Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Leuven)

CQ Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Leuven)


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Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Leuven)



The Master of Science in Astronomy and Astrophysics:

1. Understands the fundamental laws and principles of stellar astrophysics, as a basis for all subdomains of astronomy.
2. Has acquired a thorough knowledge of different subdomains of astronomy.

3. Has gradually mastered the principles and methods of astronomy research and applied it in theoretical and observational projects.
4. Can independently formulate a research strategy in order to tackle a scientific subject in astronomy.
5. Is familiar with the basic techniques for data reduction and can actively apply them.
6. Has developed simple numerical models to analyse data within an appropriate theoretical framework.
7. Has translated the knowledge of (astro)physical processes into appropriate numerical models.
8. Integrates modern technological developments into fundamental research in astronomy.

9. Communicates and debates actively, critically and efficiently in English about research results, both to a specialist and to a wider audience.

10. Is able to tackle complex issues in a team context, from different disciplinary perspectives.
11. Is familiar with the international nature of astronomy research and with its social relevance.

12. Has insight into the deontology of research in general, and that of (astro)physics in particular.

13. RESEARCH: The student has made use of their optional courses to acquire a broader and deeper knowledge of astronomy in one or more subdomains of the field.
14. PROFESSIONAL: The student possesses insight and skills that are relevant in a business, economical or societal context.


1. The student develops a research oriented attitude to follow and critically evaluate the international astrophysical research scene and uses the same research attitude to participate in actual societal themes and challenges.

2. The students develop their future-self and have a good view on possible future career paths.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blueprint_MA_AstronomyAstrophysics.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA-fiche_MA_Astronomy and Astrophysics.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?

SC Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Leuven)


To graduate as Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics, students must complete the master's programme with at least 120 credits.


ECTS Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G00A3A)

3 studiepunten Nederlands 9 Beide semestersBeide semesters Uitgesloten voor examencontract
Muchez Philippe (coördinator) |  Ceulemans Griet |  Muchez Philippe |  N.



-  De studenten doen concrete ervaring op met de problematiek van de diverse maatschappelijke impact van wetenschap en technologie via een dienstverlenend contact.

- De studenten tonen een geëngageerde inzet en bieden een verantwoordelijke en respectvolle ondersteuning aan mensen die in relatie tot wetenschap en technologie in de maatschappij in een situatie verkeren die varieert van beperkte expertise tot absolute kwetsbaarheid. De studenten tonen dat ze individueel kunnen reflecteren op de wijze waarop ze ondersteuning bieden en dat ze hun eigen perspectief kunnen in vraag stellen.

- De studenten kunnen vanuit hun concrete ervaring verwoorden hoe ze hiermee als toekomstige wetenschapper rekening zullen houden zodat individuele mensen in een kwetsbare situatie in relatie tot wetenschappelijke en technologische verandering, echt kansen krijgen om daar ook zoveel mogelijk van te genieten en zo weinig mogelijk nadelen te ondervinden.

- De studenten kunnen vanuit hun concrete ervaring verwoorden hoe ze als toekomstige wetenschapper rekening zullen houden met kwetsbare groepen in relatie tot wetenschap en technologie, zodat de algemeen maatschappelijke, mogelijke negatieve impact van wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen weloverwogen en dus verantwoord is, bv door het toepassen van maatschappelijke duurzaamheid als denkkader.

Deze doelstellingen worden bij de start van de colleges aan de studenten gecommuniceerd.



De student ontwikkelt empathie, ethiek en een gevoel voor maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid binnen zijn professioneel functioneren.
De student is zich bewust van de maatschappelijke rol van een wetenschapper.

De student wordt in het algemeen gevormd om

  • de werking van een bepaald luik van de maatschappij te begrijpen en hoe wetenschap en technologie daarin een rol spelen
  • in te zien hoe je met wetenschap (theorie en praktijken) een positief verschil kan maken in de maatschappij
  • in te zien hoe een wetenschappelijke visie en methode de samenleving kan beïnvloeden
  • ervaring (praktijk) vanuit het domein van een beperkte organisatie om te zetten naar een algemener begrip van de maatschappij, hoe ze werkt, met politiek, ongelijkheid, impact van wetenschap, ideeën van duurzaamheid, …


Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod


Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G00A3a)

3 studiepunten : Stage 9 Beide semestersBeide semesters


Totale belasting van dit opo bedraagt gemiddeld 75 uur.


Academische component:

Tijdens een introductie wordt een brainstorm gehouden over de relatie tussen het service learning project en een opleiding Wetenschappen. Tijdens het terugkommoment wordt deze relatie duidelijker geëxpliciteerd aan de hand van de uitwisseling van de persoonlijke ervaringen van de studenten. Door deelname aan het service learning project zal de student het belang van bepaalde theoretische aspecten die in de opleiding aan bod komen, bijvoorbeeld rond duurzaamheid, beter begrijpen door de verankering ervan in de dagelijkse praktijk zelf vast te stellen.

  • De student krijgt tijdens de introductie inleidend inzicht in theoretische kaders omtrent technologie en maatschappij, duurzaamheid en kwetsbaarheid algemeen (vanuit interdisciplinair perspectief).
  • Tijdens de introductie wordt de essentie van ‘reflectie’ onderwezen en geoefend. Een praktijkdagboek wordt opgestart.

De studenten krijgen ter voorbereiding op het terugkommoment een tekst te lezen en integreren deze tijdens de dialoog van het terugkommoment. Deze tekst handelt over bepaalde visies op wetenschap en maatschappij die oriënterend kunnen zijn voor de keuzes die gemaakt worden, zowel op maatschappelijk vlak als op individueel vlak wat de inzet en het engagement van de wetenschapper betreft (honest broker, ethiek, mensbeeld, human scale development).


  • Kennisname van bestaande organisaties en initiatieven in het veld, gericht op de doelgroepen.
  • (Passieve) observatie ter inleving in de situatie.
  • Actieve, dienstverlenende participatie in de door de student gekozen organisatie, gericht op de met de organisatie afgesproken doelen.


  • De student dient vooraleer het ISP kan worden goedgekeurd, een voorstel van project in bij het docententeam waarbij ook de concrete stageplanning is uitgewerkt (periode, organisatie, tentatieve dienstverlenende doelen en gedetailleerde belasting).
  • Gedurende de activiteiten houdt de student een dagboek bij in het ePF om concrete ervaringen te noteren.
  • Eerste Reflectie in het ePF in samenspraak met de stagebegeleider, via terugkoppeling vanuit observatie naar de leeractiviteiten die zullen nodig zijn om de stage-doelen van de student en de organisatie te realiseren – Deze reflectie krijgt vormende feedback van het docententeam
  • Tweede Reflectie in het ePF: Individuele reflectie via terugkoppeling vanuit de actieve stage naar de theoretische kaders - Deze reflectie krijgt vormende feedback van het docententeam.
  • Terugkommoment - Afsluitende reflectie (deel van eindevaluatie): 10’ presentatie en verdere dialoog met het docententeam, de lokale begeleider en medestudenten over wat de student op welke vlakken heeft ervaren en geleerd, integratie van de aangeleverde visietekst, explicitering van de link tussen de opleiding en service learning.


Evaluatie: Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G20A3a)

Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Verslag, Presentatie, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Portfolio, Procesevaluatie


De evaluatie gebeurt door het docententeam op basis van een gesprek (presentatie) en het ePF dat de student samenstelt. Dit ePF brengt volgende elementen naar voor:

-het maatschappelijk engagement van de student (dagboek) en de beoordeling door de stagebegeleider in de partnerorganisatie en de begeleidende docent (procesevaluatie - beoordeling omvat volgende criteria: aanwezigheid, tijdigheid, inzet, respectvolle houding, waardevolle inbreng, heldere communicatie)

-de kwaliteit van reflecties en verslagen (individueel – verslag en self-assessment)


Bepaling van het eindresultaat

Het opleidingsonderdeel wordt beoordeeld door het docententeam met inbreng van de partnerorganisatie, zoals meegedeeld via Toledo.

EEen negatieve beoordeling voor de praktijkcomponent resulteert automatisch in een fail voor het hele opo.

Het resultaat wordt bekendgemaakt als een pass/fail.


Toelichting bij herkansen


Het ePF kan herwerkt worden om kwaliteitsvoller de gevraagde elementen te illustreren.  Na een negatief oordeel voor de praktijkcomponent is geen herkansing mogelijk.





ECTS Gravitational Waves (B-KUL-G00J3A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term


Students are introduced to the field of gravitational waves, including theory, sources and detection. In particular, the physics of gravitational waves, the astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, gravitational-wave detectors and data analysis are discussed in detail.

Previous knowledge

The student is assumed to have working knowledge of general relativity. Moreover, the student masters the standard tools of linear algebra and calculus, including partial differential equations. Prior knowledge of astrophysics, statistics and optics is useful but not essential.


Gravitational Waves (B-KUL-G00J3a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


• Brief review of General Relativity

• Theory of Gravitational Waves

• Generation of Gravitational Waves

• Sources of Gravitational Waves

• Gravitational-wave Detectors

• Gravitaitonal-wave Data Analysis

Course material

• Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy: An Introduction to Theory, Experiment and Data iAnalysis; Jolien D. E. Creighton & Warren G. Anderson; Wiley

• Gravitational Waves (Vol I & II); Michele Maggiore; Oxford University Press


Evaluation: Gravitational Waves (B-KUL-G20J3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work


The final project consist of an extended assignment done and presented alone or in groups.

Information about retaking exams

The points from the take-home tasks, if any, will be transferred to the second exam period. Only the regular examination can be repeated.

ECTS Plasma Physics of the Sun (B-KUL-G0B28A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term


The students are being introduced to a few concrete applications of the plasma-astrophysics in the most nearby star: the sun.  The students learn that the sun plays a key-roll in our insight in the physics of starts and other astrophyisical and laboratorium plasma.  Magnetohydrodynamics as a mathematical model will be used to describe magnetical appearances in the outer layers of the sun and in the atmosphere of the sun.   The students are presented with the possibility to apply a number of mathematical techniques in particular situations: eg; solve normal and partial hyperbolic differential equations, solve non-linear elliptic  differential equations, complexe analysis, disruption analysis, …

Previous knowledge

Vector calculations and calculus of real functions, differential equations, liquid dynamics.  Previous knowledge of complexe analysis, plasma dynamics, waves and instabilities comes in handy, but is not required.

differential equations, mathematical introduction into fluid dynamics


Plasma Physics of the Sun (B-KUL-G0B28a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


1. General description: the Sun, observations in different wavelengths, Sunspots, the solar cycle, the solar magnetic field, the coronal

heating problem, actives regions, solar flares, coronal loops, the solar wind, coronal mass ejections, space weather.

2. Elements of plasma physics: motion of charged particles, gyration, the E×B drift, the ∇B drift, gravitational drift, magnetic mirrors.

3. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): one-fluid and two-fluid MHD, Hall MHD, the plasma β, the Alfvén Mach number, magnetic flux tubes,

conservation of magnetic flux, the frozen-in theorem, quasi neutrality in plasmas, magnetic pressure and tension, conductivity in a plasma,

the displacement current, field aligned currents, MHD waves, shocks and discontinuities, Alfvén and fast waves, the Rankine-Hugoniot


4. Coronal and solar wind plasma: macroscopic or fluid models (the Parker model, the Weber-Davis model, force free magnetic field models,

magnetic field reconstruction techniques), microscopic or kinetic models (collisional, collisionless, homogeneous or inhomogeneous).


5. Kinetic modeling: particle velocity distributions, observations, Vlasov-Boltzman formalism of plasma waves, wave-particle interaction, anisotropic

Distributions (temperature anisotropy in the solar wind, beams in the fast wind, counterstreams in coronal mass ejections and shocks).


6. Spectral theory: motivation for collisionless and collision-poor plasma models, plasma waves and characteristics (collisionless dissipation, Landau, cyclotron,

high and low-frequency waves, MHD waves), instabilities and enhanced fluctuations in plasmas with free energy: kinetic anisotropy,  inhomogeneities, etc.

applications in the corona, solar wind and planetary magnetospheres.

Plasma Physics of the Sun: Assignments (B-KUL-G0B29a)

2 ECTS : Assignment 13 First termFirst term


Two assignments are given during the semester. The subjects of these assignments depends and can vary form coronale heating, over sunspots to coronal seismology.

Course material

Recent papers on solar physics are provided, depending on the assignment.

Format: more information

Two assignments are given during the semester. A report has to be handed in for both of these. Each report is marked on 4 points, i.e. 20% of the total end score.


Evaluation: Plasma Physics of the Sun (B-KUL-G2B28a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Reference work, Course material


Closed book exam with about 5-open questions about the treated material.

The reports of the two tasks that are given during the semester are marked on 4 points each. The weigth of the exam thus amounts to 12 points.

In case of a re-sitis the points on the report are transferred. So it is not possible to make new tasks in that case.


ECTS Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (B-KUL-G0B30A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
Keppens Rony (coordinator) |  Keppens Rony |  Sundqvist Jon


The course starts with an introduction to common spatial and temporal discretization techniques to numerically solve sets of partial differential equations. Further on, the course treats various state-of-the-art numerical methods used in astrophysical computations. This encompasses basic shock-capturing schemes as employed in modern Computational Fluid Dynamics, common approaches for handling Radiative Transfer, and concrete gas dynamical applications with astrophysical counterparts. The main aim is to give insight in the advantages and disadvantages of the employed numerical techniques. The course will illustrate their typical use with examples which concentrate on stellar out-flows where the role and numerical treatment of radiative losses will be illustrated, but also touch on studies from solar physics, stellar atmospheres, astrophysical accretion disks and jets, pulsar winds, planetary nebulae, interacting stellar winds, supernovae . . . . The students will experiment with existing and/or self-written software, and gain hands-on insight in algorithms, their convergence rates, time step limitations, stability, .... The students will in the end be able to apply some of the schemes to selected test problems.

Previous knowledge

No other previous knowlegde is needed than that allowing to attend master level courses.  More specifically, students should have a basic knowledge of calculus, differential equations and general physics, as is provided in any bachelor programme in mathematics or physics.

Although there is no specific requirement on prior knowledge, it is certainly worthwhile to combine this master course with one of Plasma Physics of the Sun, Introduction to Plasma Dynamics, Space Weather, Radiative Processes, Waves and Instabilities, Stellar Atmospheres. A related, more analytically oriented, Bachelor course is ‘Mathematical introduction to Fluid Dynamics’.


Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (B-KUL-G0B30a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The course is organized in modules. The basic modules consist of lectures combined with (home assignment and group)  worksessions, and will cover:
1. Introduction
a. Developing numerical codes
   – Computer code development, programming techniques, code maintenance, optimization
   – Concepts of verification, validation, sensitivity analysis, error and uncertainty quantification
 b. Spatial and temporal discretization techniques.
   – Spatial discretizations: Basic concepts for discrete representations. Finite difference, finite element, and spectral methods. An application: solving a Sturm-Liouville model problem and handling boundary conditions (eigenoscillations of a planar stellar atmosphere).
   – Temporal discretizations: Explicit versus implicit time integration strategies. Semi-discretization, predictor-corrector and Runge-Kutta schemes.
2. Towards computational gas dynamics.
• The advection equation and handling discontinuous solutions numerically. Stability, diffusion, dispersion, and order of accuracy, demonstrated with linear advection problems. Extension to linear hyperbolic systems and solution of the Riemann problem. Nonlinear scalar equations and shocks: solving Burgers equation. Non-conservative versus conservative schemes.
• Isothermal hydrodynamics and basic stellar wind models. Governing equations, Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, Prandtl-Meyer shock relation. Rarefactions, integral curves and Riemann invariants. Application to transonic stellar winds: Parker solar wind solution, isothermal rotating transonic winds, shocked accretion flows.
3. Compressible gas dynamics and multi-dimensional applications.
• The Euler equations and finite volume methods. Conservative form, Rankine-Hugoniot shock relations, exact solution of the Riemann problem, Riemann invariants. Basic shock-capturing discretization methods: finite volume methods and the TVDLF algorithm.
Possible advanced topic: Roe solver. Godunov scheme for Euler equations, Approximate Riemann solver, Roe scheme, numerical tests.
• Extensions to multi-dimensional algorithms and example multi-dimensional stellar wind models. Example 2D Euler simulations, emphasizing stellar wind models for various evolutionary phases, for cool to massive stars. Extension to interacting wind models using optically thin radiative losses. Attention to failures of modern schemes that still plague 1D and multi-D Euler simulations.
4. Numerical radiative transfer.
• Basic radiative transfer. The governing equations of radiative transfer and the rate equations. Discretization, treatment of angle dependence (with angle quadrature), handling of frequencies and optical depths.
• Specific numerical treatments. Feautrier method, Lambda iteration, Multi-level iteration. Application to stellar winds which are dust or radiative driven.
5. Intro to Computational Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics.
• Introduction: the MHD model. Applicability, use in astrophysical context.
• Transmagnetosonic stellar winds and 1D MHD simulations. Weber-Davis MHD wind model, numerical simulations for solar and stellar rotating, magnetized winds, consequences for stellar rotational evolution. MHD shocks, Riemann problem tests.
A final module can be chosen depending on the interest of the students, linking to current research trends.

Course material

The lecture sheets are made available through Toledo. Additional course notes are provided online as well. Reference books are (students will not be required to purchase these, no book covers all topics):

  • Numerical Methods in astrophysics, Taylor & Francis 2007, Bodenheimer et al.
  • Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics, Cambridge University Press 2010, Goedbloed, Keppens, Poedts

Format: more information

Next to the lectures, students will either individually or in pair work out computerassignments, directly related to the topics covered. This will encompass both self-coding for a relevant toy problem and using advanced state-of-the-art software in a modern application. Part of these will be organized in joint computerclass sessions.

Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications: Computerlab (B-KUL-G0B31a)

2 ECTS : Assignment 13 First termFirst term


Using a combination of self-written and available software to solve selected astrophysical toy problems numerically. The idea is to gain insight in method limitations, as well as get acquainted with its inherent possibilities.

In a first part, the students will be asked to program their own solver.

In a second part, the students perform selected hydrodynamic simulations, and learn how to interpret and visualize their computational data.

Course material

During the second assigment, we make use of opensource modern computational codes, specifically the MPI-AMRVAC code, widely used in astrophysical applications.

Format: more information

Assignments will be formulated and presented in teams, and we foresee access to supercomputer platforms.


Evaluation: Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (B-KUL-G2B30a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Learning material : Course material, Computer


Permanent assessment, working out project assignments. At least one project will be handed in as a written report, along with the self-written computercode. The team assignment lets the students perform modern computational research, to be reported in a team presentation.

Information about retaking exams

The second exam will be formulated as an extensive take-home computerassignment, where the student ultimately reports on the numerical strategy, (astro)physical application and makes contact with relevant modern literature.

ECTS Space Weather (B-KUL-G0B32A)

6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


  • To provide an overview of the current observational data and known effects of the space weather;
  • To provide insight in the basic physics of the solar drivers of space weather;
  • To provide an overview of the current state of the art modeling and forecasting activities for some aspects of space
  • weather, e.g. CME initiation and IP CME evolution, gradual SPE events, etc.
  • To explore the effects of space weather on humans and on technology in space and on the ground.


To provide hands on experience on space weather predictions and on aspects of space science.

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of physics and mathematics


Space Weather Sciences (B-KUL-G0B32a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Introduction and motivation
    * Definition of space weather
    * Space weather effects
    * Space weather components
    * Predictions and forecasts
A tour of the Solar System
    * Sun
    * Solar corona
    * Interplanetary space
    * Planetary magnetosphere
The Earth Environment
    * Magnetosphere
    * Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
    * Magnetosphere-thermosphere coupling
Solar energetic particles
    * Generation of high-energy particles in space weather events
    * Transport of high-energy particles in the solar system
    * Radiation belts
Models of space weather
    * fluid modeling
    * kinetic effects
Following a typical space weather storm
    * Coronal Mass Ejections (CME): initiation
    * CME: Inter−planetary evolution
    * Impact on the Earth environement
    * Geo−effectivity of magnetic storms
    * Ground and space based solar observations
    * Radio observations
    * In situ measurements (e.g. ACE, CLUSTER)
    * Unsolved problems
Resources and Forecast
    * Web-based services from NOAA and ESA
    * Simulation: NASA's community coordinated modeling center (CCMC)
    * Soteria and the SSA.

Course material

G. Lapenta, Lecture notes.

A. Hanslmeier, The Sun and Space Weather (Springer, 2008)
M. Kallenrode, Space Physics (Springer, 2004)

Format: more information

Lessons from the teaching team, including distinguished experts from space agencies and industry.

Is also included in other courses

G0B32B : Space Weather

Space Weather Projects (B-KUL-G0B38a)

2 ECTS : Practical 13 Second termSecond term


Introduction and motivation
The students use online web site and computer codes to build experience on space weather. For example:
* Use of the CCMC web site to simulate space weather
* Study of the astrophysics of the Sun and of the Solar System
* Computer simulation of spacecrafts immersed in the environment near the Earth
*  Space weather between the Earth and the Moon
* A trip to Mars: consequences of radiation and particles

Course material

A. Hanslmeier, The Sun and Space Weather (Springer, 2008)
M. Kallenrode, Space Physics (Springer, 2004)

Format: more information

Student projects guided by experts in the field.


Evaluation: Space Weather (B-KUL-G2B32a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Practical exam
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The exam is composed of differnt parts:

oral presentation on the project: 30%
report on the project: 40%
practical work done at  home and due before the exam: 30%


ECTS Relativity (B-KUL-G0I36A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The students are introduced to Einstein's theory of gravity. After a short introduction to the basics of differential geometry the Einstein equations are derived and studied. Exact solutions of the Einstein equations and their physical applications are discussed in detail. Various other topics such as black holes, gravitational waves and applications of general relativity to cosmology are also an integral part of this course.

Previous knowledge

The student has familiarised him/herself with physics as a whole on a basic level:  Newtonian mechanics,  including gravity,  notions of thermodynamics,  electromagnetism (Maxwell), including special relativity and electrodynamics.
The student masters the standard tools of linear algebra and calculus, including partial differential equations.
Prior knowledge of group theory as applied in physics, quantum mechanics, differential geometry or a more advanced course on classical mechanics (including fluid mechanics) is useful but not essential.


Relativity (B-KUL-G0I36a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term




A review of special relativistic kinematics is given using time-space diagrams and the principle of stationary action in point mechanics.  Electromagnetic interactions are also considered.
The mathematical tool that is needed to describe curved spaces (Riemannian geometry) is introduced in terms of concrete surfaces.  The main goal is to express physical laws in terms of tensors.
Einsteins theory of gravitation is introduced and compared with both non-relativistic theory of gravitation and relativistic electromagnetism.
The predictions of Einstein's theory that led to its first experimental verifications are given as a first application.  More applications such as black holes and the big bang model are considered.
Finally,  some time is spent on hot topics such as gravitational waves, or a more extensive treatment of black holes, or cosmology.
Contact with real life will be made trough a forum and a project.

Course material

Handboek: Spacetime and Geometry: An introduction to General
Relativity, Sean M. Carroll


Evaluation: Relativity (B-KUL-G2I36a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work, None


The exam is closed-book, but the students will be provided with a formula-sheet.  A part of the evaluation will also be based on take-home tasks. Students can use course material, references and computer help for the take-home assignments.

Information about retaking exams

There is no home-task.

The grades from the home-task during the year will also be taken into account for the resit.


ECTS Theory of Nucleosynthesis (B-KUL-G0I38B)

3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


This course is taught at the ULB. (Syllabus)

Is included in these courses of study


Theory of Nucleosynthesis I (B-KUL-G0J71a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


Evaluation: Theory of Nucleosynthesis (B-KUL-G2I38b)

Type : Exam during the examination period


Questions to be answered orally. Preparation allowed. Notes are accepted. Questions cover full chapters of the course. 
Open book; the student will be evaluated on his/her global understanding of different subjects treated in the course.

ECTS Star Formation (B-KUL-G0I39A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


• To identify the conditions for star formation
• To become acquainted with the basic ingredients of the star formation process
• To understand the dynamical processes within disks
• To situate our solar system in the broad context of planet formation

Previous knowledge

Stellar Structure and Evolution

Is included in these courses of study


Star Formation (B-KUL-G0I39a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


This course is organised in cooperation with the Universiteit Amsterdam.

• Introduction
• Molecular Clouds
– Basic properties
– Formation and Destruction
– Rotation
– Turbulent, magnetic, thermal pressure support
– Bonner-Ebert spheres and Singular Isothermal Spheres
– Jeans mass
• Collapse
– Fragmentation
– Star formation modes: cluster versus isolated
– Initial Mass Function
– Singular isothermal sphere collapse: non-rotating; rotating (disk formation);
with magnetic field (Pseudo-disk formation).
• Star Formation, Pre MS evolution
– Hayashi tracks
– PMS tracks
– Birthline
– Deuterium burning
– High mass star formation
• Disks
– Observations of disks
– Observations of Jets
– Disk Formation
– Disk Physics: passive versus active disks; disk geometry; disk timescales (formation,
accretion, dissipation); mixing (radial and vertical); dust processing.
– Disk Spectra
– Disk images at various wavelengths
– Molecular line spectra
• Chemistry of Star Formation
– Composition of GMCs
– Chemical processes during core formation and collapse
– Ice Formation
– Ion-molecule reactions in hot cores
– Chemistry in disks
– The role of mixing
• Planet Formation
– Gravitational Collapse in the Disk
– Aerodynamics of dust particles in disks
– From Dust to Planetesimals
– From Planetesimals to Planets
• Extrasolar Planets
– Detection
– Properties
– Migration
• Comets
– Origin
– Dynamical evolution
– Composition
• Vega-like stars
– Observations and models for Vega-like stars
– Late phases of the formation of a planetary system


Evaluation: Star Formation (B-KUL-G2I39a)

Type : Exam during the examination period

ECTS Theoretical Seismology (B-KUL-G0I40A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


• To explain that seismology is the best method for probing the internal structure of
stars and planets
• To identify the different waves propagating in stars and planets and derive their
• To derive the governing equations for stellar and planetary oscillations
• To describe and derive the spatial and temporal characteristics of normal modes
• To clarify the physical and mathematical basis for interpreting observational results
in terms of interior structure
• To explain why some stars oscillate, and others not
• To be able to read and interpret research articles on theoretical (astero)seismology

Previous knowledge

Stellar Structure and Evolution

Is included in these courses of study


Theoretical Seismology (B-KUL-G0I40a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


1. Continuum mechanics
• Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions
• Reynolds transport theorem
• Conservation of mass and continuity equation
• Conservation of momentum and equation of motion
• Conservation of angular momentum and symmetry of the Cauchy stress tensor
• Stress and constitutive relations for solids and fluids
• Neglect of viscosity in stars
• Conservation of energy
• Poisson’s equation
• Boundary conditions
2. Wave equations for quasi-static, spherically symmetric bodies
• Quasi-static equilibrium models
• Lagrangian displacement
• Lagrangian and Eulerian perturbations
• Eulerian linearized equation of motion
• Pertubations of density and gravitational potential
• Linearized constitutive relations for solids and liquids
• Elastic and isentropic approximations and thermal time scale
• Linearized boundary conditions
3. Basic waves in fluids and solids
• Acoustic waves
• Dynamical timescale
• Convection
• Gravity waves
• Surface gravity waves
• seismic pressure and shear body waves
• seismic surface Rayleigh and Love surface waves
4. Normal modes
• Separation of time
• Hermitian eigenvalue problem
• Orthogonality
• Rayleigh principle
• Oscillation energy
• Stability
5. Spheroidal and toroidal modes
• Development of displacement field
• System of coupled radial equations
• Decoupling of toroidal and spheroidal oscillations
• Oscillations of the Earth
– Toroidal oscillations of the Earth
– Spheroidal oscillations of the Earth
– Reflection and refraction of seismic waves
• Spheroidal oscillations of stars
– Governing equations
– Radial modes, energy and stability
– Period-mean density relation
– Non-radial modes, energy and stability
– Cowling approximation
6. Physical properties of spheroidal stellar oscillations
• Propagation of waves in the radial direction
• Dispersion relations, propagation diagrams
• Radial modes
– Sturm-Liouville problem
– Upper and lower limits for the fundamental frequency
• Classification of non-radial modes: p- and g- and f-modes
• Influence of the stellar atmosphere on p-modes
7. Asymptotic representations of stellar oscillations
• JWKB-approximation
• Asymptotic series
• Equations with a large parameter
• Radial modes
– Governing equations
– Asymptotic solutions starting from the center
– Asymptotic solutions starting from the surface
– Eigenvalue equation
• Non-radial p- and g-modes
8. Vibrational stability of stars
• Energy
• Quasi-adiabatic approximation
• Excitation by nuclear reactions
• Radiative damping
• The _-mechanism
9. Influence of rotation on stellar oscillations
• Equilibrium state for rotating stars
• Equation of motion for rotating stars
• Perturbation method to obtain eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions
• Fast rotation
• r-modes

Course material

C. Aerts, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, D.W. Kurtz, Asteroseismology, Springer, 2010


Evaluation: Theoretical Seismology (B-KUL-G2I40a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Take-Home

ECTS Physics and Chemistry of Planets (B-KUL-G0I42A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


•           To explain the main characteristics of planets and moons in the solar system and of exoplanets

•           To appreciate and interpret the diversity and similarities in (exo)planets and moons

•           To describe and apply the physical, chemical, and mathematical principles governing the structure and evolution of the interior and atmospheres of (exo)planets and moons

•           To apply state-of-the-art methods for investigating the interior and atmospheres of (exo)planets and moons

•           To interpret recent advances in research in planetary and exoplanet sciences

Previous knowledge

Bachelor in STEM

Is included in these courses of study


Physics and Chemistry of Planets (B-KUL-G0I42a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


1. Basic characteristics of planets and moons

  • Definition of a planet and evolution of the concept
  • Basic properties: pressure, temperature, gravitational energy, thermal energy, size
  • Mass-radius relations and classification of (exo)planets
  • Relations between the host star and planetary composition; volatile and refractory elements
  • Overview of planets and moons of the solar system and exoplanets

2. Interior structure and high pressure properties of planetary materials

  • Hydrostatic equilibrium
  • High pressure and high temperature equations of state
  • Mineralogy
  • Phase diagrams

3. Gravimetry

  • Gravity field of non-spherically symmetric bodies
  • Moments of inertia
  • Clairaut’s equation for rotational flattening
  • Insight into the interior structure of planets
  • Gravity anomalies
  • Isostasy

4. Heat flow and evolution of planets

  • Energy sources: gravitational, radiogenic, latent heat
  • Energy transport: conduction and convection
  • subsolidus convection
  • Core: formation, evolution, composition
  • Thermal history models
  • Planetary magnetic fields

5. Tides

  • Tidal potential
  • Tidal deformation, gravity variations and gravitational potential variations
  • Love numbers and relation with internal structure
  • Tidal dissipation
  • Tidal influence on orbital and rotational motion

6. Theoretical basis of planetary chemistry

  • Processes affecting atmospheric chemistry
  • Chemical equilibrium and thermodynamics in the atmosphere and the interior
  • Chemical disequilibrium and kinetics in the atmosphere and on the surface
  • Spectroscopic signatures of planetary atmospheres and the surface

7. Retrievals of exoplanet atmospheres

  • Atmospheric spectra with forward models
  • Effects of disequilibrium chemistry
  • Effects of clouds
  • Retrievals of pressure and temperature
  • Retrievals of atmospheric and cloud chemistry
  • Implications for interior properties



Evaluation: Physics and Chemistry of Planets (B-KUL-G2I42a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Report, Presentation
Learning material : Course material, Calculator


The report and the presentation on a project work are assessed together for 25% of the final grade (5/20). 75% of the final grade is on the exam during the examination period.

ECTS Asteroseismology (B-KUL-G0I44A)

6 ECTS English 36 Not organisedNot organised


This course will not be taught this acedemic year 2024-2025

The course provides a first introduction to the basic concepts of asteroseismology.

At the end of the course, the student is able to

• interpret modern data of non-radially oscillating stars
• apply time series analysis and mode identification techniques
• work out research results within a small team of students
• summarize research results in a written report and talk
• summarize highlights of selected international papers in asteroseismology

Previous knowledge

Stellar Structure and Evolution

Is included in these courses of study


Asteroseismology (B-KUL-G0I44a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Not organisedNot organised


Part I: General properties of stellar oscillations
• Introducing asteroseismology
– Basic properties of non-radial oscillations
– Why do stars oscillate ?
– Brief description of the mathematics of non-radial oscillations
– Contents of this course
• Stellar pulsation across the HR diagram
– Pulsations near the main sequence:
Solar-like stars;  Doradus stars;  Delta Scuti stars; Rapidly oscillating Ap stars;
Slowly pulsating B stars;  Beta Cep stars, etc.
– Pulsations in evolved low-mass stars:
_ Compact oscillators: subdwarfs and white dwarfs
– Pulsations in evolved massive stars
• Theory of non-radial oscillations in a nutshell
– Perturbation approach
– Linear non-radial oscillations
– Driving mechanisms: Modes excited by the opacity mechanism; Stochastically
excited modes
– Asymptotic behaviour
– Rotational splitting
Part II: Methodology
• Period analysis
– Period Analysis based upon Fourier analysis
– Harmonic analysis from non-linear least squares fitting
• Mode identification
– Multicolour photometry
– Line-profile variations
Part III: Applications of asteroseismology
• Helioseismology and solar-like oscillators
• Seismology of compact stars
• Seismology of massive stars


Evaluation: Asteroseismology (B-KUL-G2I44a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Reference work


Students are requested to write papers on their analysis work, put them into context of international research, and synthesize the results.

ECTS Observational Techniques in Astronomy (B-KUL-G0I45A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


- To realise that observing electromagnetic radiation of celestial bodies is the basic concept to gain information on the cosmos
- To identify an observational technique that suits best a given scientific question and
- To be able to identify the best instrument at the observatories worldwide
- To understand the physical and statistical bases for contemporary astronomical instrumentation, observation techniques and observational data processing
- To be able to apply a first-order numerical simulation of an optical telescope system and perform a case study using one of the information restitution techniques commonly used in astronomy
- To be able to quantify the observing time needed to obtain a given precision
- To become familiar with the reduction of data obtained with the basic astronomical techniques (photometry, astrometry, spectroscopy)
- To compute reliable errors of the measured physical quantities
For students in the Dutch spoken sterrenkunde curriculum, this course provides a training platform for the use of English in a scientific context.
(Indien dit opleidingsonderdeel enkel door Nederlandstalige studenten gevolgd wordt, zal dit opleidingsonderdeel in het Nederlands gedoceerd worden)

Is included in these courses of study


Observational Techniques in Astronomy (B-KUL-G0I45a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


1. Overview modern observational instruments for ground-based and space-borne astronomy

​2. Coordinate systems

3. Time in Astronomical observations

4. Photometric Observations over the EM spectrum

  • photmetric systems
  • reddening
  • extinction

5. SED exercise

6. Basic Optics

7. Detectors: CCD

8. Spectrograph design

9. High resolution spectrograph

10 Introduction to optical interferometry


Course material

course text

book chapters

instrument manuals

Format: more information

Apart from the courses, the students will work individually on two big exercises for which they have to submit a written report. The tasks are individually different but have a main theme: the making and interpretation of an Spectral Energy Distribution of a object with multiple components (star+circumstelllar material) and the check of the optical design of a high-resolution spectrograph (HERMES).

The exam is individual and will be partly a discussion on these reports.


Evaluation: Observational Techniques in Astronomy (B-KUL-G2I45a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Report
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator


During the semester, the students work on two large reports. During the exam, we discuss these reports together with the replies on specific questions on the course. Without the reports, the exam cannot take place.

You have to pass this course to succeed in the master programme.

ECTS Stellar Atmospheres and Stellar Winds (B-KUL-G0I51A)

6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term


• The student can understand the main processes involved in radiation transfer

• The student can interpret analytical and numerical solutions of radiation transfer, as described in the scientific literature, and can compare these methods with the ones illustrated in the course

• The student can interpret the spectra of stellar atmospheres in function of temperature, gravity and chemical composition of the star

• The student can understand the different physical causes for the onset of a stellar wind

• The student can interpret observations of stellar winds using  basic physical concepts, illustrated by means of simplified analytical equations or complex theoretical computer models

Previous knowledge

The student has had a similar course to ' introduction to Astronomy' and 'Radiative processes in astronomy'.


Order of Enrolment


G0I46AG0I46A : Stralingsprocessen in de sterrenkunde
G0Y54AG0Y54A : Stellar Structure and Evolution

Is included in these courses of study


Stellar Atmospheres and Stellar Winds (B-KUL-G0I51a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 Second termSecond term


I. Stellar atmospheres

1. Basic radiative transfer
2. Analytical solutions of the transfer equation
• exponential integrals
• operators
3. Numerical solutions of the transfer equation
• discretisation
• Feautrier solutions
• ALI (approximate lambda iteration)
4. Standard model atmospheres:
• Grey atmosphere
• Plane-parallel
• Hydrostatic equilibrium
• Radiative equilibrium
• Line blanketing
• Solutions

II. Stellar winds

1. Observations of stellar winds

2. Basic concepts: isothermal winds

3. Dust driven winds

4. Line driven winds

5. Effect of mass loss on stellar evolution

Course material


* 'Radiative transfer in Stellar Atmospheres' by R. Rutten

* `Introduction to Stellar Winds' by H.J.G.L.M. Lamers and J.P. Cassinelli


Toledo: slides + some extra course material on Toledo


Evaluation: Stellar Atmospheres and Stellar Winds (B-KUL-G2I51a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Practical exam, Oral
Type of questions : Closed questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Reference work


Part I: Stellar Atmospheres:

* Modality: oral exam with written preparation

* When: partial exam, open book,  midway the semester

* What: Each student prepares a discussion on a recent research article as handed out by the supervisor. The students prepares the discussion at home. The oral examination takes ~20 min.


Part II: Stellar Winds

* Modality: written exam

* When: end of the semester

* What: open book exam

ECTS Planetary Systems (B-KUL-G0I52A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


• To introduce the students in the dynamics of the solar system
• To familiarise the students in current solar-system research
• To introduce the students in the current state of knowledge of exosolar planetary systems.
• To understand the diversity of the orbits within the solar system

Is included in these courses of study


Planetary Systems (B-KUL-G0I52a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


1. The two-body problem
• the N-body problem: general notions
• the 2-body problem: general expressions
• motion along elliptical orbits
• the orbit in space
2. Overview of the solar system
• determination of orbital elements
• orbital elements of the planets and their major satellites
• smaller bodies in the solar system
• the Earth-Moon system
3. Solar system debris
• small planets
• the Kuiper belt
• comets
• meteorites
• ring systems
4. Origin of the solar system
• major observational data
• the planet accretion model
• chemical diagnostics
• open questions
5. Exosolar planets
• detection methods of exosolar planets
• census of exosolar planets
• systematics of exoplanetary systems and their parent stars
• formation and evolution scenarios
• observational prospects
6. Debris disks
• detection of debris disks
• census of debris disks
• formation and evolution
• relation to planetary systems
7. Astrobiology
• complex chemistry in space
• exploration of the solar system
• planetary atmospheres
• evolution of the biosphere
• prospects for the detection of extraterrestrial life


Evaluation: Planetary Systems (B-KUL-G2I52a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation
Learning material : None

ECTS Interstellar Matter (B-KUL-G0I54A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term

Is included in these courses of study


Interstellar Matter (B-KUL-G0I54a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


1. Introduction
• Star forming regions
• Final phases of stellar evolution
• Recapitulation of basic radiative transfer concepts
• Introduction to the ISM
• Physics of the ISM
2. Interstellar gas
• Introduction
• HII regions
• Thermal balance of the ISM
• Phases of the ISM
3. Free-free (and free-bound) radiation
• The opacity of free-free radiation
• Contribution by bound-free absorption
• Application: radio continuum spectrum of PNe
• Application: emission of an ionised stellar wind
• Appendix: theory of free-free radiation
4. Insterstellar dust
• Introduction: literature
• The physical condition and chemical content
• Interstellar extinction and scattering
• Thermal conituum radiation of dust particles
• Dust spectroscopy
• Physical principles of grain surface chemistry
5. Circumstellar dust
• Introduction
• Red Giants and Asymptotic Red Giants (AGB stars)
• Circumstellar extinction
• Infrared emission of circumstellar dust
• A simple model for the thermal emission of dust particles
• Optically thick dust shells: IRAS colour-colour diagram
• The IR spectrum of an optically thick flat disc
• Dust condensation
• Dust driven winds
– equation of motion of the dust
– equation of motion of the gas
6. Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
• Atomic structure and energy levels
• N-electron atoms
• The 2-level atom
• Molecular spectroscopy
7. gravitational instability and starformation
• Introduction
• Jeans mass and fragmentation
• Stability of an isothermal gas sphere
• Cocoon stars
• Spectral Energy Distributions of protostars• Final remarks


Evaluation: Interstellar Matter (B-KUL-G2I54a)

Type : Exam during the examination period

ECTS Binary Stars (B-KUL-G0I55A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


At the end of the course, the student is able to

- explain the importance of binaries in the context of the determination
of basic stellar parameters
- derive the orbital elements of binary stars
- understand and explain the role of binarity in the chemical properties of some binaries
- outline the role of compact binaries as test laboratories of general relativity

Previous knowledge

Stellar Structure and Evolution

Is included in these courses of study


Binary Stars (B-KUL-G0I55a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


1. Close Binaries
• Introduction: the astrophysical context of binaries
• Formation of close binaries: capture, fragmentation
• Two-body problem: Kepler’s law revisited, determination of orbital elements,
mass function
• Effects of tides: circularisation and synchronisation
• Statistics: (P,e) relations for field stars and clusters
2. Mass transfer
• The Roche model and Roche lobe overflow
• Classification of close binaries
– based on Roche model: detached, semi-detached, contact
– based on observational characteristics: visual, spectroscopic, eclipsing, astrometric
• Effects of mass loss on orbital parameters
• Different types of mass transfer
• Supernovae Type I
3. Evolution of binaries after the main sequence
• Algols and W Serpentis stars
• AGB binaries
• Post-AGB binaries and Barium stars
• Symbiotic stars
4. Binaries with compact objects
• Cataclysmic variables
• X-ray binaries
• Double pulsars (including Gamma Ray bursts)
5. Binary Population synthesis
• Definition
• Examples
• Confrontation with observations

Course material

* Lecture notes from previous years are available.
* All is downloadable from Toledo or /STER/roy/lectures/binarystars13
* Book: Ron Hilditch, 'An Introduction to Close Binary Stars'
Only Chapter 1, 2, 3 are used (scans available)
Cambridge University Press, 2001, ISBN 0 521 79800
* J. Andersen (1991):
'Accurate masses and radii of normal stars'
* Tauris & van den Heuvel: 'Formation and Evolution of Compact Stellar
X-ray Sources' ( astro-ph/0303456)


Evaluation: Binary Stars (B-KUL-G2I55a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions

ECTS Specialised Topics in Astronomical Techniques (B-KUL-G0I56A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


• To understand the basic concepts of observational astronomy beyond the visible domain.
• To get acquainted with techniques used in the mm and radio domain
• To get acquainted with techniques used in high-energy astrophysics
• To understand the basic concepts of interferometry
• To be trained in reduction and interpretation of optical interferometric data
• To be trained in reduction and interpretation of radio interferometric data
• To be trained in advanced image processing techniques used in astronomical research

Previous knowledge

Observational Techniques in Astronomy

Is included in these courses of study


Specialised Topics in Astronomical Techniques (B-KUL-G0I56a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


1. Fundamentals of data processing
• Signal processing: introduction
• Sampling theory
• Noise models
• Visualisation
• Fourier transform
• Fundamentals of Deconvolution
• Deconvolution Algorithms
• The wavelet transform
2. Advance Spectroscopic Techniques
• Multi-Object spectrographs
• Integral field spectrographs
• Fabry-Perot spectrometers
• Fourier-transform spectrometers
3. Heterodyne and radio observations
• Antennae
• IR and Radio continuum
• Heterodyne mixing
– HEB mixers
– SiS mixers
• Single dish heterodyne spectroscopy
• Examples: APEX, IRAM etc.
4. High-energy techniques
• Gamma-ray and X-ray optics and telescopes
• High-energy detectors
• Legacy of current high-energy satellites (XMM, Chandra, Integral, Swift)
5. Interferometry in the radio domain
• Heterodyne interferometry
• Examples: Plateau de Bure, CARMA
• The ALMA project
6. Optical interferometry
• Measuring coherence with an interferometer; complex degree of visibility; amplitude
and phase, UV-coverage
• OPD corrections and delay lines
• Piston and fringe tracking
• Image plane versus pupil plane interferometry
• Imaging and closure phase
• Interferometry and astrometry
• Nulling interferometry
• Examples: VLTI, VISA
7. Astronomical data processing and analysis. Topics for exercises
• Deconvolution of images and spectra.
• Mozaic calibration strategies
• Fourier transforms, convolutions, correlation (auto-; cross-), power spectrum,
filters, ,digitisation noise, distributions, probabilities, moments, image anaysis
using wavelets etc.
• Interferometry
– From visibilities to diameters
– Constraining model parameters by X² minimalisation


Evaluation: Specialised Topics in Astronomical Techniques (B-KUL-G2I56a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Learning material : Course material

ECTS Galaxies and Cosmology (B-KUL-G0I59A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


To familiarize the student with the fields of galactic and cosmological astronomy, including some selected contemporary research topics. 

To learn about basic underlying physical processes for the formation and evolution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. 

To learn about world models and structure growth in the universe, building on a picture containing components of dark matter and energy. 

To learn about how we can observationally constrain models of galaxies and structure growth in the universe. 


Galaxies and Cosmology (B-KUL-G0I59a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


Galaxies and Cosmology

1. Introduction

2. Some Galaxy and Gaseous Dynamcis 

3. Disc Galaxies including Milky Way 

4. Ellipticals and Dwarfs 

5. Active Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes 

6. Galaxy Clusters 

7. Homogeneous World Models 

8. Structure Growth 

9. Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Course material

Peter Schneider (2015), "Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: An Introduction", second edition (available as PDF-book via KU Leuven library). 

Additional course notes. 


Evaluation: Galaxies and Cosmology (B-KUL-G2I59a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions


Partial assesment working out project assignments. At least one project will be handed in as a written report. The team assignment is to be reported in a team presentation. Final assesment then in form of oral exam during examinationperiod. 

Extra note: You have to pass this course to succeed in the master programmes 'Astronomy and Astrophysics' and 'Sterrenkunde'.

ECTS Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0L50A)

30 ECTS English 0 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Aerts Conny (coordinator) |  N.


In the master thesis emphasis lies on the ability of the student to cooperate actively in scientific research.  These are the aims of the master thesis:
- to formulate research questions with the help of the supervisor, and elaborate the research;
- acquire information independently and judge it in relevance for answering the research questions
- follow up and analyse developments in the chosen area
- acquire attitude to work on scientific research in a team
- learn to communicate in a scientific language through collaboration with fellow students and researchers
- to make contact with the current research in one of the areas
- use modern experimental or theoretical methods and techniques
- analyse the results and their interpretation critically
- report and present the original results in an orderly way and place the open questions in the right perspective.  Link techniques and results from the literature with research.

Previous knowledge

Before starting the master thesis the student must have chosen a few mandatory courses of his/her specialization.  He/she has already acquired basic skills on looking up and assimilate information, report, communicate on scientific findings, etc…  He/she will develop these even more during the master thesis.

The master’s thesis can only be taken in the academic year that a student can graduate, which means the student has sufficient credits in the isp to graduate.  An exception can be made for students wishing to take the professional internship at the end of the studies. 

Order of Enrolment


Identical courses

G0I58A: Masterproef

Is included in these courses of study


Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0L50a)

30 ECTS : Master's thesis 0 Both termsBoth terms


The master thesis consists of research with a thesis, with the help of a supervisor from the department, and generally with help from the research Group.  Preferably the subject is connected to the specialties of the department, but other subjects with a physical character outside the department are possible.Students integrate in the research group for a few months (this also counts as the internship in a modern research laboratory) and participate in the research, including seminars, workshops, study work, and, last but not least, execution of specific experiments and/or calculations.  A report has to be written and a presentation has to be held.


Master's thesis topic: validity period

If the supervisor, at the end of the 3rd examination period of the second stage, finds that insufficient progress is made, this will be discussed with the student. The chairman of the programme committee will be informed. It may be possible that in that case the choice of the topic lapses and that a new topic must be chosen. Reasons for the cancellation of the topic may be because :

  • during the academic year in which the master's thesis is included in the ISP the student has worked, without legitimate reasons, too limited on the master's thesis research, or practical arrangements or agreements have not been fulfilled, so that the master's thesis could not be completed
  • the supervisor can not offer the topic in a next academic year (eg the research topic is finished / stopped, guidance will no longer be possible in the research team when needed)


Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G2L50a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period


The evaluation consists of the assessment of both process and product (form and content; manuscript and defense). Four quotes are given: one by the promotor, one of each of two readers and one for the defense. The relative weight of these four quotations is 10:3:3:4. Each quotation is determined by means of the facultary assessment roster and appreciation scale. Additional information on the evaluation of the master's thesis is to be found on the faculty website.

In order to succeed the master’s thesis, the student must obtain a credit for the supervisor apart, the average of the results of the readers taken together (taking into account the rounding rules) and the defence apart. If for one or more of these components this is not the case, the maximum score will be 9/20.

For passing this course students have to upload an information skills certificate in Toledo. This certificate can be obtained in the Toledo community “Scientific integrity at the Faculty of Science”. Obtaining and submitting the information skills certificate is evaluated by ‘pass/fail’. A student with a ‘fail’ for the certificate, obtains a ‘fail’ for the course, that is converted to a non-tolerable fail. This means that students cannot pass the course and cannot use tolerance credits, if they have not obtained and submitted the certificate.

This course can not be tolerated.

ECTS Research Projects (B-KUL-G0M67A)

3 ECTS English 0 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Aerts Conny (coordinator) |  Aerts Conny |  Decin Leen |  Keppens Rony |  Sana Hugues |  Van Winckel Hans |  N. |  Tkachenko Andrew (substitute)  |  Less More


At the end of the course, the student is able to

- work out small research projects starting from a descriptive situation outline
- to synthesize the results of the research project
- to communicate the results of the research project to peers by means of a scientific talk
- to write a scientific report on the results of the conducted research

Identical courses

G0L96A: Onderzoeksprojecten

Is included in these courses of study


Research Projects (B-KUL-G0M67a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 0 First termFirst term
Aerts Conny |  Decin Leen |  Keppens Rony |  Sana Hugues |  Van Winckel Hans |  N. |  Tkachenko Andrew (substitute)  |  Less More


One project should be accomplished by the students with a workload of 3 ETCs. Different such small research projects will be defined by the staff of the institute.


Evaluation: Research Projects (B-KUL-G2M67a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions


For passing this course students have to upload an information skills certificate in Toledo. This certificate can be obtained in the Toledo community “Scientific integrity at the Faculty of Science”. Obtaining and submitting the information skills certificate is evaluated by ‘pass/fail’. A student with a ‘fail’ for the certificate, obtains a ‘fail’ for the course, that is converted to a non-tolerable fail. This means that students cannot pass the course and cannot use tolerance credits, if they have not obtained and submitted the certificate.

This course can not be tolerated.

ECTS Observational Astrophysics: Proposal Preparation (B-KUL-G0M68A)

3 ECTS English 0 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Winckel Hans (coordinator) |  Van Winckel Hans |  N. |  Tkachenko Andrew (substitute)


•To work out small research projects in a team starting from a descriptive outline.
•To synthesise the results of the research project in a scientific talk to the peers
• To write a scientific report on the results of the conducted research

Identical courses

G0L97A: Observationele sterrenkunde: het uitwerken van een waarneemvoorstel

Is included in these courses of study


Observational Astrophysics: Proposal Preparation (B-KUL-G0M68a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 0 Second termSecond term
Van Winckel Hans |  N. |  Tkachenko Andrew (substitute)


· One project should be accomplished by the students with a workload of 3 ETCs.
· Small research projects are defined either by the staff or by the students themselves.
· The research projects are defined, prepared, worked out in a team of typically 2 students.
· The synthesis results in a written report as well as a scientific talk for peers. The report will be written          in scientific English
Within this framework, the interested students will be able to define, prepare and write down own observing proposals for the MERCATOR telescope. The observations will be performed by the students during a short visit to the observatory in the framework of ‘Research Projects III’. The students will then work on the data reduction and analysis.

Course material

Web information

Toledo page including slides


Format: more information

During the semester the students in teams of two, will work out a observing proposal using a template which is also used at the European Southern Observatory


Evaluation: Observational Astrophysics: Proposal Preparation (B-KUL-G2M68a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project


The endproduct is a written observing request using the stylefile which was inpired by the stylefile of the European Southern Observatory

This course can not be tolerated.

ECTS Research School in Observational Astronomy (B-KUL-G0M69C)

6 ECTS English 0 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Winckel Hans (coordinator) |  Van Winckel Hans |  N. |  Tkachenko Andrew (substitute)


- Experience the whole cycle from idea, through proposal preparation
and writing (G0M68A) up to actual observing, data reduction, data
analysis and report writing (this course).

- Visit one of the major (if not the major) international observatories of Europe.

- Come into contact with the technological part of modern observational

- Translate the instrument characteristics into an observational experiment
which is crafted to address the scientifc question you have developed.

- Experience that teamwork is also important in projects on observational astrophysics.

- Write a scientific text on the experiment.

Previous knowledge

   This course is a follow-up course of course GOM68A/G0L97A (Observational Astrophysics: Proposal Preparation) and can only be followed by those students who succeeded on that course.

Identical courses

G0L98C: Onderzoeksschool observationele sterrenkunde

Is included in these courses of study


Research School in Observational Astronomy (B-KUL-G0M69a)

6 ECTS : Assignment 0 First termFirst term
Van Winckel Hans |  N. |  Tkachenko Andrew (substitute)


· One project should be accomplished by the students with a workload of 6 ETCs.
· The research projects are defined, prepared, worked out in a team of typically 2 students.
· The synthesis results in a written report. The report will be written  in scientific English
Within this framework, the students who have defined, prepared and written down own observing proposals, will be able to perform the observations during a short visit to the observatory. The students will then work on the data reduction and analysis. Finally, a report in the form of a scientific article will be prepared. The evaluation is based on this report.

Course material

Web information

Toledo page

Instrument manuals

Reduction software

Format: more information

Visit to the Mercator telescope to perform the experiments

Workshops in datareduction

Regular meetings to present updates and discuss progress in the reduction and analyses


Evaluation: Research School in Observational Astronomy (B-KUL-G2M69c)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project

ECTS Introduction to Plasma Dynamics (B-KUL-G0P71B)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
Bacchini Fabio (coordinator) |  Keppens Rony |  N. |  Bacchini Fabio (substitute)


The goal is to provide the basic information and the basic theoretical approach to plasma physics. The vast majority of the universe is in a plasma state. Plasmas are systems of interacting charged particles where the bond between electrons and ions in atoms is broken and the system acts as a collective of very large numbers of particles. Plasmas have many applications in laboratory, industry, space and astrophysics. But besides the plasmas themselves, the models used to study them are of vast applicability in many areas of science and engineering. Learning plasma physics is doubly productive: it teached how plasmas work and it teaches how to study other many body systems with collective interactions (from the nanoscales all the way to the universe itself).

The course follows three converging patterns:
1) A theoretical approach where two fundamental mathematical-physics approaches are introduced: kinetic and fluid. These models are described for plasmas (systems of particles interacting via electromagnetic fields) but are basic tools for analyzing many areas of science and engineering.
2) A computer experiment approach where the student experiments plasma behavior conducting computer simulations and interpreting the observed behavior using the theoretical tools learned during the course.
3) A phenomenological approach where observed processes in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas are discussed and their explanation is obtained based on the plasma physics and mathematical modeling learned during the class.  This approach is the focus of the elective parts.
Central to the class is learning that a system where different time and length scales are present can be modelled with different mathematical models depending on the phenomena one wants to analyse: fluid models at macroscopic scales and kinetic models at microscopic scales.
After a common part followed by all students, three elective parts are available and each student can choose one of the three: space plasmas, relativistic plasmas or quantum plasmas. One project relative to the selected part is then assigned to each student and is developed during the semester.

Previous knowledge

Basic physics and basic calculus.


Introduction to Plasma Dynamics (B-KUL-G0P71a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
Keppens Rony |  N. |  Bacchini Fabio (substitute)



Common trunk – For all students

Plasma Basics
Plasma state, plasmas in nature, plasma experiments, plasma in industry
Field equations; particle motion in electromagnetic fields

Plasma Kinetic Theory
Boltzmann equation,
Vlasov solution: 2 stream instability
Landau solution: Fourier and Laplace transformation, integrals in phase space.
Landau damping, waves and instabilities
Computer simulations of plasma physics: the particle-particle and particle-mesh methods and their application

Plasma Fluid Theory
Moments and derivation of fluid models, MHD
Equilibrium and Stability
Principles of computer simulation of fluid models

Elective choices – Each student chooses one of the three items below

1. Space and Laboratory Plasmas
Forzen-in condition and Ohm's law.
Reconnection and energy conversion.  Particle acceleration. Shocks and Discontinuities
Example: Solar and Earth environment, Magnetic Fusion experiments

2. Relativistic Astrophysical Plasmas
Relativistic formulation, transformation properties
Radiation field and its interaction with a plasma
Examples: Astrophysical applications, Laser-plasma experiments

3. Quantum Plasmas
Strongly coupled and quantum degenerate plasmas
High energy density physics, warm dense matter
Examples: White dwarfs, Nanostructures


Introduction to Plasma Dynamics: Exercises (B-KUL-G0P72a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 13 First termFirst term
Keppens Rony |  N. |  Bacchini Fabio (substitute)




Take Home Exercise: Exercises will be assigned for each part of the lecture series. The exercises can be done at home but will be evaluated for the exam. The exercises will be done for a specific natural or man made plasma, chosen by the students from a list provided. The idea is to apply what we learn in class to a specific plasma of interest to the student.


Plasma Project: Each student will select from a list one project relative to the elective part chosen. The work will be in teams of 2-3. The specific project will be chosen based on the previous personal curriculum and on the interests of the students. A mixed theoretical, computational and phenomenological approach is encouraged but the students can choose the emphasis of the project. The assignment can include laboratory, industrial and astrophysical plasma applications, as well as mathematical derivations and theoretical investigations. The project will be developed during the semester and will be presented at the exam.

Format: more information

Homework: Exercises will be assigned during the semester on an approximately bi-weekly cadence for the topics of the common trunk. The examples will include theoretical derivations of specific processes and applicative exercises to put the theory into action in realistic applications.

Assignment: Each student will receive one project relative to the elective part chosen. The specific project will be chosen based on the previous personal curriculum and on the interests of the student. A mixed theoretical, computational and phenomenological approach is encouraged but the students can choose the emphasis of the project. The assignment can include laboratory, industrial and astrophysical plasma applications, as well as mathematical derivations and theoretical investigations. The project will be developed during the semester and will be presented at the exam.


Evaluation: Introduction to Plasma Dynamics (B-KUL-G2P71b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Oral, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The exam is composed of differnt parts:

  • oral presentation on the project: 30%
  • report on the project: 30%
  • take home exam part 1 - exercises: 20%
  • take home exam part 2 - computer experiment: 20%

ECTS Early Universe Cosmology (B-KUL-G0R42A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Hertog Thomas (coordinator) |  Craps Ben |  Hertog Thomas


The student becomes acquainted with the general theory of modern, relativistic cosmology and its observational vindication. This includes the thermal and nuclear history of our expanding universe,  the formation of large-scale structures like galaxies from seeds generated in a primordial era of inflation, and models of the origin of inflation. The student learns to appreciate the development of relativistic cosmology in the historical context of 20th century physics.

Previous knowledge

The student is familiar with physics as a whole on a bachelor level and he/she masters the standard tools of calculus. In addition, the student is familiar with the basics of general relativity and quantum field theory.

Order of Enrolment


G0R14AG0R14A : Quantum Field Theory
G0Y97AG0Y97A : Introduction to General Relativity
G0I36AG0I36A : Relativity


Early Universe Cosmology (B-KUL-G0R42a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


1. The Expanding Universe

  • Kinematics and dynamics of expanding universe (cosmic evolution, Hubble-Lemaître law, Friedmann-Lemaître eqs)
  • Propagation of light and horizons (geodesics, conformal diagrams, luminosity, redshift, distance)
  • composition of the universe, status cosmological observations

2. The Early Hot Universe

  • Thermal history
  • Cosmological nucleosynthesis

3. Structure formation

  • Gravitational Instability in Newtonian theory (Jeans theory)
  • Gravitational Instability in General Relativity (cosmological perturbation theory, halo formation,…)

4. Inflation

  • Three puzzles (flatness, horizon, monopoles)
  • Slow-roll inflation
  • Inflation as origin of cosmological fluctuations

5. Anisotropies in the Microwave Sky

  • Generalities
  • Temperature fluctuations: scalar and tensor modes
  • Polarization
  • Observations

6. Quantum cosmology: which universe and why?

  • Hartle-Hawking no boundary wave function of the universe
  • Holographic Cosmology

7. Stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds of cosmological origin

Course material

  • Textbook `Modern Cosmology’ (S. Dodelson);
  • lecture notes Daniel Baumann;
  • part of textbook Michele maggiore on Gravitational Waves

Format: more information

The lectures will be complemented by excercises on the topics that have been covered in the lectures.


Evaluation: Early Universe Cosmology (B-KUL-G2R42a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Oral, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


During the semester the students will be evaluated through take-home tasks, for which they can earn points that will be taken into account in the final score.

Information about retaking exams

The points from the take-home tasks will be transferred to the second exam period.

Only the regular examination can be repeated.

ECTS Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44A)

6 ECTS English 33 Second termSecond term


The course wants to stimulate reflection on the social meaning of science and the role of communication, information and popularization. In addition the course offers an
introduction to the scientific literature and empirical studies on science communication. Finally the concrete process of science communication (communication media,
typology of communication, communication sociology) is investigated.

Previous knowledge

The course does not presuppose specific foreknowledge.

Identical courses

G0R76A: Wetenschapscommunicatie en outreach

Is included in these courses of study


Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 33 Second termSecond term


Science communication aims at making science more accessible to the general public, a.o. by increasing scientific literarcy of citizens. Of crucial importance is the
creation of a relation of trust among scientists and the public. This requires a clear understanding of the aims of science communication, as well as its channels and
The course focuses on the gap between science an the public, in particular in relation to the place of science in public media. Different forms of science communication
are related to different intended target audiences.
The topics to be treated can be arranged our four general themes.

1. Science in Public
This model introduces basic concepts in the understanding of the process of science communication: theories about of definitions and models of science communication,
the role of the expert, scientific literacy, the image of science in society.

2. Science and the media
Media play an important part in science communication, but, as they are working withintheir proper cultural value system and with speficif formats, they may also be seen
as a potential threat to the reliability and accuracy of scientific messages and of the representation of science. Attention is given to the differences and tensions between
the cultures of science and journalism. Students will also prepare written expositions on scientific themes.

3. Controversial science and risk communication
A special challenge to science communicators is to speak out on themes where no scientific certainty is avalaible, or when the topics are framed in a larger (political)
debate. To represent scientific views often merges with a taking of sides, which then may threaten the neutrality of science. This form of communication is often preferred
by audiovisual media. Also science blogs tend in this direction.

4. Interactive and participative communication
Science in the public sphere has to be viewed as an interactive process, in which the dominating role of the expert cannot be taken for granted. In this form of
communication the public takes a central role. This theme focuses on science centres, science cafés, citizen science,... and the approach to disseminate scientific
information through informal learning, based on psychological models of leanring. The course analyses the use of interactive and participative communication in different settings.

Course material

Slides and literature are made available by the lecturer.

Language of instruction: more information

Dit opo wordt aangeboden in de doctoraatsopleiding.  Een groot deel van de doctoraatsstudenten zijn niet-Nederlandstalig.


Evaluation: Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G2R44a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project
Learning material : Course material



Information about retaking exams


ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach (B-KUL-G0R50A)

6 ECTS English 39 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Ceulemans Griet (coordinator) |  Biedenkopf Katja |  Ceulemans Griet |  Craps Marc |  Severijns Nathal |  Smet Mario |  N.  |  Less More


The student understands the terms sustainability, sustainable development, education for sustainability.

The student understands certain measures, argued from the diverse academic disciplines, that can be taken in the domain of science to stimulate sustainability, and the impact they (may) have.

The student understands certain didactical principles that can be used in the context of education for sustainable development.

The student recognizes the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration in the context of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development .

The student dares to take a position in the debate on social themes such as sustainability and sustainable development and dares to take responsibility in this context.

The student has developed the skills to communicate clearly about scientific subjects and to work in an interdisciplinary team.

The student is able to apply the three stages of analyzing, problem solving and implementation on a problem of sustainable development.

The student can implement didactical aspects in the context of education for sustainable development.


Previous knowledge

Bachelor’s degree.

Identical courses

G0R48A: Wetenschap en duurzaamheid: een socio-ecologische benadering

Is included in these courses of study


Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (B-KUL-G0R88a)

2 ECTS : Lecture 23 First termFirst term


Scientific knowledge on sustainability and sustainable development is an important part of the OPO science and sustainability. The following subjects will certainly be covered within this course: strong versus weak sustainability, theoretical models, systems thinking, lifecycle analysis, ecological footprint, the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration. The theory needs to be applied in the assignment.

Course material

Powerpoint, textbook, online sources.

Language of instruction: more information

Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The greater part of the learning materials is provided in both languages.


Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (B-KUL-G0R89a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 1 First termFirst term


The assignment is the application of the theory on ideas generated from academic literature. A specific article is to be personally chosen.

Course material

A personally chosen article of academic level sustainability literature.

Language of instruction: more information

The assignment encompasses the writing of an individual report. This might be written in Dutch or English.

Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (B-KUL-G0R90a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 15 Second termSecond term


The OPO ‘Sustainability as a socio-ecological dynamics’ is to be considered as a broadening course. Via the projects the students get in touch with ecological and social economy, psychological and sociological development and get insight in the power of money and media. The projects fit within the central theme of the year. Early may students present their project. This integrates the workshop lessons and teamwork.

Course material

Project-specific material.

Language of instruction: more information

Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The learning materials are provided in both languages whenever possible. However is concerns mostly international literature. There will be both English and Dutch projects.


Evaluation: Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach (B-KUL-G2R50a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Throughout the first semester, regularly an open question will be posted for discussing the provided theoretical insights of the classes (digital submission - open book). This should ensure that the theoretical knowledge can be used for teamwork and the final assignment. Through peer evaluation and a random teacher check, you will individually receive a maximum of 3 points out of 20 for your discussion. Teamwork for the workplan is also organized for which you will earn 2 out of 20 points through peer evaluation. Combined, this continuous evaluation during the semester provides 25% of your individual final score.

Since the project is a group assignment mostly in the second semester, one group score is given, based on the sustainability report and the final presentation during the project day, with equal weight. Subsequently, individual scores are calculated based on peer review within the group. This score counts for 75% in the final score.

Remark: If serious problems are noticed concerning contribution to the project work, the student can be excluded from the group, based on discussion between all partners (supervisor, coordinator and the members of the team). As a consequence, this student will be graded 0/20 for the project work.

Information about retaking exams

Re-examination is possible for the sustainability report, but not for permanent evaluation throughout the first semester, nor for the presentation. If the student fails according to the final score, the sustainability report has to be retaken during the third examination period. The other scores are transferred. After the third exam period, the final score will be recalculated.

ECTS High-Energy Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave astrophysics (B-KUL-G0W33A)

6 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term


To give an overview of the high-energy phenomena that are observed in the Universe

To connect these observations to the relevant physics

To obtain a deeper understanding of physics under extreme temperatures, densities, pressures and gravitational fields

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge on stellar structure and evolution

Is included in these courses of study


High Energy and Gravitational Wave astrophysics (B-KUL-G0W33a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 30 Second termSecond term


Overview and basics
- Accretion
- Electro-magnetic radiation
- Detection methods
- Overview of telescopes, instruments and detectors
Compact objects
- Formation of white dwarfs
- Structure of white dwarfs, cooling
- Formation of neutron stars and black holes: core collapse supernovae
- Structure of neutron stars
Accretion onto compact objects
- Thin shell approximation
- Accretion onto white dwarfs: (Helium) Novae and type Ia Supernovae
- Accretion onto neutron stars: X-ray bursts
Accretion discs
- Observations of accretion discs
- Thin disk solutions 
- Disc (in)stability
- Superhumps, spiral shocks
- Radiative inefficient flows
- Jets
Gamma-ray bursts
- Observations
- Basic physics
- Association with supernovae
- Overview X-ray/Gamma-ray sky


- Observations

- Types of transients

- Connection of transients to (accretion) physics

Gravitational wave astrophysics
- Overview and basics
- Detection and detectors
- GW sources
- Testing General Relativity
- GW astrophysics
TeV gamma-rays, neutrino's and cosmic rays
- Shocks and particle acceleration
- Supernova remnants
- TeV gamma-ray observations
- Neutrino telescopes
- Cosmic ray observations 

Gravitational wave astrophysics

Overview and basics
- Detection and detectors
- GW sources
- Testing General Relativity
- Astrophysical discoveries thanks to GW


Evaluation: High-Energy Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave astrophysics (B-KUL-G2W33a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work


The examination is split in two parts: presenting a lecture and a final exam

Each week students will also be given an assignment they have to finish by the next session.  


ECTS Research Projects in Theoretical Astrophysics (B-KUL-G0W48A)

3 ECTS English 10 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


- to carry out small theoretical research projects in astrophysics and plasma astrophysics,
- to synthesizse the results of a project and to communicate the results in a scientific presentation
- to write a sceintific report about the background and the results of the research carried out

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of stellar structure and evolution; mathematical skills at the level of a bachelor in mathematics or physics

Order of Enrolment


G0L96AG0L96A : Onderzoeksprojecten
G0M67AG0M67A : Research Projects

Identical courses

G0Y52A: Onderzoeksprojecten in theoretische astrofysica

Is included in these courses of study


Research Projects in Theoretical Astrophysics (B-KUL-G0W48a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 10 Second termSecond term


The project is connected with research carried out at the Institute of Astronomy or the mathematical Centre for Plasma-Astrophysics


Evaluation: Research Projects in Theoretical Astrophysics (B-KUL-G2W48a)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Oral
Learning material : Reference work


Research project (3 ECTS), prepared on and off-campus.


- daily work: 40% of total score

- written report (min 10 and max 15 pages): 30% of total score

- oral defense (20 min, 20% of total score) with Q&A session (10% of total score)

This opo cannot be tolerated.

ECTS Radiation Processes in Astronomy (B-KUL-G0Y53A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


- To realise that observing electromagnetic radiation of celestial bodies is the basic concept to gain information on the cosmos
- To understand the basic concepts in the description of radiative processes relevant  in astronomy and astrophysics
- To be able to identify and evaluate the main radiation processes for a wide range of astronomical objects
- To be able to apply the theory of radiation processes in a sample of case studies of realistic astrophysical objects and environments

Identical courses

G0I46A: Stralingsprocessen in de sterrenkunde

Is included in these courses of study


Radiation Processes in Astronomy (B-KUL-G0Y53a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


1. Radiation as our fundamental observable for the Universe 
2. Basic quantities and concepts in description of radiation
3. Radiation transport and equilibrium 
4. Classical description of radiation scattering processes 
5. Fundamental to describe matter and radiation interactions 
6. Bound-bound processes 
7. Bound-free and free-free processes 

8. Some selected applications: 

• cosmology and the cosmic background radiation 

• elastic scattering as classical oscillator: Eddington limit, blue sky, and powerful spectral lines

• simple example of spectral line formation

• hydrogen v. calcium in solar atmosphere 

• thermal bremstrahlung in photoionised nebula  

• limb darkening 

• radiative diffusion as a random walk of photons


Course material

Course book

Toledo page including slides + background reading

Format: more information

Exercise sessions are embedded within the normal contact hours.


Evaluation: Radiation Processes in Astronomy (B-KUL-G2Y53a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator


Open book exam

ECTS Stellar Structure and Evolution (B-KUL-G0Y54A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
Aerts Conny |  Marchant Pablo (substitute)


At the end of this course,

the student can formulate the basic laws of physics and apply them to describe the stellar

the student can formulate nuclear physics processes that take place in stellar

the student can formulate the various equations-of-state of relevance for
stellar interiors.

the student can formulate all the important phases of the life cycle for stars of
various mass.

the students can formulate the end products of stellar evolution as a function
of the birth mass.

the students can use the modern state-of-the-art open-access computercode MESA to compute
stellar models and to interpret the interior profiles of all the physical quantities of relevance for stellar interiors.


Previous knowledge

An introductory course on general aspects of classical physics (mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, wave)  and an introductory course on calculus.


Stellar Structure and Evolution (B-KUL-G0Y54a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term
Aerts Conny |  Marchant Pablo (substitute)


1 Observational framework of astronomy
1.1 Magnitudes and colour indices
1.2 Spectral types and luminosity classes
1.2.1 The formation of spectral lines in the stellar spectrum
1.2.2 Spectral types
1.2.3 Luminosity classes
1.2.4 Stellar atmosphere models
1.3 The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
1.4 Stars in our Milky Way
1.5 Galaxies in the Universe
1.6 Starting point of this course

2 A simple equation of state: an ideal gas with radiation
2.1 Introduction to thermodynamics, applied to stars
2.1.1 Thermodynamic equilibrium
2.1.2 The first law of thermodynamics
2.1.3 The entropy
2.1.4 The specific heats
2.2 An ideal gas with radiation
2.2.1 The classical ideal gas law applied to stars
2.2.2 The mean molecular weight
2.2.3 The internal energy of an ideal gas
2.2.4 The contribution of the photon gas
3 Classical mechanics applied to stellar structure
3.1 Coordinates
3.1.1 Eulerian description
3.1.2 Lagrangian description
3.2 Poisson’s equation
3.3 Conservation of momentum
3.3.1 Hydrostatic equilibrium
3.3.2 Simple solutions
3.3.3 The equation of motion in case of spherical symmetry
3.4 Conservation of energy
3.4.1 The virial theorem
3.4.2 Conservation of energy in stars
3.4.3 The different time-scales
4 Additional relevant equations of state
4.1 Polytropes
4.2 The degenerate electron gas
4.3 The Chandrasekhar limit
4.4 Schematic representation of the relevant equations of state
5 Energy transport
5.1 Transport by radiation
5.1.1 Mean free path
5.1.2 The temperature gradient
5.1.3 The diffusion approximation
5.1.4 The Rosseland mean opacity
5.2 Transport through conduction
5.3 Stability analysis
5.3.1 Dynamical instability
5.3.2 Vibrational instability and semiconvection
5.4 Convective transport
6 The chemical composition of stellar matter
6.1 Relative mass fractions
6.2 Variations of chemical composition of stars throughout their evolution
6.2.1 Variations due to nuclear reactions
6.2.2 Variations due to convection
6.3 Effective cross sections
6.4 Nuclear burning cycles
6.4.1 Basic concepts
6.4.2 Big Bang nucleosynthesis
6.4.3 Hydrogen burning
6.4.4 Helium burning
6.4.5 Fusion of heavier elements
7 Numerical computation of stellar structure
7.1 The full system of basic equations
7.2 Time-scales and simplifications
7.3 Boundary conditions
7.3.1 Central boundary conditions
7.3.2 Boundary conditions for the surface
7.4 A simple numerical solution method
7.5 The MESA stellar structure and evolution code

8 Star formation
8.1 The interstellar medium
8.2 The Jeans criterion
8.3 Fragmentation
8.4 The formation of a protostar
8.5 Hayashi tracks in the HRdiagram
8.6 Evolution of the protostar towards the zero-age main sequence
9 The main sequence or core-hydrogen burning phase
9.1 The zero-age main sequence
9.2 The mass-luminosity relation
9.3 Chemical evolution on the main sequence
9.4 The end of core-hydrogen burning
9.5 Later stages of evolution
10 Evolution of a star with 9M⊙<∼M <∼15M⊙
10.1 The Hertzsprung gap
10.2 Helium burning
10.3 Later evolution stages
10.4 Burning cycles
10.5 Explosive versus non-explosive evolution
10.6 Neutron stars
10.6.1 Supernova explosion
10.6.2 The neutrino flux and the r-process
10.6.3 Pulsars
11 Evolution of a star with M <∼9M⊙
11.1 Post-main-sequence evolution
11.2 The helium flash
11.3 Evolution after the helium flash
11.4 AGB stars
11.5 Thermal pulses, Hot Bottom Burning and the 3rd dredge-up
11.6 The s-process in AGB stars
11.7 Post-AGB stars
11.8 White dwarfs
12 Evolution of a star with M >∼15M⊙
12.1 The spectra of hot massive stars with mass loss
12.2 Basic characteristics of radiation-driven stellar winds
12.3 Mass loss and terminal wind speed
12.3.1 Thomson scattering in the stellar wind
12.3.2 LBVs, WR stars and the Eddington limit
12.3.3 A realistic description of a line-driven stellar wind: the CAK-model
12.4 Consequences of mass loss on stellar evolution
12.5 Example: the evolution of a star with an initial mass of 60M⊙
12.6 Black holes
12.7 Chemical evolution of galaxies
12.7.1 Chemical enrichment by stellar evolution
12.7.2 Initial mass function
12.7.3 Global enrichment of the Universe
A Planck’s radiation laws
B Energy transport through convection
C Values of physical and astronomical constants
D Some key references for this discipline


Course material

Notes provided by the teacher


Evaluation: Stellar Structure and Evolution (B-KUL-G2Y54a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


the student has to pass this course to succeed for the master's programme

ECTS Introduction to General Relativity (B-KUL-G0Y97A)

3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


The student becomes acquainted with Einstein's theory of relativity and thus with the notion of gravity as a manifestation of curved spacetime.
The student learns how to apply the theory in a number of physical situations, correcting his/her intuition where necessary, and he/she studies the experimental foundations and tests of the theory.
The student learns to interpret statements about relativity made in the popular scientific literature or in the media in general. He/she learns to appreciate the developments in relativity within the general historical context of physics. Key predictions of the theory of relativity such as black holes and gravitational waves, and the expansion of the universe, are briefly discussed.

Previous knowledge

The student is familiar with physics as a whole on a basic level:  Newtonian mechanics,  including gravity,  notions of thermodynamics,  electromagnetism (Maxwell), including special relativity and electrodynamics.
The student masters the standard tools of linear algebra and calculus, including PDE's.
Prior knowledge of group theory (as applied in physics),  quantum mechanics, differential geometry or a more advanced course on classical mechanics (including fluid mechanics) is useful but not essential.

Order of Enrolment


G0P34AG0P34A : Elektrodynamica
X0B82AX0B82A : Elektrodynamica


Introduction to General Relativity (B-KUL-G0Y97a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


1. Introduction to Gravity as Geometry

  • equivalence principle;
  • discovery of general relativity;
  • curved spacetime; metric;
  • geodesic (free) motion (equation, solutions, conservation laws)

2. Geometry outside Spherical Stars

  • Schwarzschild geometry;
  • gravitational redshift;
  • particle orbits -- precession of perihelion (Mercury);
  • light ray orbits -- deflection and time delay of light;
  • solar system tests of General Relativity

3. Gravitational Collapse and Black Holes

  • Spherical black holes;
  • black hole geometry;
  • Astrophysical evidence

4.  Gravitational Waves

  • Introduction
  • Observation
  • Prospects

5. Cosmology

  • Expansion of the universe
  • Cosmological history, composition 
  • theory and observation


Course material

Book `Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's Theory of Relativity' (J. B. Hartle).

Format: more information

The classes are supplemented by exercise sessions on the subject matter


Evaluation: Introduction to General Relativity (B-KUL-G2Y97a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions

ECTS Data Analysis in Astronomy and Physics (B-KUL-G0Z22A)

6 ECTS English 50 Second termSecond term
N. |  De Ridder Joris (substitute)


After successful completion of this course, the student will have learned:

  • to recognize different types of astronomy and physics data analysis problems
  • how to translate these types of problems into a statistical model, and understand the limitations of the model
  • how to implement the statistical model in Python using existing libraries and using real-world astronomical and physics datasets
  • how to critically assess the numerical results, and quantify the uncertainties of the estimates and the predictions
  • how to select the most optimal model
  • how to visualize the dataset, the model parameters and their uncertainties, and predictions


The course aims to convince the students that statistical data analysis is an indispensable tool to make discoveries in observational astronomy and experimental physics, by showing them inspiring success stories where statistical analysis tools have been used to solve concrete physical and astronomical challenges.

Previous knowledge

The students should have had an introductory course in astronomy (e.g. similar to “Inleiding tot de sterrenkunde” B-KUL-G0U45A), an introductory course in physics (e.g. similar to “Algemene natuurkunde I” B-KUL-G0N29B) , and an introductory course in probability and statistics (e.g. similar to “Kansrekenen” B-KUL-G0W66A, and “Statistiek” B-KUL-G0U47A).


Data Analysis in Astronomy and Physics (B-KUL-G0Z22a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 30 Second termSecond term
N. |  De Ridder Joris (substitute)


Each lecture will start with highlighting a specific type of astronomical and/or physical data analysis problem, including many examples, for which quantitative statistical tools will then be explained. These tools include:


1. Regression revisited

  • Robust regression: dealing with outliers
  • Total least-squares: regression with errors in both variables
  • Regularized least-squares: constraining the solution using lasso, ridge, and elastic nets
  • Generalized linear models
  • Overfitting, underfitting, BIC, AIC, and cross-validation

Although students are familiar with ordinary least-squares, this chapter teaches several other regression methods that often appear in the astronomical and physical literature. Regularized least-squares, for example, has important applications in e.g. helioseismology, spectral disentangling, etc.


2. Resampling methods

  • Bootstrapping and jackknife
  • Bootstrapping for regression models
  • Bootstrap based model selection

Resampling is very regularly used in the astronomical and physical literature where it’s most often used for parameter and uncertainty estimation. This chapter teaches when it is useful to use bootstrapping, how to use it, and what are the limitations.


3. Bayesian inference

  • Posterior, likelihood, and prior distributions
  • Hierarchical Bayesian models
  • Model selection and model averaging, Bayesian evidence
  • Numerical methods for Bayesian estimation

This chapter teaches how to apply Bayesian techniques to astronomical and physical data analysis, focusing on applications in the literature. Examples include the Period-Luminosity-Color relation of contact binaries, the Initial Mass Function, the fraction of red spirals as a function of the bulge size, etc. The examples are carefully chosen to teach the students on how to set up a Bayesian hierarchical model, to bring them into contact with different types of distributions (not only Normal, but also lognormal, Bernoulli, Beta, etc) and to show how the hierarchical models can be solved using dedicated statistical software libraries. The section on the numerical methods will not give an overly detailed treatment, but rather give a basic understanding of the most popular numerical methods in the astronomical and physical literature, together with their limitations, so that the quality (e.g. convergence) of the numerical results can be assessed.


4. Count models

 Problems that involve counting or the analysis of populations sizes occur so often in astronomy that they deserve their own chapter. One example is the relation between the number of globular clusters vs the absolute visual magnitude of nearby galaxies. Statistically they involve the Poisson models, Negative Binomial models, zero-truncated models, or generalizations of these models to account e.g. for overdispersion. Students will learn which model to choose and how to estimate its parameters and uncertainties.


5. Spatial analysis of points

 Quite typical for the physical sciences is the analysis of how a group of point sources is spatially distributed, e.g. 3D or on the sky. One famous example is the clustering of Galaxies. Statistically this topic includes spatial autocorrelation, quantitative clustering measures such as the 2-point correlation function, and model-based spatial analysis with e.g. the Von Mises-Fisher distribution or more complicated mixture models.


6. Gaussian processes

 GPs are becoming more and more popular in astronomy. The have been used to model star formation histories, to model the Galactic halo, to model the 3D dust distribution in our Galaxy, to study the rotational modulation of the Sun, etc. A Gaussian process is a generalization of the Gaussian distribution. Loosely speaking, where the latter is a distribution over scalars, the former is a distribution over functions. This makes them great tools not only for regression, but also for classification and clustering. 



The course is mathematical rather than descriptive, but refrains from being overly rigorous, the focus is on application.

Course material

Course notes will be given on Toledo.

Format: more information

The course consists of 15 lectures of 2 hours each where for theoretical background of the different data analysis tools is explained using real-world astronomical and physical problems.

Data Analysis in Astronomy and Physics: Exercises and Applications (B-KUL-G0Z23a)

2 ECTS : Practical 20 Second termSecond term
N. |  De Ridder Joris (substitute)


For each of the chapters given in the Lecture sessions, the students receive in the Exercises & Applications sessions concrete astronomical and/or physical data analysis problems using real-world datasets. The students will then practice:

  • Translating the (astro)physical problem at hand to one or more useful statistical models
  • Implementing the models in existing software tools.
  • Assessing the reliability and physical meaning of the numerical estimates
  • Selecting the most optimal model
  • Visualizing the dataset, the model parameters and their uncertainties, and predictions


The exercise sessions will make heavy use of the educational capabilities provided by Jupyter notebooks. Existing software tools will be used as much as possible, to keep the amount of programming to a minimum. 

Course material

Jupyter notebooks and concrete datasets will be made available to the students, either through Toledo, or through GitHub.

Format: more information

The exercise and applications course consists of 10 sessions of 2 hours each, where students will solve in small groups concrete problems using the theoretical background they received during the lecture.


Evaluation: Data Analysis in Astronomy and Physics (B-KUL-G2Z22a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Take-Home
Type of questions : Closed questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer