
Oral exam with preparation: 10/20
Information about retaking exams
Students who do not pass the first exam opportunity have to pass the oral exam in August/September and to hand in a new assignment.
ECTS Littérature française: littérature classique (B-KUL-F0UZ5A)

L'objectif du cours est de familiariser les étudiants avec la spécificité de la littérature française prémoderne, de l'époque classique au Romantisme. A travers une étude des modalités (changeantes) socioculturelles, discursives et esthétiques de l'écriture au féminin, le cours vise en outre à former les étudiants aux différentes étapes et méthodes dans l'analyse approfondie d'un objet d'étude littéraire plus focalisé.
Connaissances préalables
L'étudiant doit avoir une bonne connaissance du français actuel (niveau C1 du Cadre européen).
Ce cours est inclus dans
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master en langue et littérature françaises (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Frans) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
Littérature française: littérature classique (B-KUL-F0UZ5a)

2022-2023: Légitimation et tabou - écritures au féminin du Classicisme au Romantisme
Ce cours a pour objectif l’approfondissement historique et analytique de la littérature française, du Classicisme au Romantisme, par le biais d’une étude contextualisée de ses enjeux et dispositifs spécifiques. En 2022, seront analysées les modalités d'autoreprésentation de l’auctorialité féminine, et cela suivant trois axes de recherche complémentaires: (1) l'institutionnel, l'idéologique et le socioculturel; (2) l'(auto)biographique (lettres, mémoires, journaux, paratextes, etc.); (3) l'imaginaire fictionnel.
Le cours s’articulera donc sur un programme d’étude en trois volets, dans l’objectif d’examiner les (dis)continuités qui ont marqué les activités littéraires, intellectuelles et esthétiques (au sens large) des femmes (écrivains, philosophes, politiques, ...). L’argumentation du cours s’appuiera sur des théories et des approches diverses (sociologie de la littérature, traductologie, analyse du discours, études de réception, gender studies, narratologie), ainsi que sur une série de concepts-clés (« cause des femmes », « voix », « espace public », « sociabilité », « légitimaton/tabou », « portraits et postures », etc.) pour répondre entre autres aux questions suivantes :
- Comment les femmes écrivains françaises, se positionnent-elles dans un contexte littéraire dit "prémoderne" et/ou romantique qui les exclut à plusieurs égards de l'espace public et de toute formation intellectuelle ?
- Quelles stratégies discursives et rhétoriques utilisent-elles pour se façonner une voix légitime et un profil d'auteure, d'intellectuelle et/ou d'artiste à travers des textes non-fictionnels (philosophiques, politiques, esthétiques, didactiques,...) et/ou pour penser et réaliser, dans la fiction, un imaginaire au féminin ?
- Comment comprendre, sur les plans historique et historiographique, la disparation (temporaire), voire l'invisibilité de certaines de ces femmes?
Le cours prendra la forme (I) d’une série de cours magistraux, focalisés sur des cas de figure représentatifs (des "salonnières" (Scudéry, Lafayette, du Boccage) aux "révolutionnaires" (Olympe de Gouges, Germaine de Staël) et George Sand pour l'époque romantique; (II) de séminaires de discussion et d'ateliers de lecture, lesquels seront basés sur une sélection de textes primaires (Marei de Gournay, Lafayette, Charrière, Genlis, Sand, de Gouges, mais aussi Diderot, Laclos, Rousseau et Condorcet) et secondaires. Les étudiants seront familiarisés avec plusieurs méthodes de travail (visite au tabularium et aux archives; rédaction de blogs; peer assessment; commentaire composé).
Matériel de cours
Lecture obligatoire
Mme de Lafayette, La princesse de Clèves
Isabelle de Charrière, Trois femmes
Stéphanie de Genlis, La femme auteur
George Sand, Pauline
Une anthologie d'articles théoriques et de textes primaires sera mise à la disposition des étudiants sur Toledo.
Explanation category
Le cours se compose d'une série de cours magistraux et de séminaires de discussion. La participation active des étudiants est recommandée.
Les étudiants préparent plusieurs commentaires composés à remettre au cours du quadrimestre; la rédaction d'un travail écrit est optionnelle et prend la forme d'un "dossier d'auteure" inédit.
Evaluation: Littérature française: littérature classique (B-KUL-F2UZ5a)
L'examen comportera deux volets:
a) 50 % pour la partie "évaluation permanente", basée sur la participation active aux séminaires de discussion et une série de commentaires composés.
b) 50 % ou bien pour la rédaction d'un travail écrit (ca. 2500 mots), portant sur une oeuvre spécifique ou sur un dossier d'auteure, ou bien pour un examen oral portant sur la matière (primaire et secondaire) étudiée. L'examen oral est à livre ouvert.
Des consignes plus précises seront affichées sur Toledo et communiquées au début du semestre.
Information about retaking exams
Les résultats des modules (commentaires, examen oral ou essai) pour lesquels une note de minimum 10/20 a été obtenue en janvier peuvent être gardés pour la session de rattrapage.
ECTS Littérature française: littérature française moderne (B-KUL-F0UZ6A)

Il s’agit de former les étudiant.e.s aux différentes étapes de l’analyse approfondie d’un texte littéraire, en les familiarisant avec l’usage concret de différentes méthodes combinées. Le cours est conçu de façon à conduire les étudiant.e.s à acquérir une méthode de travail rigoureuse et à être en mesure de mener à bien, de façon autonome, une étude analogue, dans sa démarche, à un mémoire de Master. Le cours portera sur l’étude et analyse de la collection éditoriale « Récits d’objets » parue aux éditions invenit (Lille) entre 2014 et 2020 et réalisée en collaboration avec le musée des Confluences de Lyon.
Si la chose est possible, les étudiant.e.s seront amené.e.s à interviewer des auteurs de la collection.
Connaissances préalables
L'étudiant doit avoir une bonne connaissance du français actuel (niveau C1 du Cadre européen)
Ce cours est inclus dans
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master en langue et littérature françaises (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Frans) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
Littérature française: littérature française moderne (B-KUL-F0UZ6a)

Ce cours se fonde directement sur les acquis méthodologiques du cours de littérature française moderne de Bachelor 3 (F0AF5A). Il s’agit de procéder à l’analyse d’une œuvre particulière, de la situer dans un projet d’auteur, en fonction des enjeux culturels et socio-historiques d’une époque.
Les premières étapes du travail se feront avec tous les participants du cours. Des groupes de travail seront ensuite constitués. Chaque groupe présentera un exposé sur le livre étudié, qui fera ensuite l’objet d’une discussion avec tout le groupe.
Les étudiants devront en outre remettre un travail écrit d’une dizaine de page, soit sur le livre étudié lors du cours, soit sur une œuvre du même auteur soit, enfin, sur un travail correspondant à une partie de leur mémoire de master en littérature.
Matériel de cours
Pour leur analyse, les étudiant.e.s choisiront un texte parmi les titres suivants (tous disponibles à la bibliothèque ARTES) :
Philippe Forest, L’enfant fossile (2014)
Emmanuelle Pagano, En cheveux (2014)
Jean-Bernard Pouy, S63 (2014)
Valérie Rouzeau, Télésco-pages (2014)
Olivia Rosenthal, Jouer à chat (2017)
Marc Villard, Hound Dog a fait un rêve (2016)
Régine Detambel, La couleur venue de la terre (2016)
Evaluation: Littérature française: littérature française moderne (B-KUL-F2UZ6a)
Pas d'examen durant la période des examens.
L'évaluation se fera sur la base d'un exposé en petits groupes, durant le cours, ainsi que d'un travail écrit.
L'exposé (oral) comptera pour 40% de la note finale, le travail écrit pour 60%.
Information about retaking exams
Pour la troisième session d'examens (septembre), les étudiants doivent présenter (ou représenter) leur travail écrit et le résultat final sera déterminé sur la base des notes obtenue lors de l'exposé oral et du travail écrit présenté lors de la troisième session.
ECTS Littérature française: littérature francophone moderne (B-KUL-F0UZ7A)

Le cours aura pour finalité l’organisation en groupe d’une exposition (en ligne ou physique, si la chose est possible) sur un sujet déterminé. Ce travail permettra aux étudiants de développer leurs compétences en termes de recherches en littérature et à les présenter de façon synthétique et sélective, à l’intention d’un public large. Il comprendra également un travail communicationnel et rédactionnel à trois niveaux : celui de la communication entre les participants au cours, pour préparer les expositions, celui de la communication avec les institutions à contacter pour consulter et exposer des documents, ainsi qu’avec les ayants-droits des auteurs concernés, et enfin celui de l’exposition elle-même (rédaction des textes nécessaires à l’exposition). Le cours revêt en outre une finalité pratique et professionnelle, en invitant les étudiants à travailler en collaboration avec une institution culturelle (les Archives et Musée de la littérature, KBR).
Connaissances préalables
Les étudiants devront disposer d’une maîtrise du français et d’une connaissance des principaux instruments heuristiques concernant la littérature de langue française et tout particulièrement la littérature française de Belgique. Ces prérequis correspondent à leur niveau d’apprentissage lors de leur entrée en Master.
Ce cours est inclus dans
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master en langue et littérature françaises (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 ects.
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Frans) 30 ects.
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 ects.
Littérature française: littérature francophone moderne (B-KUL-F0UZ7a)

Ce cours a pour objectif de conduire les étudiant.e.s à réaliser une exposition (en ligne, ou physique) à propos d’un sujet en relation avec la littérature belge de langue française. Il s’agira d’accompagner le groupe dans la découverte d’un sujet déterminé, l’élaboration d’une problématique, l’identification et le choix des documents à exposer, les demandes d’autorisations, la construction d’un parcours, l’écriture des cartels de présentation des documents et différentes parties de l’exposition. Ce cours est développé en partenariat avec les AML (Archives et musée de la littérature – Bruxelles, KBR :
Matériel de cours
Archives (especially from de AML – Archives et musée de la littérature, Bruxelles), academic publications about the field of the exhibition and the chosen topic for the exhibition.
Evaluation: Littérature française: littérature francophone moderne (B-KUL-F2UZ7a)
L’évaluation portera à la fois sur l’exposition (note collective : 10/20), mais également sur le processus individuel de recherche d’informations et la participation active lors des séances de travail collectives (collectes des informations, choix des document, rédaction des textes, respect des dead-lines… / note individuelle : 10/20). La participation à l’élaboration des différentes étapes de la préparation de l’exposition en groupe est nécessaire pour l’obtention de la note.
Information about retaking exams
En cas de deuxième session, un travail écrit spécifique sera demandé. Il correspondra aux aspects de la participation individuelle à améliorer (par exemple l’écriture de cartels dans un français correct). Cette note individuelle s’ajoutera à la note collective obtenue pour l’exposition. La participation à l’élaboration des différentes étapes de la préparation de l’exposition en groupe est nécessaire pour l’obtention de la note.
ECTS Literatura e identidades hispánicas (B-KUL-F0VB8A)

Profundizar en el estudio de un tema específico de las literaturas hispánicas, tomando en cuenta la literatura teórica relativa a este tema.
Ser capaz de desarrollar una reflexión o análisis sobre una obra literaria en español relacionada con este tema, y de participar en debates académicos.
Previous knowledge
Ser bachelor en Lingüistica y Literatura hispánicas.
Is included in these courses of study
Máster en Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos (Leuven)
60 .
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 .
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 .
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 .
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 .
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Spaans) 30 .
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 .
Literatura e identidades hispánicas (B-KUL-F0VB8a)

Este curso se propone ver cómo los géneros reflexivos, argumentativos y no ficcionales como el ensayo, el documental y el podcast han contribuido y contribuyen a la construcción discursiva de identidades en España y América Latina en el siglo XX y XXI.
El curso se compone de:
- Una introducción a los géneros del ensayo, del documental y del podcast a través de unos textos teóricos (clases magistrales e interactivas).
- Unos seminarios de análisis de obras y casos, p.e. la construcción discursiva de la nación en el ensayo español o latinoamericano; la construcción identitaria (nacional, social, de género, etc.) en documentales, podcasts u obras gráficas de no ficción.
Ejemplos de obras analizadas en los últimos años:
- ensayos de Unamuno, Ortega y Gasset, Azorín, Maeztu, Paz,etc.
- documentales de Patricio Guzmán, Albert Solé, etc.
- periodismo gráfico de Jorge Carrión y Sagar
Bibliografía indicativa (solo una breve selección de artículos y capítulos, en español e inglés, serán leídos en clase)
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, 1991.
Bretz, Mary Lee. Voices, Silences and Echoes: A Theory on the Essay and the Critical Reception of Naturalism in Spain. London: Tamesis, 1992.
Castilleja, Diana, Eugenia Houvenaghel & Dagmar Vandebosch. (eds.) El ensayo hispánico: Cruces de géneros, síntesis de formas. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2012.
---, --- y --- (eds.) Ensayo y sociedad: Diálogos de un género en movimiento. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2014.
de Obaldia, Claire. The Essayistic Spirit. Literature, Modern Criticism, and the Essay. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.
Dumont, François. Approches de l'essai. Anthologie. Québec: Nota Bene, 2003. (Con textos de Lukács, Adorno, Starobinski, Terrasse y otros)
García Casanova, Juan Francisco (Ed.). El ensayo entre la filosofía y la literatura. Granada: Comares, 2002.
Glaudes, Pierre (Ed.). L'essai: métamorphoses d'un genre. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2002.
--- . y Jean-François Louette. L'essai, Paris: Hachette, 1999.
Hobsbawm, Eric. Nations and Nationalism since 1870: Programme, Myth, Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 1992.
Inman Fox, E., La invención de España. Madrid: Cátedra, 1998.
Maingueneau, Dominique. Nouvelles tendances en analyse du discours. Paris: Hachette, 1987.
Maíz, Claudio. “Problemas genológicos del discurso ensayístico: Origen y configuración de un género”. Acta Literaria, núm. 28, 2003, 79-105.
Nicholson, Bill. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2001.
Vandebosch, Dagmar. Y no con el lenguaje preciso de la ciencia. La ensayística de Gregorio Marañón en la entreguerra española. Genève: Librairie Droz, 2006.
Vertovec, Steven. Transnationalism. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Weinberg, Liliana. El ensayo, entre el paraíso y el infierno. México: Fondo de cultural económica, 2001.
Course material
Selección de artículos y textos primarios puestos a disposición en la plataforma digital de la Universidad.
Explanation category
El curso consiste en una combinación de clases magistrales e interactivas, por una parte, y una serie de seminarios de análisis discursivo de ensayos propuestos por los estudiantes, por otra.
Evaluation: Literatura e identidades hispánicas (B-KUL-F2VB8a)
Esta asignatura contiene una parte de evaluación permanente (1/3 de la nota final; basada en la participación en los seminarios, las presentaciones orales y el trabajo de grupo) y una parte de evaluación periódica durante el período de exámenes (2/3 de la nota final). Para esta parte, los estudiantes pueden elegir entre dos formas de examen:
- un examen oral 'libro abierto' sobre la materia del curso y presentación de una antología personal de ensayos
- un paper con discusión oral.
qInformation about retaking exams
La nota correspondiente a la evaluación permanente se mantiene para los estudiantes que vuelven a presentarse para la convocatoria de agosto-septiembre del mismo año lectivo.
ECTS Literatura y cine hispánicos: metodología y análisis (B-KUL-F0VB9A)

Esta asignatura aspira a desarrollar las competencias analíticas de los estudiantes con respecto a textos literarios y películas. En la actualidad, el curso se dedica al género "road movie" en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo. La primera parte se reserva a una introducción metodológica, centrada en la narratología fílmica. En la segunda parte se comentan unas 5 - 6 películas emblemáticas del género. Al ofrecer un cuadro apropiado para la interpretación de cada película, el curso también aspira a brindar una introducción más amplia al cine latinoamericano.
Previous knowledge
Tener una competencia gramatical, discursiva y textual avanzada en español y disponer de los instrumentos de análisis literario necesarios para analizar textos de prosa, especialmente en el terreno de la narratología.
Is included in these courses of study
Máster en Estudios Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos (Leuven)
60 .
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 .
Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
60 .
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 .
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) 30 .
- Master in de taal- en letterkunde: verkort programma derde taal (Leuven) (Taalmodule Spaans) 30 .
Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
120 .
Literatura y cine hispánicos: metodología y análisis (B-KUL-F0VB9a)

El contenido de esta asignatura varía cada año: el realismo mágico y lo fantástico, lo neobarroco, el modernismo, la novela del dictador, la literatura de testimonio etc.
Evaluation: Literatura y cine hispánicos: metodología y análisis (B-KUL-F2VB9a)
ECTS Art in Europe: a History of Emotions (B-KUL-F0VL7A)

Aims of the course: to learn how to use interdisciplinary methods to analyze paintings
1) to learn how to ‘read’ a painting using contemporary theories of emotion (philosophy, psychology, anthropology, art history)
2) to gain a synchronic view: learning to see how a period, an era forms itself: how philosophy, literature, politics and the arts interact
3) diachronic view: see Europe as a history of emotions
Previous knowledge
No professional acquaintance with the different disciplines is required, but students will have to familiarize themselves with the basic principles of the analysis of art through individual study. A bibliography will be provided offering a range of guides, available in e-sources and KU Leuven libraries.
Is included in these courses of study
- Study Abroad Programme in European Culture and Society (PECS) (Leuven)
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Leuven) (Minor Liberal Arts with Language Track French) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Leuven) (Minor Liberal Arts with Language Track German) 180 ects.
Art in Europe: a History of Emotions (B-KUL-F0VL7a)

We start with an introduction to the human being as an interactional creature, whose life starts in the relations with the parents. In 12 sessions we look at how parent-child relations changed from the Old Testament to the Gospels and further till contemporary art. In each session we discuss ca. 10 paintings in detail, using concepts from philosophy, psychology and art history, relating them to the mentality of their era, moving from Antiquity to the posthuman. This allows us to recapitulate the history of Europe in a nutshell with focus on the changes in emotionality. These paradigm shifts have a vital effect on the different languages used in paintings: body, gestures, clothes (fashions), images, words and spatial expression.
Course material
The paintings & articles to interpret them are always available on Toledo in advance of the session in class.
For students who are totally unfamiliar with European art E.H. Gombrich's The Story of Art will be an excellent introduction.
Language of instruction: more information
Students should have very good English as we move at a rapid pace.
Format: more information
The idea(l) is that students interact a lot during the sessions in class. In order to monitor individual progress students are asked to keep a diary about their learning process in which they refer to the literature provided.
Is also included in other courses
F0BQ2A : European Art and Culture: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Evaluation: Art in Europe: a History of Emotions (B-KUL-F2VL7a)
The evaluation consists of continuous assesment (learning diary) with an exam outside of the normal examination period. The exam counts for 40% of the final grade and the learning diary for 60%.
Information about retaking exams
The exam will be replaced by a paper in the third examination period. The paper will count for 40% of the final grade. The grade for the learning diary achieved in the first exam chance (60% of final grade) will be brought over to the final grade in the third examination period.
ECTS Dissertation (B-KUL-F0VY1A)

Dissertation (B-KUL-F0VY1a)

Evaluation: Dissertation (B-KUL-F2VY1a)
Specific guidelines and arrangements concerning the Master’s Thesis.
Students have to obtain at least 10/20 for this course in order to succeed for the master’s programme.
Students have to participate in the master's thesis presentations in order to submit their dissertation.
ECTS Gender, Literature and Theory (B-KUL-F0XI3A)

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to know the major figures and texts of feminist literary criticism, to understand the main stakes of this discipline and its historical and theoretical development. Students should be able to critically analyse and contextualise relevant theoretical and literary texts.
Previous knowledge
There is no specific preknowledge required for this course. It is advised to have an adequate understanding of English.
Is included in these courses of study
Gender, Literature and Theory - Part I (B-KUL-F0XI3a)

This course offers an introduction to the historical development of feminist literary theory, feminist literary criticism and gender studies since the 1970s. In addition, it zooms in on some crucial topics in these disciplines through a reading of relevant theoretical and literary texts. The central question in this respect concerns the representation of gender and gender relations in literature and the role of gendered differences and hierarchies in the literary system. Aspects of queer theory, feminist psychoanalysis and intersectional theory will also be addressed.
Course material
Used Course material: a reader with texts will be available at Alpha Copy.
Format: more information
After an initial, introductory class, the classes will be structured around the reading and discussion of a selection of theoretical articles and literary texts. Students are expected to read articles and texts before classes.
Is also included in other courses
Gender, Literature and Theory - Part II (B-KUL-F0XU9a)

Format: more information
After an initial, introductory class, the classes will be structured around the reading and discussion of a selection of theoretical articles and literary texts.
Evaluation: Gender, Literature and Theory (B-KUL-F2XI3a)
open book exam
ECTS Changing Cultures in Europe (B-KUL-F0XI4A)

On a general level, the students learn to explore the nexus between cultural production, economic and technological development, and geopolitics in a contemporary (20th-century and 21st-century) European context. They make themselves familiar with theoretical frameworks and concepts that can be used to analyze and discuss mental mappings of the continent and its constituent cultures (such as world systems theory, the three-world model, (post)colonialism, post-dependency studies, (Euro-)Orientalism, Balkanism, Europeanization, (self-)Orientalization, globalization, in-between peripherality, …). In particular, the students learn to analyze these cultural phenomena, interactions, and dynamics within the context of European filmmaking, both in its historic and in its contemporary (textual and institutional) aspects. Apart from developing (film) analytical skills, they make themselves familiar with digital resources related to European audiovisual culture, such as the European Film Gateway, the online databases of the European Audiovisual Observatory and the Media History Digital Library. Finally, they are able to apply the acquired knowledge and analytical competences by carrying out a case study that critically reflects on Europe’s changing culture(s) (from a textual and/or an institutional perspective).
Previous knowledge
- The student has followed an academic bachelor programme which gives her insight into the methodology and problems of literary research.
- The student has a thorough knowledge of at least one of the languages and literatures taught in the programme and has acquired scientific skills in the domain of literary studies (collecting information, knowledge of methodologies, analysis of and reporting on specific problems).
- The student has an interest in literature, literary analysis and the larger debate about culture and literature
Is included in these courses of study
Master in de culturele studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of English Linguistics and Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Western Literature (Leuven)
60 ects.
Master of Cultural Studies (Leuven)
60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Arts (Leuven)
- Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Programme for students started before 2024-2025) (Leuven) (European Diversity and Cultural Policy) 60 ects.
Changing Cultures in Europe (B-KUL-F0XI4a)

The class is designed as a combination of lectures complemented by reading and watching assignments and discussion moments. It consists of two introductory modules (one on theory and one on European film) and three case studies:
1. General introduction to the course: theories and concepts
2. European film and Europeanization, then and now
3. European film, identity and mobility: case studies
a) migration-themed cinema
b) border movies and multi-location movies
c) road cinema
Course material
Reading materials on Toledo.
Format: more information
Students attend on a regular basis (cfr. The course schedule) the activities of the various modules (preparatory reading, weblectures, forum discussions) and write a short assignment for each module.
Evaluation: Changing Cultures in Europe (B-KUL-F2XI4a)
participation/discussion (20%), paper (60%), oral Exam (20%).
Information about retaking exams
paper, oral exam
ECTS The literary Bible. The Bible as a seminal text in Western literature (B-KUL-F0XX5A)

The students will gain:
a. knowledge about the bible as a literary text.
b. insight into the multifaceted influence of the Bible on Western literature throughout the different centuries.
c. understanding of the different intertextual relations which literary texts can entertain vis-à-vis the bible (e.g. imitation, adaptation, appropriation, rewriting, rejection).
the Bible is a seminal text in Western culture, not just as a religious text, but als as a literary text. Its influence on visual arts, language, music, and literature in the West can hardly be overestimated. At the same time, it can be noticed that the actual knowledge of the Bible is dwindling, which means that a crucial context of reference for understanding Western literature and culture is disappearing. This course aims to enhance the students' awareness of the overall importance of the Bible in Western literature
Previous knowledge
See general terms of Master in Western Litarure.
Is included in these courses of study
The literary Bible. The Bible as a seminal text in Western literature (B-KUL-F0XX5a)

After an introductory class about the Bible as a literary text, a series of classes taught by different lecturers will be devoted to the literary influence of the Bible throughout the centuries. This influence will be demonstrated by means of a selection of representative case studies from the different traditions of Western literature, against the background of relevant historical and theoretical contexts.
Course material
All necessary research literature will be announced at the start of the classes.
Evaluation: The literary Bible. The Bible as a seminal text in Western literature (B-KUL-F2XX5a)
-Paper: 75%
-Presentation: 25%
Information about retaking exams
The presentation cannot be redone in the second exam period; the paper can be rewritten and resubmitted.
ECTS Western Literature: Texts and Contexts (B-KUL-F0ZH5A)

The students acquire a well-founded and representative knowledge of crucial works in the tradition of Western literature. Through reading, study, and seminars, the students acquire the capacity to understand and interrogate these works and the tradition to which they belong in a critical way.
Previous knowledge
Students have a basic knowledge of crucial aspects of comparative literary research: insights in institutional processes of transmission and canonization, in the the importance of poetological ideas, and in the rudiments of textual analysis and interpretation. Students are acquainted with the development of Western literature and of the relation between literature and its social and cultural contexts.
Western Literature: Texts and Contexts, Part 1 (B-KUL-F0ZH5a)

The course consists in a series of seminars that each focus on a crucial work in the Western literary tradition and is taught by a lecturer with exceptional expertise on the work. During the seminar, the lecturer situates the work in its cultural, social, and literary historical contexts with reference tot he concepts that are developed in “Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F0UX8A).” There is special emphasis on processes of canonization, historical change, intercultural transfer, and the tension between consolidation and contestation of the tradition. After the opening discussion, students have a chance to engage in dialogue on the basis of their thorough written preparation.
Course material
The students read the assigned works in a language of their choice. Secondary texts will be made available on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
The seminars will take place in English.
Format: more information
The course consists in interactive seminars.
Western Literature: Texts and Contexts, part 2 (B-KUL-F0ZH6a)

The course consists in a series of seminars that each focus on a crucial work in the Western literary tradition and is taught by a lecturer with exceptional expertise on the work. During the seminar, the lecturer situates the work in its cultural, social, and literary historical contexts with reference tot he concepts that are developed in “Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F0UX8A).” There is special emphasis on processes of canonization, historical change, intercultural transfer, and the tension between consolidation and contestation of the tradition. After the opening discussion, students have a chance to engage in dialogue on the basis of their thorough written preparation.
Course material
The students read the assigned works in a language of their choice. Secondary texts will be made available on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
The seminars will take place in English.
Format: more information
The course consists in interactive seminars.
Evaluation: Western Literature: Texts and Contexts (B-KUL-F2ZH5a)
Evaluation on the basis of the written preparations,active participation in the seminars and the essay assignments.
Information about retaking exams
essays for which an insufficient mark (10/20) was obtained have to be remade and resubmitted.