Master of Artificial Intelligence (Leuven)

CQ Master of Artificial Intelligence (Leuven)


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Master of Artificial Intelligence (Leuven)


The AI programme aims at instructing and training students on state of the art knowledge and techniques in artificial intelligence, with specific focus either on Engineering and Computer Science (ECS), on Speech and Language Technology (SLT) or on Big Data Analytics (BDA), depending on the selected option. It aims at introducing the students to the concepts, methods and tools in the field.

It aims at instructing students on the achievements in a number of advanced application areas and make them familiar with their current research directions. It aims to bring students to a level of knowledge, understanding, skills and experience that are needed to actively conduct basic or applied research on an international level. In particular, it aims to provide students with a critical scientific attitude towards the central themes of A.I.

As an advanced master's programme, it is assumed that incoming students have already achieved the general skills and attitudes defined for any master's programme. Nevertheless, it is also within the aims of the programme to further strengthen the skills and attitudes, within the specific scientific context that AI offers.

In the ECS-option: In the ECS option, in addition to the above, the programme aims at instilling a problem-solving attitude towards the practice of AI. Upon completion of the programme, students should be familiar with the fundamentals of AI, be aware of its reasonable expectations, have practical experience in solving AI-problems and be acquainted with a number of advanced areas within the field.

In the SLT-option: In the SLT-option, in addition to the general aims, the programme aims to provide all necessary background and skills which are required to fully understand and to actively participate in the fast developing multi-disciplinary field of language and speech. This includes a thorough understanding of the theories and models that shape the field, as well as practical experience with a variety of technologies that are used and/or are currently being developed.

In the BDA-option: In the BDA-option, in addition to the general aims, the programme aims for the same additional goals as the ECS-option, but specialized to big data analytics. In particular, it aims at instilling a problem-solving attitude towards the practice of big data analytics. Upon completion of the programme, students should be familiar with the fundamentals of big data analytics, be aware of its reasonable expectations, have practical experience in solving BDA-problems and be acquainted with a number of advanced areas within the AI-subfield of BDA.

The general objectives for the programme as a whole.

a. Knowledge level:
Students should be able to understand the concepts, the methods, and the applicability of the fundamentals of AI, including:
- knowledge representation formalisms,
- search and problem solving techniques,
- basics of machine learning, constraint processing and planning,
- at least one broadening theme in AI: either in cognitive science in philosophy of mind and AI or in privacy issues in AI.
Students should be familiar with the concepts and techniques of an object oriented programming language and either of an AI-programming language or of specific issues required for big data programming.
Students should be familiar with the basics of several advanced areas of AI and with the current research directions taken in these areas.

b. Skills:
Students should be able to formulate research goals, determine trajectories that achieve these goals, collect and select information relevant to achieve the research goals and interpret collected information on the basis of a critical research attitude.
They should be able to read and comprehend the international scientific literature on AI (in English).
They should be able to write a scientific paper on AI (in English).
Students should be able to write small-scale programs in an object oriented programming language and in either an AI-programming language or in the context of big data programming.

c. Attitudes:
Students should possess an attitude of approaching and investigating AI and AI-problems from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Additional objectives specific for the ECS-option.

a. Knowledge level:
Students should be familiar with the more advanced issues in AI, including:
- logic for representation and problem solving,
- neural networks, their basic techniques and applications,
- machine learning techniques,
- the treatment of uncertainty in knowledge systems,
Students should be familiar with an AI-programming language.
Students should be familiar with the basics of several advanced methodologies and/or application areas of AI and with the current research directions taken in these areas.

b. Skills:
Students should be able to
- apply AI techniques and tools in the development of an AI-application,
- develop a small-scale AI-system,
- write small-scale programs in an AI-programming language,
- critically compare, relate and evaluate the relative merits of different approaches to certain classes of AI-applications,
- perform research in one of the research areas of Artificial Intelligence.
They should be able to solve problems using these fundamentals of AI i.e. be able to extract an AI problem from a real world situation, resolve the problem using AI techniques, evaluate the solution method and test the solution.

Additional objectives specific for the SLT-option.

a. Knowledge level:
Students should have a solid background in
- linguistics
- speech science
- natural language processing
- speech signal processing
- pattern recognition

b. Skills:
Students should have experience with the technological and scientific activities performed in companies or research centres in the speech and language technology area.
Students should be able to
- critically compare, relate and evaluate the relative merits of scientific techniques used in companies or research centres in speech and language technology,
- actively participate in the research activities of such centres.

Additional objectives specific for the BDA-option.

a. Knowledge level:
Students should be familiar with the more advanced issues in AI, including:
- optimization in constraint processing and local search,
- data and statistical modelling,
- machine learning techniques,
- data mining techniques.
Students should be familiar with issues involving programming for big data.
Students should be familiar with the basics of several advanced methodologies and/or application areas of big data analysis and with the current research directions taken in these areas.

b. Skills:
Students should be able to
- apply AI techniques and tools in the development of an BDA-application,
- develop a small-scale BDA-system,
- write small-scale programs for programming with big data,
- critically compare, relate and evaluate the relative merits of different approaches to certain classes of BDA-applications,
- perform research in one of the research areas of big data analytics.
They should be able to solve problems using these fundamentals of BDA, i.e. be able to extract an BDA problem from a real world situation, resolve the problem using BDA techniques, evaluate the solution method and test the solution.

The graduated master:

  • During the practice of the profession, is guided by his or her scientific and technical knowledge.
  • Has an attitude that enables him or her to formulate solutions to complex problems, taking into account relevant constraints of an economic, legal, social, ... nature.
  • Is aware of his or her social and ethical responsibility and can act accordingly.
  • Has a willingness for open communication and cooperation, both with colleagues within and outside the discipline, and with other actors in the professional field.
  • Shows willingness to keep abreast of new scientific and technical evolutions, and to approach them with a critical mind.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Blueprint_MNM_Artificial Intelligence.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
COBRA-fiche_MNM_Artificial Intelligence_2022-2023.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?

SC Master of Artificial Intelligence (Leuven)


This group comprises the three specialisations within the Master of Artificial Intelligence. Students have to select one of the three specialisations:
1. Engineering and Computer Science (ECS),
2. Speech and Language Technology (SLT),
3. Big Data Analytics (BDA).


ECTS Data and Statistical Modelling (B-KUL-H00Y0A)

6 ECTS English 60 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Carbonez An (coordinator) |  Carbonez An |  N.


Present some basic concepts of statistics and concentrate on linear models
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
- Gain insight into basic statistical concepts (distributions, hypothesis testing, …)
- Dispose of and appropriately use a range of statistical modeling techniques (linear regression,  logistic regression, analysis of variance, general linear models)
- Correctly interpret the result of a statistical analysis
- Use R for the computational aspects of the methods

Previous knowledge

Students should have a good knowledge of basic calculus and linear algebra.

Is included in these courses of study


Data and Statistical Modelling: Extension (B-KUL-H00Y0a)

0.6 ECTS : Lecture 4 First termFirst term
Carbonez An |  N.


Extensions for multi-variate data.

- Cluster analysis

- Principal Component Analysis

Course material

Course notes, weblectures and R scripts are available at Toledo.

Data and Statistical Modelling: Extension: Exercises (B-KUL-H00Y1a)

0.4 ECTS : Practical 6 First termFirst term


Extensions for multi-variate data.

Course material

Course notes and R scripts are available at Toledo.

Univariate Data and Modelling (B-KUL-I0S08a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


Chapter 1: Descriptive statistics

Chapter 2: Important distributions

  • Discrete distributions
  • Continuous distributions

Chapter 3: Confidence Interval

Chapter 4: Hypothesis testing

  • Concepts
  • Z test
  • One sample t test
  • Two sample t test with equal/unequal variances
  • F test for equal variances
  • Binomial test
  • Chi-squared test
  • Normality test
  • Wilcoxon test
  • Power analysis

Chapter 5: Linear regression

  • Correlation coefficient
  • Simple linear regression (least squares method, statistical inference, diagnostics, influential observations)
  • Multiple regression (regression model, diagnostics, influential observations)
  • Polynomial regression
  • Interaction
  • Qualitative predictor variables

Chapter 6: Analysis of Variance

  • One-way Anova (F test, assumptions)
  • Multiple testing (Bonferroni, Tukey)
  • Two-way Anova

Chapter 7: General linear model

Chapter 8: Introduction to logistic regression

  • Simple logistic regression
  • Multiple logistic regression
  • ROC curve

Chapter 9: Introduction to Poisson regression

Chapter 10 : Introduction to Generalised linear model

Course material

Course notes, web lectures and R scripts are available on Toledo;


Format: more information

There are web lectures available. Q&A sessions will be organised. 

Is also included in other courses

I0U35A : Univariate Data and Modelling

Exercises in Univariate Data and Modelling (B-KUL-I0S11a)

2 ECTS : Practical 24 First termFirst term


Exercises with R software are completed on the topics dealt with in Univariate Data and Modelling, part I.

Course material

R scripts, data sets and exercise material are available on Toledo.

Format: more information

Exercises are done in a pc class with the R software.

Is also included in other courses

I0U35A : Univariate Data and Modelling


Evaluation: Data and Statistical Modelling (B-KUL-H20Y0a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer


The exam is an open book exam and takes place in a pc class where the students can use R.

ECTS Privacy and Big Data (B-KUL-H00Y2A)

4 ECTS English 30 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Gálvez Vizcaíno Rafa (substitute)


The students understand the privacy risks associated to big data analysis. 

The students are familiar with privacy preserving techniques relevant to big data. They understand the basic principles of these technologies, as well as their limitations, and are able to apply them in practical scenarios.

The students understand the basic legal and ethical principles that are relevant when dealing with big data.

The students are able to perform a privacy impact assessment of an application or service. They can identify privacy concerns from a technical, legal and ethical perspective and they can propose legal, technical and organizational measures for mitigating those concerns. 

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of information and communication systems. Knowledge of cryptography, computer and network security is useful but not essential.

Identical courses

H00Y2B: Privacy and Big Data

Is included in these courses of study


Privacy and Big Data: Lecture (B-KUL-H00Y2a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term
N. |  Gálvez Vizcaíno Rafa (substitute)


The course covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to computer privacy and privacy engineering
  • Database anonymity and privacy: k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness, re-identification attacks, statistical disclosure control, differential privacy
  • Privacy by design
  • Privacy and machine learning
  • Privacy risk analysis
  • Web privacy and user tracking
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), human rights legislation, relevant policy for Big Data, data protection impact assessments
  • Ethical issues of Big Data, Discrimination-aware data-mining, algorithmic accountability


Course material

Slides, courseware, articles and literature

Is also included in other courses

H00Y2B : Privacy and Big Data

Privacy and Big Data: Practical Sessions (B-KUL-H00Y3a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 First termFirst term
N. |  Gálvez Vizcaíno Rafa (substitute)


The first two practical sessions will be devoted to group discussions and feedback on drafts of the assignment. Students work together on the assignment in teams of 2 or 3 people (see evaluation for more details). Students working together on the same team should be in different groups during the exercise session discussions, in order to maximize the feedback obtained from students in other groups. 

In the first session students will discuss their initial ideas for the assignment (description of their chosen application and initial identification of privacy issues).

In the second session students will discuss a more complete draft of their assignment and get a second round of feedback for further improvement.

The last two practical sessions will be devoted to presentations of the assignments by the students. The presentations will be graded (4 points out of 20). Students get feedback on their presentation that they can incorporate in the final version of the assignment. 

Course material

Slides, courseware, articles and literature

Is also included in other courses

H00Y2B : Privacy and Big Data


Evaluation: Privacy and Big Data (B-KUL-H20Y2a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


Students will select (in teams of 2 or 3 people) a case study in the second week of the class. The case study is an application of service that utilizes Big Data.

Students must perform a privacy impact assessment, meaning in-depth analysis of the case study with respect to the privacy (legal, technical, and ethical) aspects covered in the class, in an assignment of between 3500 and 4500 words (+/- 15 pages). The assignment text includes: description of the application, analysis of privacy issues and proposed recommendations to address those issues. 

The teams present their work in a short presentation (5-10 minutes, depending on number of teams) followed by some questions and feedback. The text of the assignment is due after the presentation sessions and before the start of the examination period. 

The presentation is graded with 4 points and the final text of the assignment with 16 points. 

Information about retaking exams

In the second examination period all 20 points are evaluated on the basis of the written assignment (no presentation). Assignments must be submitted BEFORE the start of the examination period (deadline is the last day before the examnination period starts). 

ECTS Big Data Analytics Programming (B-KUL-H00Y4A)

6 ECTS English 36 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the different types of programming environments they may encounter or need to utilize when analyzing large-scale data sets.  The course consists of three parts or modules.  Each module will begin with background lectures that introduce and cover the relevant topics. The key concepts will be reinforced during practical exercise sessions. Then the students will be expected to use these skills in order to complete programming projects.

Note that this class runs over both semesters. That is, there will be projects and lectures in both the first and second semester. It is not possible to follow this class for only one of the semesters.

Previous knowledge

Strong background and experience with advanced data structures and algorithms, including topics such as hash tables/maps/sets, sorting algorithms, queues, search trees, etc. Understanding of time and space complexity of algorithms.  Excellent programming ability in  Java, C++, C, or a similar language. General familiarity with relational databases.

Order of Enrolment


H02C1AH02C1A : Machine Learning and Inductive Inference
H0E96AH0E96A : Beginselen van machine learning
H0E98AH0E98A : Principles of Machine Learning
H02C6AH02C6A : Data Mining


Big Data Analytics Programming: Lecture (B-KUL-H00Y4a)

2.5 ECTS : Lecture 21 Both termsBoth terms


Note that the order that the topics are covered in can vary from year to year.

Part I: Basics
1. Introduction and overview
2. Background on hashing, computer organization, complexity basics, etc.
3. Databases basics: SQL, join algorithms, index structures
4. Advanced topics: Fancy indexes, column store, warehouses, noSQL

Part II: Structures and techniques for efficiency
1. Introduction an overview
2. Learning from data streams
3. Fast nearest neighbors algorithms
4. Implementation tricks
5. Approximation methods (e.g., sketches, sampling)
6. Advanced topics?

Part III: Parallel Architectures
1. Introduction and overview
2. Types of parallelism (e.g., shared memory, shared nothing)
3. Concurrency
4. Parallel programming bugs (e.g., data races, deadlock, etc.)
5. Map-reduce
6. Cloud computing
7. Condor?

Course material

Lecture slides, readings, and online resources

Big Data Analytics: Exercises (B-KUL-H00Y5a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 15 Both termsBoth terms


1. Part I: Query Languages
1. Introduction and overview
2. SQL: selection, projection, select-project-join, group-by, aggregates, subqueries, nested queries
3. Xquery
4. Sparql
5. Writing applications that can interface with a DBMS
6. Indexing?

2. Part II: Scripting Languages
1. Introduction an overview
2. Perl/Python

3. Part III: Parallel Architectures
1. Introduction and overview
2. Types of parallelism (e.g., shared memory, shared nothing)
3. Concurrency
4. Parallel programming bugs (e.g., data races, deadlock, etc.)
5. Map-reduce
6. Cloud computing
7. Condor?

Course material

Exercise slides

Big Data Analytics: Assignments (B-KUL-H00Y6a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 0 Both termsBoth terms


Examples of the types of assignments
1. Given a set of verbal queries, translate them into a query language
2. Write queries to extract information needed for a machine learning task
3. Implement advanced machine learning algorithms (e.g., for learning from streaming data)
4. Implement an advanced data mining algorithm
5. A project that uses Hadoop, Spark, etc.

Course material

Assignment sheets


Evaluation: Big Data Analytics Programming (B-KUL-H20Y4a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Take-Home


The evaluation of the course will be based on multiple  programming assignments. Solutions are evaluated in terms of correctness, efficiency and generalizability.

Projects that are independent mean that students must complete the assignment individually. Thus using outside sources (e.g., publicly available code, etc.) or working together (e.g., working with somone else to solve the assignment, getting substantial help from someone else to solve the assignment, etc.) is strictly forbidden. If you questions about what is and is not permitted, please consult the instructor.

Information about retaking exams

For the project assignments with a failed result, the student will have an opportunity to complete an alternative assignment.

ECTS Master's Thesis BDA (B-KUL-H00Y7A)

15 ECTS English 0 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


The master thesis is the program component which is most strongly targeted towards achieving the end terms of the program as a whole, as they are formulated in the didactic reference framework. The master thesis addresses these issues to their full extent. In particular, the goals of the master's test are that students should acquire the ability to

- formulate research goals,
- determine trajectories that achieve these goals,
- collect and select information relevant to achieve the research goals,
- interpret the collected information on the basis of a critical research attitude, and
- report on the results of the research in a concise and intelligible way, both in written form and in oral form.

In the BDA-option, the topic of the thesis must be related to Big Data.

Previous knowledge

Students should be able to comprehend and critically evaluate research papers related to the topic of their master thesis. Some required knowledge on basic techniques, methods, systems developed in A.I. is introduced in introductory courses in the beginning of the first semester in order to support the better understanding of such papers early in the academic year. Other more advanced issues in A.I. may only be offered later in the program, when the specific courses on these topics start.
The majority of the thesis work is assumed to take place during the second semester of the academic year, when students have built up sufficient prior knowledge on the field.

Is included in these courses of study


Master's Thesis BDA (B-KUL-H00Y7a)

15 ECTS : Master's thesis 0 Both termsBoth terms


Students take active part in research related questions within one of the sub-domains of A.I. In particular, students select one of the research projects offered by the involved research units. They work independently, but guided by the staff of the research unit, to perform the research work required for the selected project.
In the BD-option, the thesis-project should involve the development of or the experimentation with a small-scale Big Data related system. Part of the master's thesis should consist of a critical positioning of the topic of the thesis-project within the broader setting of A.I.

In addition to the possibility of developing and writing a master thesis, the students also have the possibility to do a company project of 15 weeks or a project within a research institute, either in Belgium or abroad. The main activities of the internship are:
- prepare a detailed job description for the internship; this is done in collaboration with a staff member of the host institution (the supervisor) and has to be endorsed by a staff member of the MAI Faculty (the academic promoter).
- carry out the project which is specified in the job description under the supervision of a staff member of the host institution; send monthly progress reports.
- write a report which summarizes the results of the project work; it should have at least 20 pages (annexes not included).
- oral presentation and defense of the report.

Course material

Articles and literature


Evaluation: Master's Thesis BDA (B-KUL-H20Y7a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer, Reference work


The thesis project should take the form of a publishable scientific paper.  The thesis project must be defended in an oral presentation, before a jury consisting of the thesis advisor and two readers.

ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02A0A)

5 ECTS English 35 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After succesful completion of this course, a student will 

  • have deep knowledge and insight into fundamental techniques from Artificial Intelligence, including: basic search methods, heuristic search methods, optimal path search methods, game tree search techniques, constraint solving techniques, planning techniques and markov decision processes; 
  • be able to simulate algorithms for each of the above techniques with pen and paper on small new examples; 
  • be able to implement heuristic, optimal and game-tree search methods in a provided programming environment; 
  • have insight in the relations between these techniques; 
  • have insight into the relevance of these techniques for applications. 

Previous knowledge

Some familiarity with algorithms and data structures. Limited experience with a programming language. 

Identical courses

H02A0C: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Is included in these courses of study


Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (B-KUL-H02A0a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


1. Introduction
- Definition and general context, both of the domain and the course
2. State-space representation and search methods
- state-space representation: introduction and trade-offs,
- blind search,
- heuristic search, including the study of the A*-algorithm,
- advanced aspects of heuristic search,
3. Examples of search
- search in data mining: pattern mining
- heuristic search in games
4. Constraint propagation
- backtracking, backtrack variants, intelligent and dependency directed backtracking,
- arc consistency techniques,
- hybrid constraint propagation methods
 5. Some case studies of the use of constraint processing
- interpretation of line drawings,
- interpretation of natural language
 6. Planning and Temporal representation
- partial-order regression planning: STRIPS

Course material

Copies of the slides are made available by the student organisation VTK.

Is also included in other courses

H02A0C : Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (B-KUL-H02K1a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 First termFirst term


1. Introduction (2 u.)
- Definition and general context, both of the domain and the course

2. State-space representation and search methods (8 u.)
- state-space representation: introduction and trade-offs,
- blind search,
- heuristic search, including the study of the A*-algorithm,
- advanced aspects of heuristic search,
- heuristic search in games
3. Examples of search: pattern mining and games (2 u.)
4. Constraint propagation (3 u.)
- backtracking, backtrack variants, intelligent and dependency directed backtracking,
- arc consistency techniques,
- hybrid constraint propagation methods
5. Some case studies of the use of constraint processing (3 u.)
- interpretation of line drawings,
- interpretatie of natural language
6. Planning and Temporal representation (1.5 u.)
- partial-order regression planning: STRIPS

Course material

Slides of the study material are available from the student organisation VTK

Is also included in other courses

H02A0C : Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (B-KUL-H0O43a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 0 First termFirst term


The projects challenge the student to implement AI search techniques seen in class, in a Python programming environment based on the PacMan world developed at UC Berkeley. 

The project consists of two parts: 

  • P1: Search: Students implement depth-first, breadth-first, uniform cost, and A* search algorithms. These algorithms are used to solve navigation and traveling salesman problems in the Pacman world. 
  • P2: Multi-Agent Search: Classic Pacman is modeled as both an adversarial and a stochastic search problem. Students implement multiagent minimax and expectimax algorithms, as well as designing evaluation functions. 


You will fill in portions of provided Python files during the assignment. An autograder is provided to grade your own answers and guide you in your development; your submission will be evaluated by us 
independently. Collaboration and plagiarism are not allowed, we will check for this extensively and sanction if needed. 

Course material

The project assignment and the necessary software libraries and installation instructions will be made available on Toledo.


Evaluation: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H22A0a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions, Open questions


Your final grade is determined by three parts: the project, the lecture exam and the exercise exam. The exact point distribution will be communicated through the online learning platform.

The project(s) will be evaluated during the year. They have to be made individually and plagiarism will be sanctioned. 

The exam is a written exam consisting of multiple-choice questions, fill-in questions and open questions. The exam consists of two parts: the part on the lecture material will test for factual and synthetic knowledge; the part on the exercises will test your ability to solve exercises involving the lecture material, as practiced in the exercise sessions. 

ECTS Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02A0C)

5 ECTS English 35 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After succesful completion of this course, a student will 

  • have deep knowledge and insight into fundamental techniques from Artificial Intelligence, including: basic search methods, heuristic search methods, optimal path search methods, game tree search techniques, constraint solving techniques, planning techniques and markov decision processes; 
  • be able to simulate algorithms for each of the above techniques with pen and paper on small new examples; 
  • be able to implement heuristic and optimal search methods in a provided programming environment; 
  • have insight in the relations between these techniques; 
  • have insight into the relevance of these techniques for applications. 

Previous knowledge

Some familiarity with algorithms and data structures. Limited experience with a programming language. 

Identical courses

H02A0A: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Is included in these courses of study


Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (B-KUL-H02A0a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


1. Introduction
- Definition and general context, both of the domain and the course
2. State-space representation and search methods
- state-space representation: introduction and trade-offs,
- blind search,
- heuristic search, including the study of the A*-algorithm,
- advanced aspects of heuristic search,
3. Examples of search
- search in data mining: pattern mining
- heuristic search in games
4. Constraint propagation
- backtracking, backtrack variants, intelligent and dependency directed backtracking,
- arc consistency techniques,
- hybrid constraint propagation methods
 5. Some case studies of the use of constraint processing
- interpretation of line drawings,
- interpretation of natural language
 6. Planning and Temporal representation
- partial-order regression planning: STRIPS

Course material

Copies of the slides are made available by the student organisation VTK.

Is also included in other courses

H02A0A : Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (B-KUL-H02K1a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 First termFirst term


1. Introduction (2 u.)
- Definition and general context, both of the domain and the course

2. State-space representation and search methods (8 u.)
- state-space representation: introduction and trade-offs,
- blind search,
- heuristic search, including the study of the A*-algorithm,
- advanced aspects of heuristic search,
- heuristic search in games
3. Examples of search: pattern mining and games (2 u.)
4. Constraint propagation (3 u.)
- backtracking, backtrack variants, intelligent and dependency directed backtracking,
- arc consistency techniques,
- hybrid constraint propagation methods
5. Some case studies of the use of constraint processing (3 u.)
- interpretation of line drawings,
- interpretatie of natural language
6. Planning and Temporal representation (1.5 u.)
- partial-order regression planning: STRIPS

Course material

Slides of the study material are available from the student organisation VTK

Is also included in other courses

H02A0A : Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence: Project (B-KUL-H0O44a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 0 First termFirst term


The projects challenge the student to implement AI search techniques seen in class, in a Python programming environment based on the PacMan world developed at UC Berkeley. 


The project consists of the following: 

  • P1: Search: Students implement depth-first, breadth-first, uniform cost, and A* search algorithms. These algorithms are used to solve navigation and traveling salesman problems in the Pacman world. 


You will fill in portions of provided Python files during the assignment. An autograder is provided to grade your own answers and guide you in your development; your submission will be evaluated by us independently. Collaboration and plagiarism are not allowed, we will check for this extensively and sanction if needed. 

Course material

The project assignment and the necessary software libraries and installation instructions will be made available on Toledo. 


Evaluation: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H22A0c)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions, Open questions


Your final grade is determined by three parts: the project, the lecture exam and the exercise exam. The exact point distribution will be communicated through the online learning platform.

The project(s) will be evaluated during the year. They have to be made individually and plagiarism will be sanctioned. 

The exam is a written exam consisting of multiple-choice questions, fill-in questions and open questions. The exam consists of two parts: the part on the lecture material will test for factual and synthetic knowledge; the part on the exercises will test your ability to solve exercises involving the lecture material, as practiced in the exercise sessions. 

ECTS Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI  (B-KUL-H02A3A)

4 ECTS English 40 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course aims to provide insight into declarative problem-solving paradigms in the research field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The primary objective is to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations, practical applications, and emerging trends within the realm of declarative approaches to problem-solving in AI. 


The course will give students an understanding of the specific characteristics and key underlying principles of select declarative modelling languages and their solving techniques. This can include constraint programming, classical planning, neuro-symbolic reasoning and more. Additionally, the course aims to highlight the usefulness of these concepts and principles in solving large classes of problems in AI. Students should comprehend the advantages and drawbacks of the covered paradigms, understand the types of problems for which they are best suited, and be able to compare different modelling choices and solving techniques within and across paradigms. Moreover, students should be able to situate them and related research aspects in the context of the application areas for which they were developed. 


Throughout the course, students will acquire basic modelling skills in specific paradigms, enabling them to model and solve relevant problems in AI. 

Previous knowledge

The students should be familiar with the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and search, and they need to have basic knowledge of an object oriented programming language.

Is included in these courses of study


Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Lecture (B-KUL-H02A3a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


Without being exhaustive, typical paradigms that could be presented are:

  • constraint programming
  • planning languages and systems
  • theorem proving and systems for formal verification
  • probabilistic reasoning and neuro-symbolic languages
  • AI-extensions of logic, functional or object-oriented programming languages


For each introduced language, system or methodology, the important themes are the conceptual foundations, the main built-in representation and problem solving features, the illustrations of use and limitations, the indication of the key research aspects and the key applications.


The selection of studied paradigms can vary from year to year.

Course material

Study cost: 76-100 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Slides and lecture material will be made available on the learning platform.

Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI: Exercises (B-KUL-H02K4a)

1 ECTS : Practical 20 First termFirst term


The exercise sessions are related to the material of the course.

Course material

Exercises and necessary background material will be made available on the learning platform.


Evaluation: Declarative Problem Solving Paradigms in AI (B-KUL-H22A3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Exam questions can contain a mix of open, closed and multiple choice questions. In case of multiple choice questions a guessing correction scheme will be communicated and used. The exact format of the exam will be announced on the learning platform.

ECTS Robotics (B-KUL-H02A4A)

4 ECTS English 20 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Bruyninckx Herman (coordinator) |  Bruyninckx Herman |  Detry Renaud |  N. |  Aertbeliën Erwin (substitute) |  Decré Wilm (substitute)  |  Less More


This course is an introduction to Intelligent Robotic Systems, i.e., machines that move (themselves and/or objects in their environment) and sense what is going on in their (immediate) neighbourhood, in order to achieve a given goal under uncertain environment conditions. 

The course covers fundamentals of robot modelling, control, and programming. Furthermore, specific attention goes to sensor-guided robots and to applying AI techniques, in a broad sense, to robots, which poses challenges that are not apparent in other contexts that do not consider embodied agents.  

This course will cover both "classical" AI techniques that are easily parametrized by an expert, and techniques that learned from data and demonstrations.

After taking this course, the student should be able to: 

  • analyse, develop, and use kinematic and dynamic models of robot systems 
  • design motion and sensor-guided control strategies, and select the most suitable strategy for an application at hand 
  • learn to analyse robotics applications  and identify what aspects lend themselves to a AI solutions

Previous knowledge

This course is accessible as an optional course to last-year master students, or to master-after-master students. Hence, a master level background is expected. 

The course requires background in programming, engineering mechanics, linear algebra and basic differential and integral calculus.  Mostly Python will be used in the exercise sessions. 

Is included in these courses of study


Robotics (B-KUL-H02A4a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term
Bruyninckx Herman |  Detry Renaud |  N. |  Aertbeliën Erwin (substitute) |  Decré Wilm (substitute)


Robotics – theory lectures (3 ects) 

Lectures cover: 

  • introduction to software development for robots 
  • robot kinematics and dynamics 
  • robot motion control and sensor-guided control, free-space and in-contact tasks 
  • trajectory optimization (based on numerical optimization techniques) 
  • dealing with uncertainty / estimation in robotics 
  • classical motion planning and learning methods for motion planning 
  • learning from demonstration 


Robotics – exercise and (virtual) laboratory sessions (1 ects) 

  • (Computer) exercises and interactive lab visits on the lecture material

Course material

The study material consists of lecture notes, including paper references and book excerpts. 


Evaluation: Robotics (B-KUL-H22A4a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Students, in groups of two or, exceptionally, individually: 

  • Do a homework assignment consisting of a set of computer programming exercises, and hand in a short report and their code. 
  • Do a short research project. A set of possible projects will be made available by the lecturers. 

During the examination period there is an oral defence covering both the homework assignment and the research project. The homework assignment counts for 25% of the grade, the research project for 75%. 

ECTS Computer Vision (B-KUL-H02A5A)

4 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Proesmans Marc (substitute)


Computer vision or Image understanding is the 'art' of developing computerized procedures to extract relevant numerical and symbolic information from images. Not backed up by a single theory, we provide a structured overview of, and guidelines for, computer vision or image understanding strategies. With the recent succes of Neural Network based applications in Computer Vision, Deep Learning approaches will be discussed as well, next to more traditional approaches. 

Previous knowledge

Basic programming experience. Some mathematical background.

Is included in these courses of study


Computer Vision: Lecture (B-KUL-H02A5a)

1.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term
N. |  Proesmans Marc (substitute)


Part I: Early and Mid-Level Vision

1.   Introduction to Computer Vision

2.   Basic Image Processing

  • Linear Filtering
  • Pyramids/Template Matching
  • Non-linear Filtering (median, bilateral filtering)
  • Morphology

3.   Feature Detection and Matching

  • Edges
  • Points/Patches
  • Fitting
  • Hough

4.   Grouping & Segmentation

  • Clustering (K-Means, Agglomerative Clustering, Mean Shift)
  • Spectral Clustering (Normalized Cuts, Graph cuts)
  • Deformable Contours (Active Contours, Dynamic Programming)

Part II: High-level Vision

5.   Introduction to Image Understanding

6.   Object Detection

  • Scanning/Sliding Window
  • Eigenfaces, HOG, LBP
  • Boosting (Intro, Haar-Cascade)

7.   Instance Recognition

  • Local Feature Matching
  • Bag of Words
  • Spatial Verification

8.   Deep Learning for Image Classification

  • Intro to Deep Learning
  • DCNN for Image Classifcation

Course material

Slides and references to online available textbooks and papers

Computer Vision: Project (B-KUL-H02K5a)

2.5 ECTS : Assignment 10 Second termSecond term
N. |  Proesmans Marc (substitute)


Concepts presented in the lectures as well as complementary aspects are further discussed through hands-on experience.

Three assignments are planned. They all make use of the Python scripting language. 

  • The first assigment helps you to get acquainted with basic image processing steps required for further image analysis. 
  • The second assignment presents different (both traditional and DL) approaches to object detection and recognition.
  • The third assignment helps the student mastering DL approaches for image classification and segmentation

Course material

Python scripting language. Online references. 


Evaluation: Computer Vision (B-KUL-H22A5a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer


The evaluation is based on the three assignments.

The first is an individual assignment and will be evaluated on the quality and originality of the submitted output (a video showing image processing results). 

The second and third assignment are group assignments. They will be evaluated on the quality of the submitted reports. 

The weighting of the different assignments is (20%, 40%, 40%). For the second and third assignment, peer assessment will be used to detect gross asymmetric contributions of group members. 

ECTS Speech Recognition (B-KUL-H02A6A)

4 ECTS English 35 Second termSecond term


The purpose of the course is to provide the student with basic insight into the speech signal and to teach the basics of speech recognition.   The course focuses on the 'speech and language' aspects of the machine learning problem that speech recognition is.  Both traditional statistical and modern deep neural net approaches are treated.

The first part of the course studies speech - and more broadly any acoustic signal -  from a signal processing and a psychoacoustic perspective.

Next, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are introduced as a reference approach for sequence learning as applicable to speech recognition.  HMMs also provide a convenient framework to add diverse linguistic knowledge sources to a purely acoustic baseline system.

In the last part of the course we present modern deep neural network approaches (DNNs).  In this course we focus on which DNN architectures are suitable for speech recognition and highlight the added value in contrast to the traditional  HMM based systems.   We do not require prior knowledge on DNNs for this course, but a companion course on DNNs is highly recommended as this will lead to better in depth understanding of these methods.

In the exercise sessions, students get hands on experience with the processing of speech signals and the development of a small scale speech recognition system. 

For more details see:

Previous knowledge

Students should have a basic knowledge of Machine Learning principles, i.e. a solid linear algebra background and working knowledge of basic statistics (Bayesian) and information theory.   While we are using Deep Neural Nets in many of the chapters, no formal prerequisites are required on this topic.

Practically speaking students should have had an introductory course to Machine Learning either via the course in the AI programme or they should have acquired similar basic knowledge in other courses.

If in doubt, students are encouraged to have a look at the online self assesment ( test to check if they have the proper background.


Is included in these courses of study


Speech Recognition: Lecture (B-KUL-H02A6a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


1. Speech Signal Processing and The Auditory Scene 

  • the spectrogram, spectral estimation for acoustic signals
  • elementary psychoacoustic concepts (loudness, pitch, timbre, critical bands)
  • source-filter model of speech production, speech features (formants)
  • mel spectrogram and cepstral features, spectral distance measures
  • Dynamic Time Warping for matching signals that vary in time and frequency

2. Speech Recognition

  • Classification of speech sounds and speech meta data
  • Hidden Markov models, Viterbi decoding, training of  HMMs
  • Decision Trees for Context-Dependent Phone modeling
  • Linguistic resources: dictionaries, language models
  • Large vocabulary decoding
  • Static Deep Neural Nets for classifying speech sounds, Hybrid systems
  • Time Warping Deep Neural Networks for Speech Recognition, a.o.:
    • Long Short-Term Model (LSTM), 
    • Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)
  • Deep Neural Nets for language modeling
  • Industrial outlook, applications of Speech Recognition

Course material

Course notes are available online

Additional material is available via Toledo


Speech Recognition: Exercises (B-KUL-H02K6a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 Second termSecond term


There is a combination of lab sessions and exercises, all details are available in TOLEDO.  There are typically 6 sessions (though small deviations from the prototypical sequence are possible)

1. The Auditory Scene, Time - Frequency  representations of signals (speech & music)

2. Feature Extraction, Spectral Distance Metrics, Dynamic Time Warping

3. HMMs, Viterbi recognition

4. HMM training, context-dependent models, hybrid systems

5. DNNs for Language Modeling

6. Time Warping DNNs: CTC, LSTM 

Format: more information

All exercises are hand on sessions working out examples on pencil and paper, or - most of the time - working with Jupyter notebooks.

Students are expected to have enough computer skills to run Jupyter notebooks (Python), to understand the flow of the code by reading the - well documented - top level scripts and to be able to make minimal changes (such as changing variable assignments or skipping pieces of code).  Having some prior exposure to any scripting language is therefore deemed sufficient as a prerequisite.


Evaluation: Speech Recognition (B-KUL-H22A6a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Reference work


Open book exam with several exercises covering the different topics of the course. 

If, for organizational reasons (e.g. too many registered students), it is concluded that the organization of an oral exam is not feasible, then the oral exam will not take place and the written preparation will become a written exam. The impact of this decision will be explained on Toledo.

Example exams can be found here:


ECTS Natural Language Processing (B-KUL-H02B1A)

4 ECTS English 33 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The course focuses on methods and algorithms for building computer software that understands, generates and manipulates human language. We study the algorithms and models while introducing core tasks in natural language processing (NLP), including language modelling, morphological processing, POS tagging, syntactic analysis, semantic interpretation, machine translation, coreference resolution, discourse analysis, and dialogue modelling. We illustrate the methods and technologies with current applications in real world settings.

After following this course, the student has acquired theoretical and practical understanding of contemporary machine learning models designed for processing human language and of the underlying computational properties of NLP models. The student will have learned how underlying linguistic phenomena, that is, the linguistic features, can be modelled and automatically learned from data using deep learning techniques.

Previous knowledge

This course focuses on the algorithms, mathematical modeling and machine learning methods for processing human language. We rely on a good understanding of the machine learning foundations. Hence there is the prerequisite to have successfully passed or to follow in parallel a machine learning course (e.g., Machine Learning and Inductive Inference - B-KUL-H02C1A, Principles of Machine Learning - B-KUL-H0E98A, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning - B-KUL-H02C4A). Knowledge of the basics of linear algebra and of probability theory is required.

Students who also want to deepen their knowledge of the linguistic aspects of natural language processing are recommended to follow this advanced natural language processing course and the course Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02B6A) in parallel.

Is included in these courses of study


Natural Language Processing: Lecture (B-KUL-H02B1a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


1. Introduction

  • What is natural language processing (NLP)?
  • Current state-of-the-art of NLP
  • Ambiguity
  • Other challenges
  • Representing words, phrases and sentences

2. Segmentation and tokenization

  • Regular expressions
  • Word tokenization, lemmatization and stemming
  • Sentence segmentation
  • Subword tokenization

3. Language Modelling

  • N-gram language models
  • perplexity
  • maximum likelihood estimation
  • smoothing

4. Neural Language Modelling

  • Word embeddings
  • Vector space models for NLP
  • Recurrent neural network (RNN) for language modelling
  • Transformer architecture for language modelling
  • Use of language models in downstream tasks: fine-tuning and pretraining

5. Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging

  • Hidden Markov model and viterbi
  • Conditional Random Fields
  • (Bi)LSTM for POS tagging
  • Encoder-decoder architecture for sequence-to-sequence labeling

6. Morphological analysis

  • Inflection and derivation
  • Finite state morphology
  • Sequence-to-sequence neural models of morphological inflection

7. Syntactic Parsing

  • Universal Dependencies
  • Dependency parsing: Graph based dependency parsing, transition based dependency parsing
  • Constituent parsing with a (probabilistic) context free grammar ((P)CFG) and the Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) algorithm

8. Semantics (lexical and compositional)

  • Word sense disambiguation
  • Semantic role labelling

9. Discourse: Coreference Resolution

  • Discourse coherence
  • Algorithm of Hobbs
  • Neural end-to-end coreference resolution

10. Question Answering

  • Evolution of QA systems from rule-based to neural 
  • Complex pipelines to end-to-end to retrieval-free
  • Closed-domain vs open-domain
  • Text-only vs multimodal

11. Neural Machine Translation

  • Encoder-decoder architecture (e.g., RNN, transformer-based)
  • Attention models
  • Improvements and alternative architectures that deal with limited parallel training data

12. Conversational Dialogue Systems and Chatbots

  • Task oriented dialog agents: Rule based versus neural based approaches
  • Chatbots: End-to-end sequence-to-sequence neural models

Course material


Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. 2024. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural
Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition with Language Models,
3rd edition.

Jacob Eisenstein. 2019. Introduction to Natural Language Processing. MIT Press.

Yoav Goldberg. 2016. A Primer on Neural Network Models for Natural Language Processing.

Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. 2016. Deep Learning. MIT Press.

+ recent articles: e.g., of the proceedings of the Meetings of the ACL, AAAI, NeurIPS.

Format: more information

Interactive lectures with short exercises.

Is also included in other courses

G0D25A : Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing: Exercises (B-KUL-H00G0a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


  • Exercises on tokenization and segmentation
  • Exercises on language modelling and POS tagging
  • Exercises on syntactic parsing
  • Exercises on semantic and discourse processing
  • Exercises on machine translation
  • Exercises on question answering

Is also included in other courses

G0D25A : Natural Language Processing


Evaluation: Natural Language Processing (B-KUL-H22B1a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Calculator, Course material


Open book written exam featuring a mixture of theory and exercise questions.

ECTS Cognitive Science (B-KUL-H02B2A)

4 ECTS English 33 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Schaeken Walter |  Stuyck Hans (substitute)


Cognitive science recently emerged as the common denominator of a number of research disciplines.
Philosophy of mind, traditional experimental psychology, communication theory, systems theory, computer science, linguistics and neuroscience have all played important roles in the shaping of a consensus approach that is best described as a new discipline, cognitive science.
Some recent historical background of the different disciplines has to be outlined in order to build a platform of the converging fields. It is believed that the study of mental representations is the glue which brings all the research interests together. Accordingly, a special emphasis has to be put on the empirical, theoretical and philosophical status of the organization of representations in the human mind.

Previous knowledge

No specific requirements.

Is included in these courses of study


Cognitive Science: Lecture (B-KUL-H02B2a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term
Schaeken Walter |  Stuyck Hans (substitute)


The course discusses 4 main topics:
1) general discussion of what cognitive science is
2) thinking and reasoning, with extra emphasis on the infant's object concepts and on rationality
3) perception, with an extra emphasis on the brain as a hypothesis-constucting-and-testing agent and on eye-movements
4) language, with an extra emphasis on optimality theory and language acquisition


The lectures follows closely the chapters from Cognitive Psychology” by Ken Gilhooly, Fiona Lyddy and Frank Pollick (McGraw Hill, 2014)


Cognitive Science: Exercises (B-KUL-H00G1a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term
Schaeken Walter |  Stuyck Hans (substitute)


The course discusses 4 main topics:
1) general discussion of what cognitive science is
2) thinking and reasoning, with extra emphasis on the infant's object concepts and on rationality
3) perception, with an extra emphasis on the brain as a hypothesis-constucting-and-testing agent and on eye-movements
4) language, with an extra emphasis on optimality theory and language acquisition


Evaluation: Cognitive Science (B-KUL-H22B2a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work


With respect to the final written exam: the first hour is a closed book exam with 21 MC-questions. This part counts for 7 points. The next two hours are open book, where you have to solve two questions. This part counts for 7 points.

- With respect to the paper: the deadline for the paper will be communicated via Toledo at the beginning of the semester. If you miss the deadline, you will receive no points. This part counts for 5 points.

- With respect to the discussion board: you will post 2 entries and respond to at least 2 entries of other students on at least 3 of the discussion forums. This part counts for 1 point.

ECTS Neural Computing (B-KUL-H02B3A)

4 ECTS English 33 First termFirst term


The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an introduction to the nervous system. It comprises 3 chapters. The first chapter provides a background in neurocience, from cellular to systems level, the latter with focus on the visual and visuomotor systems. The second chapter reviews a number of techniques for recording brain activity, both invasively and non-invasively. The third chapter covers several computational models of the nervous system with focus on vision, sensory-motor integration, learning, and memory.

Previous knowledge

No specific requirements.


Neural Computing: Lecture (B-KUL-H02B3a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


Part I: The nervous system
neuron, action potential, synapse, channel regulation and memory, visual
system, neural maps and the development of the visual system, reaching
and grasping

Part II: Recording from the brain
invasive and non-invasive recording

Part III: Computational neuroscience
principles, Reichardt detector, models of complex motion and actions,
convolutional and self-organising neural networks

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

course slides, course texts
course overview
example questions for the exam

all available from Toledo

Format: more information

Lectures with examples and case studies to promote student interaction.

Neural Computing: Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H00G2a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


Lab sessions in support of the course material.


Evaluation: Neural Computing (B-KUL-H22B3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Closed questions
Learning material : None


Written exam.

Sample questions are available from the course's Toledo page.

ECTS Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02B6A)

4 ECTS English 33 First termFirst term


This course aims to introduce students to the field of natural language processing, with a particular focus on the links to the linguistic properties of language and to linguistic resources. Secondly, it aims to equip students with some fundamental mathematical machinery through the exploration of basic models and illustrative examples, which is nowadays necessary to understand statistical and neural models for natural language processing. And thirdly, it aims to teach students how to practically make use of natural language processing models, and use them to process their own data.


Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (B-KUL-H02B6a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


Using three different paradigms (the symbolic, the statistical, and the neural paradigm), we examine how language can be modelled computationally, and how different language applications can be developed accordingly. We discuss the underlying linguistic phenomena, and we examine how they can be modelled and automatically learned from data using statistical and neural techniques. We look at various language processing applications, such as sentiment analysis and machine translation. We also discuss the risks associated with natural language processing, and the drawbacks of current language processing models based on neural representations, such as bias and uninterpretability. During the practical sessions, we will explore hands-on how state of the art language models can be used for various language processing applications, for language generation, and for linguistic research.

Course material

Lecture slides and recommended background reading, provided through Toledo

Is also included in other courses

G0D21A : Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence

Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (B-KUL-H00I4a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


Practical assignments on natural language processing models

Course material

Electronic handout in the form of Jupyter notebooks

Is also included in other courses

G0D21A : Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence


Evaluation: Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H22B6a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions

ECTS Machine Learning and Inductive Inference (B-KUL-H02C1A)

4 ECTS English 35 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course will familiarise the students with the domain of machine learning, which concerns techniques to build software that can learn how to perform a certain task (or improve its performance on it) by studying examples of how it has been accomplished previously, and in a broader sense the discovery of knowledge from observations (inductive inference).
After following this course, students will:

  • have a basic understanding of the general principles of learning
  • have an overview of the existing techniques for machine learning and data mining
  • understand how these techniques work, and why they work
  • be able to implement programs that learn or exhibit adaptive behavior, using these techniques
  • be up-to-date with the current state of the art in machine learning research
  • be able to contribute to contemporary machine learning research

Previous knowledge

Students should be familiar with:

  • algorithms and programming
  • some elements from higher mathematics, probability theory and statistics
  • predicate logic



Introductory courses on these topics (at the Bachelor level) suffice.


Is included in these courses of study


Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C1a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


1. introduction to machine learning, connections with other subjects
2. general principles of learning:
- concept learning, version spaces
- evaluation of learning algorithms
- theory of learnability
- representation of inputs and outputs of learning algorithms
3. specific learning approaches:
- decision trees
- rules, association rules
- instance based learning
- clustering
- neural networks
- support vector machines
- Bayesian learning
- genetic algorithms
- ensemble methods (bagging, boosting, ...)
- reinforcement learning
- inductive logic programming

Course material

Course Text
Lecture slides

Format: more information

Ten lectures of 2 hours each.

Machine Learning and Inductive Inference: Exercises (B-KUL-H00G6a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 First termFirst term


Exercises are made on the subjects discussed during the lectures. These are mostly pen-and-paper exercises where students gain insight in the workings of learning algorithms by manually mimicking the computations of certain learning algorithms, graphically describing the result of a learning algorithm (by drawing decision surfaces), etc. There are also exercises on evaluation of machine learning models and algorithms.

Course material

  • A list of exercises.
  • Solutions are made available on Toledo.

Format: more information

Students try to independently solve the exercises during some time. A teaching assistant provides help where necessary, and discusses the solution afterwards.


Evaluation: Machine Learning and Inductive Inference (B-KUL-H22C1a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Calculator, List of formulas


The exam consists of questions about the theory and exercises. A formula sheet can be consulted during the exam. 

If the evaluation shows that the student does not meet one or more objectives of the course, the global result may differ from a weighted average of the parts.

ECTS Knowledge Representation (B-KUL-H02C3A)

4 ECTS English 29 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


  • Conveying insight in the process of knowledge representation and its role in AI and Computer Science.
  • Conveying insight in knowledge representation formalisms, their differences and correspondences
  • Conveying insight in different types  of knowledge and the methodology to express them.
  • Developing  skills in expressing knowledge and solving computational tasks.
  • Getting in touch with current hot research topics and questions about knowledge representation languages and tools:
  •  important research topics
  • important open research questions
  • experimentation with  state-of-the-art inference tools.

Previous knowledge

Basics of Artificial Intelligence.

Is included in these courses of study


Knowledge Representation: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C3a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


  • Introduction on the role of Knowledge Representation  in AI
    (Informal introduction to different types of knowledge and propositional attitudes, possible world analysis of knowledge, the role of knowledge in problem solving, the controversies and trade-offs of KR in AI)
  •  Knowledge representation in classical logic
    (Syntax, informal and formal semantics of classical logic, KR methology in classical logic)
  • Extending classical logic with definitions
    (introduction to different types of definitions and inductive definitions, syntax and formal semantics of ID-logic)
  • Using classical logic for problem solving
    (The role of different forms of logical inference in AI and for problem solving)
  •  Epistemic modal logic
    (Reasoning about knowledge, beliefs and intentions of other agents, syntax, formal and informal semantics of modal logic, correspondence theory, application to multi-agents systems)
  • Knowledge representation in probabilistic logics
    (Introduction to probabilistic logics. Case study of CP-logic: syntax, informal and formal semantics.)
  • Introduction to non-logical  KR-formalisms
    (Production rules and frame-based systems)

Course material

  • Slides on Toledo
  • Book "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning" Ronald Brachman and Hector Levesque

Knowledge Representation: Exercises (B-KUL-H00G7a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 9 Second termSecond term


  • Introduction on the role of Knowledge Representation  in AI
    (Informal introduction to different types of knowledge and propositional attitudes, possible world analysis of knowledge, the role of knowledge in problem solving, the controversies and trade-offs of KR in AI)
  •  Knowledge representation in classical logic
    (Syntax, informal and formal semantics of classical logic, KR methology in classical logic)
  • Extending classical logic with definitions
    (introduction to different types of definitions and inductive definitions, syntax and formal semantics of ID-logic)
  • Using classical logic for problem solving
    (The role of different forms of logical inference in AI and for problem solving)
  •  Epistemic modal logic
    (Reasoning about knowledge, beliefs and intentions of other agents, syntax, formal and informal semantics of modal logic, correspondence theory, application to multi-agents systems)
  • Knowledge representation in probabilistic logics
    (Introduction to probabilistic logics. Case study of CP-logic: syntax, informal and formal semantics.)
  • Introduction to non-logical  KR-formalisms
    (Production rules and frame-based systems)


The excercise sessions address the following topics:

  • KR methodology using classical logic
  • Syntax , semantics and KR of definitional knowledge
  • Use of inference tools for automated problem solving using declarative specifications
  • Modal and multi-modal logics, Kripke structures
  • Probabilistic logics, syntax and semantics of CP-logic

Course material

  • Exercises and model solutions are made available on Toledo
  • Students use the state-of-the-art inference system IDP to evaluate  the correctness of their solutions for KR excercises
  • The system is also used to show the role of inference for automated problem solving using declarative specifications.


Evaluation: Knowledge Representation (B-KUL-H22C3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Course material


Written exam (3h) :

  •  Theoretical part: closed book
  •  Exercise part:: open book  : only slides of the course
  •  June and September
  • No projects for this course

ECTS Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning (B-KUL-H02C4A)

4 ECTS English 35 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


To introduce the basic techniques, methods and properties of artificial neural networks and deep learning and study its application in selected problems. The basic concepts will be introduced in the lectures. Advanced topics and recent research results will be touched upon occasionally.

Previous knowledge

A working knowledge of integral and differential calculus and of vector and matrix algebra (derivative, gradient, Jacobian, vector calculus, matrices, quadratic forms). Some exposure to statistics and probability. A basic knowledge of simple computer programming. A basic knowledge of MATLAB is recommended for part of the exercises.

Is included in these courses of study


Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C4a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


  • Basic concepts: different architectures, learning rules, supervised and unsupervised learning. Shallow versus deep architectures. Applications in character recognition, image processing, diagnostics, associative memories, time-series prediction, modelling and control.
  • Single- and multilayer feedforward networks and backpropagation, on-line learning, perceptron learning
  • Training, validation and test set, generalization, overfitting, early stopping, regularization, double descent phenomenon
  • Fast learning algorithms and optimization: Newton method, Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt, conjugate gradient, adam
  • Bayesian learning
  • Associative memories, Hopfield networks, recurrent neural networks
  • Unsupervised learning: principal component analysis, Oja's rule, nonlinear pca analysis, vector quantization, self-organizing maps
  • Neural networks for time-series prediction, system identification and control; basics of LSTM; basics of deep reinforcement learning
  • Basic principles of support vector machines and kernel methods, and its connection to neural networks
  • Deep learning: stacked autoencoders, convolutional neural networks, residual networks
  • Deep generative models: restricted Boltzmann machines, deep Boltzmann machines, generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders, normalizing flow, diffusion models
  • Normalization, attention, transformers

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Exercises (B-KUL-H00G8a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 Second termSecond term


4 computer exercise sessions


Course material

  • Toledo.


Evaluation: Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning (B-KUL-H22C4a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Individually written report about the exercise sessions, with additional oral discussion.

ECTS Data Mining (B-KUL-H02C6A)

4 ECTS English 37 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Today it is possible to collect and store vast quantities of data. These data often contain value information and insights. However, it may take human analysists weeks or months to discover the information if they are able to do it at all. Furthermore, so much data exist that most of it is never even analyzed. The goal of data mining is to fill this void by automatically identify models and patterns from these databases that are (1) valid, that is, they hold on new data with some certainty, (2) novel, that is, they are non-obvious, (3) useful, that is, they are actionable, and (4) understandable. that is humans can interpret them. In order to do this, data mining, also called knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), combines ideas from the fields of machine learning, databases, statistics, visualization, and many other fields.

The goal of this course is to provide a broad survey of several important and well-know fields of data mining and to develop an overall sense of how to extract information from data in a systematic way. It tries to give inisght into the challenges faced by data miners and the inner workers of specific data mining algorithms as well as provide some understanding about why data mining is important and interesting. The course consists of lectures, readings and exercises sessions. The exercise sessions reinforce the central concepts covered during class and give students some experience working with publicly available data mining tools. The course requires knowledge of machine learning.

Previous knowledge

Bachelor or Master level with at least basic knowledge of computers, algorithms and data structures. Moreover, the students should be comfortable with mathematical concepts such as differentiation, probability and statistics.

Knowledge of Machine Learning techniques. Specifically, the student must have followed either the (1) "Machine Learning and Inductive Inference" (B-KUL-H02C1A) class or (2) Beginselen van machine learning (B-KUL-H0E96A) / Principles of Machine Learning (B-KUL-H0E98A) class. Or they must have followed a course that was deemed to be equivalent.

Is included in these courses of study


Data Mining: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C6a)

3.2 ECTS : Lecture 17 Second termSecond term


Topics covered include (not necessarily in this order):

1) Data mining overview

2) The data mining process

3) Recommender systems

4) Association rule mining

5) Sequential pattern mining

6) Clustering

7) Large scale decision tree learning

8) Advanced topics on ensemble methods

9) Using unlabeled data

10) Data streams

11) Advanced topics (time permitting)

Data Mining: Practical Sessions (B-KUL-H00I0a)

0.8 ECTS : Practical 20 Second termSecond term


The exercise sessions reinforce the central concepts covered during class and give students some experience working with publicly available data mining tools.  More specifically, tasks many include:

1) Working through the control of an algorithm to better understand how it functions

2) Implementing a small part of an algorithm

3) Working through a small part of the data mining process

4) Using Weka to analyse data

5) Theoretical questions designed to extend a student's knowledge of the subject

6) Discussing and solving a data mining problem with a small group and presenting the conclusions of the discussion to the whole exercise session


Evaluation: Data Mining (B-KUL-H22C6a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : None


Closed book written exam about the topics covered in the lectures, exercise sessions and reading.  The goal will be to assess two questions:

1) Do you understand the important basic concepts covered in class

2) Do you have an advanced understanding of the topics covered

Some questions will be similar in spirit to those solved in the exercise sessions while others will ask a student to apply a learned concept in a different context.  Be sure to read all the questions carefully and to think about how the answer to each question is structured.  

ECTS Biometrics System Concepts (B-KUL-H02C7A)

4 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Biometrics system concepts is an application-driven course of artificial intelligence on different techniques in identifying/authenticating an individual in an automated, reliable, and fast way using unique physiological (e.g., face, fingerprint, hand, iris, and ear) or behavioral (e.g., keystroke, signature, gait, and speech) characteristics. It introduces concepts, methods, and tools in the field of biometrics and familiarizes learners with current research directions, whilst providing a critical attitude towards its premises and limitations. After following this course:

Learners can explain the added value of biometrics compared to password or token-based authentication, list main biometric applications and compare different types of identity tasks.

Learners can outline the general architecture of biometric systems, discuss biometric system requirements and examine the accuracy or performance of biometric systems.

For the following specific biometric identifiers: face, fingerprint, iris, retina, hand, ear, signature, and keystroke dynamics, learners can restate the typical features used to identify, list acquisition hardware, explain feature extraction techniques and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.

Learners can construct phyton-based implementations to investigate the performance of biometrics systems.

For one or more biometric identifiers learners can construct phyton-based implementations to train a biometric system. Subsequently learners can justify and assess algorithmic and training design choices.

For a series of listed topics related to biometric systems (e.g., multimodal biometrics, spoofing, ethical and legal implications, specific implementations, and other undiscussed identifiers) learners can assess a paper from the recent international scientific literature.

Finally, learners can assess biometric systems with a technical critical mind and an awareness of the ethical and legal implications of biometric systems.

Previous knowledge

General concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Basic programming experience is required.


Biometrics System Concepts: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C7a)

3.6 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


The lectures are organized into the following topics:

1. General concepts of biometrics

2. Fingerprint recognition

3. Iris recognition

4. Face recognition

5. Hand recognition

6. Signature recognition

7. Keystroke recognition

8. Retina recognition

9. Ear recognition

10. Invited Lecture on legal and ethical implication in biometrics

Course material

Slides, recordings and online accessible material

Biometrics Systems Concepts: Exercises (B-KUL-H00I1a)

0.4 ECTS : Assignment 10 Second termSecond term


The Biometrics lectures are complemented by a series of programming (Python-based) and/or literature assignments giving the student hands-on and an active experience with concepts and techniques.

In the first assignment, the student implements different validation metrics and test it on a pre-processed dataset of fingerprints.

Subsequently, based on a personal preference, two assignments are selected from the following three options:

1. Implementing a non-standard key point based fingerprint matching algorithm, an iris recognition system and a combination of both. 

2. Implementing and testing a face detection and face recognition algorithm.

3. Assessing and explaining a paper from the recent (within the last 5 years) international scientific literature on topics related to biometric systems.

Course material

Python Scripting Language, jupyter notebooks, google colab and online references


Evaluation: Biometrics System Concepts (B-KUL-H22C7a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer


The evaluation is based on the (individual) assignments. 

For the programming assignments Python notebooks and summary reports needs to be handed in.

For the literature investigation a paper assessment report needs to be handed in.

An online individual session is planned to discuss the assignments submitted and the content of the lectures.

ECTS Information Retrieval and Search Engines (B-KUL-H02C8A)

4 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The aim of the course is to study the current techniques and algorithms commonly used in information retrieval, Web search and Web mining, and the challenges of these fields. The theoretical insights are the basis for discussions of commercial systems and ongoing research projects. After the study of this course the student should be able to 1) describe and understand fundamental concepts and algorithms in information retrieval, Web search and Web mining; 2) design and evaluate an information retrieval system.

The exercise sessions give the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the algorithms discussed during the lectures.

Previous knowledge

The course addresses students who are interested in the theory and applications of the processing, storage and retrieval of information. Elementary knowledge of statistics, probability theory and linear algebra is required. It is recommended that the student is familiar with machine learning methods.

Is included in these courses of study


Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C8a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


The motivation for the course lies in the urgent need for computer programs that assist people in digesting masses of unstructured information composed of text and other media. We need information retrieval technology when, for instance, we find information on the World Wide Web, in repositories of news and blogs, in biomedical document bases, or in governmental and company archives. Moreover, emails, tweets, other messages and advertisements are searched and filtered. Various techniques of content recognition, recommendation and linking play an increasing role and allow generating content models of the documents or messages, that effectively match the personalized information needs of users. We witness a current interest in capturing dynamic changes in the data and in modeling dynamic interactions with users. The proliferation of wireless and mobile devices such as mobile phones has additionally created a demand for effective and robust techniques to index, retrieve and summarize information.

The lectures treat the following topics:

1. Introduction

 2. Advanced representations

 Law of Zipf

Matrix factorization, latent semantic analysis (LSA), training with singular value decomposition

Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA), latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), training with Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithms, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods such as Gibbs sampling, and with variational inference

Embeddings obtained with neural networks


3. Retrieval and search models


Algebraic models: vector space models

Probabilistic models: language retrieval models and Bayesian networks

Neural network models


4. Learning to rank


Relevance feedback, personalized and contextualized information needs, user profiling

Pointwise, pairwise and listwise approaches

Structured output support vector machines, loss functions, most violated constraints

End-to-end neural network models

Optimization of retrieval effectiveness and of diversity of search results


5. Dynamic retrieval and recommendation


Static versus dynamic models

Markov decision processes

Multi-armed bandit models

Modelling sessions

Online advertising


6. Multimedia information retrieval


Multimedia data types and features

Concept detection

Cross-modal indexing of content: latent Dirichlet allocation and deep learning methods

Cross-modal and multimodal retrieval and recommendation models

Illustrations with spoken document, image, video and music search


7. Web search


Web search engines, crawler-indexer architecture, query processing

Link analysis retrieval models: PageRank, HITS, personalized PageRank and variants

Behavior and credibility based retrieval models

Social search, mining and searching user generated content


8. Scalability of Web search 


Data structures and search techniques

Inverted files, nextword indices, taxonomy indices, distributed indices


Learning of hashing functions, cross-modal hashing

Scalability and efficiency challenges

Architectural optimizations


9. Clustering


Distance and similarity functions in Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces, proximity functions

Sequential and hierarchical cluster algorithms, algorithms based on cost-function optimization, number of clusters

Term clustering for query expansion, document clustering, multiview clustering


10. Categorization


Feature selection, naive Bayes model, support vector machines, (approximate) k-nearest neighbor models

Deep learning methods

Multilabel and hierarchical categorization

Convolutional neural network (CNN) based hierarchical categorization


11. Summarization


Document segmentation, maximum marginal relevance

Summarization based on latent Dirichlet allocation models and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks

Abstractive summarization with attention models

Multidocument summarization, search results fusion and visualization 


12. Question answering and conversational agents in search and recommendation


Retrieval based question answering

Deep learning methods including attention models

Cross-modal question answering

E-commerce search and recommendation


13. Evaluation measures and methodology


Recall, precision, F-measure, mean average precision, discounted cumulative gain, mean reciprocal answer rank, accuracy, confusion matrix, ROC curve, normalized mutual information, mean absolute error, root mean square error, pyramid method, inter-annotator agreement, test collections


14. Discussion of interesting research projects

15. Invited lecture by representative of an important company


In 2006-2007: Thomas Hofmann, Director of Engineering, Google Zurich European Engineering Centre, Switzerland; in 2007-2008: Ronny Lempel, director of Yahoo! research, Israel; in 2008-2009: Stephen Robertson, senior researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK and one of the founders of probabilistic modeling in information retrieval; in 2009-2010: Gregory Grefenstette, Chief Science Officer, Exalead, France; in 2010-2011: Mounia Lalmas, visiting senior researcher at Yahoo! Labs Barcelona, Spain; in 2011-2012: Jakub Zavrel, CEO and founder of TextKernel, The Netherlands; in 2012-2013: Massimiliano Ciaramita, senior research scientist at Google, Zürich, Switzerland; in 2013-2014: Alex Graves, senior research scientist at Google DeepMind, London, UK; in 2014-2015: Fabrizio Silvestri, Senior Scientist at Yahoo Labs, Barcelona; in 2015-2016: Roi Blanco, Senior Scientist at Yahoo Labs, London; in 2016-2017: Holger Schwenk, research scientist at Facebook AI Research, France and Dani Yogatama, research scientist at Google DeepMind, London, UK; in 2017-2018: Enrique Alfonseca, research tech leader at Google AI, Zurich; in 2020-2021: Florian Strub, senior researcher at Google Deepmind, and in 2021-2022: Rylan Conway, applied scientist at Amazon Seattle.

Course material

Course material is available on the Toledo-platform of the K.U.Leuven. The following books offer background to the course material:
Baeza-Yates, R. & Ribeiro-Neto, B. (2011). Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology behind Search (2nd edition). Harlow, UK: Pearson.
Büttcher, S., Clarke, C.L.A. & Cormack, G.V. (2010). Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 
Manning, C.D., Raghaven, P. & Schütze, H. (2009). Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press.
Moens, M.-F. (2006). Information Extraction: Algorithms and Prospects in a Retrieval Context (International Series on Information Retrieval 21). Berlin: Springer.


Format: more information

Interactive lectures.

Is also included in other courses

H02C8B : Information Retrieval and Search Engines

Information Retrieval and Search Engines: Exercises (B-KUL-H00G9a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term


  • Exercise session on latent semantic models, probabilistic and vector models
  • Exercise session on learning to rank
  • Exercise session on dynamic retrieval
  • Exercise session on compression
  • Exercise session on categorization and clustering
  • Exercise session on link based and multimodal models

Course material

Exercises and answers are available via the Toledo platform. 

Format: more information

Interactive exercise sessions in small groups.

Is also included in other courses

H02C8B : Information Retrieval and Search Engines


Evaluation: Information Retrieval and Search Engines (B-KUL-H22C8a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Calculator, Course material


Theory exam (grading: 50 %): Written, open book.

Exercise exam (grading: 50 %): Written, open book.

ECTS Speech Science (B-KUL-H02C9A)

4 ECTS English 35 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The goal of this course is to acquire a basic understanding of the speech signal. Speech is a stream of time-varying waveforms with a linguistic meaning. In order to understand the possibilities and limitations of automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech synthesis systems it is necessary to understandi the segmental and suprasegmental building blocks of speech.

This course deals with articulatory, acoustic and auditory phonetics in relation to automatic speech recognition and speech synthesis.
Articulatory phonetics is concerned with the production of speech and the classification of speech sounds. This classification results in a set of articulatory features, an inventory of speech sounds, and a notation known as the 'International Phonetic Alphabet'.  Acoustic phonetics is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds. This field is essential in various ways: to verify concepts used in articulatory phonetics, as a prerequisite for the study of speech perception, and as the basis for digital processing of the speech signal (speech recognition and speech synthesis). In this part we investigate robust cues in speech, both at a segmental and suprasegmental level. The last part of the course focusses on how speech cues are perceived in various contexts and conditions, how variations affect automatic speech recognition, and how to manage these variations for the purpose of speech synthesis.

Previous knowledge

No specific requirements.

Is included in these courses of study


Speech Science: Lecture (B-KUL-H02C9a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


  • articulatory phonetics
  • introduction to phonology and the sounds of the world's languages
  • phonetic transcription
  • acoustic phonetics, segmental (formants and temporal cues), and suprasegemental (rhythm, prosody, emphasis, etc)
  • effects of coarticulation and assimilation
  • context effects (speaker and speaking rate, etc);
  • trading cues
  • human perception (of robust spectral and temporal cues, normalisation, etc)
  • human perception of vowels and consonants (categorical perception)
  • human perception of suprasegmental cues
  • bimodality (McGurk)
  • the problem of lack of invariance and difficulty of segmentation
  • speech synthesis: different types (parametric, concatenative), high & low level synthesis, problems and solutions
  • text-to-speech systems
  • applications with speech synthesis: different needs and necessities

Course material

  • slides & handouts (via Toledo)
  • Praat software (
  • speech materials (Toledo)

Language of instruction: more information

Classes are taught in English because the majority of the students are from foreign.

Format: more information

Students are expected to participate actively during class. Discussions are highly encouraged.

Is also included in other courses

G0D23A : Speech Science

Speech Science: Exercises (B-KUL-H00H0a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 First termFirst term


A series of different exercises will be given, including

  • phonetic transcription
  • speech segmentation
  • formant analyses based on FFT, LPC, spectrogram reading
  • analyses of fundamental frequency
  • pitch analysis (autocorrelation)
  • intensity analyses
  • manipulation of the speech signal (eg PSOLA)
  • analysis of articulation and speech rate
  • spectrogram reading
  • filtering
  • making speech sounds
  • text grid (for linguistic analyses)
  • speech synthesis
  • ...

Course material

All exercises can be done 'at home' using Praat (, Univ. of Amsterdam, Boersma & Weenink), a versatile and free software program. Solutions will be discussed in class.
Exercises will be disseminated via Toledo.

Language of instruction: more information

All classes will be given in English due the large number of foreign students attending the program.

Format: more information

Excercises are done at home using the Praat software to understand the nature of the time-varying speech signal, especially in relation to automatic speech recognition and speech synthesis.

Is also included in other courses

G0D23A : Speech Science


Evaluation: Speech Science (B-KUL-H22C9a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


After the course classes, but prior to the exam the student will be presented with a take-home exercise based on the series of exercises discussed before. This take-home exercise needs to be handed in before taking the exam and counts for 4/20 points.

The written exam during the examination period counts for 16/20 points and consists of both kowledge and reasoning questions. Students who have difficulty writing in English can explain orally (after a written preparation).

ECTS Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing (B-KUL-H02D1A)

4 ECTS English 70 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The student understands, recognizes, can explain why, and can give examples of settings in which evolutionary algorithms are or are not a viable solution approach. They can pinpoint, explain, and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of evolutionary algorithms both in general and in specific problem instances.

The student can list, describe, explain, analyze, and implement in the Python programming language the common basic components of evolutionary algorithms (objective function, representation, selection operators, variation operators, and elimination operators). Additionally, they can propose, develop, and implement new problem-specific, adapted components as required in a specific application. The student can list, describe, explain, analyze, and implement in the Python programming language advanced components of evolutionary algorithms that represent some of its characteristic strengths such as diversity promotion mechanisms, multi-objective optimization, and local search operators. The student furthermore can describe, analyze, and reason about the interaction between the various common and advanced components of evolutionary algorithms. In particular, they can analyze and explain the role of the various hyperparameters that can influence the strength and nature of these interactions.

The student can design and implement in Python a full evolutionary algorithm pipeline well adapted to a specific problem. Moreover, the student can put their opinions, arguments, and reasoning about the aptness of an evolutionary algorithm design (i.e. the employed components and their interactions) into both convincing writing and oral communication.

The student can implement in the Python programming language a complete evolutionary algorithm pipeline, including objective function, representation, selection operators, variation operators, elimination operators, local search operators, diversity promotion mechanisms, and multi-objective optimization techniques from scratch. They can recognize, interpret, analyze, and resolve common problems arising in evolutionary algorithms, such as loss of diversity, misalignment of the selective pressure, misalignment of exploration versus exploitation, and computational bottlenecks.

Previous knowledge

Basic undergraduate courses in informatics (programming, algorithms, data structures) and mathematics (statistics, calculus). The following specific items are assumed to be known:


  • Good programming skills in Python (or Julia)
  • Elementary data structures (arrays, lists, matrices)
  • Graphs (definition, basic graph algorithms like shortest path computation)
  • Elementary theoretical computer science (computational problems, P vs. NP) is a bonus


  • Multivariate functions
  • Minimization and maximization
  • Partial and full derivatives
  • Gradients of multivariate functions


  • Normal distribution
  • Random variables
  • Probability density function, cumulative density function
  • Mean, variance, standard deviation

Is included in these courses of study


Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Lecture (B-KUL-H02D1a)

1.8 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


High-level contents and materials

  • Lecture 1: Introduction
  • Lecture 2: Problems, representation, and variation
  • Lecture 3: Population management
  • Online module 1: Local search operators 
  • Online module 2: Multiobjective optimization and diversity promotion
  • Online case study modules: Hands-on programming exercises

Detailed contents

Basics of evolutionary algorithms

  • Exploration versus exploitation
  • Computational and optimization problems
  • Objective function
  • Representation
  • Constraints
  • Variation operators
  • Selection and elimination operators
  • Hyperparameter self-adaptivity

Local search operators

  • Steepest descent
  • Monte Carlo sampling
  • k-opt

Multi-objective optimization and diversity promotion

  • Crowding
  • Island model
  • Fitness sharing
  • Scalarization (fixed tradeoff)
  • Pareto front

Course material

Study cost: 51-75 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Slides, online videos, textbook (e-book).

Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Exercises (B-KUL-H00H1a)

0.6 ECTS : Practical 10 First termFirst term


The exercises consists of four guided sessions during which (most of) the group phase of the project is executed. For the group phase you will be assigned to balanced groups of 3-5 students. Attendance to the exercise sessions is mandatory, and non-participation results in a final mark of NA.

In the four exercise sessions, a basic evolutionary algorithm will be designed. The content of the sessions are:

  • Design of an elementary evolutionary algorithm
  • Computer implementation of an evolutionary algorithm in Python
  • Experimentation with the algorithm and reporting
  • Reading reports and providing peer feedback to other groups

Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing: Project (B-KUL-H08M3a)

1.6 ECTS : Assignment 40 First termFirst term


The students undertake a two-phase project. The first phase is a group work in which the students analyze a model problem and design, implement, and test an evolutionary algorithm in the Python programming language. This phase is concluded by a peer feedback assignment in which the students analyse one or more designs from other teams and provide feedback on them. The second phase is performed individually by each student, in which they analyze the results from their group phase, and based on the acquired insights, design, implement, and test improved variation and local search operators, selection mechanisms, diversity promotion schemes, among others. The students report the results of their analysis (results, computational performance, strengths and weaknesses, among others) via two reports, one for each phase. 

The reports will be discussed on the oral exam and, along with additional general questions, constitute the majority of the grade for this course. See the evaluation section for more details.


Evaluation: Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing (B-KUL-H22D1a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


The evaluation is oral without written preparation. The exam consists of a short discussion of the project and open theoretical questions about the course with the project as potential case study.

The score of the exam is the sum of the score of the group phase of the project, the individual phase of the project, and the exam.

If the student fails to participate in one of the components of the project (exercises, peer feedback, individual programming, individual report), the outcome of the exam is NA.

Information about retaking exams

The retake exam consists of an updated project assignment for the take-home exam and an oral exam without written preparation. The setup of the exam and scoring is the same as in the first examination period, except that the group phase must be completed individually if its previous outcome was NA. The updated assignment will be uploaded after the closing of the second examination period to Toledo. The deadline of the project will be at least one week before the opening of the third examination period.

The score of the exam is determined according to the same modalities as in the first exam attempt.

ECTS Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02D2A)

4 ECTS English 47 First termFirst term
De Raedt Luc (coordinator) |  De Laet Tinne |  De Raedt Luc


The student understands and appreciates the role and need for uncertainty in artificial intelligence systems.

The student knows, understands and is able to apply the graphical model approach for dealing with uncertainty; they are familiar with the key concepts and algorithms underlying graphical models such as Bayesian networks (directed graphical models), Markov networks (Markov random field, undirected graphical model), Factor graphs, and Hidden Markov models such as modelling, inference and learning. They are familiar with applications of these techniques.

The student understands how techniques for reasoning about uncertainty can be integrated with logic for reasoning and learning.

Previous knowledge

The student is familiar with the basic concepts of discrete probability and mathematics.
Knowledge of calculus is useful but not required.

Is included in these courses of study


Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Lecture (B-KUL-H02D2a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 17 First termFirst term


Bayesian probability theory: modelling, inference, reasoning, decision making

Graphical models -- Bayesian networks, Markov Networks and Factor Graphs

Independence in graphical models

Inference algorithms 

Hidden and observable parameters


Dynamic systems (such as Hidden Markov Models and Kalman Filters)

Combining logic with graphical models


Course material

The  course is based on (selected) parts of David Barber's forthcoming book on Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning, available from and some additional materials.

Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Exercises (B-KUL-H00H2a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 15 First termFirst term


There are around 6 exercise sessions (mostly with pen and paper) on various aspects of uncertainty reasoning and graphical models.

Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Project (B-KUL-H08M4a)

0.5 ECTS : Assignment 15 First termFirst term


Each year students have to make one or more assignments and hand in their solution. This can take the form of traditional exercises or of a small project with software for graphical models.

Format: more information

The project consists of one or more assignments, possibly involving tasks with implementations of graphical models.


Evaluation: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H22D2a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator


The evaluation consists of 
    closed book exam (with the use of a formularium, during the exam period, by far the most important part of the evalution), and 
    reports on the assignments.

Information about retaking exams

The exam can be retaken but the assignments cannot be retaken.

ECTS Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications (B-KUL-H02D3A)

4 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


After a brief introduction to the basics of statistical decision theory and pattern recognition this course focuses on methods of support vector machines for classification and regression. Support vector machine models make use of kernel functions (including e.g. linear, polynomial, radial basis function and spline kernels). In general it relates to several kernel based learning methods. The solutions typically follow from solving convex optimisation problems. Besides problems of supervised learning methods for unsupervised learning such as kernel principal component analysis are discussed as well. Support vector models are typically able to learn and generalise in very high dimensional input spaces. In this course the methods will be illustrated by examples and applications in datamining, bioinformatics, biomedicine, text-mining, finance and others.

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of linear algebra.

Identical courses

H02D3B: Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications

Is included in these courses of study


Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Lecture (B-KUL-H02D3a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


- Introduction and motivation
- Basics of statistical decision theory and pattern recognition
- Basics of convex optimisation theory, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, primal and dual problems
- Maximal margin classifier, linear SVM classifiers, separable and non-separable case
- Kernel trick and Mercer theorem, nonlinear SVM classifiers, choice of the kernel function, special kernels suitable for textmining
- Applications: classification of microarray data in bioinformatics, classification problems in biomedicine
- VC theory and structural risk minimisation, generalisation error versus empirical risk, estimating the VC dimension of SVM classifiers, optimal tuning of SVMs
- SVMs for nonlinear function estimation
- Least squares support vector machines, issues of sparseness and robustness, Bayesian framework, probabilistic interpretations, automatic relevance determination and input selection, links with Gaussian processes and regularisation networks, function estimation in RKHS.
- Applications: time-series prediction, finance  
- Kernel versions of classical pattern recognition algorithms, kernel Fisher discriminant analysis
- Kernel trick in unsupervised learning: kernel based clustering, SVM and kernel based density estimation, kernel principal component analysis, kernel canonical correlation analysis
- Applications: datamining, bioinformatics
- Methods for large scale data sets, approximation to the feature map (Nystrom method, Random Fourier features), estimation in the primal
- SVM extensions to recurrent models and control; Kernel spectral clustering; Deep learning and kernel machines; attention and transformers from a kernel machines perspective.


(10 lectures (2 hours) + 3 computer exercise sessions)


Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

The course material is largely based on the textbook
J.A.K. Suykens, T. Van Gestel, J. De Brabanter, B. De Moor, J. Vandewalle,  Least Squares Support Vector Machines, World Scientific, Singapore, 2002 (ISBN 981-238-151-1)
Related books:
Cristianini N., Shawe-Taylor J., An introduction to support vector machines,  Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Schoelkopf B., Burges C., Smola A., Advances in Kernel Methods: Support Vector Learning,  MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998.
Schoelkopf B., Smola A., Learning with Kernels,  MIT Press, Cambridge, 2002
Vapnik V., Statistical learning theory, John Wiley, New-York, 1998.

Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications: Exercises (B-KUL-H00H3a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term

Format: more information

3 computer exercise sessions


Evaluation: Support Vector Machines: Methods and Applications (B-KUL-H22D3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Individually written report about the exercise sessions, with additional oral discussion.

ECTS Foundations of Formal Theories of Language (B-KUL-H02D4A)

4 ECTS English 26 Not organisedNot organised Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Semiotics, the general theory of sign-processes and languages, considers three aspects under which these processes may be studied, viz. a syntactic one, a semantic one, and a pragmatic one. The aim of this course is to introduce and discuss foundational issues concerning these aspects within the framework of what could, generally, be called the formal and computational study of natural language as it developed during the second half of this century. Students should be able to evaluate critically recent formal theories of language.

Previous knowledge

Familiarity with propositional and predicate logic.


Foundations of Formal Theories of Language (B-KUL-H02D4a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Not organisedNot organised


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the field of formal semantics. Formal semantics is the study of meaning by making use of logico-mathematical tools and is rooted in modern logic, the philosophy of language, and linguistics. The course is structured in four parts:

(1) Introduction to formal semantics and some of its main assumptions, propositional logic, predicate logic, and some variants on, and deviations from, standard logic. This part concludes with a discussion of notions of meaning that go beyond truth-conditional approaches.

(2) Extension/intension distinction and focus on intensional propositional and intensional predicate logic. The student is also introduced to the theory of types, categorial grammar and the notion of lambda abstraction.

(3) Intensional theory of types and Montague grammar.

(4) Recent developments in formal semantics: theory of generalized quantifiers, situation semantics, and discourse representation theory (depending on the progress made by, and interests of, the students).

Course material

The course will be based on the following two volumes:

1) Gamut, L.T.F. Logic, Language, and Meaning. Volume 1: Introduction to Logic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

2) Gamut, L.T.F. Logic, Language, and Meaning. Volume 2: Intensional Logic and Logical Grammar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Slides and extra background material will be made available on Toledo.

Format: more information

Students are required to attend and actively participate during the lectures. After each class, there will be assigned exercises that the students are supposed to prepare at home for the next class.


Evaluation: Foundations of Formal Theories of Language (B-KUL-H22D4a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


Evaluation is based on a written examination with open questions. Closed book. It consists of theoretical questions and exercises.

ECTS Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02D5A)

4 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Students should be able to reflect critically on the philosophical questions about AI.

Previous knowledge

No specific requirements.

Is included in these courses of study


Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H02D5a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


The course focuses on two kinds of questions regarding AI:

1. Metaphysical questions: Can machines think? Do robots have consciousness? Etc.

2. Ethical questions: Does AI create a responsibility gap? How should we deal with bias? Etc.

Course material

Papers and slides/notes.

Language of instruction: more information


Format: more information

Most of the classes are classical lectures, two classes consist of discussions between students on papers.


Evaluation: Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence (B-KUL-H22D5a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : None


The exam consists of both open questions and closed questions (multiple choice). The closed questions are corrected with a guess correction.

ECTS Master's Thesis ECS (B-KUL-H02D6A)

15 ECTS English 405 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


The master's test is the program component which is most strongly targeted towards achieving the end terms of the program as a whole, as they are formulated in the didactic reference framework. The master's test addresses these issues to their full extent. In particular, the goals of the master's test are that students should acquire the ability to
- formulate research goals,
- determine trajectories that achieve these goals,
- collect and select information relevant to achieve the research goals,
- interpret the collected information on the basis of a critical research attitude, and
- report on the results of the research in a concise and intelligible way, both in written form and in oral form.
In the ECS-option, an additional aim is that the students obtain practical skills in developing A.I.-systems.

Previous knowledge

Students should be able to comprehend and critically evaluate research papers related to the topic of their master's test. Some required knowledge on basic techniques, methods, systems developed in A.I. is introduced in introductory courses in the beginning of the first semester in order to support the better understanding of such papers early in the academic year. Other more advanced issues in A.I. may only be offered later in the program, when the specific courses on these topics start.
The majority of the thesis work is assumed to take place during the second semester of the academic year, when students have built up sufficient prior knowledge on the field.

Is included in these courses of study


Master's Thesis ECS (B-KUL-H02D6a)

15 ECTS : Master's thesis 405 Both termsBoth terms


Students take active part in research related questions within one of the sub-domains of A.I. In particular, students select one of the research projects offered by the involved research units. They work independently, but guided by the staff of the research unit, to perform the research work required for the selected project.
In the ECS-option, the thesis-project should involve the development of or the experimentation with a small-scale AI-system. Part of the master's thesis should consist of a critical positioning of the topic of the thesis-project within the broader setting of A.I.

In addition to the possibility of developing and writing a master thesis, the students also have the possibility to do a company project of 15 weeks or a project within a research institute, either in Belgium or abroad. The main activities of the internship are:
- prepare a detailed job description for the internship; this is done in collaboration with a staff member of the host institution (the supervisor) and has to be endorsed by a staff member of the MAI Faculty (the academic promoter).
- carry out the project which is specified in the job description under the supervision of a staff member of the host institution; send monthly progress reports.
- write a report which summarizes the results of the project work; it should have at least 20 pages (annexes not included).
- oral presentation and defense of the report.



Evaluation: Master's Thesis ECS (B-KUL-H22D6a)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer


The Master’s Thesis is evaluated by a jury of at least 3 people: the promotor, the daily supervisor and one ore more assessors. This will occur on the basis of 3 aspects:

1. The process: the work done during the year (independence, critical sense, inventivity, creativity, grade of difficulty)

2. The product: the final project and/or the text (scientific contents, style, language, care, readability, structure)

3. The presentation and oral questioning (style, language, care, structure, completeness, use of time)

ECTS Multi-Agent Systems (B-KUL-H02H4A)

4 ECTS English 32 Not organisedNot organised Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course studies the research area of multi-agent systems.  Multi-agent systems are particularly interesting for modeling and developing a wide range of distributed applications, including internet applications, distributed control systems, robotics, and self-managing systems.

In particular, the course aims to:
- provide an introduction and overview of software models and techniques for multi-agent systems – for behavior decision making, planning and coordination;
- provide a general perspective on the domain of collective and cooperative behaviour;
- provide a conceptual framework for distributed problem solving, based on recent research in this area.


Previous knowledge

  • Basic concepts and techniques on AI
  • Object-oriented programming (Java, C++, …) – for programming exercises and task.

Is included in these courses of study


Multi-Agent Systems: Lecture (B-KUL-H02H4a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 24 Not organisedNot organised



  • Agents and autonomy, agents vs. objects, agents vs. expert systems
  • Cooperative vs competitive multi-agent systems
  • Distributed vs centralised vs decentralised
  • Task- vs state- vs worth-oriented domains
  • Application domains
    • cyberphysical systems (CPS) - robotics, logistics, automated driving
    • agent-based modelling
  • Agent, multi-agent systems and software engineering


Autonomous agents & agent architectures

  • deliberative / theoretical reasoning agents
  • reactive and behaviour-based agents, Brooks’ subsumption architecture, Agent network architecture
  • practical reasoning agents - belief-desire-intention (BDI)
  • horizontally and vertically layered architectures


Automated planning & acting

  • Planning vs acting
    • descriptive vs operational models
  • Planning: models, properties & algorithms
    • Deterministic / classical planning
    • Temporal planning
    • Non-deterministic planning & discretization
    • Probabilistic planning
    • Hierarchical task networks
  • PDDL


Multi-agent planning

  • POCL planning
  • Parallel POCL planning
  • Multi-agent POCL planning


Multi-agent task allocation

  • contract net + variants (incl dynamic, with confirmation)
  • task trees and subtree bidding
  • gradient fields
  • agent negotiations for task re-distribution
    • deals, conflict deal, Zeuthen strategy


Swarm intelligence

  • emergent behaviour, self-organization
  • stigmergy
  • ACO (ant colony optimisation) - TSP, AntNet, AntSystem


Delegate MAS for large-scale dynamic coordination and control applications

  • task & resource agents
  • exploration, intention and feasibility
  • case study - manufacturing control & logistics


Competitive multi-agent systems & game theory

  • non-cooperative game theory
  • coalitional game theory

Course material

  • An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems - Second Edition, M. Wooldridge, 2009.
  • M. Ghallab, D. Nau, P. Traverso, “Automated planning and acting” -, 2016
  • Various papers and book chapters from literature.

Multi-Agent Systems: Project (B-KUL-H08M2a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 8 Not organisedNot organised


A scientific project aims at experiencing the challenges as well as the opportunities that multi-agent systems entail in distributed problem solving. The project includes a limited literature study, practical development, evaluation, reporting.


Evaluation: Multi-Agent Systems (B-KUL-H22H4a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Closed questions, Open questions


  • Questions & exercises on the covered concepts and techniques for MAS-based modeling and problem solving
  • Discussion of project work

ECTS Cybernetics and its Applications in Physiology and Biological Sciences (B-KUL-H02H5A)

4 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The general aim of the course is that the students will understand how living organisms process and use information in communication, computation, control and self-organization. Therefore the students first have to learn the general principles of the theory and methods of cybernetics, such as information, complexity and control theories: they should acquire an understanding of the essence and the universal and quantitative nature of information, of the general principles of processes and information processing, and of the use of information for control and regulation. They should learn how to apply the theory to simple cases. Through selected applications, they have to become acquainted with the large variety of forms and mechanisms of information processing in cells, organisms and communities.

Previous knowledge

At least a two years undergraduate programme, or admission to the programme of Master in Artificial Intelligence.

Is included in these courses of study


Cybernetics and its Applications in Physiology and Biological Sciences (B-KUL-H02H5a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The course consists of a theoretical section and a part with different applications to physiological and biological systems.
What is information, how can the quantity of information be measured, what are the limits of information processing and how can information be used? These problems are studied in:
- communication (Shannon information theory): entropy and information, coding and transmission, redundancy, error-detection and correction.
- computation (complexity theory): Turing machines, randomness and algorithmic complexity, complexity and induction.
- control (control theory): study of processes: transfer function, transiënt analysis en harmonic analysis feedback systems: analysis, properties and stability.
- self organization (second-order cybernetics): chaos and order in complex interacting systems. 

A choice is made (in consultation with the students) from a large and yearly changing list of different applications of the theory to processes of interactions in and between organisms. Topics are selected especially from physiological and biological applications (including neuro- and psycho-physiology), but emphasizing the fundamental and universal meaning of information processing by referring to examples from other domains. Examples of these topics are:
- Information capacity of receptors and neurons; stochastic resonance in receptors; Long Term Potentiation; information processing and memory and learning.
- Genetical information processing: coding, capacity, transmission and error correction
- Immunological information processing: recognition and clonal section, diversity.
- The DNA computer.
- Coding, compression and storage of voice, music, images and data; telecommunication.
- Thermodynamic entropy and information and complexity.
- Implications of information- and complexity theory for knowledge theory.
- The photoreceptor
- The cerebral ischemia reflex; pupil reflex; muscle spindle and reflex control of posture.
- Hunger and thirst; temperature regulation and other mechanisms of homeostasis.
- Self organization and natural selection in evolution; the emergence of cooperativity.


The course consists of a theoretical section and a part with different applications to physiological and biological systems.

Theory: What is information, how can the quantity of information be measured, what are the limits of information processing and how can information be used? These problems are studied in:
- communication (Shannon information theory): entropy and information, coding and transmission, redundancy, error-detection and correction. 
- computation (complexity theory): Turing machines, randomness and algorithmic complexity, complexity and induction.    
- control (control theory): study of processes: transfer function, transiënt analysis en harmonic analysis feedback systems: analysis, properties and stability.
- self organization (second-order cybernetics): chaos and order in complex interacting systems. 

Applications: A choice is made (in consultation with the students) from a large and yearly changing list of different applications of the theory to processes of interactions in and between organisms. Topics are selected especially from physiological and biological applications (including neuro- and psycho-physiology), but emphasizing the fundamental and universal meaning of information processing by referring to examples from other domains. Examples of these topics are:
- Information capacity of receptors and neurons; stochastic resonance in receptors; Long Term Potentiation; information processing and memory and learning.
- Genetical information processing: coding, capacity, transmission and error correction
- Immunological information processing: recognition and clonal section, diversity.
- The DNA computer.
- Coding, compression and storage of voice, music, images and data; telecommunication.
- Thermodynamic entropy and information and complexity.
- Implications of information- and complexity theory for knowledge theory.
- The cerebral ischemia reflex; pupil reflex; muscle spindle and reflex control of posture; hunger and thirst; temperature regulation and other mechanisms of homeostasis.
- Self organization and natural selection in evolution; the emergence of cooperativity.

Course material

Course notes are available for the theoretical sections. For most of the applications also course notes are available, which include extensive references to recent reviews and material available on Internet. For a few applications use is made of recent reviews.

Format: more information



Evaluation: Cybernetics and its Applications in Physiology and Biological Sciences (B-KUL-H22H5a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


     oral exam with written preparation
     during exam period
    closed book

ECTS Bio-informatics (B-KUL-H02H6B)

4 ECTS English 20 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The course describes data-mining methods in bioinformatics. The biological content is kept to a bare minimum. The focus is on probabilistic models (sequence alignment as dynamic programming, Expectation-Maximization, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods). The content is very relevant to data-mining applications outside bioinformatics. The emphasis lies on the basic concepts underlying probabilistic methods and how they are transformed into practical applications.

The first objective of the course is for students to acquire a coherent understanding of the main probabilistic models, optimization criteria, and optimization algorithms used in bioinformatics:
* Models: generative models, hidden Markov models, breakpoint change models
* Estimation and inference: maximum likelihood, maximum a posteriori, Bayesian inference
* Algorithms: dynamic programming, Expectation-Maximization, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling.

Also, through the study of the diverse applications of such models to biological problems, the course aims at developing the capacity of the student to translate simple biological problems into data analysis problems using probabilistic models. Finally, students will also develop the capacity to derive appropriate algorithms for the optimization of a given probabilistic model.

Previous knowledge

Actual fluency in calculus and with the basic concepts of probability theory and statistics.

Is included in these courses of study


Bio-informatics (B-KUL-H02H6a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


1. Introduction to molecular biology
    - DNA
    - RNA
    - Proteins
2. Sequence alignment
    - Dynamic programming
    - Global and local alignment
    - BLAST
3. Introduction to Bayesian statistics
    - The Cox-Jaynes axioms
    - Maximum likelihood, maximum a posteriori, and Bayesian inference
    - Dirichlet distributions and pseudocounts

4. Hidden Markov Models  (HMMs)
      - Viterbi decoding
      - Forward-backward algorithm
      - HMM estimation with known paths
      - Viterbi learning
      - Baum-Welch algorithm

5. Applications of HMMs
    - Modeling protein families
    - Gene prediction
6. Expectation-Maximization for clustering and motif finding
    - The EM algorithm
    - EM for clustering
    - EM for motif finding
7. Gibbs sampling for motif finding and biclustering
    - Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods
    - Gibbs sampling
    - Motif finding

Course material

R. Durbin, A. Krogh, G. Mitchinson, S. Eddy, "Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids", Cambride University Press, 1999.

Powerpoint slides

Handwritten notes


Evaluation: Bio-informatics (B-KUL-H22H6b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


The exam consists of three questions:
* 1 theoretical question (e.g., describe one of the algorithms of the course)
* 1 theoretical exercise (e.g., derive a new relationship relevant to the material of the course)
* 1 practical exercise (e.g., apply one of the algorithms to a simple case)

ECTS Master's Thesis SLT (B-KUL-H02J9B)

15 ECTS English 540 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


The Master's test is the program component which is most strongly targeted towards achieving the end terms of the program as a whole, as they are formulated in the didactic reference framework. The master's test addresses these issues to their full extent. In particular, the goals of the master's test are that students should acquire the ability to
- formulate research goals,
- determine trajectories that achieve these goals,
- collect and select information relevant to achieve the research goals,
- interpret the collected information on the basis of a critical research attitude, and
- report on the results of the research in a concise and intelligible way, both in written form and in oral form.
In the SLT-option, an additional aim is that the students obtain practical skills in speech and/or language processing.

Previous knowledge

The Master's test takes place during the second semester of the academic year, after all other program components have ended.

Is included in these courses of study


Master's Thesis SLT (B-KUL-H02J9a)

15 ECTS : Master's thesis 540 Both termsBoth terms


In addition to the possibility of developing and writing a master thesis, the students also have the possibility to do a company project of 15 weeks or a project within a research institute, either in Belgium or abroad. The main activities of the internship are:
- prepare a detailed job description for the internship; this is done in collaboration with a staff member of the host institution (the supervisor) and has to be endorsed by a staff member of the MAI Faculty (the promoter).
- carry out the project which is specified in the job description under the supervision of a staff member of the host institution; send monthly progress reports to the promoter.
- write a report which summarizes the results of the project work; it should have around 20 pages (annexes not included).
- oral presentation and defense of the report.

See also:

for more information.



Evaluation: Master's Thesis SLT (B-KUL-H22J9b)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer


The Master’s Thesis is evaluated by a jury of at least 3 people: the promotor, the daily supervisor and one ore more assessors. This will occur on the basis of 3 aspects:

1. The process: the work done during the year (independence, critical sense, inventivity, creativity, grade of difficulty)

2. The product: the final project and/or the text (scientific contents, style, language, care, readability, structure)

3. The presentation and oral questioning (style, language, care, structure, completeness, use of time)

ECTS Brain Computer Interfaces (B-KUL-H08M0A)

4 ECTS English 31 Second termSecond term


Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are aimed at creating a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device, bypassing the need for an embodiment. Research in this field has witnessed a spectacular development, and BCIs are nowadays regarded as one of the most successful engineering applications of the neurosciences. Indeed, such systems can provide a significant improvement of the quality of life of neurologically impaired patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, brain/spinal cord injury, muscular dystrophy, etc. In addition, it also been used in communication-, motor revalidation-, motor substitution- and entertainment applications (gaming).

In this course, first basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the brain is given, and of the type of signals that are recorded for BCI purposes. Then, the invasive BCIs are discussed, what type of signal features are extracted, and how classifiers and regressors are built. Several case studies are discussed: text spelling, robot arm and exoskeleton control, speech and handwriting decoding.

Then, the noninvasive BCIs are discussed, thereby mostly concentrating on the EEG-based ones. Several case studies are introduced, involving text spelling, semantics, emotion detection,...

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of signal processing.

Is included in these courses of study


Brain Computer Interfaces: Lectures (B-KUL-H08M0a)

3.5 ECTS : Lecture 21 Second termSecond term


1. Introduction

Definition of Brain Computer Interfaces.

Types of interfaces (invasive and noninvasive), developments and testing, applications.

2. Basic principles of Neuroscience

Anatomy and physiology of human and monkey brain.

Brain signals: spikes, local field potentials (LFPs), electrocorticography (ECoG), EEG, fMRI,...

3. Invasive BCI

Definition, type of signals (spikes, LFPs, ECoGs), recording methodology, recording sites, signal conditioning, feature construction, feature selection, decoding (classification/regression). Examples of invasive BCIs: text spelling, decoding and tracking arm (hand) position, controlling prosthetic devices such as orthotic hands, robot arms and exeskeletons, speech and handwrtiing decoding.

4. Noninvasive BCI

Definition, type of signals (EEG, fMRI), comparison with invasive BCI (lower spatial and/or temporal resolution), signal conditioning, feature construction, feature selection, decoding (classification/regression).

Examples of noninvasive BCIs based on visually evoked potentials (VEPs) mu-rhythms, event-related potentials (ERPs).

Course material

Course material downloadable from Toledo.

Language of instruction: more information


Format: more information

Regular ex-cathedra teaching with case studies and examples to promote student interaction (questions).

Brain Computer Interfaces: Exercises (B-KUL-H08M1a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term


2 lab sessions are planned during which the student gets hand-on experience with EEG-based BCI.

Course material

Matlab code provided during lab session.

Language of instruction: more information


Format: more information

The student will perform an EEG experiment and analyse the results using available Matlab code.


Evaluation: Brain Computer Interfaces (B-KUL-H28M0a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Closed questions
Learning material : None


Written exam. Example questions are available from the course's Toledo page.

ECTS Reinforcement Learning (B-KUL-H0O23A)

4 ECTS English 33 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course will familiarise the students with the domains of planning and reinforcement learning, which is concerned with sequential decision making and learning in intelligent agents.


After following this course, students will

- have a deep understanding of Markov Decision Processes and their role in planning and reinforcement learning,

- understand different settings studied in AI, especially in sequential decision making and reinforcement learning,

including full vs partial observability, online vs offline, model-based vs model-free, single vs multi-agent,  and Markovian vs non-Markovian.

- have an overview of the existing techniques and algorithms for planning and reinforcement learning under different conditions,

- understand how these techniques work, why they work, and when they work,

- be able to incorporate these techniques into intelligent agents, AI systems, and their applications,

- be up-to-date with the current state of the art and be able to familiarize himself with new research results in the area.

Previous knowledge

Knowledge of Machine Learning, and Neural Networks

Order of Enrolment


H02C1AH02C1A : Machine Learning and Inductive Inference
H0E96AH0E96A : Beginselen van machine learning
H0E98AH0E98A : Principles of Machine Learning

Is included in these courses of study


Reinforcement Learning: Lecture (B-KUL-H0O23a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


Introduction to planning and reinforcement learning


Multi-armed bandits and their algorithms

            -- exploration vs exploitation

            -- rewards and regret

            -- greedy algorithms

            -- upper confidence bounds


Markov Decision Processes and their variants

            -- Bellman Equations

            -- Policies and value functions

            -- Optimality

            -- Partial and full observability


Dynamic Programming

            -- Policy evaluation, improvement and iteration

            -- Value iteration


Monte Carlo Methods


Temporal-difference learning

            - TD Prediction

            - Q-learning

            - Sarsa

            - On-policy vs off-policy

            - n-Step bootstrapping


Planning and learning with tabular methods

            -- Dyna : integrated planning, acting and learning

            -- Real time dynamic programming

            -- Monte-Carlo tree search



Approximate methods

            -- Value function approximation

            -- Gradient methods

            -- on-policy and off-policy variants


Policy gradient methods           

            -- Policy approximation

            -- Policy gradients

            -- Actor Critic


Contemporary topics

            - Deep Reinforcement learning

            - multi-agent reinforcement learning

            - shielding and safe reinforcement learning

            - relational reinforcement learning and traditional planning



Applications in game playing and beyond

Course material

Sutton and Barto, Reinforcement learning: an Introduction, 2nd Edition.

Additional materials on Toledo.

Reinforcement Learning: Exercises (B-KUL-H0O24a)

1 ECTS : Practical 15 Second termSecond term


6 sessions of 2.5 hours and some assignments


The exercise sessions practice the concepts, models and techniques seen in the lectures.

Course material

The exercise material will be made available on Toledo


Evaluation: Reinforcement Learning (B-KUL-H2O23a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None


The evaluation consists of a written exam in the exam period and permanent evaluation during the semester:


The closed book exam consists of a theoretical part and an exercise part

The permanent evaluation part involves applying the material seen in the lectures and exercises in a new context (practical)

Information about retaking exams

The result of the permanent evaluation is carried over to the third examination period, but not to a following academic year.

ECTS AI Ethics & Regulation (B-KUL-H0P05A)

4 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Kuczerawy Aleksandra (substitute)


Students have good insight in the ethical and legal frameworks that should steer the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI), or more broadly, autonomous and intelligent systems (A/IS). They understand the nature of law and ethics and the similarities and differences between the two; they also understand the interactions between law and ethics, law and technology, and ethics and technology. They have insight into fundamental human values that underpin ethics and law, and are able to critically reflect, in light of those fundamental values and principles, on AI-driven innovations in a number of sectors (like insurance, automated vehicles, media, health care, etc.). They are able to implement normative principles in risk anticipation processes and mitigation strategies, also in cases where relevant applicable law is not available or not yet developed.

Previous knowledge

No specific previous knowledge required

Is included in these courses of study


AI Ethics & Regulation: Lecture (B-KUL-H0P05a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term
N. |  Kuczerawy Aleksandra (substitute)


The lectures are structured in following modules spread over 13 lectures:

Introduction (3 lectures)

  • What are the various normative mechanisms in society? Cf. Lessig
  • What is the nature of ethics and law?
    - Brief introduction to ethics and law
  • What are the similarities and the differences between ethics and law?
  • Where does ethics enter law?
  • In what ways can ethics provide answers where relevant applicable law is not (yet) available
  • How do law and ethics, law and technology, ethics and technology interact?
    - Brief introduction to the technological determinism vs constructionism debate
    - Normative consequences of the mutual interactions between technological developments and fundamental ethical and legal concepts and outlooks (e.g. autonomy, personhood, etc.)
  • What are the latest developments in Europe (and around the world) in terms of guidelines and standards on ethical (or trustworthy) AI?


Requirements of trustworthy AI: Ethical and legal perspectives, critical discussion and implementation (3 lectures)

  • Autonomy and personhood: Human agency and oversight, responsibility, accountability, and liability
  • Safety and security: Societal and environmental wellbeing, Technical robustness and safety
  • Justice: Diversity, non-discrimination, equality and fairness
  • Enforcement and regulatory oversight mechanisms (technical and non-technical methods); whistleblowing regulation.

Dual Use: ethical backdrop, policies and implementation (1 lecture)


Case studies (5 lectures) – for instance:

  • media & fake news
  • automated driving
  • banking and insurance
  • judiciary
  • health/enhancement

Comparison EU with non-EU perspectives on ethical / trustworthy AI (1 lecture)

Course material

Electronic reader on Toledo (consisting of legal and policy documents, research articles, etc.)


Evaluation: AI Ethics & Regulation (B-KUL-H2P05a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions


The duration of the written exam is 2 hours. De duur van het schriftelijk examen is twee uur.

ECTS Scripting Languages (B-KUL-H0P66A)

4 ECTS English 14 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course aims to familiarize students with the basic principles of programming by introducing them to a contemporary scripting language, viz. Python. Students are introduced to the basic concepts of a programming language and learn how the language can be used to build more complex applications, with a particular focus on digital humanities. Specific attention is given to the development of abstraction and algorithmic thinking. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the basic methodological skills necessary for the computational exploration of digital humanities research questions within their own research.

Identical courses

G0W95B: Scripting Languages

Is included in these courses of study


Scripting Languages: Lecture (B-KUL-H0P66a)

2 ECTS : Lecture 2 First termFirst term


The course covers the following topics:

  • Basic concepts of programming: In this part, the different building blocks of programming are introduced using the Python programming language. The topics covered include data types, data structures, variables, conditions, functions, and import and export of data.
  • Regular Expressions: This part goes into detail on describing patterns for recognising and searching text by means of regular expressions. Specific attention is given to the use of regular expressions within Python scripts.
  • Object Oriented Programming: This part discusses the basics of object oriented programming, a programming paradigm used to structure programs in a clear and reusable way. Some more advanced programming concepts, such as errors and exception management, are also covered.
  • Digital humanities applications: in the last part, a number of applications within the field of digital humanities are explored. Some existing Python libraries are examined that facilitate data processing. Data visualisation, internet data manipulation, and manipulation of image data are among the subjects covered.

Course material

Course material in the form of lecture slides, and interactive programming exercises in the form of Jupyter notebooks

Scripting Languages: Exercises (B-KUL-H0P67a)

0.5 ECTS : Practical 12 First termFirst term


Programming exercises on the topics covered in the course

Course material

Electronic handouts in the form of Jupyter notebooks

Scripting Languages: Projects (B-KUL-H0P68a)

1.5 ECTS : Assignment 0 First termFirst term


Practical assignments on the topics of the course

Course material

Electronic handouts in the form of Jupyter notebooks


Evaluation: Scripting Languages (B-KUL-H2P66a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam, Paper/Project


Evaluation is based on a number of assignments during the semester, and on an exercise exam at the end of the course.

Information about retaking exams

Assignments cannot be redone, only the exercise exam can be redone.

ECTS Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks (B-KUL-H0T26A)

4 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The goal of this course is to provide students with deep knowledge and insight in social network
analysis applied on large scale data. As a result they will be able to design, implement and finalize an
analysis project on huge graph datasets with special attention for the relevance of the proposed
solution for the requested application. To achieve this goal, the students will learn basic concepts
of network analysis and get acquainted with advanced analytical methodologies and network
visualizations. They will learn to model the available data in an appropriate manner for storing,
processing and querying network data. They will gain experience with different implementations and
several software tools and they will be able to review the features of these in the light of
performance and the requirements set by the application. They will be able to translate the needs of
specific applications towards concepts and methods in social network analysis and present findings
of the analysis. The students will have the opportunity to train their acquired knowledge on real world
datasets and to communicate their findings with their peers.
The course will focus strongly on the applicability, performance and scalability of the proposed
solutions in a big]data environment and the course will never lose sight of the requirements and
expectations from the real]world application.

Previous knowledge

Students taking this course must have succesfully followed or must simultatiously follow the course Inductive Inferrence or an equivalent course.

Basics of Probability Distributions
Programming (preferably Java)
Elementary knowledge of linear algebra
The student should be able to analyze, summarize and interpret scientific publications

Is included in these courses of study


Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks: Lectures (B-KUL-H0T26a)

2.5 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


The content of this course can be divided into three main parts: Fundamentals, Data, and Implementations and Tools. However, the course will not pass through these parts in a linear manner, but deal with separate topics when most appropriate. As an example, after introducing basic concepts like graph or matrix representation, tools like Pajek or Gephi are discussed. Another example is the advantage of graph databases like Neo4J for graph traversal like Breadth First over traditional relational databases.

Part I: Fundamentals
• Basic Concepts: Undirected and directed network, weighted network, bipartite network; nodes, links and their general properties
• Vector Space Model; matrix representation
• Graph Theory: vertex, edge
• Centrality measures like degree, closeness, betweenness, PageRank,
• Connectedness, Clustering Coefficient, Neighborhood
• Graph traversal schemes: Breadth First Search and Depth]First Search, Shortest path
• Partitioning, Clustering and Community Detection
• Different Random Graph Models: Erdös]Renyi; Barabasi]Albert, Watts & Strogatz
• Hubs, Preferential Attachment, Cumulative Advantage, small world networks

Part II: Data
• Graph data representation in adjacency matrices, weighted matrices or as a set of pairs
• Additional data matrices: Degree matrix and Laplacian Matrix
• Graph Processing: Creation of sub]networks or reduction, Graph Concatenation, Hybrid links
• Graph Databases: e.g. Neo4J and Cypher query language

Part III: Implementations and Tools
• Visualizations: Energy or Spring Models: Kamada]Kawaii, Force Atlas; Multi Dimensional Scaling
• Algorithms: eg. Dijkstra’s, A*; Approximations
• Performance of graph algorithms on large graph instances
• Time and Space Complexity of algorithms
• Advantages/Disadvantages of Parallelism and Map]Reduce
• Green Marl as a Domain Specific Language for Graph Analysis

Course material

The course material will consist of a collection of selected papers and book chapters and complemented by slides presented during the lectures

Most topics are covered in this online book
•    Network Science by Albert-Lásló Barabási (available at

Additional Recommended literature:
•    Mark Newman. Networks: An Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2010.
•    Wasserman, S., Faust, K., Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Selected papers and chapters will be available in Toledo with indication of relevant sections and paragraphs.

Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks: Exercises (B-KUL-H0T27a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term


Exercise sessions on analysis of social networks.

Course material


Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks: Project (B-KUL-H0T28a)

0.5 ECTS : Assignment 0 Second termSecond term


Practical assignment on analysis of social networks.

Course material



Evaluation: Analysis of Large Scale Social Networks (B-KUL-H2T26a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam, Participation during contact hours


Class participation and preparation: 10% of final grade
Project 25% of final grade
Exam 65% of final grade: partial exam with open ended questions on a research paper and
partial written exam on a pc with exercises and combined with multiple choice questions. The exam is with closed books.

ECTS Language Engineering Applications (B-KUL-H0T29A)

4 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van de Cruys Tim (coordinator) |  Van de Cruys Tim |  Van hamme Hugo |  de Lhoneux Miryam |  van Wieringen Astrid |  N. |  Vandeghinste Vincent (cooperator)  |  Less More


Provide the students with a broad and in-depth knowledge of current developments in the application of language and speech technology.

- the students know how language and speech technology is currently used in a range of applications, including machine translation, question-answering, aids for the hearing impaired, aids for the cognitively disabled, etc. (the topics are partly different from year to year),
- the students are able to assess which of the available language and speech tools and resources are the most useful to build an application,
- the students have understanding of examples in which language engineering applications have been turned into marketable products.

Previous knowledge

Students are expected to have some background in computational linguistics and/or speech technology.

Is included in these courses of study


Language Engineering Applications: Lectures (B-KUL-H0T29a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


The lectures cover such topics as question-answering systems, machine translation, voice control, natural language understanding and aids for the hearing impaired. Three of the lectures are given by guest speakers. A detailed survey of the topics and the speakers is provided on the website of the MAI program.

Course material

Slides and articles

Is also included in other courses

F0BL9A : Language Engineering Applications


Evaluation: Language Engineering Applications (B-KUL-H2T29a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written


Instead of a written exam, students can choose the option of writing a paper.

ECTS Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (B-KUL-I0S75A)

4 ECTS English 62 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
van Noort Vera (coordinator) |  Baele Guy |  Demeulemeester Jonas |  van Noort Vera |  N. |  Lutsik Pavlo (substitute)  |  Less More


At the end of this course:

  • The student is familiar with the concepts of object oriented programming
  • The student has skills to solve a mid-sized problem in an object oriented programming language
  • The student has a flexible attitude towards other programming languages that may be needed in other courses
  • The focus is on efficient implementation of simple algorithms.
  • The algorithms are implemented in Python

Previous knowledge

Basic computer skills, creating folders on a computer, finding files in a folder structure, uploading files to an online server.

Identical courses

I0D41A: Introduction to Programming
I0D41C: Basic Programming

Is included in these courses of study


Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Lectures (B-KUL-I0S71a)

2 ECTS : Lecture 12 First termFirst term


1.            Variables, expressions and statements

2.            Conditional statements

3.            Loops

4.            Strings

5.            Functions

6.            Lists and tuples

7.            More about functions and modules

8.            Sets and dictionaries

9.            Text files

10.         Object Oriented Programming

Course material

Video’s with theoretical background via Toledo
Slides via Toledo
Summaries and quizzes via Toledo
Handbook: The Practice of Computing Using Python, Global Edition (Third Edition), Punch and Enbody, Pearson, ISBN-13 978-1-292-16662-9

Language of instruction: more information

The language of the course is English. 

Format: more information

Asynchronous online learning - Blended learning

Introductory lecture about the practical arrangements.

Online module on Toledo with explanations about the theory.

Is also included in other courses

I0D41A : Introduction to Programming

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Exercises (B-KUL-I0S72a)

1 ECTS : Practical 20 First termFirst term
Baele Guy |  Demeulemeester Jonas |  van Noort Vera |  N. |  Lutsik Pavlo (substitute)


Python exercises are done through the online learning environment Dodona. Students obtain automated feedback.

Course material

Exercises on the Dodona platform. 

Language of instruction: more information

Language is English. 

Format: more information

Students do Python excercises under supervision in the PC classroom. 

Is also included in other courses

I0D41A : Introduction to Programming

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming: Project (B-KUL-I0S73a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 30 First termFirst term
Baele Guy |  Demeulemeester Jonas |  van Noort Vera |  N. |  Lutsik Pavlo (substitute)


Students develop a Python project either in a small group or alone.

There is no evaluation for this take-home assignment. The purpose is that students practice their Python programming skills.

Course material

The assignment will be made available on Toledo

Language of instruction: more information

The language is English. 

Format: more information

Students do a Python assignment at home.


Evaluation: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (B-KUL-I2S75a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Practical exam
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Computer, Course material


There is an open book programming exam on the pc, during which students solve a programming assignment in Python. Student can bring their handbook, but not their own notes or other printed material. There is no use of the internet, neither of AI assistance for coding. Student can use the installed IDE on the student PC’s in the PC classroom, to implement their code. Students are allowed to bring an alternative keyboard, KU Leuven only provides Azerty keyboards. Students are responsible for changing the language settings on the student PC to use alternative keyboards.

Information about retaking exams

Students can retake their exam, the modalities are identical to the first exam.

ECTS Topics in Psychonomic Science (B-KUL-P0P75A)

4 ECTS English 25 Second termSecond term


After completing this OPO the student can:

  • explain classic and recent theories in several subdomains of psychonomic science (e.g. numerical cognition, perception, categorization,...).
  • understand and think critically about scientific literature.
  • deploy fundamental or practical research questions that can be addressed by use of scientific research paradigms.

Previous knowledge

  • Insight in the empirical cycle, principles of experimental research and standard statistical analysis methods are mandatory. This can be acquired by following for instance the course Scientific Research Methods (P0M23A) 
  • A basic knowledge of psychonomic science is presumed. This can be acquired by following for instance the course Experimental Psychology 1 (P0M01B) and/or 2 (P0M02A).

Is included in these courses of study


Topics in Psychonomic Science (B-KUL-P0P75a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 25 Second termSecond term


In the lectures, maximal three different subdomains of psychonomic science will be dealt with. These subdomains may differ each year and will be taken from the following (not exclusive) list:

  • Perception
  • Memory
  • Categorization
  • Language processing
  • Numerical cognition
  • Thinking and reasoning

Course material

  • International literature
  • Powerpoint presentations

Language of instruction: more information


Format: more information

Lectures given by (at least) three different teachers. Each teacher will discuss a different field of research in 3 to 4 lectures.

Students who are on an internship abroad can take this course up via distance learning.


Evaluation: Topics in Psychonomic Science (B-KUL-P2P75a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Learning material : None


Students start the exam in groups of 15. They will receive two questions (from different lecturers) at the start of the exam and have 20-30 minutes preparation time, after which they orally elucidate their response.

Students who are on an internship abroad are expected to be back in Leuven by the June examination period, as the assessment of this course takes place on-campus.

Information about retaking exams

The evaluation format of the retake exam will be the same as during the first examination period. For more information, please consult Toledo.