Postgraduate Certificate: Medical Physics (Leuven) (40 ECTS)


Definitive version: 30/09/2024

Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

After admission procedure

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:

  • Master in de medische stralingsfysica (Leuven)
  • Master of Medical Physics (Leuven)

Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:

You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:

Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

After admission procedure

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:

  • Master in de medische stralingsfysica (Leuven)
  • Master of Medical Physics (Leuven)

Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:

You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with every application, here:
